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| 共计 2 道试题
阅读理解-七选五(约230词) | 较难(0.4) |

1 . Many would consider emotions to be a barrier to decision-making and, therefore, think that they would be better off without them. However, the latest research has proved that our emotions will drive the conclusions we make, and that our well-being may depend upon our ability to understand and interpret them.     1     Here are some suggestions.

Start by understanding your emotions.     2     This mindful process of self-examination is important for healthy decisions, since emotions can influence our views and judgments.

Emotions can act as a compass (指南针), pointing you toward what matters most to you. However, strong emotions can affect our judgment and make it challenging to think objectively and critically.     3     You should be aware that emotions that arise from past experiences might cloud your judgment. Separate the present situation from the past and focus on the relevant factors.

    4     However, they should be connected with factual information. Take your time to gather crucial information before making important decisions. Analyse the pros and cons (利弊) of your options to make the best possible decisions.

It’s beneficial to expand your viewpoint. When you see the big picture and are focused on your highest purpose, you are not distracted by smaller issues. Figuring out your deepest long-term goals and pursuing them will channel your emotions toward peace and harmony.     5    

To sum up, emotions play a significant role in decision-making and, when used properly, they can improve the effectiveness of the decision-making process.

A.Emotions can provide valuable insights.
B.All this information can serve your goal in the long run.
C.You’ll recognize that a decision driven by your values is the best.
D.Actually, we can effectively use emotions for successful decision-making.
E.Take a moment to recognize how you are feeling and why you are feeling so.
F.Therefore, it is essential to balance emotional insights with logical reasoning.
G.You should try to understand how critical thinking contributes to great decisions.
2024-02-13更新 | 338次组卷 | 5卷引用:河北省邯郸市2023-2024学年高二上学期期末质量检测英语试卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约300词) | 较难(0.4) |

2 . How many different emotions do you think you can communicate to people with your face? Do you have the same facial expressions as the people from different cultures? Read this passage to find out what scientists have just discovered about this topic.

New research suggests that there are only four basic facial expressions of emotion. However, how these expressions are interpreted (解释) might depend on where you are from. Research by scientists from the Institute of Neuroscience and Psychology at the University of Glasgow has challenged the traditional view of how the face expresses emotions. It was widely believed that six basic emotions (happiness, sadness, fear, anger, surprise and disgust) were expressed and recognized across different cultures. However, the University of Glasgow’s work now suggests that the human face only has four basic expressions of emotion. This is because some pairs of emotions are impossible to distinguish(辨别). Fear and surprise, for example, both share wide open eyes. The facial expressions for anger and disgust also look the same.

So if our faces are only able to express four basic emotions, how do we communicate a much more complex kind of feeling? The study found that the way expressions are interpreted is different in different cultures. However, while looking at how people from the East and West look at different parts of the face during facial expression recognition, scientists found that although there are some common features across cultures, the six basic facial expressions of emotion are not recognized universally.

What interests people about the cross-cultural aspect of the research? This work leads to understanding which emotions we share and appreciating our differences.

1. What did the University of Glasgow find?
A.Six basic emotions greatly influence our character.
B.Six basic emotions can be recognized.
C.It is easy to tell from the basic facial expressions.
D.Some of the six facial expressions are similar.
2. Which group may be the four basic facial expressions of emotion?
A.Sadness, fear, anger and surprise.B.Anger, sadness, fear and happiness.
C.Happiness, surprise, sadness and fear.D.Disgust, happiness, anger and sadness.
3. What can we learn according to Paragraph 3?
A.Basic facial expressions are not universal.
B.Facial expressions can’t show complex feelings.
C.Western people have more kinds of facial expressions.
D.The way to express emotions changes with time.
4. Which is the proper title for the passage?
A.What Does Your Face Say?B.How Do We Communicate?
C.What Are the Six Basic Emotions?D.Do We Have the Same Expressions?
共计 平均难度:一般