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1 . People often say your feelings are “written all over your face” because our facial expressions are a main way we communicate emotions. Now according to a recent research led by Patty Van Cappellen of Duke University, besides our faces, our body posture (姿势) also plays a role.

In one study, Van Cappellen and her colleagues asked a group of participants to show four faceless mannequins (人体模型) in postures that represented four different emotions: dominance (支配), joy, hope and respect. The research assistants then looked at photos of the mannequins that participants had created and assessed their head positions, arm positions, and degrees of expansiveness — how much space they took up by standing straight or opening up different parts of their bodies. Then, the researchers compared these positions to the feelings they supposedly expressed.

Van Cappellen found that people viewed an expansive posture as representing dominance. But joy and respect were also represented by expansive postures, with hope involving the least expansive posture. “We’re finding that positive emotions are also marked by expansiveness — especially joy,” she says.

Besides, arm and head positions also mattered. For example, joyful postures were described by arms raised above the head, while respectful postures showed hands touching the face. Dominant postures, on the other hand, tended to show arms akimbo (双手叉腰) with the head facing forward.

To know if other people seeing the mannequins could recognize the feelings being expressed by different postures, Van Cappellen had a new group of participants look at photos of mannequins posed in many different ways. The participants found that expansive postures with arms held high represented positive emotion — with arms akimbo representing dominance and negative emotion.

Her research suggests that our body posture helps express our emotions and may help us feel certain emotions, too. This could be consequential — not just in the lab, but in real life, where it’s useful to know how we and other people are feeling in a certain situation.

1. Which emotion is most probably expressed by the least expansive posture?
2. What does a man tend to do when he feels happy according to the text?
A.Hold his arms high.B.Touch his face.
C.Have his arms crossed.D.Shake his head.
3. Why did Van Cappellen have new participants look at the photos of mannequins?
A.To find why the participants showed the different feelings.
B.To know how people communicate with facial expressions.
C.To figure out what different body postures may represent.
D.To see if others can feel the same about the body postures.
4. What does the underlined word “consequential” in the last paragraph probably mean?
2024-05-22更新 | 75次组卷 | 2卷引用:江西省八校协作体2023-2024学年高一下学期第二次联考英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约210词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 . The Power of Insensitivity

Highly sensitive(敏感的)person, or HSP, is a term invented by psychologist Elaine Aron. HSPs can come with many challenges. They may find it hard to adapt to new surroundings, and easily become uncomfortable in response to certain feelings or others’ opinions.     1    

The power of insensitivity can be explained as “slow power”. Usually, people connect “insensitivity” with something bad, but indeed, it stresses the ability to keep doing something difficult without complaining.     2     It is not a weakness but an approach to winning a better life.

    3     Knowing yourself is difficult, and knowing yourself correctly is undoubtedly an excellent ability. The successful people clearly know where their strengths are, what they can do and what direction to go.

There are some ways to practice “insensitivity”: Don’t pay too much attention to the ups and downs of life at the moment.     4     Don’t get involved in other people’s lives and don’t let others affect yours. Regarding relationships, learn to view problems as two parts: One part is what you need to face and solve. The other part is the responsibility of others, which is not your business.

Everyone can gain the ability to be insensitive.     5     And the world will also be a better one if we focus on major goals and stay insensitive to something else.

A.Insensitivity plays a significant role.
B.Rather, you should be looking forward.
C.That’s where the need to be insensitive comes from.
D.Once you slow down the pace, you will feel more comfortable.
E.Those not easily affected are the people who care less about others.
F.That is, calmly facing the downtime in life and moving towards one’s own direction.
G.One reason why insensitivity allows people to better survive is the strong self-awareness.
阅读理解-七选五(约250词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . It’s natural for people to compare themselves with their peers. Peer pressure is a force that nearly everyone has faced at some point. If it’s not well handled, there might be some destructive consequences.    1     Below are tips on how to deal with peer pressure and avoid making tough decisions that may trigger unfavorable outcomes.

Find positive influence

At any age, it’s beneficial to stay involved with extracurricular activities like sports, music, art, or other hobbies. Team building activities can help increase self-confidence and create a support system that allows an individual to succeed. Additionally, enjoying hobbies and other harmless pastimes like exercising can release feel-good hormones.    2    

Plan ahead

Experiencing peer pressure, especially when in an unfriendly environment, can cause a person to panic and make impulsive decisions.    3     Think of different situations that spark discomfort and think about how to deal with peer pressure. It’s ok to give excuses to avoid making decisions that you may feel are not right for you.


Positive influences, usually parents or siblings, can teach you how to deal with peer pressure directly. Having a trusted friend, family member, or another resource to call on can relieve some of the everyday life stresses. They can be there to give advice or just support the decisions you’ve made that you feel are right for you.

Convey feelings and emotions

Honesty goes a long way in reducing the harmful effects of peer pressure. Speak to the person or group of people who may be causing feelings of unease or uncertainty and kindly ask them to stop.     5    

A.Talk to a trusted resource.
B.Don’t be afraid to find new groups.
C.Unfortunately, peer pressure is difficult to avoid.
D.Therefore, it’s essential to know how to deal with it.
E.So, it’s best to have a plan that can help map out a response.
F.They can help reduce anxiety, depression, and other mental health problems.
G.It’s ok to distance yourself from those who are not serving you in a positive aspect.
阅读理解-七选五(约330词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . How to cultivate emotional awareness

In school, we learned the periodic table and were told to recite the alphabet, but nobody forced us to take a class on what emotions are and how they work.     1     Yet, research shows that being aware of your emotions is hugely beneficial and people with high emotional awareness have better social and emotional functioning.

Emotional awareness is being able to identify and make sense of not only our own emotions but those of others. It’s absolutely essential in maintaining good mental health. But if you’ve spent a lifetime masking your real emotions, being honest with yourself for the first time may prove tough.     2    

Turn to mindfulness

Mindfulness is the process of bringing our attention to: the present moment and becoming more aware of our thoughts.     3     There are many ways to be mindful, from practising breathwork to sitting in silence. Where emotional awareness is concerned, meditation which can aid clarity and allow us to view our emotions in a more measured way is strongly recommended.

Practice daily self-reflection

    4     You’d better create a habit of checking with yourself every day. Self-reflection cultivates emotional awareness and is key to understanding why you feel the way you do. Activities such as journaling can be really beneficial in learning about your thought processes. It may also help you actively choose healthy coping strategies to manage more challenging emotions. Free-writing, where you write out everything that’s on your mind without judgement, can be used to dig deeper into your thoughts and feelings.

Name what you’re feeling

Sometimes what we really struggle with is putting our emotions into words.     5     Instead of employing basic descriptions like angry, happy, frustrated or sad, consult The Emotion Wheel which identifies eight basic emotions at the centre of the wheel, with dozens of corresponding emotions of various intensities stemming out from it. It gives you a specific name for what you’re feeling. By naming them, we can not only find relief from those uncomfortable feelings but bring more joy and fulfilment into our lives too.

A.When was the last time you stopped and truly observed how you feel?
B.Turn into your emotions and honestly reflecting on how you feel is important.
C.It can be difficult to feel heard by others if we don’t have the language to describe how we’re feeling.
D.But it gets easier with practice.
E.It’s not always easy to put a finger on exactly what’s wrong, without digging a little deeper.
F.It’s a state of calm, non-judgmental state of mind.
G.And for many of us, that means understanding how we feel and why can be incredibly difficult.
阅读理解-七选五(约220词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . When your best friends are upset, sad, or disappointed, all you want to do is lift their spirits. Here are some easy ways to cheer them up.

Help your friend clean their room.

Being surrounded by a mess doesn’t do much for your mental state.     1     Helping your friend straighten up their room gives you something productive to do together. Plus, when they’re on their own, they can relax in a clean, peaceful space.

Encourage them to talk it out.

Talking is effective. Teenagers usually want someone to talk to when they are stressed.     2     If they aren’t interested in talking, invite them to do an activity with you and they will likely start talking.

Practice gratitude.

Thinking about and focusing on the good things in your life can do wonders for lifting your spirits. Help your friend turn their attention to those things.     3    


Staying active can help get depression (抑郁) away. Invite the person to join you in a dance class or anything else they may have mentioned before that they wanted to try out but never have. Fun time with friends is surely helpful.

Do an aimless act of kindness together.

    5     So go out, do things, even small things (e.g., opening a door for someone, paying for someone’s drink, smiling at and greeting a stranger. etc.), for others and see how your day changes.

A.Try new things together.
B.Plan for your future together.
C.Just be there for them and listen to them.
D.Together, you can each list all the things you’re grateful for.
E.Science has shown just being in nature naturally improves one’s mood.
F.Meanwhile, having a tidy space can help you feel more in control and calmer.
G.Oftentimes when we do things for other people, we are the ones that benefit.
阅读理解-七选五(约240词) | 适中(0.65) |

6 . Anxiety is a sense of worry, fear, or unease which might make your hands sweat or your heart race. It’s a normal response to stressful situations.    1    Or going on a date. Or performing in a concert.

A bit of anxiety can work up your energy and focus.    2    Feeling anxious about an upcoming test, for example, can push you to study. Techniques like deep breathing can help you power through the unpleasantness of anxiety.

But for some people, anxiety can become too much to bear. They might have frequent, intense fears about everyday situations. Or they might feel worried or afraid for no reason at all. If this high level of anxiety lasts long, it can make it hard to focus or fall asleep, bringing about health problems.    3    

    4    People with social anxiety have intense fears of being judged by others. People with phobias(恐惧症), meanwhile, are very afraid of things that do not pose much real danger, such as spiders or heights. And people with panic disorder experience panic attacks in the absence of any real danger. Other examples of anxiety disorders include obsessive-compulsive(强迫性的) disorder and post-traumatic(创伤后的) stress disorder.

Anxiety disorders are common. An estimated one-third of all U.S. teens have experienced one. And there are many factors that may heighten someone’s risk of developing an anxiety disorder. People with a family history of anxiety may be at higher risk.    5    People with other mental-health conditions, such as depression, often have anxiety, too. But there’ re treatments that can help manage anxiety.

A.There are many types of anxiety disorders.
B.So are those who have experienced trauma.
C.Take, for instance, giving a class presentation.
D.This, in turn, can help you deal with stressors.
E.Living with anxiety disorder can be a long-term challenge.
F.Such intense ongoing anxiety can be an early sign of a disorder.
G.Anxiety disorder likely arises from a complex interaction of different factors,
阅读理解-七选五(约400词) | 适中(0.65) |

7 . You’ve just received your final grades and they’re not exactly what you were hoping for. To make matters worse, your BFF’s grades have got you green with envy. Try not to panic. We’ve put together some tips to help you manage.

Be happy for them

First things first, make sure you start things off right by congratulating them for doing well this semester (学期). We’re not going to lie. This can be hard when you’re overwhelmed with jealousy (忌妒), but your BFF has worked for it and they deserve to be celebrated. Don’t hate them for their achievements.    1    .   Just ask what kind of friend you want to be—one who is proud of their bestie’s achievements or one who lets jealousy get in the way?

Confront (正视) your feelings

In saying that, being happy for your BFF doesn’t mean you should repress your feelings. Jealousy is natural. Jealousy can quickly become a problem for both your friendship and your mental health when it’s repressed. So,     2    . Ask yourself where this jealousy is coming from and whether your BFF getting a better grade than you actually matters in the long run. Getting to the root of these feelings is an important first step to overcoming your jealousy.

Use it as motivation

Feeling jealous doesn’t have to be a bad thing. The fact that you’re envious of your friend’s grades means that you care about your studies. One of the best things to do in this situation is to use your jealousy as motivation to do better. Figure out where you went wrong and learn from your mistakes. Don’t focus all your energy on feeling upset.    3    .

Focus on what you learned, not the grades you received

    4    . Rather than worrying about your grades, try to focus on the knowledge and skills you learned throughout the semester and how they helped you improve as a person. Either way, your time at school has helped you grow in a way that can’t be measured by your GPA(Grade Point Average).


The fact that your BFF received a higher grade than you doesn’t mean you’re a failure. We need to stop using other people’s successes as a benchmark for our own self-worth. Life isn’t a competition. Focus on your own strengths, appreciate yourself more, and soon enough your jealousy will just melt away.

A.Try not to compare yourself to others
B.Attempt to be honest with how you’re feeling
C.While grades are important, they aren’t everything
D.Focus on them, and soon your jealousy will melt away
E.Allow yourself to feel genuinely (真诚地) happy for your friend
F.Instead, try to setting new goals and creating better study habits
G.However, envy can quickly become a problem for your friendship
阅读理解-阅读单选(约310词) | 较易(0.85) |

8 . Shy Parents, Shy Children Parent workshop Series

The workshop is designed for shy parents of shy children, with the unique emphasis on teaching specific methods of building your child’s self-respect and social comfort level, while at the same time building your own. Participants are chosen before being admitted to the workshop to help make sure the workshop is a good fit for your needs.

Where: Karman Executive Center, Bellevue, Washington

When: From 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm, from November 8th to 12th

Fee: $435

Shake Your Shyness: Intensive Weekend

The workshop is intended to meet the needs of adults who are unable to attend the Parent Workshop Series due to distance or scheduling limits. It’ll help you learn the basic skills that help overcome shyness. Be prepared to come to class early and set aside time for homework on Saturday night.

Where: Karman Executive Center, Bellevue, Washington

When: Saturdays & Sundays in spring

Fee: $1,150

Parenting the Shy Child

Shy children need our help. In this class, we’ll cover the basics — the origins of shyness, methods of overcoming shyness, social skills you can teach in your home, and tips for working with teachers to help your child fit in at school, etc.

Where: Karman Executive Center, Bellevue, Washington

When: From 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm, from November 16th to 18th

Fee: $95

Overcoming Shyness: Skills-Training for Adolescents: Workshop

This is a special class for adolescents designed to teach social skills shy people are afraid to use. We’ll cover everything from how to start conversations with strangers to ways to calm your nerves when you do. You’ll learn what makes some people more popular than others and simple things you can do to feel more like you fit it.

Where: Karman Executive Center, Bellevue, Washington

When: From 3:30 pm to 5:30 pm, on December 18th

Fee: $75

1. What are the classes designed for?
A.Overcoming shyness.B.Building confidence.C.Scheduling time.D.Starting conversations.
2. What can be known about Shake Your Shyness: Intensive Weekend?
A.It focuses on language skills.B.It is offered only at weekends.
C.It assigns a lot of housework.D.It is designed for shy children.
3. How much would a teenager pay to learn to overcome shyness?
阅读理解-七选五(约200词) | 适中(0.65) |

9 . Friendships can enrich your life in many ways. Good friends teach you about yourself and challenge you to be better.     1    . So how do friendships contribute to your well-being?

●Friends encourage healthy behaviors

One possible explanation for those health benefits is that friendships can help you make lifestyle changes that can have a direct impact on your well-being. For example, your friends can help you set and maintain goals to eat better and exercise more.


If you find yourself going through a hard time, having a friend to help you through can make the transition (转变) easier.

Research also shows that happiness is contagious (有感染力的) among friends. One study of high school students found that those who were depressed were twice as likely to recover if they had happy friends.     3    .

●Friends help build your confidence

    4    . But supportive friends can help you feel more confident by offering praise when you’re feeling unsure. They’ll shine a light on just how amazing you are and how much you have to offer others.

●Friends push you to be your best

Great friends have the power to mold(塑造) you into the best version of yourself.     5    . They encourage you and push you to do better and be the person you want to be—your “ideal self”.

A.Friends help you beat stress
B.Friends give you emotional support
C.They also have a positive impact on your health
D.They see you and love you for who you truly are
E.Friends can also help you cope with stressful situations
F.Everyone has self-doubts and insecurities every now and then
G.Likewise, kids were half as likely to develop depression if their friends had a “healthy mood”
阅读理解-七选五(约230词) | 适中(0.65) |
文章大意:本文是一篇说明文。介绍了冒险家Bear Grylls 创造的应对恐惧的S-T-O-P策略。

10 . It’s easy to think that a man who’s scaled Mount Everest is fearless. But adventurer and survivalist Bear Grylls says nothing could be further from the truth.“    1    and it’s part of my job,” he says. Then how does he deal with fear?   He advises befriending your fear and using it to fuel you. He created the way of S-T-O-P.

S—Stop and step back

    2     — deadlines,difficult conversations, getting out of our social comfort zones, job interviews, etc. Don’t give in to the anxiety of the moment or just act immediately. Think twice before you leap.

T—Take a break

It’s hard to think clearly when you’re in fight-or-flight mode. Take a moment to gain some distance from the situation and get your thinking brain back online.    3    .


In high-stress situations, it’s natural for people to just get super focused on that one thing. But Grylls suggests, “Look at your surroundings.    4    . You’re going to see alternatives and options.” Who’s in your corner? What resources do you have? Make sure you’re on alert (警惕) and getting the full picture.


You’re cool, calm and you’ve collected your resources-it’s time to move ahead. Create a strategic plan of action — or two!     5     .

“The vital elements to surviving in any tough scenario are not tools or food,“ Grylls says, “They are a resourceful spirit and a courageous attitude.”

A.Deep breaths and a concentration practice are a good start
B.And keep moving forward
C.Fear is a huge part of my life
D.I feel sorry for missing the peak
E.You’re going to see escape routes
F.And quietly wait for someone to come
G.We all have those everyday moments of panic
共计 平均难度:一般