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| 共计 6 道试题
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1 . 每个人都有自己引以为傲的人或事物,那么让你感到骄傲的是什么呢?是我们伟大的祖国,是努力拼搏的自己还是可亲可敬的家人呢?请以“I’m so proud of ________”为题写一篇英语短文。

I’m so proud of _________

2023-12-07更新 | 35次组卷 | 1卷引用:河北省秦皇岛市青龙县联考2023-2024学年高三上学期11月期中英语试题
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2 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

Tim’s heart raced as he drove to the lawyer’s office. He was bequeathed (遗赠) a mysterious box his dad had never allowed him and his sister to even go near. He signed papers, but was shocked to learn he didn’t get the key to open it and nothing about the key was mentioned in the will. “You’ll have to figure that out!” the lawyer said. Tim left the office, puzzled about what his late dad had left him.

Just then, he remembered his childhood home where he and his twin sister Karen grew up. They had lost their mother just two months after they were born. They were raised by their dad Jonathan, and the two were the best friends! As they grew older, they were drawn to the mysterious box, but their dad warned them never to touch it, and even hung the key on a nail high above the fireplace so that they would never get their hands on its contents. Whatever he was hiding from his kids, he was on guard at all times.

As the years fleeted by, Tim and Karen moved on with their respective lives. And their brother-sister bond went downhill. The twins fought over who would inherit (继承) their dad’s house. Jonathan was heartbroken and whatever trick he tried to reconcile (和解) them, nothing worked. Meanwhile, Jonathan’s health began to decline, and even on his deathbed, he wished his kids would put aside their differences and get back together.

What would Tim do with the inherited box now? He went to his childhood home to find the key. The house no longer appeared like that loving home Tim remembered growing up in. When he reached to grab the key above the fireplace, he sensed someone behind him. “What are you doing here?” screamed Karen, casting the cell phone flashlight on Tim’s face.

“Dad bequeathed me his old chest, and I came here looking for the key. But what are you doing here?”

“Dad bequeathed me the key! So I came here to find the chest,” said Karen, puzzled about his father’s decision.


“Something had to be wrong,” they thought and stared at each other.


Tears ran down their cheeks at seeing their childhood photos with their father and mother.

2023-04-15更新 | 308次组卷 | 4卷引用:河北省唐山市2023届高考二模英语试题(含听力)
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3 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

I still remember the day when we decorated the house, I was ten and it was two weeks before Christmas. I was looking forward to my presents. Since I’m the youngest in the family, all of the family members would give me a gift one way or another. Sometimes it was a cookie or a hug but it was always there. I was the only center of attention and it was feeling good.

My uncles usually would ask me what I wanted before Christmas and that year I knew what I wanted. It was the spaceship I saw in the ads. I was dreaming of opening a big gift box, and it was there. But that year it came in a way that I wasn’t expecting.

It was two weeks before Christmas. Just two weeks. She couldn’t wait. My dear mother told my father that it was time, and then we went to the hospital. After an hour, they told me that I had a sister now. But I didn’t want a sister. I wanted a spaceship. The next few days went so fast. No one was caring about me. Everyone was talking about her and I knew that my life is never going to be the same ever again. I wasn’t ready to grow up, to be a big brother. But it just happened in an instant.

On the day before Christmas, everyone was in our home, talking only about my newborn sister. My family was becoming hers. Even my uncles didn’t ask me anything about the gift. She stole everything I’d ever had, my life and my presents. Thinking about this, I cried to sleep. I had a nightmare (噩梦) and woke up at the middle of the night. Shadows were all around me, and I was defenseless and so weak. I ran into my parents’ bedroom but couldn’t wake up my poor parents who were just too worn out. I was standing near their bed, trying not to cry when I saw her. She was awake and looking at me with her big eyes in her small bed.

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Suddenly a long shadow came into the bedroom and she started crying.


After having comforted her, something slowly changed inside me.

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I was sorting through old photos with my mother, looking for a specific picture of my father. I’d recently gotten a scanner and was in the process of digitizing our family pictures.

“Where on earth is that picture of Mumpsy and Dad?” I asked. I’d seen the picture in a frame at my grandma Virgie’s house when I was a child. It showed my father as a boy, in a suit, holding his beloved Boston terrier (波士顿狗), Mumpsy. It was one of my favorite pictures of him, and the only one I hadn’t found yet.

“Maybe Jean has it,” said Mom. “We could ask her.”

I looked at Mom as if she had three eyes. She could not be serious!

Grandma Virgie had had two sons, Dad and Uncle Ralph, who was married to Jean. Mom and Jean had always had a difficult relationship. Jean would say mean and unfavorable things to Mom while Mom tried to rise above it. Grandma Virgie wanted to help but there wasn’t much she could do. After Grandma passed away, Uncle Ralph’s family stayed in the house and took care of what Grandma left. My parents bought a new house and we moved out. As Mom and Aunt Jean was not on good terms, they purposely broke contact with each other.

With that, any connection we had with Uncle Ralph and Aunt Jean fell apart, and our big family split in two. Both my dad and my uncle were dead now. Mom and I had no contact with Jean.

Yet here was Mom, proposing to reach out to Jean nearly 30 years later.

“I’m in my eighties,” Mom said with a shrug. “Jean’s just a little younger. Neither of us has many years left. Why not give it a try?”

I couldn’t argue with that.


Mom looked up Jean in the dusty phonebook and decided to call her.


I thought Mom would be back in an hour or so, but she didn’t return until close to dinner.

2023-02-09更新 | 64次组卷 | 1卷引用:河北省2022-2023学年高三下学期全过程纵向评价(二)英语试题
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5 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

Like every boy there ever was, what Kyle Hrenwood most wanted in this world was a dog. Unfortunately for Kyle, his mom didn’t think he was responsible enough.

The day before Kyle’s thirteenth birthday, he went to the park and found a woman sobbing. He was immediately worried. Was the woman hurt?

He bent over and said “Miss, Are you OK? Do you want me to call anyone?” The woman shook her head and said, “My husband died two weeks ago, and I feel alone. We’d been together for thirty years. I can’t stand the silence inside that house. I’m Deidre. What’s your name?”

Kyle introduced himself and they talked for a long time. Kyle’s encounter with Deidre left him very sad, and he decided to go home. “Mom,” he said. “I don’t want to get married.” “Why not?” asked Kyle’s mom. “What if you spend thirty or forty years with someone,” Kyle said. “And then he is dead, and you’re alone?” Mom said, “Then you’ll miss out on love. You see, if you protect yourself from feeling pain, you’re cutting yourself off from happiness. You may discover those thirty years alone are not worth living.”

The next day, he had one of the biggest surprises and greatest joys of his life—a puppy! That was when he remembered Deidre was alone in her huge house.

A few hours later, Kyle knocked on Deidre’s door holding the puppy. He said, “Today is my birthday, and my parents gave me this puppy. You need this puppy more than I do.” “Give my heart to an animal just so it can die in a few years’ time?” Deidre asked bitterly. “I don’t think so. I don’t need any more pain in my life!”

“My mom said that if you protect yourself from feeling pain, you’re cutting yourself off from happiness. too,” Kyle said.

“You’re right, Kyle!” Deidre said. “I do need this puppy. Maybe you can visit us both; I’ve never had a dog before and may need some advice!”

Over the next few years, Kyle and Deidre, and Max (that was the dog’s name) became great friends. Then Kyle’s dad was offered a job in another state, and the family moved away.

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Kyle grew up and fell in love, and his wedding was drawing near.


“This is Gemma, Max’s daughter,” Deidre said.

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Wide awake, I sat up in bed before dawn. I'd had another dream about Jennifer, my middle child. She's 38 now. Usually in my dreams she's still a little shy girl.

Jennifer had been five years old and her older sister seven, when the twins were born. Everything changed. The boys demanded much of my time and energy, so I hardly had any left for their older sisters. Sweet, quiet Jennifer, sandwiched between the others, required almost nothing from me. Eventually Jennifer had her own children and lived about an hour and a half away. But it seemed as though she were worlds away.

I often dreamed about her. In this one she was a grown woman and mixed in with a crowd. I waved hard, “Jennifer! I'm over here!” But she didn't notice me.

I longed to hear my daughter's voice and called, “Hey, I had a dream about you.” Then Jennifer surprised me. “I dreamed about you too. But it was terrible. I won't even tell you.”

“But I am eager to hear.”

Her words came out without thinking, “We were walking through a vegetable garden. A farmer shouted that I'd stepped on one of his tomatoes and asked for 43 cents. I didn't have any money and turned to you. You said no. I begged. I woke up in tears.”

The pain in her voice almost cut my breath off. “There were so many things I should have done for you. I overlooked you. You seemed so competent and independent. I forgot you were just a child.”

There was silence on her end of the line. The communication seemed broken again. I called an old friend and told her about Jennifer's dream and our awkward attempt to connect. “Your relationship probably broke down over a lot of little things,” she said.


I realized what I should do to mend our relationship.


The next day, my daughter called me excitedly.

共计 平均难度:一般