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1 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

My Father, My Hero

I consider my father to be the most important person in my life. This is not because he is famous or wealthy. We do not have a big car, and there are no old, expensive vases or paintings in our house. Rather, what I value about my father is the care and love he shows for me and my family. What blesses my father most is being able to put food on the table and a roof over our heads.

My father might work hard, but he is always there for us. Whenever I trip or hurt myself playing sports, he's there to pick me up. My brother and I grew up with his constant care and the funny nursery rhymes and stories he told us.

My father also helps our local community. My father has been successful as he never shrinks from helping others. People also like him because he often has a smile on his face. He is optimistic and finds good in all situations. He is great at problem-solving, and his favorite phrases are “Don't worry! It’s not worth it” and “It will be all right—just you wait and see”. He is always right! And I have learnt from him the need to be patient and honest, and to care for other people.

I can well remember that when my mother and father got married, they did not have much money. The situation got worse when they had children. When we were very young, my father had an extra job as a hotel porter, and he also mopped the floor of a hotel every night so that he could give us a special treat or a vacation. At the start of last year, my father began putting at least fifty cents every day into a jar on a shelf in his bedroom. We all wondered what he was saving the money for, but he refused to tell us.


Then, in December, I noticed that the jar was empty.


Later the next year, I found that his best friend passed away, leaving the family too poor to send the son to school.

2023-10-06更新 | 220次组卷 | 4卷引用:甘肃省酒泉市实验中学2023-2024学年高二下学期期中考试英语试卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 适中(0.65) |
2 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

One sunny day, I drove to the airport and was waiting to pick up a friend. That day I had one of those experiences that change people’s lives.

It happened just two feet away from me. I was sitting on a bench and looked around the big waiting hall. Just then I noticed a man, carrying two bags, coming toward me. He stopped next to me. There stood his family, the wife and three lovely kids. He greeted them, with a big smile on his face.

First of all, he laid down his bag and came closer to his younger son (about six years old). They gave each other a warm, loving hug. Then the father looked in his son’s eyes with words, “I missed you so much. It’s so good to see you, son!” The boy smiled and said, “Me too, dad.”

Then the man talked to his older son (nine or ten years old). “Oh, you are quite the young man. I love you very much!” and cupped his face. Then they had the most tender hug too.

Afterwards the father said, “Hi, baby girl” to his baby daughter. She was moving excitedly in her mother’s arm and watching her returning father all the time. The man gently took his little daughter, quickly kissed her face all over and then held her close to his chest. The little girl laid her head on his shoulder in pure contentment.

After several moments, the man put down the baby daughter slowly. He turned to his wife and looked at her gently and said, “I’ve saved the best for last.” He shared with her the most passionate kiss. They stared at each other, having big smiles. They reminded(使想起) me of newlyweds(新婚夫妇).


Suddenly, I heard myself asking, “Wow, how long have you been married?”


I was shocked, as I imagined that he had been gone for several weeks at least.

共计 平均难度:一般