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1 . In 1998, I found myself in need of a lock to use on an exercise room locker where I work. My oldest daughter had one that she had been using for her middle school locker.     1     It was just an ordinary lock. It is always tied to a loop (环) on my workout bag and gets moved to a locker each day, then moved back when I leave the exercise room after a run outside or exercise inside. Since 1998, the lock has seen three different locker rooms. I guess I have locked and opened it 10,000 times.     2    

On a few occasions I left it unlocked on a locker but it was always there when I returned the next day. Generally, people around here are very honest.     3    

The lock is a small thing, not worth much in monetary terms.     4     Funny how you can get attached to something that becomes part of your life without your even realizing it. When I die, I will give it back to the daughter who never asked for the lock back.     5    

A.It is still in good working order.
B.My daughter lost her lock somewhere.
C.Many people ask me where I get my lock.
D.I hope she will keep it to remember me by.
E.Some people don’t even lock their lockers.
F.But it has come to be one of my most prized belongings.
G.But since it was summer time she didn’t need it and gave it to me.
2021-07-15更新 | 32次组卷 | 1卷引用:四川省南充市2020-2021学年高二下学期英语期末质量检测题
阅读理解-七选五(约270词) | 适中(0.65) |


It is estimated that 63 percent of us suffer from boredom regularly. A study showed that finding ways to interact with familiar people, places, and things can make everyday experiences feel exciting. In other words, sometimes you’ve just got to shake things up!     1    ? Read on.

With other people we care about

Instead of “How was your day?” try asking “What are you looking forward to today?” or “Is there anything I can help you with this week?” Our curiosity can remind people that we’re interested in who they are, and that’s the key to maintaining a close personal relationship.     2    .     

While you’re working

Spending too much time in the same environment can keep us from achieving “flow”—being immersed in an activity with full energy and enjoyment. Changes don’t have to be big to make an impact .Move your home office to the library or a coffee shop a few days a week.     3    . For instance, when leading a Monday meeting, try starting it with a non-work discussion.

With your significant other

    4    . It happens when couples stop taking the opportunity to grow and deeply connect with each other. Look for new challenges to take on together. Try mixing up different sets of friends to do something creative, such as a group cooking lesson, a themed dinner, or an old-fashioned tea party.


If you drive, take a different route or listen to a new podcast. If you walk or use public transportation, greet a stranger or put away your phone and do some people watching. Just remember, whatever you do to get rid of boredom today, try something different tomorrow.

A.On your way to work
B.Boredom is an emotional state
C.Depression is a serious condition
D.Excitement is replaced with boredom
E.Approach a routine task in a new way
F.Need some fresh ideas to keep life fresh
G.Being curious makes us engaging to be around
共计 平均难度:一般