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阅读理解-七选五(约250词) | 较易(0.85) |

1 . The teenage years are a transformative period marked by great physical, psychological, and emotional changes.     1     They refer to the feelings that arise during interactions with others, such as gratitude, shame, sympathy, guilt, and pride.

Understanding and managing social emotions can help develop teenagers’ identities. Teenagers experience a wide range of emotions from social interactions, which significantly influences their self-understanding and social awareness. In the process, they learn to understand, and appropriately respond to both their own emotions and those of others.     2    

In academic settings, social emotional competencies like self-regulation, motivation, and social awareness directly impact a teenager’s ability to learn, participate, and engage in school activities.     3     Teenagers with strong social emotional skills are better equipped to handle stress, resist peer pressure, and avoid risky behaviors, reducing the likelihood of developing mental health issues.

Learning social emotions involves a combination of personal experience, guidance, and formal education.     4     This environment influences teenagers’ earliest understanding of how to communicate and manage their emotions. They feel safe and supportive to express their emotions freely and learn to manage them without fear of judgment. Schools also play a significant role through social emotional learning programs that teach these skills in a structured environment. Community involvement, extracurricular activities, and peer (同伴) interactions offer additional opportunities for teenagers to practice and refine their social emotional skills.

    5     It contributes to a teenager’s ability to manage their own emotions, understand others’ emotions, and face social complexities. This learning is a cornerstone for shaping their identity, influencing their interpersonal relationships, academic success, mental health, and future life outcomes.

A.What exactly are social emotions?
B.The journey into mature emotion is quite easy.
C.Social emotion learning for teenagers is essential.
D.Central to this phase is the concept of social emotions.
E.This helps shape their own personal principles and beliefs.
F.Families play a crucial role in modeling and developing these skills.
G.Moreover, social emotional skills are closely linked to mental health.
阅读理解-七选五(约220词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 . How to gain happiness? Aristotle, a famous Greek philosopher (哲学家), believed that happiness is achieved through the development of certain virtues, stressing a balanced lifestyle.     1    .

Balancing Personal Strengths and Relationships

Aristotle combined virtues like modesty, honesty, and sociability into one principle: balance knowing yourself with getting along with others. Modesty (谦虚) involves recognizing both your true strengths and weaknesses clearly.     2    . Honesty means being true in your expressions. Sociability stresses the necessity of making and keeping friends.

Managing Emotions and Actions

    3    . Aristotle said it’s normal to feel emotions like anger, but the key to happiness is how you handle these feelings. Justice (公平) involves treating others fairly and balancing one’s needs with the needs of others. Strength involves facing fears and carefully considering risks before acting, which helps you achieve your goals confidently.

Practicing Kindness and Tolerance (宽容)

Generosity, tolerance, and grace are virtues that Aristotle considered to be part of kindness. Generosity isn’t just about giving things to others, but also about doing so thoughtfully.     4    . Grace combines a sense of humor with the seriousness required in certain situations, helping to keep a pleasant and supportive presence around others.

    5    . He teaches us that happiness is not just about seeking pleasure or avoiding pain, but about developing a balanced character. By developing these virtues and finding a balance in everything we do, we can lead truly happy and satisfying lives.

A.Aristotle stressed the importance of knowing oneself
B.This principle combines self-control, justice, and strength
C.Such realistic self-view makes you more confident and happier
D.Tolerance involves excusing others’ mistakes while keeping self-respect
E.In short, Aristotle’s approach to happiness is about finding balance in life
F.Here’s a simple explanation of his ideas designed for high school students
G.A person who knows how to be happy needs to develop a balanced sense of justice
阅读理解-七选五(约280词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . The pain we feel may be nature’s way of telling us it’s time to take notice of our inner selves. Should you be facing painful times, we urge you to reach out to get the help and support you need.     1     Maybe you feel you shouldn’t expose your pain since you’re supposed to be cool and act like you can handle things. Even though you may feel that no one can help you get over your pain, the important thing is to reach out. Here are some positive ways to deal with pain.

    2     Talking about what hurts is an important first step. Even if you feel that no one can do anything to make the hurt go away, talking to someone you trust can ease the weight of painful feelings.

●Keep a journal. This is a good way to measure your progress in “getting to the other side” of things.     3     That way when you read how you felt about something a week or a month ago, and then read how you feel about it today, you’ll see how you are progressing. Should you feel things aren’t getting better, that is good information, too.     4    

●Be extra good to yourself. Especially when life hurts, it’s time to take extra good care of yourself. Get enough rest, eat properly, get the exercise your body needs to burn off the tension, listen to soft music, and don’t forget those extra hugs for your pet.     5     Be sure to be that for yourself, as well.

●See a professional counselor (咨询师). Seeing a trained professional is an excellent way to work through painful times. Ask your parents or school counselor to help you find one.

A.Try to bear your pain.
B.Don’t keep it all inside.
C.Be sure to date each entry.
D.Maybe you believe that no one will understand you.
E.You know what a source of comfort you are to others.
F.It is also a good way to improve your writing skills gradually.
G.It means you may need more outside support than you’re getting.
听力选择题-短对话 | 较易(0.85) |
4 . Why is the woman feeling blue today?
A.She has no time for rest.
B.Her team has been changed.
C.Her work is difficult to complete.
2024-06-03更新 | 8次组卷 | 1卷引用:河北省沧州市运东五校2023-2024学年高二下学期5月月考英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约230词) | 较易(0.85) |

5 . Everyone can experience loneliness from time to time, which causes concern about our health and well-being.     1    ? There are some possible courses of action, depending on who you are and where you live. Below are some suggestions on how to fight loneliness.


Some of us are lonely because we don’t have close relationships in our lives. But if that’s not the case for you, by all means let your friends or family know how you’re feeling and ask for support. Calling or texting can be an active way to shift your mood and help relieve loneliness.

Adopt a pet

There are many reasons to have pets.     3    . And these are especially helpful for people who may be isolated from other humans and feel lonely. One study finds that people who walk dogs are considered friendlier — something that's bound to help you connect if you’re looking to meet new people.

Try loving-kindness meditation (冥想)

Not everyone likes to engage in loving-kindness meditation. But it has been found to reduce loneliness, perhaps because it helps you to accept negative emotions more easily.     4    . Even when they are not around, loving-kindness meditation could help fight feelings of loneliness.

Count your blessings

    5    , its also possible to practice gratitude on your own and feel less lonely. In one study, older adults who were assigned a daily gratitude journaling exercise felt less lonely over time — and felt healthier, too.

A.Reach out to friends or family
B.Be kind to the relatives around you
C.What can you do when you feel lonely
D.Even though this practice can help you feel much happier
E.It can also help you increase a sense of connection to others
F.While expressing gratitude toward others can fight loneliness directly
G.One of them is that they can provide companionship and unconditional love
阅读理解-七选五(约320词) | 适中(0.65) |

6 . Everyone feels a little jealous (嫉妒的) once in a while. But when these feelings of jealousy begin to cause you stress, it’s probably time to start looking for ways to get rid of your jealousy. The techniques below can help you reflect on your jealousy and move on from any frustration in a healthy way.

●Acknowledge your feelings of jealousy.

When you notice feelings of jealousy starting to creep in (悄然出现), take a few minutes to check in with yourself. Ask yourself “Am I jealous right now?” It’s perfectly normal to get jealous once in a while, so don’t be too hard on yourself.     1    

●Find the root of your jealousy.

    2     Once you admit that you’re struggling with jealousy, it’s time to start looking into why you’re feeling that way. For example, low self-respect is often a cause of jealousy. Other possible causes include:past terrible experiences or mental health disorders.

●Talk about it with other people.

If you have a lot of frustration caused by jealousy, don’t just keep it to yourself. Take time to sit down with your family member to tell them what’s going on. If you don’t want to talk to anyone, here are some other suggestions for how to cope:     3     You can also write down your thoughts and feelings in a journal.

●Focus on your positive qualities.

Find your own unique strengths to defeat feelings of jealousy. Jealousy is often rooted in feelings of insecurity and low self-esteem.     4     When you start feeling those tell-tale signs of jealousy, remind yourself of all the things that make you amazing.

●Limit your time on social media.

Social media tends to only show the “perfect” parts of someone’s life. If you struggle with jealousy, you can be tempted (诱惑) to look through other people’s profiles to look for faults.     5     To stop any jealous feelings from forming, log off for a while and do something more productive instead.

A.Take exercise to burn off the stress.
B.But most of the time those desires will just feed your jealousy.
C.Occasionally there are deeper underlying issues that fuel jealousy.
D.However, it’s vital to remember that you have a lot of special talents.
E.Instead of envying someone with a lot of money, make your dollars count.
F.Constantly setting yourself up against others can just make your jealousy worse.
G.But sometimes just naming your emotions can help you gain control over them.
阅读理解-七选五(约280词) | 适中(0.65) |

7 . You may have heard of the “fight or flight” response—an evolutionary system that allows us to enter a survival state in the presence of physical or psychological threats.

Your fight-or-flight mode is activated by the sympathetic nervous system. It’s meant to force you into action in order to temporarily protect or prepare yourself for something bad.     1     . Exposure to stressful situations may be perceived by your brain and body as intense and repetitive, locking you into a fight-or-flight state that may continue to exist for days, months or even years. We asked experts about signs that your mind and body have not returned to their normal, resting state.


When stress is long-lasting, the body’s response system becomes overwhelmed, causing a collapse that may leave you unfeeling to everything. This emotional situation can make you feel like you’re on autopilot or disconnected from yourself and others. You might not be able to respond to emotions, which can lead to forgetfulness, difficulty of focusing, tiredness, hopelessness and self-destructive behaviors.

You’re always tired, but can’t rest

    3    . It keeps the mind and body alert and in survival mode to protect themselves. Sleep disturbances and muscle tension can be caused by biological changes. Other sleep problems can include nightmares, early waking, restless sleep and difficulty of falling asleep. Long-lasting exposure to cortisol, the stress hormone in the body, can put us in a constant state of awareness to our surroundings.

How to calm your fight-or-flight response

Eliminating long-lasting stress can be difficult.    4     . Physical ways to ensure you’re taking care of yourself include exercising, eating regularly and getting enough sleep.    5    . Most of all, it’s important to recognize when you need help, which can mean getting support from available resources.

A.You’re emotionally unfeeling
B.But sometimes, that can go out of control
C.A common symptom of nonstop stress is overalertness
D.Making time to process your emotions is important in coping
E.Some stress can be healthy, contributing to cognitive benefits
F.The truth is that your fight-or-flight response can kick in anytime
G.Positive social support can also help with stress and protect you against harm
2024-03-27更新 | 78次组卷 | 1卷引用:河北省沧州市沧县中学2023-2024学年高三下学期3月模拟预测英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约280词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . Many people feel anxious in situations that are stressful to them. For example, they may feel anxious about taking tests, meeting new people, or speaking in class.     1     But it’s best to learn how to cope. Here are several tips that can help you through anxious moments:

Start with a “growth” mindset. Some people have a fixed mindset. They might think, “This is how I am.”     2     They think they are the way they are. But brain science has shown that with a growth mindset, people can get better at just about everything—with effort and practice. That includes reducing anxiety.

    3     When you’re anxious, you might tell yourself things like, “I can’t do this!” or “What if I mess this up?” Instead, plan to tell yourself something that could help you face the moment with a bit of courage like, “I can do this!” or “It’s OK to feel anxious. I can do this anyway.”

Notice how anxiety affects your body. When you’re anxious, do you feel “butterflies” in your stomach? Sweaty palms? Shaky hands? A faster heartbeat? These physical feelings can be uncomfortable but they aren’t harmful. You can cope. You don’t have to push the feelings away.     4    

Face the situation—don’t wait for anxiety to go away. You might think that you’ll put off speaking in class or talking to that new person until you no longer feel anxious about it. But it doesn’t work that way.     5    

Learning to cope with anxiety takes time, patience, and practice. Most of all it takes being willing to face anxiety. Start with one small step. The more you practice, the better you’ll get at lowering anxiety.

A.Talk yourself through it.
B.Tell a parent or another adult you trust.
C.It’s facing the anxiety that helps you lower it.
D.Try to pay attention to anxious thoughts and feelings.
E.Try to notice them without getting upset that they’re there.
F.With a fixed mindset, people don’t think things can change.
G.If you feel anxious in situations like these, you’re not alone.
阅读理解-七选五(约260词) | 适中(0.65) |

9 . Even the most positive people have negative thoughts. It’s part of being human. But when negative thoughts become the norm, it isn’t healthy. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to change your negative thoughts into realistic thinking — seeing yourself, your relationships and world events as they really are.

Monitor your self-talk. We all have an ongoing dialogue running in our head, which affects how we view our life.     1     So, to promote realistic thinking, first you need to find out and listen to that inner voice. Being aware of those inner comments starts to help you take control of them.

    2     Not every negative thought is “bad”. For example, “I feel stressed and upset about my job because there are so many new things I am learning, but overtime I’ll learn and it’ll get easier.” has a negative aspect, but it promotes a positive action. Therefore, it’s important to make the distinction between helpful thoughts and negative ones.

Challenge your unhelpful thoughts.     3     Continuing with the work example, do you really hate your job or are you just anxious about the new project that you’ve been assigned?

    4     Now that you’re clear which thought is not helpful, you can replace it with one that is. Using the example from above, a more positive thought might be, “Once I get started on the new project I’m sure I’ll do fine. It’s just the anticipation that I don’t like.”

Repeat. Realistic thinking doesn’t come easy, especially when you are also working on managing anxiety, depression, and other problems.     5    

A.Identify thoughts that aren’t helpful.
B.Plant positive thoughts in your mind.
C.Analyse what self-talk is the most beneficial.
D.But because it’s constantly running, we often forget it’s there.
E.These thoughts can consume your energy or cause physical problems.
F.To be more realistic, you need to question whether your thoughts are factual.
G.You need to continually return to it even when it feels natural to become negative.
2024-03-22更新 | 131次组卷 | 2卷引用:2024届河北省沧州市泊头市高三年级八县联考一模英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约330词) | 适中(0.65) |

10 . Fears are a normal part of childhood. Sometimes kids are afraid of imaginary things, like monsters. But often, fears are related to what’s going on in their lives. Learning to cope with fear isn’t always easy.     1     They may have trouble processing information and keeping emotions in check. Here are some things you can try to help your child manage fears.

Take the fear seriously.

Sometimes to help our kids, we say things like “There’s nothing to be scared of.”     2     Instead , it can send the message that you expect your child to “get over it.” Or that you don’t believe your child is terrified. Not taking fear seriously can make your child feel like it’s not okay to be afraid or that it’s not okay to talk to you about it.

Make a list.

Work with your child to list the things or situations that cause fear. Go over your child’s worst-case scenario(情况).     3     For example, kids who are afraid that something terrible will happen to their parents when they’re apart may also be frightened to go to school. They might be scared to be left with a babysitter. Those are all part of the more significant fear of being away from you.

Break the fear into smaller pieces.

Tackling a fear all at once can be difficult.     4     Maybe your child is afraid to do schoolwork in one room while you work in another room. Agree that your child will do an hour of work away from you by the end of next week. Once you’ve set the goal, talk through the steps you’ll both take to reach it.

Cheer your child on.

    5     When your child faces a fear, let your child know how proud you are. Give encouragement, be patient, and praise your child’s efforts and successes. By sending the message that progress matters, you’re helping your child build a growth mindset and believe in the power of the word yet.

A.You can group similar fears.
B.This doesn’t make your child less afraid.
C.Change takes time and doesn’t happen all at once.
D.Ask specific questions to help your child explain it.
E.It’s tough for some kids who learn and think differently.
F.Putting the fear into words can help reduce the child’s concern.
G.Instead, try smaller steps to reach the goal of conquering a fear.
2024-03-08更新 | 50次组卷 | 1卷引用:河北省张家口市尚义县第一中学等校2023-2024学年高二下学期开学收心联考英语试题
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