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| 共计 4 道试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约230词) | 较易(0.85) |

1 . The following are some markets which have become tourist attractions.

Wiener Christkindlmarkt, Austria

Known as Viennese Dream Christmas Market, Wiener Christkindlmarkt, or Rathausplatz, is one of the Austrian capital’s oldest and most traditional attractions. It has a 150-square-meter children’s ice rink (溜冰场). Tree of Hearts, a giant maple tree with hundreds of shinning red hearts, is a hot favorite with visitors to have a picture.

Open time: November 10 — December 26

Basel Christmas Market, Switzerland

Basel Christmas Market is divided into two different sections at Barfusserplatz and Munsterplatz. Family attractions include the Christmas fairy tale tree at Munsterplatz with activities such as gingerbread and candle decorating, a star workshop and a festive train.

Open time: November 23 — December 23

Strasbourg Christmas Market, France

One of Europe’s oldest Christmas markets, Strasbourg began back in 1570, drawing in over two million people every year. Place Klebe is probably its most popular place thanks to the great Christmas tree.

Open time: November 24 — December 24

Brussels Winter Wonders, Belgium

Brussels really comes to life at Christmas time thanks to Winter Wonders, which is more like a festival than a market. A light and sound show, ice skating, and pleasure ground rides are among the activities to enjoy, while visitors can also stare in wonder at the huge Christmas tree set up in Grand Place.

Open time: November 11 — December 31

1. What can visitors do at Rathausplatz?
A.Appreciate a sound show.B.Enjoy a train ride in an ice rink.
C.Take photos with many red hearts.D.Ride wooden horses in a playground.
2. What do the four Christmas markets have in common?
A.They have a great tree.B.They own a good place for skating.
C.They hold various activities for tourists.D.They are the oldest one in their own country.
3. Which market is open for the longest time?
A.Wiener ChristkindImarkt, Austria.B.Brussels Winter Wonders, Belgium.
C.Basel Christmas Market, Switzerland.D.Strasbourg Christmas Market, France.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约180词) | 较易(0.85) |

2 . During the cold winter days, there are some interesting festivals (节日) in the world. Look at the following ones.

Harbin Ice and Snow Festival

Place: China

Time: January 5 to February 5

People build incredible things out of ice and snow,decorating them with lights.

The Carnival of Venice

Place: Italy

Time: between February and March

One of the most beautiful festivals in the world,people wear masks and elaborate costumes to hide differences among classes,and there are contests for the best costumers.

Holi Festival

Place: India

Time: late February/March, on the last dull moon day

Hindus and Sikhs,in India,Nepal,and Sri Lanka celebrate the main day of this incredibly fun 16-day festival by throwing colored powder and water at each other.

Sundance Film Festival

Place: Utah, the US

Time: end of February

The largest independent film festival in the US. Watch both feature films and shorts. You need to buy a ticket.

1. Which of the following festivals can’t be celebrated at the end of February?
A.Sundance Film Festival.B.Harbin Ice and Snow Festival.
C.Holi Festival.D.The Carnival of Venice.
2. If you want to watch wonderful films, you may go to         .
3. If you go to Europe, which festival can you celebrate?
A.Sundance Film Festival.B.Holi Festival.
C.The Carnival of Venice.D.Harbin Ice and Snow Festival.
听力选择题-短对话 | 较易(0.85) |
3 . Why does the woman talk to the man?
A.To invite him to a party.
B.To rent some equipment.
C.To get something repaired.
2024-04-19更新 | 28次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届青海省西宁市大通县高考二模英语试题(含听力)
听力选择题-长对话 | 较易(0.85) |
4 . 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
1. When does the conversation probably take place?
A.At the end of a term.B.In the middle of a term.C.At the beginning of a term.
2. What does the woman suggest doing?
A.Inviting a famous actor to the party.
B.Playing some good music at the party.
C.Asking everyone to dress up at the party.
3. What will the speakers discuss tomorrow?
A.What clothes to wear.B.What games to organize.C.What competitions to have.
4. What food will the speakers prepare?
A.Pizza.B.Bread.C.Fried chicken.
2024-05-26更新 | 10次组卷 | 1卷引用:青海省西宁市第十四中学2023-2024学年高一下学期4月月考英语试卷
共计 平均难度:一般