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1 . Health is wealth.     1     Here are some ways to prevent diseases and take care of yourself so you can live your healthiest, best life.


A study published in 2019 concluded that consumption of more than 4 servings of extra-processed food was associated with a 62% increased danger for all-cause deaths. For each additional serving, all-cause deaths increased to 18%. These foods can cause chronic inflammation (慢性炎症), a normal bodily process that can contribute to heart disease, diabetes and even cancer.

Get your cholesterol (胆固醇) checked.

When checking your cholesterol, your test results will show your cholesterol levels in milligrams per decilitre. It’s crucial to get your cholesterol checked because your doctor will be able to advise you on how to maintain healthy levels.     3    

Watch your blood pressure.

    4     Having high blood pressure puts you at risk for heart disease and stroke, which are leading causes of death in the United States. Even small weight loss can help manage or prevent high blood pressure in many overweight people.

Get up and get moving.

Throw away any common misconceptions about exercising like that it has to be in a gym or a structured environment.     5     Taking 10, 000 steps a day is a popular goal because research has shown that when combined with other healthy behaviors, it can lead to a decrease in chronic illness like diabetes, metabolic syndrome and heart disease. Exercise does not need to be done in consecutive (连续的) minutes. You can walk for 30 to 60 minutes once a day or you can do activities two to three times a day in 10 to 20 minute increments.

A.Watch your body mass.
B.Make healthy food choices.
C.Frequency, intensity and time are what matter most.
D.Sleep restores us and has a huge effect on how we feel.
E.In turn it lowers your chances of getting heart disease and stroke.
F.Normal blood pressure is defined as blood pressure <120/80 mmHg.
G.This common saying holds a lot of weight because it has truth behind it.
阅读理解-七选五(约250词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 . We watch our salt and fat intake to protect our hearts. We exercise and take calcium to protect our bones. We apply sunscreen to protect our skin     1    

Invest in high-quality sunglasses. Protecting eyes from sunlight is very important. To protect your eyes, wear sunglasses certified to block out 99% to 100% of UVA and UVB light   The lenses (镜片) are essential.     2     In fact, if the lenses are dark but not UV protected, that’s worse for your eyes.

Take a break from screens. There is some medical evidence that the light from electronic screens damages eyes.     3     One of the best ways to prevent that is drinking four or five glasses of water a day. If you still feel your eyes are dry or tired, use eye drops to keep your vision clear.

    4     Firstly, stop smoking. Obviously, it is hard to stop smoking, but it is not only bad for your lungs but also harmful to your eyes. It causes dry eyes and even increases the risk of eye diseases. Besides, try not to rub your eyes often. Rubbing makes infection worse. The more you rub, the more itchy your eyes will get. Instead, take medication or use eye drops for dry eyes.

Have an eye test. Don’t forget to see an eye specialist for a checkup regularly, if possible.     5     But medical equipment can detect them. All are best treated when found early. For most people, unless there are problems, that means having your eyes tested by a health care provider every one to two years.

A.Stop bad habits.
B.Smoking is bad for eyesight.
C.Not all eye problems are noticeable.
D.If the lenses are dark enough, it’s good for our eyes.
E.Similarly, we can do something indeed to protect our eyes.
F.Surprisingly, dark lenses are not necessarily the most protective.
G.Staring at them can leave your eyes exhausted and make you see things vaguely.
2024-02-21更新 | 36次组卷 | 1卷引用:河南省驻马店市2023-2024学年高三上学期1月期末英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约230词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . One thing that everyone has to do in order to survive is eat food and drink water. Along with air, food and water are the two other key elements (要素) that we need in order to allow our bodies to work.     1     However, it is well recommended that you eat a very well-balanced meal so that you can let your body work fully. One important area you should always keep track of is fruits.

The first fruit that will be discussed is the all-powerful apple. As the saying goes, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away”. This is a scientifically tested fact and it is always a good idea to eat an apple a day just for the good natural goodness found in apples. An apple has about forty-nine calories (卡路里) and about eighty-four percent water. It also has many key elements such as sugar.     2    

    3     Bananas are really good to eat for several reasons. They are good for your skin and the inside of your body as well. A banana has about eighty-eight calories and about seventy-six percent water.     4     And they also have a small number of other all-important vitamins (维生素) such as vitamins A, B, C, and E.

Those two fruits are the most popular fruits that people eat more than other fruits.     5     One fruit can be better for you in one area of your health, while the other fruit is good for you in another area.

A.Bananas have a high level of water.
B.There are plenty of choices when it comes to food.
C.However, all fruits are good for you in one way or another.
D.Another popular fruit we all eat from time to time is the banana.
E.Besides, bananas have many key elements including sugar and so on.
F.All these things are all-important in order for our bodies to work properly.
G.Fruits are delicious, but many people avoid them for one reason or another.
2024-01-04更新 | 33次组卷 | 1卷引用:河南省(驻马店)2023-2024年高一上学期12月青桐鸣联考英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约270词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . Gardening requires a lot of physical labor, extending from light exercise to heavy work. Bending, digging, lifting tools, carrying things and moving from time to time can burn calories and build muscles.

    1     Their backs can start to hurt and so can their knees. Even the strongest and healthiest gardeners can hurt themselves. For people who are less physically fit or who have health conditions that limit movement or cause pain, gardening may seem impossible.

Jessica Damiano, an expert, says there are ways to grow plants that are gentle on the body.     2     She said she used heating pads (衬垫) on her neck and lowered her back for about 5 minutes before starting to garden. The practice helped to prepare her muscles for work. A few minutes of gentle stretching helped, too.

If you want to garden, it is also a good idea to try to collect all the tools you will need before settling into your labor.     3     It is the easiest and safest way to take and return it.

Taking simple care in the way you lift and carry the objects you need can prevent injury.     4     You can stand with your feet as far apart as your shoulders to keep your balance. If bending at all is too difficult, or if you garden while seated, grow plants in raised beds that are as tall as your chair or the middle part of your body.

Use pushcarts to transport heavy supplies. When you carry weight on your own, hold heavy objects to your chest, keeping your back as straight as possible. Plant containers can be very heavy.     5    

Most importantly, limit gardening periods to between 60 and 90 minutes, and take it easy.

A.Gardeners have to keep healthy and strong.
B.She recently provided some relevant advice.
C.However, the labor can also injure gardeners’ bodies.
D.Store the heaviest equipment on waist-height shelves.
E.Remember to bend your knees when lifting a bag of covering.
F.At first, Damiano did gardening without making preparations.
G.It is best to set them where you want them before filling them.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . A new study shows that a positive atitude about ageing can help recover mild memory loss. People with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) are 30 per cent more likely to make symptoms (症状) disappear if they think positively about ageing, according to a study carried out by the Yale School of Public Health. The study was conducted over twelve years and involved 1,716 participants aged 65 and above.

MCI is usually considered a one-way process, but according to Professor Becca Levy, lead author of the study, that’s not the case at all, ”Most people assume there is no recovery from MCI, but in fact half of those who have it do recover.”

Mild cognitive impairment is a condition which causes memory loss and difficulty in thinking clearly. Symptoms might include forgetting events, or often losing things. Other more physical symptoms such as a loss of smell or spatial perception have also been connected with MCI.

It is mostly found in people over 60,and often leads to Alzheimer’s or other forms of dementia. The study was conducted over a twelve - year period between 2008 - 2020, with seven data collection waves performed every two years.

Results showed that those who came to the study with MCI were 30 per cent more likely to make a full recovery if they were upbeat about ageing. They were also likely to recover two years faster than those with more negative age beliefs (such as “The older I get, the more useless I feel”). Those who came to the study without MCI were also far less likely to develop it if they felt more age - positive, no matter of what their physical health or age is.

Factors (因素) such as age, race and gender have previously been examined for connections with recovery, but this is the first study to look at cultural factors — in this case, beliefs about ageing.

While the study definitely provided positive results, it’s still not known exactly why. “A limitation is that we did not examine the mechanism of positive age beliefs in cognitive (认知) recovery”, says Levy.

Given how well this research has gone, hopefully future studies will show the “why”, as well as looking at other cultural factors.

1. What is paragraph 3 mainly about?
A.The introduction of MCI.B.The causes of MCI.
C.The treatment of MCI.D.The recovery of MCI.
2. What does the underlined word “upbeat” in paragraph 5 mean?
3. What is the most special about this new study?
A.The thought of cultural aspects.B.The length of study time.
C.The way of collecting data.D.The age of participants.
4. What is probably its future study direction?
A.The reason why physical symptoms of MCI will appear.
B.The way that positive age beliefs affect recovery of MCL.
C.The reason why positive age beliefs produce good results.
D.The factors that contribute to cognitive recovery of MCL.
2023-07-24更新 | 46次组卷 | 1卷引用:河南省驻马店市2022-2023学年高一下学期7月期末考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中(0.65) |

6 . I put my beef in the fridge before the “Use By” date. If my milk’s “Best If Used By” date— the last date by which food quality (质量)is the best — was yesterday, I’d never have it. The bread that expired (过期)last week? Throw it away. But after studying the different types of “expiration” labels (标签).I learned that food lasts longer than I thought.

In fact, food expiration dates talk about food quality, not food safety. They are added as a helpful guide to sellers and buyers. Here are the three most common labels.

“Best If Used By“—This date suggests when a product will be at the highest quality. It will still be safe to eat after that date, but the quality will start to go down.

”Use By“—This date is usually found on items that go bad more easily, like meat. It’s still OK to eat the product for a short period after the date, but don’ t wait too long.

”Sell By“—This date tells sellers when the product should be off the shelves. Sales are one way that stores try to get older products into people’s bags, and it usually works quite well.

“Use by” dates are a great guide for people like you and me, but it comes at a price. A report says that Americans waste about 30% of food every year. Part of that is because we follow expiration dates too closely and end up throwing out perfectly good food. It’s such a shame. Luckily, we can change. Decide for yourself whether or not food should be thrown away. Does the color look right? Is the smell bad? Knowing what food is supposed to look, smell and feel like is a life skill that we all should have. It will help you avoid eating food that’s gone bad and stop you from throwing away food too early.

1. What does the first paragraph show?
A.Expiration labels are useless.
B.Beef, milk and bread go bad easily.
C.The author takes expiration dates seriously.
D.The author is concerned about food safety.
2. What do we know about the three most common labels?
A.Most food is labeled “Best If Used By”.
B.They show when the food is unsafe to eat.
C.Food after “Sell By”dates goes bad easily.
D.Sellers use “Sell By” dates to increase sales.
3. What does the author advise us to do?
A.Ignore expiration dates.
B.Never throw away food.
C.Learn more life skills if possible.
D.Pay more attention to the food itself.
4. What’ s the best title for the text?
A.How Are Expiration Dates Labeled?
B.Expiration Dates Don’t Matter Much
C.The Most Common Expiration Labels
D.What Can We Do About Expiration Dates?
2023-07-16更新 | 23次组卷 | 1卷引用:河南省驻马店市上蔡县上蔡县衡水实验中学2022-2023学年高二上学期10月月考英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约240词) | 适中(0.65) |

7 . Surprising benefits of laughter

Laughter is a powerful and free medicine that everyone should know, Read on to learn about the surprising benefits of it.

Laughter helps you feel less stressed.     1     Maybe you have an exam coming up, but you’re not ready for it. Then a friend tells you a joyful joke and you laugh so hard that you forget your nervousness. It is amazing that a laugh can make us feel relaxed, especially when things happen totally out of the blue.

Laughter develops your immunity (免疫力). Negative stress can cause chemical reactions in your body that lower your immunity.     2     A hearty laugh fuels your immune system with the disease-fighting power, which can help you stay healthy and energetic.

Laughter makes you feel better. Have you ever had the experience that made you want to cry out? I doubt whether anyone can honestly say “No” to that question, because we’ve all been there.     3     How happy you are has more to do with how you react to things, so keep positive.

Laughter helps lose weight. Laughing can help burn calories, making weight loss much easier. Moreover, it will help raise your metabolic (新陈代谢的) rate, and will get your heart pumping a bit faster.     4    

    5     One study published in Archives of General Psychiatry says that people who have a positive attitude to life tend to live longer. Those who laugh more and think positively have a 55% lower death rate than those of the same age but with a more negative mindset.

A.Then you will be more likely to get sick.
B.Laughter makes it easier to make friends.
C.Laughter helps you live longer.
D.So keep laughing whenever and wherever you are.
E.But why not laugh instead?
F.They say that laughter is one of the best medicines in the world.
G.Have you ever been rather stressed at work or school?
2023-05-30更新 | 36次组卷 | 1卷引用:河南省驻马店市环际大联考 “逐梦计划”2022-2023学年高二下学期4月期中英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约310词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . Memory loss is a common part of aging. A decade-long study of older adults in China has found that a healthy lifestyle is linked to slower memory loss even when people carry a risky gene for Alzheimer’s(阿尔茨海默氏症). Researchers from China’s National Center for Neurological Disorders and other medical organizations followed 29,000 people aged at least 60 years for up to 10 years. Forty-nine percent of the participants were women.

At the beginning of the study in 2009, the researchers tested the participants memory function with the Auditory Verbal Learning Test(AVLT 听觉词语学习测验). They were also tested for the APOE gene, the most common gene linked with Alzheimer’s. Around 20 percent of the participants were carriers of the risk gene. The participants received tests in 2012, 2014, 2016 and 2019. In the follow-ups, six healthy lifestyle factors were analyzed: a healthy diet, regular physical exercise, active social contact, active cognitive activity, non-smoking and never drinking alcohol.

The results showed that the AVLT scores continuously decreased over the 10 years. But the highest test scores were in the favorable group and the lowest in the group where people usually have an unhealthy lifestyle. The participants with favorable and average lifestyles, even when they were APOE carriers, had a slower rate of memory loss than the participants with unhealthy lifestyles.

The researchers said that they studied the contribution of each lifestyle factor and their combined effects in a large sample size over an entire 10 years and offered important information to protect older adults against memory loss.

The results about the APOE carriers also provide a positive outlook that healthy lifestyle risks are related to a slower rate of memory loss, regardless of the genetic risk.

1. How many women participants participated in the study?
A.About 14000.B.About 13000.C.About 15000.D.About 12000.
2. According to the study, the following are all lifestyles linked to slower memory loss EXCEPT________.
A.Regular physical exerciseB.Active cognitive activity
C.Smoking and drinking alcoholD.Active social contact
3. What do the underlined words “favorable group” in paragraph 3 refer to?
A.The group of people with healthy lifestyle.B.The group of people with unhealthy lifestyle.
C.The group of people carrying APOE gene.D.The group of people without APOE gene.
4. What is the text mainly about?
A.An unbelievable study.
B.The importance of healthy lifestyle.
C.Memory loss is a common part of aging.
D.The healthier your lifestyle, the slower your memory loss.
阅读理解-七选五(约250词) | 适中(0.65) |

9 . Maybe you plan to ring in 2023 with a new resolve to lose weight, exercise more, not sweat the small stuff. And maybe these resolutions sound familiar — maybe just like the ones you made a year ago! So how can you ensure that your determination to get healthier in 2023 sticks?    1    

Dream big. Want to compete in a marathon or triathlon? Lose 50 pounds or just enough to fit into clothes you once loved? With perseverance (毅力), encouragement, and support, you can do it.     2    Many will cheer you on. Some will be happy to help in practical ways, such as by training with you or taking on tasks you normally handle in order to free up your time.

    3    Any time you fail to make a change, consider it a step toward your goal. Why? Because each sincere attempt represents a lesson learned. When you hit a snag (碰钉子), take a moment to think about what did and didn’t work. Maybe you took on too big a challenge?     4    

Give thanks for what you do. Set your sights on finishing that marathon,not on running it. If you compete to complete, you’ll be a winner even if you wind up walking as much as you run. With exercise — and so many other goals we set — you’ll benefit even when doing less than you’d like to do.     5    If your goal for Tuesday is a 30-minute workout at the gym, but you only squeeze (挤出) in 10 minutes, feel grateful for that. It’s enough. Maybe tomorrow will be better.

A.Learn from the failures.
B.Avoid repeating past failures.
C.Any activity is always better than none.
D.An ambitious aim often inspires others to help you.
E.Try the following tips to help you create long-lasting change.
F.Having a solid system can help you stay motivated and accountable.
G.If so, change into a less ambitious challenge, or break the big one into tinier steps.
文章大意:本文是一篇记叙文,讲述了来自委内瑞拉的难民家的孩子Pedro在哥伦比亚的慈善机构Operation Smile Colombia的帮助下治好了唇裂的故事。

10 . Every three minutes a child like Pedro was born with cleft lips (唇裂). This number doesn’t change even today. Pedro’s family_________Venezuela because of frequent natural disasters and moved across the border to a(n)_________in Colombia, where many homeless people stayed.

Two local_________there only had the capacity to treat the homeless in emergency situations, leaving even potentially deadly conditions like deft lips _________. Pedro’s mother, Marbelis, a quiet but_________woman, would do anything for her family. Marbelis had never_________up any hope of finding Pedro the_________help he so badly needed. For years, she had been watching her little boy_________in life. No matter how hard she_________, there was little she could do to help him. But he didn’t suffer from other diseases. Pedro was__________to avoid the severe health problems that could be caused by the cleft, but he__________the emotional scars of discrimination.

__________, just a few weeks after the family moved to a new home, another local hospital worker know Pedro and his__________for the cleft treatment, and his__________details were passed on to Operation Smile Colombia. The charity provided free, safe operations for those born with clefts like Pedro, who could not otherwise__________or afford medical care.

A few months later, after a comprehension health__________conducted in the renewal medical center, Pedro proved to be an ideal candidate for__________, Luckily, Pedro’s operation went very   __________and after an hour, he was safely back in the recovery room. After the operation, when Marbelis first saw him, she__________in excitement, “How handsome my son is!” Charity and kindness are global, and it’s a real surprise that Pedro’s__________has been improved in a foreign land.

A.brought outB.pointed outC.fled fromD.recovered from
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