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1 . 使用恰当的过渡衔接词连句成篇
7日内更新 | 1次组卷 | 1卷引用:外研版(2019) 高中英语 选择性必修三 Unit 3 War and peace
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中(0.65) |

2 . Peru is a South American country and it has 1.2 million square kilometres, 32 million people. Peru has a variety of climates, cultures, customs, a splendid history, etc. It is divided into 25 regions. Some regions still continue to suffer poverty because of mismanagement of the country’s resources by the government.

However, in urban areas the job opportunities are very rich. The economic growth and private investments have risen over the years: it has created more jobs and a better lifestyle for Peruvian people. In some regions of Peru, tourism is the first source of income. There are many opportunities for those who want to work by doing handicrafts, painting, traditional jewelry and other art jobs.

Peru has very friendly, warm and attentive people. You will find plenty of touristic attractions throughout the country as well as diverse climates. The Peruvian food is known for its good taste and variety. Peru is an old and traditional country. Throughout the year Peruvians celebrate many festivals like the Corpus Christy, Easter, Fest of San Juan and many others.

To move in, you should hire a moving company. Remember, Peruvian moving companies know what to do; your belongings will arrive in good conditions. They usually use trucks and the moving costs vary according to the number of workers, and the amount of fuel and boxes used. So you need to provide information to the movers about the number, size and fragility of your belongings. Talk with the moving company. Ask them about the packing process. Also, ask them if they offer some type of insurance in case an object is damaged during the trip.

Moving to Peru can be a great experience. Once you have finished the whole moving process, you can plan to visit each region of this country where you can find many different touristic attractions.

1. Which is supposed to be the chief cause for poverty in some regions?
A.The government’s mismanagement.B.The places’ having no travellers.
C.The local people’s laziness.D.The areas’ lack of resources.
2. What is Paragraph 2 mainly about?
A.The tourism industry in Peru.B.The traditional art in Peru.
C.The economic growth in Peru.D.The job opportunities in Peru.
3. Why do you need to provide information of your belongings?
A.To get the rate of insurance.B.To work out the moving costs.
C.To prevent them from being stolen.D.To make them arrive in time.
4. Who is the text intended for?
A.Students in Peru.B.Peruvian citizens.
C.Foreigners living in Peru.D.Those moving to Peru.
7日内更新 | 50次组卷 | 1卷引用:河南省名校联考2023-2024学年高二下学期4月月考英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中(0.65) |

3 . Chinese social media was a buzz with praise for war correspondent Chen Huihui who reported from the front lines of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. As one of the first journalists to arrive at the scene, Chen has been reporting live from the battlefield since October 9th.

Chen’s reports have provided a realistic and complex view of the conflict, earning her widespread respect and admiration from netizens on Weibo. Many compared her deed to a “heroic act” for fearlessly facing the situation.

One netizen expressed admiration for war reporters covering the Israel-Palestine conflict, stating: “I admire the war reporters covering the Israel-Palestine conflict; truly admirable, they are reporting and directing the gunfire and bombardment every day. Salute!”

As the Israeli army entered Gaza and began ground battle, Chen Huihui shared her firsthand accounts of the situation. On November 11th, an emotional video emerged of a father crying out in sorrow after his three children were killed by Israel ’ s bombardment. This heart-broken image led netizens to express their sympathy for the people affected by the conflict.

The Weibo netizens remained great support and respect for journalists like Chen Huihui who are putting their lives on the line to report from the front lines. As a Spanish parliamentarian named Mayster condemned Israel for committing war crimes, Chinese social media users praised journalists who bring attention to the realities and cruelty of war.

As another netizen put it: “War correspondents are often not individuals but representatives of national images. Only when reporters are closer to the guns can they feel more deeply the cruelty of war, know true casualties, and understand the distinction between justice and injustice.”

Chen Huihui’s courageous reporting from the Israeli-Palestinian conflict has earned her widespread praise on Chinese social media. Her bravery and devotion to providing realistic coverage of the complex situation have inspired admiration among netizens who value journalists like her who are committed to throwing light on important global issues.

1. What is one of the reasons for Chen Huihui’s great praise on Chinese social media?
A.Her courage and bravery in the face of danger.
B.She was the first journalist to arrive at the scene.
C.She reported live from the battlefield since last October.
D.Her sympathy towards the people affected by the conflict
2. How did netizens react to the emotional video of a father crying out in sorrow?
A.They blamed Israel for the tragedy.
B.They expressed their pities for the victims.
C.They praised the father’s bravery in the face of danger.
D.They remained calm and did not comment on the video.
3. Why did Spanish parliamentarian Mayster condemn Israel?
A.Because Chen Huihui reported on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
B.Because netizens praised journalists who bring attention to the realities and cruelty of war.
C.Because the Israeli army entered Gaza and began cold-blooding killing to the common people.
D.Because Chen Huihui shared an emotional video of a father grieving for his children.
4. According to another netizen, how do war correspondents really understand the cruelty of war?
A.By reporting from a safe distance.
B.By witnessing the heroism of soldiers.
C.By getting close to the battlefield.
D.By understanding the distinction between justice and injustice.
2024-04-18更新 | 44次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届陕西省西安中学高三上学期一模英语试题
语法填空-短文语填 | 适中(0.65) |
4 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

The world has reached a somewhat     1     (worry) demographic (人口统计学的) milestone. A spokesperson said the U. S. Census Bureau (人口统计局) estimated that the     2     (globe) population surpassed 8 billion on the 26th of September.     3    , he said this was a very rough guess and the precise day could be a month or two either side of this date. The world population had doubled between 1960 and 2000, and     4     (grow) from 6 billion to 8 billion in the past two decades. The rate of growth is slowing     5     birth rates are falling in many nations.

According to the Census Bureau, trends of longer lifespans and lower birth rates result     6     the slowdown in population growth. However, it forecast that the population would reach 10. 2 billion in 2060. It said: “The world population is projected to keep growing despite     7     (decline) birth rates. In fact, we estimate     8     number of infants already peaked in 2017. Instead, population growth in the future will come from larger groups of people at adult ages.” It added: “Population growth is the result of birth rates, mortality (死亡率), migration and the share of the population at certain ages. Nearly three quarters (74 per cent) of the earth’s population     9     (resident) in countries     10     birth rates are around or below the replacement level.”

2024-04-17更新 | 64次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届湖北省部分学校高三下学期3月新高考信息考试英语试题
听力选择题-短文 | 较易(0.85) |
5 . 听下面一段独白,回答以下小题。
1. What is the percentage of persons aged 60 and over now in industrialized nations?
2. What should we do for old people?
A.We give them more money.
B.We let them live alone.
C.We take good care of them.
3. Why do old people benefit us?
A.Because they are rich in knowledge and experience.
B.Because they don’t need any care.
C.Because they don’t cause any trouble.
4. What does society gain from old people?
A.Fame.B.Money.C.A deep sense of history.
2024-04-15更新 | 3次组卷 | 1卷引用:第二部分 高二英语听力全真模拟训练(26)(含音频及听力材料)-【启航英语】2024版高二英语听力专项分类训练提升篇
听力选择题-短文 | 适中(0.65) |
6 . 听下面一段独白,回答以下小题。
1. Which is very beautiful in comparison to the North Island?
A.The North Pole.B.The West Island.C.The South Island.
2. Which part of New Zealand does the woman strongly recommend visiting?
A.The center of the North Island.
B.The West Coast of the South Island.
C.The center of the South Island.
3. Where can you see farms?
A.In rural New Zealand.
B.In the center of the North Island.
C.On the West Coast of the South Island.
4. What can you experience in Rotorua?
A.Maori culture.B.Ice mountains.C.Interesting farming.
2024-04-15更新 | 2次组卷 | 1卷引用:第二部分 高二英语听力全真模拟训练(39)(含音频及听力材料)-【启航英语】2024版高二英语听力专项分类训练提升篇
听力选择题-短文 | 适中(0.65) |
7 . 听下面一段独白,回答以下小题。
1. How many people don’t go out during the week in Los Angeles?
2. In which city can you safely leave things in your car?
A.In Los Angeles.B.In Tokyo.C.In Milan.
3. When did Cliff first go to live in Milan?
A.In 1935.B.In 1975.C.In 1995.
4. What percent of people in Milan can drive?
2024-04-15更新 | 1次组卷 | 1卷引用:第二部分 高二英语听力全真模拟训练(23)(含音频及听力材料)-【启航英语】2024版高二英语听力专项分类训练提升篇
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中(0.65) |

8 . In a policy address to lawmakers, Japan’s Prime Minister, Fumio Kishida, said the country’s population problem was a case of solving the issue “now or never”, and that it “simply cannot wait any longer because it can affect social functions”.

“In thinking of the sustainability and inclusiveness of our nation’s economy and society, we place child care support as our most important policy,” he said, adding that he wants the government to double its spending on child-related programs, and that a new government agency would be set up in April to focus on the issue.

Japan has one of the lowest birth rates in the world, and it recorded fewer than 800,000 births in 2022 for the first time since records began in 1899. The country also has one of the highest life expectancies in the world; in 2020, nearly one in 1,500 people in Japan were age 100 or older, according to government data.

These trends have driven a growing population problem, with a rapidly aging society, a shrinking workforce and not enough young people to fill the gaps in the stagnating (停滞) economy. The country’s high cost of living, limited space and lack of child care support in cities make it difficult to raise children, meaning fewer couples are having kids. Experts point to the pessimism young people in Japan hold towards the future, many frustrated with work pressure and economic stagnation.

How about other parts of East Asia? South Korea recently broke its own record for the world’s lowest birth rate, with data from November 2023 showing a South Korean woman will have an average of 0.79 children in her lifetime — far below the 2.1 needed to maintain a stable population. Japan’s birth rate stands at 1.3, while the United States is at 1.6. Meanwhile, China’s population shrank in 2022 for the first time, adding pressure to its economic growth.

1. How does the Japanese government feel about the falling birth rate?
2. Which of the following has led the birth rate in Japan to decline?
A.The rapidly aging society.B.The high life expectancies.
C.The shortage of workforce.D.The various stresses of life.
3. What are the statistics in the last paragraph used to show?
A.Ignorance of the birth rate.B.Serious population crisis.
C.Weak care services for children.D.Potential harm to women’s health.
4. In which section of a newspaper may this text appear?
2024-04-06更新 | 196次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届湖南省长沙市长郡中学高考适应考试(二)英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中(0.65) |

9 . Israel was accused of using white phosphorus bombs (白磷弹), a banned bomb, in the Palestine-Israel conflict in October. However, the Israeli military later claimed in a statement that it didn’t use such a weapon, reported Reuters.

White phosphorus is a highly free burning chemical that can create intense heat, light and smoke, reaching over 1,000°C when burned. The flame it produces is difficult to put out, leading to deadly burns on the human body.

The chemical is also poisonous. Those coming into contact with it may suffer heart, kidney or bone damage. And bomb-hit areas are likely to be polluted by white phosphorus, resulting in long-term environmental damage.

This news sparked public concern about destructive weapons. International humanitarian law (IHL) bans any weapon “of a nature to cause overmuch injury or unnecessary suffering”. Such a weapon can cause indiscriminate harm, injuring or killing soldiers as well as civilians.

The Geneva Conventions (《日内瓦公约》) and their Additional Protocols, which form the core of international humanitarian law, have set requirements for all countries to follow about how wars are carried out. For example, the use, production, stockpiling (储备) or selling of biological and chemical weapons are forbidden.

Chemical weapons, such as mustard gas, are poisonous. They can cause temporary or permanent damage to people and have various effects, such as severe eye pain, breathing difficulty, and blistering (起水泡) of the skin. Biological weapons, usually developed from viruses or bacteria, attack the human immune system, often with deadly consequences.

Other international conventions also have made related rules, which apply to the countries that have agreed to them. For example, according to the IHL database, any actions expected to result in widespread, long-lasting destruction of the environment are prohibited.

“During the Vietnam War, the US military employed a highly effective defoliant (落叶剂) called Agent Orange,” Zhang Gaosheng, are searcher at China Institute of International Studies, told CCTV News. “This resulted in the destruction of about 20 percent of Vietnam’s forests, leading to significant damage to the ecosystem.” The usage of the chemical was subsequently banned, he added.

1. What is the primary concern regarding the use of white phosphorus bombs in wars?
A.The intense heat and light produced.
B.The difficulty in putting out the flame.
C.The harm to people and the environment.
D.The damage to buildings and infrastructure.
2. What does paragraph 6 mainly talk about?
A.The development of biochemical weapons.
B.The long-lasting impact of biochemical weapons.
C.The urgency of prohibiting biochemical weapons.
D.The consequences of using biochemical weapons.
3. What is the attitude from Zhang Gaosheng to the usage of defoliant?
4. What’s the purpose of the passage?
A.To call on public not to use weapons.
B.To appeal for peace between Palestine and Israel.
C.To give the reasons why some weapons are being stopped.
D.To introduce the chemical weapons used in the Israeli military.
2024-04-05更新 | 46次组卷 | 1卷引用:辽宁省鞍山市第一中学2023-2024学年高二下学期第三次月考英语试卷
语法填空-短文语填 | 较易(0.85) |
10 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

    1     (get) to know a little bit about British history will help you understand what these different names—the United Kingdom, Great Britain, Britain England—mean. In the 16th century, the nearby country of Wales     2     (join) to the Kingdom of England. Later, Scotland and then Ireland was added. Although the four countries have some differences, they use the same flag,     3     (know) as the Union Jack, as well as share the same currency and military    4     (defend).

2024-04-05更新 | 24次组卷 | 1卷引用:山东省实验中学2023-2024学年高一下学期3月月考英语试题
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