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1 . Today we see writing all around us. We would be _________ without writing.

The earliest people have no _________ of writing. However, writing _________ over thousands of years in different cultures around the world.

_________ writing existed, drawings were used as a form of _________. Rock drawings have been found in many places. One rock drawing in a mountainous area of New Mexico _________ a mountain goat standing up and a man riding a horse upside down. Experts believe that the drawing was a _________ to riders that the road was dangerous.

Modern forms of writing began when people _________ to use symbols, such as letters, words, to stand for _________. At first, they used __________ that stood for words. __________, a picture might show a hunter, the tools the hunter used, and a pair of deer the hunter killed. __________ developments took place in Mesopotamia, where people learned to use the same symbols to stand for different words. The writing used by ancient Egyptians also used __________ known as hieroglyphs (象形文字).

Even greater advances were __________ in China about 3500 years ago. The Chinese used tens of thousands of signs. With their systems, they could __________ new words. This, __________, was a different system. To make writing __________, things had to be simplified in some way. The __________ was the development of alphabets. The Phoenicians (腓尼基人) are __________ considered to have developed one of the first useful alphabets. The Phoenicians alphabet used about 20 or 30 signs. They were well on their way to at least one type of modern writing __________, as we know, the modern English alphabet uses 26 letters.

A.For exampleB.Above allC.As usualD.At first
A.longerB.easierC.more interestingD.more popular
2023-10-13更新 | 32次组卷 | 1卷引用:Unit 3 The world meets China A 卷-2020-2021学年高二英语选择性必修第四册同步单元AB卷(新教材外研版,天津专用)
2 . 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
1. When was the National Library of St. Mark’s first designed?
A.In 1588.B.In 1570.C.In 1537
2. What is the National Library of St. Mark’s known for?
A.Being the first public library.
B.Surviving several wars.
C.Having the largest collection of books.
3. Where was the Royal Library of Alexandria located?
A.In Syria.B.In Egypt.C.In Greece.
2023-10-13更新 | 61次组卷 | 1卷引用:天津市武清区杨村一中2023-2024学年高三上学期开学考试英语试卷
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 较易(0.85) |

3 . London has already hosted the Olympics twice before and the 2021 Olympics will make it the first city in history to have held three Olympic games.

The first London Olympics in 1908

These games were going to be held in Rome but, because of a volcano, Rome wasn’t ready. London agreed to stage the games and the White City Olympic Stadium was built in just 10 months. What was new at these Olympics was the opening ceremony where athletes paraded (列队行进) with their teams behind their national flags. Only 22 countries took part and the profits were just over £21,000!

The second London Olympics

Because of the Second World War, the 1944 Olympics were cancelled. Four years later the war was over and London was able to hold the Games in 1948.Things were very different in London during these Olympic Games and many years of war had left the UK poor and hungry. People called them the “Austerity Games”. But there were still some great sports and some exciting events!

59 countries took part, more than at any other Olympics before and the USA won the most medals with 84. For the first time, cameras filmed the games and broadcast them on television so that people could watch them in their own homes.

The third London Olympics in 2021

The Games this year are going to be bigger, better and more exciting than ever before.   There will be more than 10,000 athletes from 204 countries taking part!

London wants to make sure that the benefits of the Olympics don’t just last for a few weeks in summer but go on much longer. The buildings have been designed and constructed so that they can be used for different things when the Games are over.

1. The text is mainly about _____.
A.London will host the Olympics againB.London’s Olympic history
C.London’s Olympics will last much longerD.London is ready for the Olympics
2. London hosted the Olympics in 1908 instead of Rome because _____.
A.London could build a stadium in 10 monthsB.only 22 countries took part
C.there was a volcano eruption in RomeD.London could make more profits than Rome
3. The second London Olympic Games were called the “Austerity Games” because _____.
A.the UK were poor and hungry thenB.there were some great sports
C.the previous Olympic Games was cancelledD.about 59 countries took part
4. The underlined word “them” refers to _____.
A.the 59 countriesB.the 84 gold medals
C.all the athletesD.the games
5. According to the text, we know that _____.
A.the benefits of the Olympics used to last for months afterwards
B.the 2nd London Olympics attracted more countries than any other Olympics
C.the buildings for the 3rd London Olympics have more functions for future use
D.the 2nd London Olympics were cancelled because of the Second World War
2023-02-06更新 | 142次组卷 | 3卷引用:天津市第一百中学2022-2023学年高一上学期期中英语试题
书信写作-其他应用文 | 适中(0.65) |
4 . 电影《花木兰》上映后引起很大反响。假如你是李华,你的笔友Peter来信向你询问中国历史上花木兰的故事。请你给他回信,要点如下:
参考词汇:dress up装扮;a symbol of .....的象征;
Dear Peter,

I’m glad to know that you are interested in the story of Mulan.



Li Hua

2022-07-05更新 | 92次组卷 | 1卷引用:天津市东丽区2021-2022学年度第二学期高二英语期末质量监测试题(含听力))
阅读理解-阅读表达 | 较易(0.85) |
5 . 阅读下面短文,并根据短文内容完成下列各题。

Marco Polo came from a wealthy family and received a good education. He was only six years old when his father and uncle left for a journey to China or Cathay, as it was called at that time. At the age of 17, Marco followed his father and uncle on their second journey to Asia.

The Polos traveled through many countries, over mountains and along the Silk Road, the main travel route for traders. Marco would keep detailed journals and record his findings. The Polos also stopped for a year in the Mongol region. There they learnt about the lives and culture of the people. This was useful as Marco was able to share what he had learnt with the Emperor of China, Kublai Khab. The Emperor was impressed with him. The Polos traveled 9,000 kilometres in more than three and a half years before reaching China. There Marco was most surprised to find the stones that burnt like logs. The Chinese had found a source of fuel that nobody in Europe could have imagined. It was called coal.

In 1298, Marco wrote a book called The Travels of Marco Polo which was a record of his travels in Asia. The book enabled the Europeans to understand and carry out trading activities more easily with Asians.

1. What was China also called in the past? (1 word)
2. What was the Silk Road mainly used as in ancient times? (no more than 10 words)
3. What did the Polos do during their stay in the Mongol region? (no more than 12 words)
4. Why was Marco impressed with the stones? (no more than 6 words)
5. What is the main idea of the last paragraph? (no more than 10 words)
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中(0.65) |

6 . While most people don’t think much about garbage, trash (垃圾) is beloved by archaeologist (考古学家). A favorite site for study is a midden (贝丘), an old trash or garbage heap (堆). A midden might contain damaged stone or metal items, which tell us about the weapons and tools people used. Softer materials such as wood, cloth, leather, and baskets are sometimes preserved. They may tell us what people wore, how they carried things, or the kind of toys used by children. Historic household trash heaps often contain broken pottery pieces and even traces of the food they once held.

Most people no longer keep a trash heap by the kitchen door. Instead, garbage is hauled off to landfills (垃圾填埋池). These landfills can still attract archaeologists. The Garbage Project collected information from landfills from 1987 to 1995. Student archaeologists measured tons of garbage from 15 landfills across the United States and Canada. This garbology, the study of garbage, research led to a better understanding of how people have changed what they consume during this period of time. The findings also led to a better awareness of how quickly various items rot. This helped with city planning for garbage disposal and recycling efforts.

Some found objects that may clearly be of archaeological interest, such as arrowheads and spear points. It is typically against the law to collect these on public lands, so they should be left in place. If you take a photo and note the location, you can notify the state archaeologist or the government branch that is in charge of the land, such as the National Park Service or the Bureau of Land Management.

Everyone is responsible for protecting archaeological resources, which is a concept known as “archaeological stewardship.” Sometimes this even means protecting old garbage.

1. Why is old trash important according to archaeologists?
A.It can teach us about the past.
B.It might help us locate metal mines.
C.It can contribute to modern material industry.
D.It might encourage us to protect our environment.
2. What did the student archaeologists mentioned in Paragraph 2 do?
A.They conducted a study on modern trash.
B.They recycled waste from some landfills.
C.They offered some creative city planning ideas.
D.They compared ancient trash heaps with modern landfills.
3. What should you do if you find a potential historic item?
A.Donate it to public collections.
B.Take it to proper authorities.
C.Leave it in a safe place.
D.Mark the place of it.
4. What is the best title for the text?
A.Past or Future?B.Trash or Treasure?
C.Protection of Damage?D.Problem or Resource?
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中(0.65) |

7 . “How do they walk in these things?” complains Jack Lemmon, walking with difficulty in his heels, newly dressed as his another identity Josephine, in the film “Some Like It Hot”.

High heels were, in fact, originally designed for men — and had an extremely practical purpose. Soldiers on horseback wore them in 10th-century Persia, according to Elizabeth Semmel hack of the Bata Shoe Museum in Toronto. The heel helped keep them stable as they stood up in their stirrups ( 马镫) and took aim at enemies with bows and arrows (cowboy boots still use heels in this way). Over time, heels appeared on the shoes of male nobles across Europe. Yet from the mid-17th century, heels became associated with supposedly “feminine” qualities, and so became women’s wear. Until the mid-20th century heels were heavy, heavy things. After the Second World War, techniques and materials used in aircraft engineering were applied to shoes, creating the stiletto ( 细高跟). The high, narrow heel requires a thin metal pole, strong enough to bear the wearer’s weight yet flexible enough to allow the shoe to move.

Shoemakers have searched actively for a right heel. They aim to reduce the angle created by a high heel, which forces the few square centimeteres of the ball of your foot to bear the entire weight of your body. Joan Oloff, a podiatrist-turned-shoe-designer, makes footwear lined with memory foam ( 泡沫) to absorb the shock of each painful step. The bottom part of the shoe is crafted to support the arch of the foot and distribute the wearer’s weight more equally. Antonia Saint Dunbar, an entrepreneur, makes shoes with a heel cup and strips inside to stop the foot slipping around and getting blisters ( 水泡). And growing numbers of companies make shoes with adjustable heels: two inches for the boardroom, four for the nightclub, none for home.

However, the wisest are stepping down altogether: in 2016, for the first time, more British women bought trainers than heels.

1. Why is a scene in “Some Like It Hot” mentioned in Paragraph 1?
A.To recommend this film.
B.To explain Jack’s double identity.
C.To introduce the topic of high heels.
D.To stress the difficulty of walking in heels.
2. How does Paragraph 2 mainly develop?
A.By presenting research findings.
B.By analyzing cause and effect.
C.By following the order of time.
D.By following the order of importance.
3. What was the original purpose of high heels?
A.To keep soldiers fighting on horseback steady.
B.To keep cowboys standing up in stirrups safe.
C.To show off the beauty of women.
D.To show the nobility of Europeans.
4. What have shoemakers tried their best to do?
A.Popularize shoes with adjustable heels.
B.Help women find the right high heels.
C.Encourage women to wear trainers.
D.Make high heels comfortable.
2022-04-01更新 | 168次组卷 | 3卷引用:2022届天津市新华中学高三英语高考首考摸底考试九英语试卷
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 较易(0.85) |

8 . Early people didn’t need to know the exact time of day. They slept when it was dark and worked when it was light.

33,000—28,000 B.C.

People notice that changes in the weather (the seasons) are connected to changes in the sun, moon, and stars.

8,000 B.C.

Chinese, the Maya, and Sumerians develop calendars based on the cycles of the sun (a year) and the moon (a month). Most people are farmers. Calendars tell them when to plant crops and when their animals will have babies.

1,500 B.C.

People in Egypt and Sumer develop some of the first water clocks. Unlike sundials, water clocks measure time even when it’s cloudy.


European cities build towers with mechanical clocks inside. Every hour, a bell is rung for all to hear.


Most Americans now have clocks at home. Trains keep exact schedules. Railroad workers carry pocket watches that don’t gain or lose more than 30 seconds in a week.


An atomic clock is built in England. It measures oscillations(颤动) of light from cesium atoms. The light oscillates even faster than quartz crystals. Atomic clocks are the most accurate clocks yet.


People rely on the Internet and cell-phone networks, which need super precise timing. Atomic clocks keep getting better.

1. How can ancient Chinese tell when to plant crops?
A.By using calendars.B.By observing the cycles of the sun.
C.By watching the animals.D.By predicting the weather changes.
2. Who built towers with mechanical clocks inside?
3. Which clocks are the most accurate?
A.Chinese calendars.B.Water clocks.C.Mechanical clocks.D.Atomic clocks.
听力选择题-长对话 | 适中(0.65) |
9 . 听下面一段对话,回答以下小题。
1. What does the man think the gold cup was used for in the past?
A.Drinking wine.
B.Drinking tea.
C.Holding soup.
2. Why is the gold cup more valuable now, according to the man?
A.It was used by the rich ones.
B.It is a symbol of a man.
C.It is really rare now.
3. What does the woman want to do next?
A.Buy the man a souvenir.
B.Look at other items.
C.Leave the museum.
2022-02-20更新 | 109次组卷 | 1卷引用:天津市红桥区2020-2021学年高二下学期期末考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中(0.65) |

10 . I'm Victor Bobra from Belarus. When I was three years old, a nuclear explosion (核爆炸) blew up in Chernobyl, Ukraine. At the time, I was living on the border with Ukraine.When the explosion happened, my dad, was looking after the trucks at the station. When he heard about the disaster, he took us to Brest on the truck. After that, my family moved to Minsk.

Many years have passed since the explosion. Different places were affected differently. If you live in an area like Minsk, it's not as polluted as other areas. Kids there were born normally. Maybe they were underweight or something, but this was because of the problems of the economic situation. If kids were born around the Brest area, they were, born almost perfectly, because it's the cleanest area in Belarus. But if kids were born around the area to the east of Belarus,most of the kids were born deformed (畸形的).

I don't know much about how it has affected my health. But what happened was that everybody had a medical check-up after the disaster. The doctors found that I had got some protein inside me: So they thought there was something wrong with me, and suggested I should be treated.

My mum set up 'a charity, Chernobyl Children Lifeline, which raised some money for me. I've stayed here for treatment since then. The reason I can't go to Belarus is because of the radiation (辐射). If I go back, I might get radiation and get ill. Certainly there isn't any medical care, because the country is very poor. At the moment I can't even see my parents for a holiday. My parents probably miss me. I think the fault (过失) that Chernobyl blew up is the government's.

1. What can we learn from the second paragraph?
A.People in Minsk were rich before the disaster.
B.Victor Bobra lived in the cleanest area in Belarus.
C.The east of Belarus was seriously affected by the disaster.
D.Kids born in Minsk were underweight because of the disaster.
2. The author's mother built a charity in order to________.
A.provide home for the homeless
B.collect money for his treatment
C.raise money for deformed kids
D.help those suffering from radiation
3. Which of the following is TRUE according to the text?
A.The author's father didn't survive the disaster.
B.The author lived in Minsk when the disaster happened.
C.The author was given good treatment with the help of the government.
D.The author thought the government should take responsibility for the disaster.
4. From the passage, we can know that________.
A.everybody had a medical examination after the nuclear explosion
B.the doctors did not think it necessary to have the author treated
C.the author's country can afford to provide medical care
D.the author is living with his parents now
5. What is the author's main purpose in writing the text?
A.To prove the great force of the nuclear explosion.
B.To tell readers the nuclear explosion in Chernobyl.
C.To show the bad effects of the nuclear explosion.
D.To find out the truth of the nuclear explosion.
2021-11-26更新 | 148次组卷 | 2卷引用:天津市天津中学2021-2022学年高一上学期期中考试试题
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