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1 . The Taj Mahal(泰姬陵)is a love story, a sad and beautiful one. If it didn’t exist, we would easily imagine that the story of its construction was simply a fairy tale. Three hundred years ago, there lived an Indian emperor called Shah Jahan. His wife was a beautiful and bright woman whom he loved greatly. Her title was Mumtazl

Mahal: its shortened form Taj Mahal, means “pride of the palace”. In the year 1630 this beloved wife of the emperor died. He was so brokenhearted that he thought of giving up his throne(王位). He decided out of his love for his wife, to build her the most beautiful tomb that he had ever seen.

He summoned the best artists and architects from India, Turkey, Persia and Arabia and finally, the design was completed. It took more than twenty thousand men working over a period of 18 years to build the Taj Mahal, one of the most beautiful buildings in the world.

The building itself stands on a marble platform 29 meters square and 6—7 meters high. Towers rise from each of the four comers. The Taj Mahal itself soars another 61 meters into the air. It is an eight-sided building made of white marble.

The emperor planned to build an identical(相同的)tomb of black marble for himself on the other side of the river connected by a silver bridge. However, his son put him into a prison in the palace before he could finish, and for the rest of his life, he could only gaze across river at the tomb of his beloved wife.

1. Why was the Taj Mahal built according to the passage? Because________.
A.Shah Jahan was heartbroken after the death of his wife
B.Shah Jahan loved his wife greatly
C.his wife was a beautiful and bright woman
D.his wife was the “pride of the palace”
2. From the passage we can know________.
A.the Taj Mahal was completed quickly owing to the efforts of the best artists and workers
B.a lot of people took part in the building of the Taj Mahal
C.the Taj Mahal and Shah Jahan’s own tomb were built at the same time
D.the Taj Mahal is the most beautiful tomb in the world
3. The emperor’s own tomb was designed to be________.
4. The reason why the emperor couldn’t finish his own tomb was that________.
A.he died soon after his wife’s deathB.he was killed by his son
C.he gave up his throneD.he was put into prison by his son
5. The whole passage tells us about ________.
A.the story of the Taj Mahal
B.a beautiful fairy tale
C.white and black marble tombs made for two emperors
D.the love story of Emperor Shah Jahan and his wife
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