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1 . What can be done about mass unemployment? All the wise heads agree: there’re no quick or easy answers. There’s work to be done, but workers aren’t ready to do it — they’re in the wrong places, or they have the wrong skills. Our problems are structural, and will take many years to solve.

But don’t bother asking for evidence that justifies this bleak (暗淡的) view. There isn’t any. On the contrary, all the facts suggest that high unemployment in America is the result of inadequate demand. Saying that there’re no easy answers sounds wise, but it’s actually foolish: our unemployment crisis could be cured very quickly if we had the intellectual clarity and political will to act. In other words, structural unemployment is a fake problem, which mainly serves as an excuse for not pursuing real solutions.

The fact is job openings have plunged in every major sector, while the number of workers forced into part-time employment in almost all industries has soared. Unemployment has surged in every major occupational category. Only three states, with a combined population not much larger than that of Brooklyn, have unemployment rates below 5%. So the evidence contradicts the claim that we’re mainly suffering from structural unemployment. Why, then, has this claim become so popular?

Part of the answer is that this is what always happens during periods of high unemployment — in part because experts and analysts believe that declaring the problem deeply rooted, with no easy answers, makes them sound serious.

I’ve been looking at what self-proclaimed experts were saying about unemployment during the Great Depression; it was almost identical to what Very Serious People are saying now. Unemployment cannot be brought down rapidly, declared one 1935 analysis, because the workforce is “unadaptable and untrained. It cannot respond to the opportunities which industry may offer.” A few years later, a large defense buildup finally provided a financial stimulus adequate to the economy’s needs — and suddenly industry was eager to employ those “unadaptable and untrained” workers.

But now, as then, powerful forces are ideologically opposed to the whole idea of government action on a sufficient scale to jump-start the economy. And that, fundamentally, is why claims that we face huge structural problems have been multiplying: they offer a reason to do nothing about the mass unemployment that is crippling (损害) our economy and society.

So what you need to know is that there’s no evidence whatsoever to back these claims. We aren’t suffering from a shortage of needed skills; we’re suffering from a lack of policy resolve. As I said, structural unemployment isn’t a real problem, it’s an excuse — a reason not to act on America’s problems at a time when action is desperately needed.

1. What does the author think of the experts’ claim concerning unemployment?
2. What does the author say helped bring down unemployment during the Great Depression?
A.The booming defense industry.B.The wise heads’ benefit package.
C.Nationwide training of workers.D.Thorough restructuring of industries.
3. What has caused claims of huge structural problems to multiply?
A.Economists, failure to detect the problems in time.
B.Very Serious People’s attempt to cripple the economy.
C.Evidence gathered from many sectors of the industries.
D.Powerful opposition to government’s stimulus efforts.
4. What is the author’s purpose in writing the passage?
A.To confirm the experts’ analysis of America’s problems.
B.To offer a feasible solution to the structural unemployment
C.To show the urgent need for the government to take action.
D.To alert American workers to the urgency for adaptation.
2024-05-25更新 | 51次组卷 | 1卷引用:上海市建平中学2023-2024学年高三英语3月检测英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 较难(0.4) |

2 . Those who had the pleasure of watching Benny Goodman at work saw a rather ordinary-looking man in rimless glasses and a conservative business suit; but they also saw a human being who could play the clarinet(单簧管) like no one before or since. This made Benny Goodman a unique individual.

Other Americans who have stood out from the flock include Joe DiMaggio, Beverly Sill, Ernest Hemingway and Jonas Salk. They, like Benny Goodman, were recognized and honored for no other reason than excellence.

It is doing something better than other people that makes us unique. Yet a surprising number of people still see individuality as a surface thing. They wear garish clothes, dye their hair strange colors and decorate their skin with tattoos to make some kind of social statement. But an ordinary guy who has dyed his hair purple or orange is nothing more than the same person with a funny-looking head.

The whole purpose of individuality is excellence. Those who invent, who improvise(即兴发挥), who know more about a subject than other people do, and who take something that doesn’t work and make it work––these people are the very soul of capitalism.

Charles Kettering didn’t like the idea of cranking a car to make it start, so he invented the electric starter. Henry Ford figured out the assembly-line technique and made it possible to mass-produce automobiles, and Elisha Otis, inventor of the elevator, indirectly created the city sky-line. These people understood that individualism means working at the top of one’s capacity.

The ones with the purple hair and the funky jewelry are just along for the ride, trying to be “different” and not knowing how to go about it.

The student who earns straight A’s on his report card has grasped the idea and has found the real meaning of individuality. So has the youngster who has designed his own spaceship, who gives piano recitals, who paints pictures of the world around him.

Benny Goodman understood it too. This is why he was at his best, blowing his clarinet, in a blue suit and black shoes.

1. The author mentions the appearance of Benny Goodman to _________.
A.show what a talented musician should look like
B.introduce an important figure in the musical world
C.contrast with his talent in music performance
D.indicate that he can’t stand out from the flock
2. The author would most probably agree that _________.
A.an individualist tends to seek difference both in character and appearance
B.the essence of individualism lies in pursuing excellence to the full
C.being different in appearance is the very first step to being individual
D.those who strive to win the recognition of others are real individualists
3. According to the passage, which individual’s actions may not truly embody the essence of individualism?
A.A scientist who conducts research solely advancing knowledge for the greater good rather than for personal recognition.
B.A social media influencer who conforms to popular opinions to maintain a large following.
C.An artist who creates unique works but fail to gain fame and recognition from others.
D.An entrepreneur who prioritizes ethical considerations over profit in his business practices.
4. For the main thread, the article is organized by way of __________.
A.specific to generalB.cause and effect
C.examples and conclusionD.comparison and contrast
阅读理解-六选四(约250词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . Addiction to Labeling

Maybe you’ve noticed it in the comments section of popular social media posts about anxiety. depression or things alike, with a number of people claiming to pick these labels for themselves.

These days, labeling is everywhere.     1     However, the negative part is that it’s easy for someone to identify with the characteristics without truly recognizing the context in which these characteristics would require diagnosis, according to Charlotte Armitage, a registered integrative psychotherapist and psychologist.

If you have done your research and genuinely feel that you have some form of mental health concern, then finally having a name for your behaviors can be great. But the risk is that many people will seek labels and intervention for any behavior, pattern or emotion that is outside of the permanent happy group that society has set as the norm. “    2     Then the saying ‘a little bit of knowledge is dangerous’ springs to my mind,” Armitage adds.

    3     “Children are still developing and evolving, and many childhood behavioral features may seem like those of a disorder when there’re other potential explanations for that behavior,” Armitage notes. Ideally, a diagnosis for a child should be carried out by a qualified mental health professional. So it is with an adult.

Nevertheless, the most important thing to bear in mind is that diagnosis doesn’t mean to indicate that you are broken or less capable.     4     And if you go deeper, it can alert you to the fact that you are not alone, and that many people experience life in the same way as you do.

A.Labeling poses even more of a problem when it comes to kids.
B.It can be helpful for those not quite able to understand why they feel the way they do.
C.There seems to be a desire to see negative emotions as something requiring intervention or diagnosis.
D.Labeling leads to children’s overcoming their addiction to what is posted online.
E.Someone has had only a certain experience and judges all behavior with that experience.
F.The basic function of a diagnosis is to give you a name for those behaviors once felt unusual.
2024-05-03更新 | 41次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届上海市松江区高三下学期模拟考质量监控英语试卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约400词) | 较难(0.4) |

4 . Pricing is managers’ biggest marketing headache. It’s where they feel the most pressure to perform and the least certain that they are doing a good job. All successful pricing efforts share two qualities: The policy combines well with the company’s overall marketing strategy, and the process is well-organized as a whole.

A company’s pricing policy sends a message to the market—it gives customers an important sense of a company’s philosophy. Consider Saturn Corporation (a wholly owned company of General Motors). Saturn wants to let consumers know that it is friendly and easy to do business with. Part of this concept is conveyed through initiatives such as inviting customers to the factory to see where the cars are made and sponsoring evenings at the dealership that combine a social event with training on car maintenance. But Saturn’s pricing policy sends a strong message as well. Can a friendly, trusting relationship be established with customers if a salesperson uses all the negotiating tricks in the book to try to separate them from that last $100? Of course not. Saturn has a “no hassle, no haggle” policy which removes the possibility of conflicts between dealer and potential customer. Customers have an easier time buying a car knowing that the next person in the door won’t negotiate a better deal.

Of course, there are typically many participants in the pricing process: Accounting provides cost estimates; marketing communicates the pricing strategy; sales provides specific customer input; production sets supply boundaries; and finance establishes the requirements for the entire company’s financial health. Input from diverse sources is necessary. However, problems arise when the philosophy of wide participation is carried over to the price-setting process without strong coordinating mechanisms (协调机制). For example, if the marketing department sets list prices, the salespeople negotiate discounts in the field, the legal department adjusts prices if necessary to prevent breaking the laws or contractual agreements, and the people filling orders negotiate price adjustments for delays in shipment, everybody’s best intentions usually end up bringing about less than the best results. In fact, the company may actually lose money on some orders.

1. Why is it essential for a company’s pricing policy to combine with its overall marketing strategy?
A.To maximize possible returns and profits.
B.To maintain consistency in business operations.
C.To eliminate the need for diverse sales inputs.
D.To attract customers to social events and trainings.
2. What does Saturn’s “no hassle, no hagglepolicy (paragraph 2) most probably mean?
A.Saturn trains its dealers to treat customers sincerely.
B.Saturn offers discounts to some loyal customers.
C.Saturn cars are at least $100 cheaper than other cars.
D.Saturn cars are sold at fixed, non-negotiable prices.
3. What can be inferred from the wide participation in the pricing process?
A.Decision making requires gathering comprehensive information.
B.The coordinating mechanism won’t work without a lot of input.
C.Potential customers are easily upset at any stage of the process.
D.The company loses money unless everyone intends for the best.
4. Which of the following is the best title for this passage?
A.The art of coordinating pricing processes
B.The best sales negotiation techniques
C.Getting one step closer toward better pricing
D.Maximizing profits through pricing policies
2024-05-02更新 | 104次组卷 | 2卷引用:2024届上海市虹口区高三下学期二模英语试题
阅读理解-六选四(约270词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . The young lead new trends in consumption market

With the post-1990 generation becoming a vibrant (充满活力的) force in society and the post-2000 generation gradually entering the workforce, the purchasing power of the new generation of consumers has been steadily growing.

    1     Growing up in the internet era, the young consumers generally have higher education levels and a broader global outlook, and come from a relatively strong economic background. As such, their consumption behavior is different from that of the earlier generations.

In terms of consumption pattern, online shopping has become the top choice for young people. Young people not only comprise a comparatively high percentage of internet users but also tend to shop online.     2     This makes them easily influenced by product promotions and influencers on social media.

And yet a trend toward rational consumption has been growing rapidly over the past few years.     3     Instead, they focus more on product quality and functionality. They tend to compare products and services, and do some research before making purchasing decisions, in order to get the best out of their purchase. According to a study conducted by the Social Survey Center of China Youth Daily, 90.1 percent of the 1,000 young respondents said their consumption decision is based on the “spending where necessary and saving where possible” principle. Besides, young consumers seek more personalized and diversified products, reflecting their emotional needs and increasing sense of self-worth.     4    

When it comes to brand cognition, young consumers seem to favor domestic products. Thanks to information online, young consumers no longer blindly pursue foreign brands and instead prefer local brands, highlighting their confidence in Chinese-made products. From Li-Ning, Anta to Warrior shoes, domestic brands in various fields are being warmly welcomed by young consumers.

A.Young consumers no longer blindly chase trendy or luxury items.
B.They excel in using mobile devices and social media for getting information.
C.Their tendency to pay much leads to the development of products and services.
D.Their changing behaviors in consumption have promoted high-quality products.
E.In fact, young people are slowly becoming the main force in the consumer market.
F.They are willing to pay for products with unique features and innovative services.
2024-05-02更新 | 32次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届上海市金山区高三下学期二模英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约470词) | 适中(0.65) |

6 . Both my parents worked for 30-plus years for their employers — they had lifelong careers at a single company. Growing up, they taught me the importance of “loyalty” and “commitment”.

But in a rapidly changing world, the concept of a job for life has become as rare as a dial-up internet connection. This shift from stable, long-term employment and single-employer careers to a world where frequent job changes are the norm comes directly from globalisation, rapid technological advancements and the changing ideas about work.

Globalisation has turned the world economy into a giant, interconnected web. This has made job markets fiercely competitive and talent and opportunities in the labour market more diverse and digitally accessible.

Jobs can be widely publicised and explored online and are no longer tied to your city of birth. Add to this the rapid technological progress. We now live in a world where the skills you learned yesterday might not be enough for today’s job market.

The job market is transforming, with new careers emerging as automation and artificial intelligence (AI) advances. Risks and price policies can be efficiently assessed using AI, making insurance underwriters redundant while advanced software in banking and finance mean data analysis can be automated.

Online booking has reduced demand for travel agents and desktop publishers are being replaced by user-friendly software, which allows people to create their own materials. These changes highlight the need for professionals to update their skills and adapt to a technologically evolving job market.

As a result, career paths have become fluid and multi-directional. It’s no longer just about climbing the corporate ladder and getting a regular paycheck; it’s about exploring different paths, switching jobs and industries and sometimes even venturing into freelancing and the gig economy.

Loyalty is defined as an employee’s commitment to their organisation and its goals. It means a willingness to put in extra effort and to uphold the company’s values and objectives. Loyal workers often identify strongly with their workplace, are reliable and view the organisation positively, even during tough times.

When long-term employees change workplaces, it does not mean they are disloyal. It signifies a change in priorities and a redefined loyalty bond. Employees are loyal to their employer and its interests while working there. But they also seek mutual growth and expect to be recognised and rewarded.

Career paths are now a kaleidoscope (万花筒) of experiences and opportunities. Instead of a career identity being about a company brand, it is about skills, experiences and the meaningfulness of the work. This transformation means career decision-making is more intricate, considering personal aspirations, market trends and family considerations.

1. What factors have contributed to the shift in job market dynamics?
A.Increased reliance on desktop publishing software.
B.Changing ideas about loyalty and commitment.
C.The decreasing demand for travel agents due to online booking systems.
D.Globalization, rapid technological advancements, and evolving work concepts.
2. What skills are highlighted as essential for professionals in the evolving job market?
A.Skills related to desktop publishing.
B.Skills that were relevant yesterday.
C.Skills in data analysis and adaptability.
D.Skills in insurance underwriting.
3. How does the passage suggest employees should approach loyalty in the modern workplace?
A.By remaining with a single employer for their entire career.
B.By prioritizing personal growth and recognition.
C.By relying on traditional definitions of loyalty.
D.By avoiding job changes to maintain loyalty.
4. The best title for the passage is________.
A.Forget About a Job for Life
B.Learn More as Much as You Can
C.Benefit from Long-term Employment
D.The Impact of Globalization
2024-04-30更新 | 102次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届上海市徐汇区高三下学期二模考试英语试题(含听力)
阅读理解-阅读单选(约570词) | 较易(0.85) |

7 . Growing up in the 80s as a child with lots of siblings, I played in the street until dark or until we were called for dinner. We had an amazing community of neighbours. However, one elderly neighbour hated us. Every time the football went into her garden, she would confiscate it – and then pop the ball. When she collected over 20 deflated footballs, she would take them down to the police station and complain. To her, at least, free and active children were a pest and a disgrace.

Actually, at that time, nothing but one stopped us playing: the shattering of a window and the scream of a parent coming outside to tell us off. On reflection, I was probably part of the last generation of children to play outside regularly. Now in London, the estate I live in is covered with historic signs saying: “No ball games”.

The signs function as a play ban for children. Even during the summer, there are only a couple of rebels who dare to play football on the street. They get my nod and a kick of the ball back when it comes in my direction.

The problem is, many people don’t know that these signs are not enforceable by law: they are simply a request from local housing associations.

Of course, if people are kicking the ball against someone’s house or out on the streets making noise late at night, it would be considered criminal damage and antisocial behaviour – and quite right. But most of the time the signs are just preventing children from playing.

The London Sport charity has recommended that these signs are removed. I agree - let’s burn them all. But I do think it is simplistic to imagine banning the signs will combat a national obesity epidemic.

The Active Lives Survey shows that just 47% of children in England are getting the recommended 60 minutes or more of sport and physical activity a day. Removing “No ball games” signs doesn’t mean that the other 53% of children will feel motivated to venture outside and play.

The Active Lives Survey also suggests that boys are more likely to be active than girls. Perhaps boys are still given more activity opportunities. The Lionesses(英格兰女足)win at the Euros football tournament highlighted the lack of opportunities for girls in football and inequitable sports curriculums in schools.

Children and young people of black, Asian and other minority ethnicities are least likely to be active. Perhaps because racism in sport is alive and kicking?

In addition, access to sport and physical activity is a social justice issue that depends on location and financial circumstances. For a child from an economically disadvantaged background, who lives in a high-rise flat with little green space around, the costs and practicalities of participating in sport are prohibitive. For example, a weekend tennis court costs anywhere between £10 and £27, without travel or equipment.

So, while we can burn all the “No ball games” signs in the country, the real barrier to combating low activity levels in children is social inequality. What really needs to happen to get our children moving?

1. What does the underlined word “confiscate” in Paragraph 1 mean in the context?
A.Collect something as a hobbyB.Take something away as a punishment
C.Destroy something due to being annoyedD.Remove and make something disappear
2. Why does the author believe that removing “No ball games” signs may not effectively combat low activity levels in children?
A.Because children prefer indoor activities.
B.Because boys are more active than girls.
C.Because access to physical activity is influenced by social inequality.
D.Because of the lack of interest in sports among children.
3. What conclusion does the author draw regarding the relationship between “No ball games” signs and low activity levels in children?
A.Removing the signs will directly address the issue of low activity levels.
B.Social inequality is the primary barrier to increasing children’s activity levels.
C.Boys are more likely to play sports than girls due to cultural biases.
D.Racism in sports is a significant factor in preventing children from being active.
4. What is the main idea of the passage?
A.The author reminisces about their childhood and the changes in outdoor play.
B.The ineffectiveness of “No ball games” signs in encouraging physical activity among children.
C.The impact of social inequality on children’s access to physical activity.
D.The author’s support for removing “No ball games” signs but recognition of deeper issues.
2024-04-30更新 | 74次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届上海市徐汇区高三下学期二模考试英语试题(含听力)
阅读理解-六选四(约290词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . Martha Stewart was charged, tried and convicted of a crime in 2014. As she neared the end of her prison sentence, a well-known columnist wrote that she was “paying her dues,” and that “there is simply no reason for anyone to attempt to deny her right to start anew. ”

    1     Unfortunately, many federal and state laws impose post-conviction restrictions on a shockingly large number of Americans, who are prevented from ever fully paying their debt to society.

At least 65 million people in the United States have a criminal record. This can result in severe penalties (惩罚) that continue long after punishment is completed.

Many of these penalties are imposed regardless of the seriousness of the offense or the person’s individual circumstances.       2     They can affect a person’s ability to get a job and qualification for benefits.

In all, more than 45,000 laws and rules serve to exclude vast numbers of people from fully participating in American life. Some laws make senses. No one advocates letting someone convicted of pedophilia (恋童癖) work in a school.       3     Should a woman who possessed a small amount of drugs years ago be permanently unable to be licensed as a nurse?

These laws are also counterproductive (适得其反), since they make it harder for people with criminal records to find housing or a job, two key factors that reduce backsliding. A recent report makes several recommendations, including the abolition of most post-conviction penalties, except for those specifically needed to protect public safety.       4    

The point isn’t to excuse or forget the crime. Rather, it is to recognize that in America’s vast criminal justice system, and second chances are crucial. It is in no one's interest to keep a large segment of the population on the margins of society.

A.Criminals should pay the price of finding housing or a job and getting qualifications for benefits.
B.Surely, the American ideal of second chances shouldn’t be reserved only for the rich and powerful.
C.But too often collateral (附随的) consequences bear no relation to public safety.
D.Where the penalties are not a must, they should be imposed only if the facts of a case support it.
E.American’s vast criminal justice system provides criminals with necessary support for living.
F.Laws can restrict or ban voting, access to public housing, and professional and business licensing.
2024-04-21更新 | 49次组卷 | 2卷引用:2024届上海市长宁区高三下学期二模英语试卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约500词) | 适中(0.65) |
文章大意:这是一篇说明文。文章通过Shahid Ali捡垃圾为引入,说明了全球垃圾贸易基本上已经崩溃的事实。


Cut into hillside in northern Malaysia stands a large, open-air warehouse. This is a recycling factory, which opened last November. On a very hot afternoon in January, Shahid Ali was working his very first week on the job. He stood knee-deep in soggy, white bits of plastic. Around him, more bits floated of the conveyor belt and fell to the ground like snowflakes.

Hour after hour, Ali sorts through the plastic jumble moving down the belt, picking out pieces that look off-color or soiled-rejects (废品) in the recycling process. Though it looks like backbreaking work, Ali says it is a great improvement over his previous job, folding bed-sheets in a nearby textile factory, for much lower pay. Now, if he eats simply, he can save money from his wages of just over $l an hour and send $250 a month to his parents and six brothers and sisters in Peshawar, Pakistan, 2,700 miles away, “As soon as I heard about this work, I asked for a job,” says Ali, 24, a bearded man with glasses and an easy smile. Still, he’s working 12 hours a day, seven days a week. “If I take a day off, I lose a day’s wages,” he says.

In the warehouse, hundreds of bags are stacked more than 60 feet high-each stuffed with plastic wrappers and bags thrown away weeks earlier by their original users in California. The fact that the waste has traveled to this distant corner of the planet in the first place shows how badly the global recycling economy has failed to keep pace with humanity’s plastics addiction. This is an ecosystem that is deeply dysfunctional, if not on the point of collapse: About 90% of the millions of tons of plastic the world produces every year will eventually end up not recycled, but burned, buried, or dumped.

Plastic recycling enjoys ever-wider support among consumers: Putting yogurt containers and juice bottles in a blue bin is an eco-friendly act of faith in millions of households. But faith goes only so far. The tidal wave of plastic items that enters the recycling stream each year is increasingly likely to fall right back out again, casualties of a broken market. Many products that consumers believe (and industries claim) are “recyclable" are in reality not, because of hard economics. With oil and gas prices near 20-year lows, so-called virgin plastic, a product of petroleum feed-stocks, is now far cheaper and easier to obtain than recycled material. That unforeseen shift has yanked the financial rug out from under what was until recently a practical recycling industry. “The global waste trade is essentially broken,” says the head of the global plastics campaign at Greenpeace. “We are sitting on vast amounts of plastic with nowhere to send it and nothing to do with it.”

1. What is the author’s attitude towards Shahid Ali?
2. What most probably causes the problem of global waste recycling?
A.The prices of oil and gas have been increasing.
B.Tons of wastes travel so far before being recycled.
C.Recyclable products are not really recycled.
D.Governments don’t support the recycling industry.
3. What does the italicized word “dysfunctional” mean in the passage?
A.Out of stock.B.Far from pleased.C.Full of energy.D.Out of order.
4. What is the author’s purpose of writing this article?
A.To illustrate how plastic waste has been recycled in the world.
B.To warn people that the global waste trade is essentially broken.
C.To analyze the relationship between consumers and factories.
D.To solve the conflict between the recycling industry and governments.
2024-04-21更新 | 90次组卷 | 2卷引用:2024届上海市长宁区高三下学期二模英语试卷
阅读理解-六选四(约250词) | 较易(0.85) |

10 . Childhood Media Shaping Futures

Much of the media we consume during our formative years shapes us into the people we are today. Reflect on a particular piece of media from our childhood—perhaps it’s the TV show we eagerly awaited every weekend during visits to our grandmother’s house.     1     It shapes our dreams and fears and even drives us to future careers.

    2     Older children may have had a lot more restrictions, like TV shows, movies, and social media access. And because of these, they were able to be a child for longer compared to their siblings (兄弟姐妹). Children who have older siblings tend to show more mature tendencies and can appear to “grow up quicker” than other children their age.

While they might have been restricted from social media accounts until a certain age, once given access, they tend to be more prepared. The media exposure of our generation has undoubtedly led to an increased maturation at younger ages.     3    

Simply looking back at previous generations and the rate of consumption and processing of information that we experience every day, the effects of such are only beginning. As soon-to-be or current adults, we are already facing issues such as depression, anxiety, and delays in certain learning and social skills, just to name a few. Are we “more mature?” or are we overexposed and at risk for exceptional mental, physical, and emotional consequences?

In conclusion, childhood media consumption significantly influences our lives.     4     Striking a balance between media exposure and mental well-being is essential for our growth in today’s media-rich world.

A.Such media doesn’t just entertain.
B.You can easily pick out the differences among your siblings.
C.As we journey through adulthood, it’s crucial to reflect on its impact.
D.Media exposure during childhood impacts each child in distinct ways.
E.Additionally, media have proven to have long-term effects on individuals.
F.However, our mental and physical states may not be adequately equipped to handle it.
2024-04-16更新 | 66次组卷 | 2卷引用:2024届上海市上海市闵行区高三二模英语试题
共计 平均难度:一般