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1 . Psychologists have long been in disagreement as to whether competition is a learned or a genetic component of human behavior. Whatever it is, you cannot but recognize the effect competition has on academics and many other areas of contemporary life.

Psychologically speaking, competition has been seen as an unavoidable consequence of human drives. According to Sigmund Freud, humans are born screaming for attention and full of organic drives for fulfillment in various areas. Initially, we compete for the attention of our parents.

Current work in anthropology (人类学) has suggested, however, that this view of the role of competition in human behavior may be a fallacy. Thomas Hobbes, one of the great philosophers of the seventeenth century, is perhaps best remembered for his characterization of the “natural world”, that is, the world before the introduction of the will of humanity, as being unpleasant and short. This opinion is still widely held, reinforced by Charles Darwin’s highly influential work, The Origin of Species, which established the doctrine (学说) of natural selection. Darwin’s theory has even been summarized as “survival of the fittest”-a phrase Darwin himself never used-further highlighting competition’s role in success. As it has often been pointed out, however, there is nothing in the concept of natural selection that suggests that competition is the most successful strategy for “survival of the fittest”. Darwin said in The Origin of Species that the struggles he was describing should be viewed as metaphors and couldn’t be separated from dependence and cooperation.

Many studies have been conducted to test the importance placed on competition rather than other values, such as cooperation, and generally conclude that Americans uniquely praise competition as natural, unavoidable, and desirable. In 1937, the world-renowned anthropologist Margaret Mead published Cooperation and Competition among Primitive Peoples, based on her studies of several societies that did not prize competition, and, in fact, seemed at times to place a negative value on it. One such society was the Zuni Indians of Arizona, and they, Mead found, valued cooperation far more than competition. After studying dozens of such cultures, Mead’s final conclusion was that competitiveness is a culturally created aspect of human behavior, and that its popularity in a particular society is relative to how that society values it.

1. What does the author think is commonly seen in many areas of contemporary life?
A.The origin of human drives.
B.The influence of competition.
C.The reasons for human behaviour.
D.The disagreement on competition.
2. What does the underlined words “a fallacy” in the second paragraph mean?
A.A false idea.
B.A hard nut.
C.A losing battle.
D.A mixed blessing.
3. What can we learn from Darwin’s words in The Origin of Species?
A.All species depend on others for survival.
B.The strongest species proves to be the fittest.
C.Struggles for survival include support of each other.
D.Competition is looked on as the best survival strategy.
4. What conclusion did Margaret Mead reach?
A.It is characteristic of humans to be competitive.
B.Americans are uniquely opposed to cooperation.
C.Competition is relatively more popular in Western societies.
D.People’s attitude towards competition is actually culture-bound.
2024-05-26更新 | 96次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届江苏省南通市高三下学期高考适应性考试(三)英语试题(含听力)

2 . Adults living by themselves may have a higher risk of dying from cancer compared with those who live with others, a new study suggests.

The research, published Thursday in the journal Cancer, found that among 114,772 working-age adults who lived alone, 2.5% of them died of cancer during the study period. Meanwhile, among 358,876 adults who lived with others, 1.6%, a much smaller share, died of cancer in the study. Adults aged 18 to 64 were enrolled in the study and researchers found the strongest association was in those aged 45 to 64.

The researchers from the American Cancer Society analyzed data on more than 470,000 adults from the National Health Interview Survey, taking a close look at how many of the adults lived alone versus with others and how many died of cancer.

“Our findings may suggest that stronger social support existing in communities from racial minority groups and people of lower socioeconomic status might have alleviated (缓解) the association between living alone and cancer death in this group, but we need more research on reasons for these differences,” Islami said.

Compared with adults living with others, adults living alone were more likely to have poor self-reported health status, activity limitation, serious psychological distress, severe obesity, smoke cigarettes, or consume alcohol, according to the study.

“More research is needed to identify the exact underlying mechanisms to explain the association between living alone and cancer death”, Kathrin Milbury, associate professor of behavioral science at The University of Texas, who was not involved in the new study, said in an email.

“The biological mechanisms of social isolation are not fully understood; however, humans are social beings, and being isolated creates a state of biological stress that is harmful to our health,” Milbury said. “The other mechanism I believe is related to being in a relationship with others, beyond benefiting just from their presence, but also receiving their care and support.”

1. How does the author justify the finding in paragraph 2?
A.By analyzing reasons.B.By listing statistics.
C.By giving examples.D.By making comments.
2. Which of the following will Islami probably agree with?
A.Stronger social support will not cause cancer death.
B.People in their 50s are more likely to survive cancer.
C.Influences of social support need to be further explored.
D.People from minority groups have stronger social support.
3. Which problem is not mentioned about living alone?
A.Abusing alcohol.B.Walking inconvenience.
C.Gaining weight.D.Communicative disability.
4. What can be inferred from the last two paragraphs?
A.Scientists have revealed the underlying mechanisms.
B.Receiving others’ support helps relieve social isolation.
C.Lonely people can receive more social care and support.
D.More scientists have been attracted to the great research.
2024-03-29更新 | 35次组卷 | 1卷引用:江苏省启东市汇龙中学2023-2024学年高二下学期第一次质量检测英语试卷

3 . Lining up to board a plane has become an evident indicator of how our society has commodified (使商品化) the very act of waiting. The more you pay, the sooner you can get on the plane and the less likely you will have to check a bag. It’s not just airlines, it’s also museums, online purchases and amusement parks where VIP status can help you avoid lines. When did the act of waiting get such a bad reputation?

The very act of waiting can enhance our appreciation of something. We enjoy the anticipation like a child waiting for Christmas or summer vacation. Perhaps the person waiting in line to see his favorite singer perform in concert relishes the night more because of the time invested in getting into the venue.

As our world has sped up, this desirable balance between instant and delayed satisfaction conflicts with the current expectations of many people. When we denigrate (诋毁) the act of waiting, we risk losing an important part of our shared humanity. Having to wait is taken as a sign of being less well off or “not in the game”. It encourages privileged impatience and disdain (鄙视) for those who are caught waiting.

But the capacity to wait is a foundational part of a civilized society and thus an important skill to have. If we lose our ability to stand in line or to wait our turn, we suffer from the stress of a changing world. If we label people who wait as “losers”, we release strong urges to grab what’s ours at any cost with no concern about those we leave behind. We see the people in line as “other”, not like us, and that dehumanization (非人化) is dangerous.

Of course, we should not have to wait patiently for everything. For example, there are times when injustice deserves immediate action. Asking people to wait can be a calculated obstacle to change. In a larger context though, all of us are supposed to understand the act of waiting not only as a necessary evil but also as an important function which allows us to participate fully in life alongside our fellow travelers.

1. What is the author’s purpose of writing paragraph 1?
A.To draw a conclusion.B.To explain a new rule.
C.To raise a hot issue.D.To propose a suggestion.
2. What does the underlined word “relishes” mean in paragraph 2?
3. What will happen if we lose our ability to wait according to the text?
A.Our society will fall into depression.B.We will fail to achieve success.
C.Our society will see less civilization.D.We will suffer from mental illness.
4. What is the author’s attitude toward the act of waiting?
2024-03-08更新 | 85次组卷 | 1卷引用:江苏省南通市通州区2023-2024学年高三下学期期初质量监测英语试题
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4 . “Sorry, I’m just now seeing your email!” (You sent it 15 minutes ago.)

“Sorry that you completely misinterpreted that thing I said.”

“Sorry you just rammed into me with your grocery-store cart.”

“Sorry” has become commonplace in daily conversations and communications. We drop it indiscriminately for all manner of things we really shouldn’t be sorry for. Is it time to stop?

“I wasn’t really that sorry,” admits Louise Julig, a freelance writer in Encinitas, Calif., who found she was constantly apologizing for the “delay” when replying to notes, even when there wasn’t much of a delay at all. “Sorry has lost its meaning, no longer a heartfelt declaration of remorse (悔恨) but just a subconscious response,” said Louise Julig. Now, faced with a blank email, Ms. Julig asks herself, did I miss something, or mess someone else up? If the answer is no, she’s not sorry.

I understand very well how she feels. When I searched my sent emails for the phrase, “Sorry for the delay,” the result was too many hits for Gmail to give me an exact count. I tried, in the course of reporting this column, to cut back on my apologies. Mostly I failed, catching myself exclaiming sorry! I apologized to the person I contacted for this piece when I called three minutes later than I was supposed to; then I apologized for only being able to meet him on the day I suggested, not the other; I even apologized in advance for any offence I might cause to him during the conversation.

While apologizing too much in daily life may not have serious consequences, doing so in business, especially when you’ve actually done something wrong, is just asking for trouble—you’re giving away your power, says Jeffrey Pfeffer, a professor of organizational behavior at Stanford Graduate School of Business.

People are never satisfied with an apology, he adds. Exhibiting vulnerability (脆弱) only makes you look weak. Standing your ground comes with risks. You might not be liked. But he thinks it’s worth it. “You can either give in to what people want you to be, or you can decide that you are going to risk offending people. Life is about trade-offs (权衡),” he says.

1. What did Louise Julig realize at last?
A.She couldn’t help but delay replying to others’ notes.
B.She had a misunderstanding of the meaning of “sorry”.
C.She didn’t have to say “sorry” under many circumstances.
D.She often got people into trouble by delaying answering emails.
2. What does the author find difficult?
A.Apologizing by making a phone call.B.Reducing the frequency of apologies.
C.Stopping someone from apologizing.D.Finding out why people often apologize.
3. What does Jeffrey Pfeffer advise businessmen to do?
A.To take others’ apologies seriously.B.To avoid offending people on purpose.
C.To maintain power by avoiding apologizing.D.To make sincere apologies whenever necessary.
4. What does the text mainly talk about?
A.Why we can gain benefits by apologizing.B.Why apologies are unnecessary in society.
C.Why apologizing too much is not favored.D.Why apologizing can offend people sometimes.
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5 . Phonics, which involves sounding out words syllable (音节) by syllable, is the best way to teach children to read. But in many classrooms, this can be a dirty word. So much so that some teachers have had to take phonics teaching materials secretly into the classroom. Most American children are taught to read in a way that study after study has found to be wrong.

The consequences of this are striking. Less than half of all American adults were efficient readers in 2017. American fourth graders rank 15th on the Progress in International Literacy Study, an international exam.

America is stuck in a debate about teaching children to read that has been going on for decades. Some advocate teaching symbol sound relationships (the sound k can be spelled as c, k, ck, or ch) known as phonics Others support an immersive approach (using pictures of cat to learn the word cat), known as “whole language”. Most teachers today, almost three out of four according to a survey by EdWeek Research Centre in 2019, use a mix of the two methods called “balanced literacy”.

“A little phonics is far from enough.” says Tenette Smith, executive director of elementary education and reding at Mississippi’s education department. “It has to be systematic and explicitly taught.”

Mississippi, often behind in social policy, has set an example here. In a state once blamed for its low reading scores, the Mississippi state legislature passed new literacy standards in 2013.Since then Mississippi has seen remarkable gains., Its fourth graders have moved from 49th (out of 50 states) to 20th on the National assessment of Educational Progress, a nationwide exam.

Mississippi’s success is attributed to application of reading methods supported by a body of research known as the science of reading. In 1997 experts from the Department of Education ended the “reading war” and summed up the evidence. They found that phonics, along with explicit instruction in phonemic (音位的) awareness, fluency and comprehension, worked best.

Yet over two decades on, “balanced literacy” is still being taught in classrooms. But advances in statistics and brain imaging have disproved the whole-language method. To the teacher who is an efficient reader, literacy seem like a natural process that requires educated guessing, rather than the deliberate process emphasized by phonics. Teachers can imagine that they learned to read through osmosis(潜移默化) when they were children. Without proper training, they bring this to classrooms.

1. What do we learn about phonics in many American classrooms?
A.It is ill reputed.B.It is mostly misapplied.
C.It is totally ignored.D.It is seemingly contradictory.
2. What has America been witnessing?
A.A burning passion for improving teaching methods.
B.A lasting debate over how to teach children to read.
C.An increasing concern with children’s inadequacy in literacy.
D.A forceful advocacy of a combined method for teaching reading.
3. What’s Tenette Smith’s attitude towards “balanced literacy”?
4. According to the author what contributed to Mississippi’s success?
A.Focusing on the natural process rather than deliberate training.
B.Obtaining support from other states to upgrade teaching methods.
C.Adopting scientifically grounded approaches to teaching reading.
D.Placing sufficient emphasis upon both fluency and comprehension.
2024-03-06更新 | 154次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届江苏省如皋市高三2月高考适应性考试英语试题
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6 . The Age of Information is bulging: if you tried to download all the data available today, you’d need more than 180 million years to do so. But you are wrong to assume that all information would stimulate a boost of innovation to match the output of data. Indeed, the last time we found ourselves in a period of significant innovation was over 120 years ago, called the Age of Insight.

Innovations, big or small, start with a new idea. Often, these ideas occur as a moment of insight — the result of a novel connection in our brains made between existing and new information. Studies show insights involve quiet signals deep in the brain. Anything that helps us notice quiet signals can increase the chance of insights. However, it’s becoming more challenging to find those signals today, every moment filled with an endless supply of content.

Besides, we also want to increase the quality of them to sort through big new ideas and find the really valuable ones that can be hard to measure. Launched in 2015, the Eureka Scale (尤里卡量表) allows us to assess the strength of our insight experiences on a five-point scale, namely, intense emotions, motivation, memory advantage, aftershocks, and following ideas. The Scale combines these five variables into a single value to define the importance of a new idea and has broad applications for measuring and improving individual and organizational performance. Even it can be used to measure the impact of different kinds of work environments and learning approaches on participants’ growth. The level-5 insight, involving the richest emotion, motivation, and lasting impact, holds the greatest significance.

In order for organizations to benefit from another age of insight, it’s not enough to try to access more data or increase the number of insights we generate. Instead, it’s about making space for the biggest ideas to emerge from all the information. Using the Scale as a way to measure how important ideas are will enable better decision-making toward practical and competitive outcomes. If we’re to enter a new age of insight, we must make timely and necessary changes to design our environments for the best insight possible to surface.

1. What does the underlined word “bulging” in Paragraph 1 probably mean?
2. According to the passage, which of the following cases can increase the chance of insights?
A.By engaging in ongoing social media interactions.
B.By relying on technology to receive regular notices.
C.By stepping away from computers between meetings.
D.By participating in additional training and coaching sessions.
3. What can be inferred from the passage?
A.The Eureka Scale controls the influence of our insights.
B.One with a level-5 insight has minimal emotional responses.
C.Both the quantity and quality of insights are essential to innovation.
D.A breakthrough has been made in innovation due to a wealth of information.
4. What is the author’s attitude towards the current environment for innovations?
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7 . 请认真阅读下列短文,并根据所读内容在文章后表格中的空格里填入一个最恰当的单词。

Many people believe that classical music is not relevant to young people today. However, this issue (问题) frequently causes heated debate.

Some people say that classical music is associated only with old people. For example, if you look at the audience at a classical concert, the majority is over the age of fifty.

Others say it is more popular than we first imagine. Many young people listen to classical music without realizing. It is often used in films and advertisements. For example, a famous piece of classical music was used as the theme music for the 1990 World Cup. Not many people could have given its name, but millions enjoyed it.

Also, some people point out that young people produce new music based on classical ideas: for example, it is said that rap (说唱) music was invented by a classical musician in 1912, but it is now used by young people in pop music.

However, young people point to the fact that classical music has been outstripped (超越) by technology. To play a classical instrument, such as a violin, you need to study hard and practise for hours. Nowadays, you don’t need to get aching arms from practising. A teenager can write and make music using a computer program in the comfort of their own bedroom.

A final point to bear in mind is that the term “classical music” is used to refer to a great variety of music, from jazz to pieces for large orchestras (管弦乐队). This makes it even more difficult to say whether classical music is relevant to young people.

So, it may be only a minority of young people who play classical instruments, but when it comes to enjoying classical music, it depends on the piece of music. It may be more relevant to young people in the modern world than they realize!


Classical Music


The issue of whether classical music is     1     to young people causes heated debate.



Classical music is associated only with the     2    .

    3    of the audience at a classical concert are over fifty.

Many young people don’t     4    

some music they listen to is classical.

Classical music is often found in films and advertisements.

Classical ideas provide a     5    

for producing new music.

Young people now     6     rap in popular music.

    7     has put classical music at a disadvantage.

A young man can write and make music on a computer     8     in his bedroom.

“Classical music” can refer to various       9     of music.

Classical music ranges from jazz to pieces for large orchestras.


Classical music may still be (80)     10     by young people today.

2024-03-02更新 | 42次组卷 | 1卷引用:江苏省南通中学2014-2015学年高一下学期期中考试英语试题(解析版)
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8 . Fidget toys have been going viral recently, arousing safety concerns among parents and the whole society. To better protect the physical and mental health of young students, the Ministry of Education recently issued a notice, aiming to prevent fidget toys from presenting a risk to the health of the younger generations.

Fidget toys include inhaler nasal sticks and radish knives, which are popular as stress-relievers among students.

The “Energy Stick,” or inhaler nasal stick, has been selling well online recently on platforms such as Taobao. Some online shops have already sold nearly 100,000 sticks, whose prices range from 6 yuan to approximately 128 yuan. The product contains watermelon, tea and orange flavors and even alcohol to attract more customers. The online store salesperson responded by stating that the main ingredients of the product are camphor and mint (薄荷), which do not contain any addictive properties. Meanwhile, Zhao Ting, a medical expert, told the Global Times that some children are likely to get addicted to the “Energy Stick.”

The colorful plastic toy knife, a radish knife, nicknamed “Carrot Knife,” has also skyrocketed an astonishing selling online. “After her classmate had bought a Carrot Knife and said it was a fun toy to use, my daughter also bought one, which makes me anxious.” Julian, a father from Beijing told the Global Times on Saturday. Some of radish knives are so small that they can be gripped in the palm of a child’s hand while others are as long as one meter. There are various ways of playing with the radish knife, with some mimic (模拟) attack at friends as part of a game, according to media reports.

Experts warned that such toys could encourage violence and cause long-term mental harm to children. To change this situation, the government stressed the importance on maintaining strict management, and stopping harmful toys into campus. Schools should organize safety promotion activities to teach students to correctly identify and keep away from dangerous and harmful toys. Also, parents should teach their children to play with toys safely and correctly.

1. Why have fidget toys become popular recently?
A.They are beneficial to young students’ well-being.
B.They can help to reduce young students’ pressure.
C.Young students are allowed to use them at schools.
D.Young students can afford them at a suitable price.
2. What may help the “Energy Stick” attract young students?
A.Its high value.B.Its plentiful nutrition.C.Its rich contents.D.Its effective sales.
3. What does Julian really want to say about the “Carrot Knife”?
A.It brings his daughter a lot of joy.B.It might do harm to his daughter.
C.It has no effect on his daughter.D.It helps his daughter realize her dream.
4. What is the last paragraph mainly about?
A.Different responses made to fidget toys.B.Great importance attached to fidget toys.
C.Practical measures dealing with fidget toys.D.Potential dangers brought about by fidget toys.
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9 . You know the feeling — you have left your phone at home and feel anxious, as if you have lost your connection to the world. “Nomophobia” (无手机恐惧症) affects teenagers and adults alike. You can even do an online test to see if you have it. Last week, researchers from Hong Kong warned that nomophobia is infecting everyone. Their study found that people who use their phones to store, share and access personal memories suffer most. When users were asked to describe how they felt about their phones, words such as “hurt” (neck pain was often reported) and “alone” predicted higher levels of nomophobia.

“The findings of our study suggest that users regard smartphones as their extended selves and get attached to the devices,” said Dr Kim Ki Joon. “People experience feelings of anxiety and unpleasantness when separated from their phones.” Meanwhile, an American study shows that smartphone separation can lead to an increase in heart rate and blood pressure.

So can being without your phone really give you separation anxiety? Professor Mark Griffiths, psychologist and director of the International Gaming Research Unit at Nottingham Trent University, says it is what is on the phone that counts — the social networking that creates Fomo (fear of missing out).

“We are talking about an Internet-connected device that allows people to deal with lots of aspects of their lives,” says Griffiths. “You would have to surgically remove a phone from a teenager because their whole life is ingrained in this device.”

Griffiths thinks attachment theory, where we develop emotional dependency on the phone because it holds details of our lives, is a small part of nomophobia. For “screenagers”, it is Fomo that creates the most separation anxiety. If they can’t see what’s happening on WeChat or Weibo, they become panic-stricken about not knowing what’s going on socially. “But they adapt very quickly if you take them on holiday and there’s no Internet,” says Griffiths.

1. Which of the following may Dr Kim Ki Joon agree with?
A.We waste too much time on phones.
B.Phones have become part of some users.
C.Addiction to phones makes memories suffer.
D.Phones and blood pressure are closely linked.
2. According to Griffiths, which of the following may be the reason of our getting nomophobia?
A.We worry we may miss out what our friends are doing
B.We fear without phones we will run into a lot of trouble
C.We are accustomed to having a phone on us
D.We need our phones to help us store information
3. Which of the following phrases has the closest meaning to the underlined phrase “ingrained in” in paragraph 4?
A.Approved of.B.Relied on.C.Opposed to.D.Determined by.
4. Where can you probably find the above passage?
A.In a research report.
B.In a science textbook.
C.In a popular science magazine.
D.In a fashion brochure.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 较难(0.4) |

10 . After Alexander Pushkin was shot in a duel (决斗) in 1837, crowds of mourners formed in Saint Petersburg. When the wagon carrying the much loved poet’s body reached Pskov province, where he was to be buried, admirers tried to pull the vehicle themselves.

Today’s celebrity funerals tend to involve the public largely digitally rather than in person. But people are passionate all the same. In the past few months, grief has coursed around the Internet for Milan Kundera, and most recently, Michael Gambon. If you stop to think about it, such expressions of strong feelings for writers and actors are odd, even irrational.

Unlike other kinds of grief, this one is not rooted in personal intimacy (亲密关系). If you ever interacted with a cherished author, it was probably during a book tour when she signed your copy of her novel. Maybe you once locked eyes with a musician during a live concert and he smiled at you, but actually he did not even know you.

Objectively, sorrow makes sense when a star dies young or violently. Had she not died at 27, who knows what music Amy Winehouse would have added to her already impressive collections of work? The death of a long-lived and fulfilled artist, however, is far from the saddest item in an average day’s headlines. And while most ordinary people sink into oblivion, these celebrities live on in their output. Why, then, are these losses felt so widely and keenly?

One interpretation is that departed celebrities are merely the messengers. Part of your past —the years in which the musician was the soundtrack, the writer your ally (盟友) — can seem to fade away with them. The grief can be seen as a form of gratitude for the harmony and joy they supplied.

More importantly, the passing of an artist is an occasion for exchanges of ideas. In an atomized age, in which the default (默认) tone is critical, a beloved figure’s death is a chance to share positive feelings and memories with fellow admirers. These sad occasions are the parting gifts of these artists.

1. Why does the author mention Milan Kundera and Michael Gambon in paragraph 2?
A.To prove that celebrities’ funerals tend to attract wider public attention.
B.To illustrate why people express their sadness at the loss of those celebrities.
C.To demonstrate that people’s mourning for celebrities seems strange and unreasonable.
D.To show that people’s grief over celebrities’ death is ridiculous and impractical.
2. The underlined phrase “sink into oblivion” in paragraph 4 probably means ________.
A.are upsetB.are desperateC.are helplessD.are forgotten
3. What can we learn from the passage?
A.People won’t mourn for celebrities unless they have intimate relationships with celebrities.
B.It’s natural that people mourn for celebrities dying young but not for those long-lived ones.
C.People feel sad for the passing of celebrities because of the mental nourishment received.
D.People attend celebrities’ funerals, either in person or on the Internet, to express their loyalty.
4. What’s the author’s attitude towards public mourning for the celebrities?
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