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My dad and I had been looking forward to the Stale cross-country race of my senior year of high school, which would be the climax (顶点) of my existence.

I was the fastest runner on my team, and I was supposed to make it into the top fifteen. We had been working towards this race for three years. It was everything to me, and it was everything to my dad. He was a runner and was wild with joy by my success in running. He made it to every race, even flying home early from business trips to see me run. I always listened for his voice, which rang above the crowd-telling me to relax my arms, calling out my time. He pushed me. He cheered for me. He believed in me. We spent countless hours on the sandy canals of Arizona. Breathing in the dust of the desert, the blossoms of the orange trees, and the terrible smell of the dairy farm, we made our way across the city. We pounded miles and miles into our running shoes, marking with every step the path to greatness. It was a journey that was just ours. A dream passed on from one generation to the next.

Then the big day came. It was hotter than normal - too hot. My throat felt like a field of cotton, cracked with the summer heat, as I waited for the gun to fire. I gazed out at the crowd; dozens of familiar faces from church and school flickered across my view. They had come for me. They were counting on me. I saw my dad set his watch, worry and excitement etched across his face. With the sound of a gunshot, the race began.

For the first two and half miles, I felt great. I had never before been so ready for something. The weeks leading up to the race were filled with hard practices and a strict diet. The scorching sun beat upon my back, blinding me with its brilliance. Nothing was going to stop me, though.

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However, without warning, my strength was running out.


I whispered, “I’m so sorry I disappointed you, Dad.”

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Outside the Box

The Harvestfest contest was falling on Friday and everyone in school was talking about it. All the students would show up in their self-made costumes and a winner would be chosen by the principal.

“Do you have your costume for the Harvestfest contest?” Alice asked. “I’m going as a chocolate bar. My mom and I have been working on it all week.”

“Yeah, I have a costume,” said Jordan Eastman, popping up the two front wheels of his wheelchair as he waited for his dad to pick him up. “But it’s boring.”

“Why? What is it?” Alice asked.

“MaxMag the superhero, but Danny, Tom and Izzy are all going as MaxMag too.” Jordan shook his head. “That’s too many to stand a chance at winning the contest.” He waved to his dad, who had just pulled up in front of the school.

Jordan rolled his wheelchair toward his dad, and Alice walked with him to the minivan.

“Maybe you should go as something else.”

“The contest is Friday night.” Jordan sighed. “It’s too late to change costumes.”

“Jordan, you have to think outside the box. Look around your house and see what you have. There’s hidden potential in everyday items.” She took a sip of her drink, and told Jordan that her chocolate-bar costume was made from old fabric her mom had lying around and recycled plastics.

On his way home, Jordan was quiet. He kept thinking about Alice’s words: Think outside the box. There’s hidden potential in everyday items. When he got home, he found his mum handling with some wooden pieces. She was putting a new desk together. On top of the desk was the huge empty cardboard box the pieces had come in. Mom smiled at Jordan, pointing at the desk, “What do you think?”

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Jordan’s eyes fell on the box and he smiled, “It’s perfect . … with my wheelchair.”
Soon it was Friday night, and Jordan couldn’t wait to show his costume.
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3 . Age is truly just a number if our hearts are young. Lee Minor, an 85-year-old retired psychologist, has________this by finishing his 600th marathon race with 32 members of his family by his side. “Runners don’t have a________line. We just keep going,” he toldGood Morning America. “I felt________running with my family.” Minor has been running three days a week since 1969, and his heart is filled with enthusiasm for running.

“I like to run in all kinds of________. It is so childish as the rain touches your face. And I love to come here after snow and you watch your________as you go along.” he concluded.

Minor’s enthusiasm for running is________. “It is my joy. And I want to live as long as I can. And I mean live, not________.” His words ring true for Ron Robert, a man diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease who decided to ________ a three-year bachelor of artsprogram at King’s University College in London, Ontario. “I was always taught early in life that the brain is like the most ________instrument we have in our body,” said Robert.

Last fall, Robert graduated from the university, despite the challenges of his illness. “When I went across the stage, and as I’m getting my________, the kids all stood up andyelled and clapped,” he________. “I had to hold back the tears. It was something else, just wonderful.” He hopes that his story will give hope to others facing________difficulties. “There will come a time when I won’t be able to, and I fully________that. Butin the meantime, I’m living a full life.”

The stories of Minor and Robert are reminders that age and illness need not________us. We can choose to pursue our________and live life to the fullest, no matter whatchallenges we may face.

A.slid awayB.gave upC.broke inD.choked out
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4 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇 完整的短文。

In our weekly staff meeting, our editor Ashley was not pleased with the quality of our reporting. “Our readership is way down. We need better stories for this Thursday’s school newspaper. Does anybody have any ideas?” she said.

I handed her my article about our basketball team beating Deerfield High School the previous night by one point. “Sports stories are fun,” she said, “but not good enough for the front page. We need something to really get people ‘s attention.”

After our meeting, we left the newsroom together and heard someone screaming, “Perry is missing!” Perry was a big red parrot and had been our school mascot (吉祥物) for ten years. He played an important role in students’ lives, both in and out of class. He had also been a constant presence at school events, inspiring a sense of unity among students.

Everyone gathered around Perry’s empty cage, heartbroken. Suddenly, a student from the crowd came over and showed me a photo. “You’re a reporter for the school paper, right? I happened to take this yesterday,” he said. In the photo was a Deerfield High School basketball player with something large hidden under his shirt around the size of a parrot.

“He must have stolen Perry to get back at us for winning the game!” Ashley cried. We hurried back to the newsroom, agreeing to run the photo on the front page with the headline “Deerfeld Stole Perry.” “This is just the story we need. Everyone will read it,” Ashley said confidently.

After she left, I took a closer look at the photo. The clock in the background read 4:15 pm, but our game against Deerfield hadn’t started until 4:30 pm. Why would the boy have taken Perry before we even played? An uneasy feeling came over me that we might have falsely accused someone.

I went to Perry’s usual caretaker to ask if he knew Perry was missing. ”He’s not missing. He’s retired. He’s ready for some quieter days,“ he said. Learning the truth, I immediately told Ashley and suggested writing a story to say goodbye to Perry.

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To my surprise, Ashley insisted on reporting the “Deerfield Stole Perry” story.


On Thursday, the paper came out with the headline “Bye-Bye, Perry” on the front page.

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5 . I enjoy throwing stuff away. I’d love to go full minimalism (极简主义), but my wife and two teenage kids do not share my dream of a house with almost nothing in it. I have tried. When the kids were little, I taught them my two favorite games – “Do We Need It?” and “Put It in Its Place”– and made them play every few months. Their enthusiasm never matched mine.

If I’m going to be honest, my own tidying skills are not as great as I’d like. My “discarded” pile is never quite the trash mountain I want because I make up excuses for why things are useful. I consider this unhealthy. I want to be better at moving on.

So, this time I found help – the classics for people like me: The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up, by Marie Kondo. Kondo’s commitment to her craft is astonishing. Her philosophy is only to keep things you love. Can I go full Kondo? I will try. One central idea is to clean by category. You start by collecting all clothes and gathering them together for consideration. It makes you rethink how you organize. Next, hold each item and ask if it brings you joy. This way you’re choosing what to keep. And that’s how I find myself with all my clothes on my bedroom floor. My wife walks by and gives me a look that says I’m nuts. She’s probably not wrong.

Somewhere near the bottom of this chaos is my special jacket. I move through the pile: pants, shirts, suits and shoes. Then my last category: jackets. I haven’t worn the thing in about 30 years. Somehow, it has survived. Now that I’m striving to follow Kondo – surely, its time has come?

I hold it in my hand. There is a tear just below the collar that widens as I hold it. It’s literally falling apart. Will I ever wear it again? Not a chance. Does it feel good to wear? Does it bring me joy? Actually, yes. At this moment, my daughter walks in. She asks about the jacket. I tell her the story. She thinks I should keep it. It’s cool and unique and full of memories. She is arguing that nostalgia (怀念) is the very reason.

I’m not entirely convinced by my daughter’s arguments. I believe in looking ahead, not backward. Nevertheless, sometimes it’s hard to let go. So I gently place the jacket on the “keep” pile.

1. What does the underlined word “discarded” probably mean in Paragraph 2?
2. What drives the author to read The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up?
A.To learn how to categorize.B.To improve his tidying skills.
C.To persuade his family members.D.To develop passion for minimalism.
3. What is the attitude of the author’s family members toward minimalism?
A.They don’t understand it.B.They completely support it.
C.They are strongly opposed to it.D.They are less passionate about it.
4. What’s the best title for the text?
A.Knowing when to let goB.Classifying what you love
C.Throwing worn-out clothesD.Keeping valuable possessions
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6 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

“Bang. . !” Sara pushed the door open. She threw her school bag onto the floor and called out, “I’m home!” No answer. The house was silent. It sounded empty, but she knew it wasn’t. Her mum and dad were working upstairs.

Sara got a glass of orange juice, went into the conservatory (玻璃房) and sat down in her favourite chair. The garden was still in the dark afternoon. On one side, her mum’s garden was neat and tidy with boring short grass, boring straight flowerbeds and boring straight paths. But on the other side, Sara’s Nature Garden looked wild and exciting with big dead sunflowers and tall grasses.

“Nobody is interested in me. Mum and dad only think about their work,” she thought sadly.

Then she recalled: One month earlier, she learned in a magazine that many dogs were abandoned because their owners got bored with them; One hour earlier, she saw a cute dog wagging its tail and licking her friend’s face.

Sara knew today was special. Today things were changing. She couldn’t wait any longer. It’s time to talk to her parents.

So Sara got up from her chair and climbed all the way to the loft (阁楼). “Mum, I want a talk.” said Sara. “Just a minute!” Her mum clicked on the keyboard, took off her glasses and turned to her daughter. Sara coughed, took a deep breath, and told her mum that she wanted a dog. “No, Sara. That’s impossible,” her mum said firmly. Sara went to her father but got the same answer. She rushed into her room angrily and slammed the door shut.

Later, Sara’s mum knocked at the door and went in. “Darling, we know this is important to you. You can have a dog if you take the responsibility. But look at your Nature Garden, your school bag, your bedroom! What a mess! Do you think you can take good care of a dog?” said her mum.

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Sara was lost in thought and decided to make some changes.


With the dog’s company, Sara began her busy but joyful life.

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7 . 阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段, 使之构成一篇完整的短文。

Morty was checking out his library books when it caught his eye-a poster for Adventure Rocks Kids Camp. “Check this out!” Morty called to Ben and Fred as he grabbed three brochures and dashed to catch up with his best buddies. They all stopped, books in hands, to stare at the pictures of kids flying above canyons suspended from zip lines. They instantly believed the brochure’s headline: Summer won’t be complete until you Take it to the Limit at Adventure Rocks Kids Camp.

Ben broke the silence, “We have less than two weeks until registration opens, and it says the camp fills up fast.” Then an idea popped into Morty’s head. “Why don’t we sell lemonade and snacks by the side of the road? We can pool our allowance savings for the camp.” “That’s a great Idea,” Ben said.

The sun had barely come up on Saturday morning when the kids set up their business. They chose a spot, asked permission from the homeowner, and then asked to use her garden hose for water to make lemonade.

Their business went smoothly until Ben announced that they had a comparatively small stock of lemons shortly after noon. Morty decided to make their stock go further. “Fred, when the jug gets down to one-fourth full, just fill it to the top with the water hose.” Morty was thinking out loud, “I’ll change the sign and charge 30 more cents for each cup of lemonade.” Their business went on and the three were secretly proud of the little tricks they had done.

Just as Morty finished refilling the jug with water for the third time, a vehicle rounded the comer. Morty saw the minivan with his father at the wheel and his family inside. They pulled up to the sidewalk, and his brothers and sisters jumped out, each clutching a coin or two. They were eager to support their brother’s bustling business. Morty’s family bought the last of the brownies and drank the last drop of watered-down lemonade.

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Morty’s father frowned at the sip of the lemonade.


They decided to fix their wrongdoings the next week.

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文章大意:本文是记叙文。作者通过这篇文章主要向我们描述了纽约股市即将崩盘,Alex蛊惑优柔寡断的银行行长Jerome Patterton为了利益售卖股票,尽管那会使得他们的顾客承担更大的损失。

8 . The next morning Alex was waiting in the FMA president’s suite when Jerome Patterton arrived. Alex filled him in quickly on the Jax report. Then he said, “I want you to give an order to the trust department to sell every share of Supranational we’re holding.”

“I won’t!” Patterton’s voice rose. “Who do you think you are, giving orders---“ “I’ll tell you who I am, Jerome. I’m the guy who warned the board against in-depth involvement with SuNatCo. I fought against heavy trust department buying of the stock, but no one---including you ---would listen. Now Supranational is caving in.” Alex leaned across the desk and slammed a fist down hard. “Don’t you understand? Supranational can bring this bank down with it.”

Patterton was shaken. “But is SuNatCo in real trouble? Are you sure?”

“If I weren’t, do you think I’d be here? I’m giving you a chance to salvage something at least.” He pointed to his wristwatch. “It’s an hour since the New York stock market opened. Jerome, get on the phone and give that order!”

Muscles around the bank president’s mouth twitched nervously. Never decisive, strong influence often swayed him. He hesitated, then picked up the telephone.

“Get me Mitchell in the trust department… Mitch? This is Jerome. Listen carefully. I want you to give a sell order immediately on all the Supranational stock we hold… Yes, sell every share.” Patterton listened, then said impatiently, “Yes, I know what it’ll do to the market. And I know it’s irregular.” His eyes sought Alex’s for reassurance. The hand holding the telephone trembled as he said, “There’s no time to hold meetings. So do it! Yes, I accept responsibility.”

He hung up and reached for a glass of water. “The stock is already down. Our selling will depress it more. We’ll be taking a big beating.”

“It’s our clients---people who trusted us---who will take the beating. And they’d have taken a bigger one still, if we’d waited. Even now we’re not out of the woods. A week from now the SEC may disallow those sales. They may rule we had inside knowledge that Supranational was about to be bankrupt, which we should have reported and which would have halted trading in the stock.

1. Alex filled him in quickly on the Jax report. The sentence means____.
A.He filled his name on the Jax report quickly.
B.Alex signed his name to the Jax report quickly.
C.He offered the FMA president the Jax report smartly.
D.He prepared the Jax report for Patterton to sign smartly.
2. From the context we can infer that ________.
A.SuNatCo would bring the stock market down if it sold all the Supranational stock they held.
B.The president was stubborn and would never listen to others.
C.Alex will take the place of Patterton in the future.
D.the clients would take a bigger beating than the bank
3. The New York stock market is the place where_____.
A.the old stock can be bought and sold
B.shares can be bought and sold
C.paper stock can be bought and sold
D.some of the stock can be taken without being paid for
4. In the sentence “Even now we’re not out the woods.” The phrase “out of the woods” means _____.
A.free from dangerB.short of wood
C.running out of woodD.set free
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9 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

Tomato Changed My Life

Doing things-without being planned was never my strength.

As a 14-year-old, I would refuse to go for walks around the block with my friends if I was the least bit behind in my schoolwork.

Unlike most teenagers, I lived not in my room, but in an unused kitchen upstairs where I spread my books and papers on a large round table. I spent considerable time there, working continuously for hours, and my mother worried. She would try to lure (引诱) me away. “Come and watch the parade!” she would call from downstairs. “All neighbors are out there!” She thought of all kinds of tricks-the swimming pool, ice cream, stray cats and turtles-to remove me from my -studies, but nothing ever worked.

Later, in college, the pattern continued. The library and my college dorm replaced the unused kitchen at home. When spring came along friends would stop by my dorm or peer into my library room to persuade me to play Frisbee on the lawn. “No, I would almost always say.” I have too much to do.

My college study days were gone, but not my need and love for schedules. My friends and sisters tried to keep me away from my plans, but they were hardly ever successful.

This summer, though, while house sitting for my parents, I was persuaded to change my plans in the most unexpected way. The sight of tomatoes growing in my mother’s garden lured me out of my tightly scheduled world. They drew me with the power of a lover’s gaze. Hundreds of them were turning ripe and red by the minute, decorating the garden like decorations on a Christmas tree.

“If I have time, I’ll make tomato sauce (番茄酱).” I told myself. But my long week in the house by myself was already filled with things to do: writing, and finishing a project that I brought home from the office.

Then, watching the fascinating tomatoes continuously falling to the ground in ever-greater numbers, again I mentally argued about all the things I had planned and needed to do.

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Finally, I gave in.
A month later, my parents came back.
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文章大意:这是一篇夹叙夹议文。主要介绍了艺术治疗专家丽莎·默里(Lisa Murray)致力于帮助患有癌症的儿童通过他们的绘画来释放他们的情感,这些绘画已经被写成了一本书《天使与怪物》。

10 . Childhood is a time of limitless possibilities. And old age is the time of wisdom. But for children who face the monster(恶魔)of cancer, their lives are fast- forwarded into profound wisdom. Not only do they have hand-to-hand struggle with the limits of life, they face it with raw truth1 and courage. For them, life is hard- won yet full of unbelievable hope, and is to be lived to the fullest.

We have much to learn from these children.

That’s what art therapist(治疗专家), Lisa Murray, believed as she worked to help children with cancer to release their feelings through their drawings, which have turned into a book, Angels & Monsters.

Murray found that in their struggle, kids would tell her constantly, “I’m just a regular kid; I just want to play, to go to school, to go outside. . . I just happen to have cancer. ”

She was moved and inspired by their simple will to survive. The children were facing the disease head on. She saw some powerful images in their artwork. “What courage it takes to do that, ” said Murray.

Murray selected 25 children aged 13 months to 18 years. She asked the four- year-olds and up, “If you could tell the world what it is like to have cancer, what would you say, what would you draw?” For two- to three-year-olds, she asked, “What do you want to tell people about yourself?” And for the youngest, she just took their handprints. “It’s such a human expression, ‘Here’s my mark, ‘” said Murray.

She then asked them about their pictures, and wrote down exactly what they said. This gave the artwork a powerful voice. Coupled with Murray’s photographs of the children in the book, the three forms of expression leave both a permanent record and lasting impression with the viewer.

As a therapist, Murray doesn’t give the kids the impression that the drawing process is right or wrong. Whatever they draw is unconditionally acceptable. “Children play, they draw, and that’s the natural language of children. That’s why art therapy is so wonderful, ”she said.

1. Why does Murray ask children with cancer to draw pictures?
A.To help them to gain wisdom.
B.To help them deal with cancer.
C.To turn the pictures into a book.
D.To let people know more about them.
2. What are “the three forms of expression” about the children?
A.Their drawings, their voices and the book.
B.Their drawings, their handprints and the book.
C.Their drawings, their words and the photos of them.
D.Their drawings, Murray’s questions and the children’s answers.
3. What does Murray do in the process of the children drawing pictures?
A.She lets them draw whatever they like.
B.She teaches them how to draw naturally.
C.She gives them advice about what to draw.
D.She makes sure what they draw are acceptable.
4. What are children with cancer like in the eyes of Murray?
A.They are energetic and active.
B.They are wise and hardworking.
C.They are courageous and optimistic.
D.They are thoughtful and kind-hearted.
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