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| 共计 18 道试题
1 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

Every week I save all the change and $1 bills I have in my purse. Then every Christmas I cash it in for as many $100 bills as the saved money gets me. I then wait for a family in need. I split the money in half and give half to the family in need and the other half to my nine-year-old son, Say’ Veon, who puts it in his savings account, to teach him about delayed satisfaction. Then he helps me get gifts or give the money to the family.

I adopted Say’ Veon after his mother, a close friend of mine, passed away from cancer before his fifth birthday. Even though Say’ Veon has dealt with great loss and sadness at such a young age, his generous spirit and loving heart shine through. He has given money to someone else who needs it more, such as his friends or classmates. Say’ Veon’s acts of kindness always blow me away and I feel blessed to have him in my life.

This week I got a call from a friend, DeeDee, who is 77 years old. She was upset because she had been cheated, and the cheaters took all the money out of her checking account which she lives on, and now she didn’t have the money to pay her rent and bills.

This morning, I took the money and showed Say’ Veon how much I saved this year. I told him what happened to DeeDee, and then asked him if he would be willing to give his half along with my half and donate it to her as our person in need this year.

He said, “Yes, of course.” This year our total was $400.

We went to visit DeeDee and my son handed her a Christmas card with the money. She opened it and said, “Thank you.” She then looked again and stared at the $100 bills.

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DeeDee froze there with her eyes wide open.


Suddenly, Say’ Veon said to DeeDee, “You are our family!”

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2 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

One afternoon after school, Mary and her brother, Keith, were eating at a cafe near their home. That afternoon, they had to share their table with another person. That person was a young lady in her twenties. After eating, she went to the restroom. Without realizing, she had left her cellphone on the table. Five minutes later, she came out and walked out of the cafe without looking back.

Mary saw the cellphone on the table. She quickly told Keith, “Keith, the girl left behind her cellphone.”Keith looked at the cellphone. It took his breath away. It was one of the latest models on the market. Keith had always wanted a cellphone. But his parents had told him, “You don’t need one. You can always use the house phone.” He stared at it for some minutes. Then, he said slowly, pausing on every word, “I want to take the cellphone.” Mary could not believe her ears. She only stared at her brother, “You can’t! What if the owner comes to look for it?”

After making the decision, Keith quickly got the cellphone and put it in his schoolbag. Then, he took Mary’s hand and led her out of the cafe quickly.

Once back home, Keith locked his room door with trembling (颤抖的) hands. Inside his room, he took out the piece of beauty. Oh, he liked it so much. He had his own cellphone. Soon, he was polishing it happily. But Mary told him, “Keith, you cannot keep the cellphone. What will you tell our father about this? He will ask you how you got the cellphone.” Keith said quickly, “I will say a friend lent it to me.” Mary said, “Now you are lying too. Oh dear! When had Keith turned so dishonest?”

Then, Mary saw a house phone number on the cover of the cellphone. “This is the girl’s phone number. Why don’t we just call this number? We will talk to her and ask her to come and take back her cellphone,” she was trying to talk some sense into him.

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That night, Keith turned over in bed from time to time.


Mary was very happy to hear that.

2023-11-20更新 | 197次组卷 | 33卷引用:江苏省苏州市第十中学2021-2022学年高二下学期3月份阶段检测英语
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3 . 阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。

In 1989, fresh out of high school, I had the difficult task of choosing a career path before college started in three months. In those days in Pakistan, there were limited choices: becoming a doctor or an engineer, or entering the financial world after getting a business degree. I wasn’t interested in engineering, so that I was left with medicine or business. I couldn’t decide.

My uncle suggested that I do a work placement(实习) to experience it for a month in an international company followed by a month in a hospital. After that, I could make a decision. It seemed like a good idea.

I was accepted for a month’s placement at a foreign bank in Karachi. I got a feel of how the world of finance functioned, made new friends, and generally enjoyed the mostly easy­going work surroundings.

The month passed rapidly, and soon I began working at a leading hospital in Karachi. The experience couldn’t have been more different. The hospital had a stressful environment. The days started early (at 7 am, compared to 9 am at the bank), and were filled with endless duties. And the night calls! This was crazy, working all day, through the night, and again the next day.

I began thinking about my two experiences. The bank had offered a more relaxing atmosphere, better working hours and less stress. The hospital was full of excitement, but studying and training were difficult. It seemed that the business choice was going to win out.

Near the end of my month at the hospital, I was driving home after an especially busy night call. In front of me was a public bus, with college students sitting on the top. As the driver weaved through (穿梭) traffic, I could see the boys shaking from side to side.

Paragraph 1:

Suddenly, a boy fell off the back of the bus.

Paragraph 2:

The next day, when I went to the hospital to see the boy, all his family got up, with grateful smiles on their faces.

2023-09-02更新 | 97次组卷 | 46卷引用:江苏省苏州市2020-2021学年高三学业质量阳光指标调研英语试题
完形填空(约190词) | 较难(0.4) |

4 . Hansen and his 10-year-old son Chase search the streets of Salt Lake City every weekend for the homeless to take to lunch. They started Project Empathy(共情)four years ago to ________a meal, listen to their stories and figured out how they could ________ help.

“Just start with a smile, a hello. It really just starts with that. If you do it, you can make a connection. A small gesture can have a ________ impact on others less fortunate,” Hansen ________ in an interview.

Some of these shared meals have turned into stronger ________ .Ward, a homeless, was ________ in a flat. He credited the Hansens with helping him ________the difficult process of moving off the streets. “It is great to have friends who make us feel ________ and I’m impressed with the pair,” Ward said.

Father and son’s ________have developed into a passion project that ________ faith and community, which emphasizes the ________ community members can have in uplifting the homeless. They know they can’t settle the homeless ________ alone. They’re hoping empathy will ________.

“My hope for the future is to ________ more connection across our country. We could and we will succeed ________ we have other people join in and help the homeless,” Chase said.

A.go awayB.catch onC.fade outD.give off
2023-06-11更新 | 163次组卷 | 20卷引用:2023年山西省普通高中学业水平考试英语卷
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5 . 读后续写

Lightning flashed through the darkness over Sibson’s bedroom skylight(天窗). Sibson was shaken by a clap of thunder before he knew what was happening. The storm had moved directly through his two-story wooden house. Then he heard the smoke alarm beeping.

Sibson rushed down the stairs barefoot to check. He opened the door to the basement, and flames exploded out. Sibson ran back upstairs to call 911 from his bedroom. “I felt glad because the room had a separate outdoor stairway,” he explained to the media later.

But the phone didn’t work, and when he tried to go down the outdoor stairway, he was stopped by a wall of flames. Sibson realized he was trapped. Suddenly, a piece of wood fell from the roof. Sharp pain raced through his body as he looked down and found his leg bleeding.

Sibson’s house was three kilometers off the main road and was so well hidden by trees that he knew calling for help would be fruitless.

Up a hill nearby lived Sibson’s neighbor, Huggons. He was lying in bed when something like a smoke alarm struck his ears. He jumped out of bed, took his phone and flashlight, and headed down the hillside toward the noise. That was when he saw the rolling heavy smoke.

Huggons dialed 911, and the operator warned him not to enter the house. But Huggons said, “There is no way I am going to listen to Sibson scream and die in that fire.”

“Anyone there?” Huggons called out. Then he heard “Help! I’m trapped!” coming from the second floor balcony. He entered the house, but soon had to run back to catch his breath.

After one more attempt to get inside the house, Huggons gave up and circled around back. The wind parted the smoke just enough for him to catch sight of Sibson. But there was no way to get to him.

With the wind fueling the fire, there was no time to waste and the second floor seemed to be falling down in the next minute.


“Go! Leave me alone!” shouted Sibson with desperate tears in his eyes, “It will kill you, too.”

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6 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

It was eight o'clock on a May morning, and Micah, my 17-year-old daughter, was already in our spare room upstairs. It had been her temporary eleventh-grade classroom ever since schools had moved to remote learning due to the pandemic.

From the kitchen, I listened for the sound of her tapping on her laptop or her talking with her classmates in their discussion sessions. We’d barely left the house for 10 weeks straight.

“Mom, everyone is hanging out today!” Micah’s voice echoed from upstairs. “Why can’t I?” I stepped up the stairs. Micah was lying on the floor wearing her pajamas, her laptop, school iPad and cellphone in front of her.

“It’s not fair,” she said.“ I have no one I can be with. I can ‘t wait until I’m 18 and can do what I want.”

We’d had this conversation before. Still, I couldn’t help but feel sorry for her. I was sick of being alone too. Even though Micah and I were home together more than we had been in years, we might as well have been living in separate worlds.

“Wanna watch videos later?” I asked. “Bake some cookies?”

“No, thanks.” Micah shook her head, as if the idea of doing something together was impossible.

I closed the door. I was used to Micah’s rejection, but it still made me upset. Teenage independence is healthy, but I worried if I didn’t find a way to bond with my girl soon, I might never be close to her again. She’d be 18 in the fall and had already convinced herself she didn’t need me anymore. Maybe she was right. No matter what I did, I couldn’t seem to reach her.

That evening, I logged onto a social app and saw a friend’s children playing with their new kitten. My mind went back to when I was in high school and our family moved. It was hard making friends. Mom surprised me with an eight-week-old gray kitten that I named Miss Muffet. Having a kitten to love and train brightened my days and got me through that difficult, lonely time. Maybe Micah would like a kitten.


I asked if she wanted a kitten.


In the car, Micah put the kitten under her chin.

2022-07-16更新 | 109次组卷 | 1卷引用:2022年湖北省普通高中学业水平选择性考试5月适应性考试英语试题
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7 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

When I was in high school in the 1980s, Jane Fonda’s workout tapes were so popular. But in those days, I was far from a workout participant.

My lack of athleticism finally caught up with me after I quit smoking and put on a lot of weight. By the time I was forty-five, I was 252 pounds. Even at six feet tall, that was way too much weight for my body. I also felt like life was passing me by, but I didn’t know what was next for me. So when I had the opportunity to enter a contest to meet Jane Fonda through a SiriusXM Town Hall event, I crossed my fingers and entered the lucky draw.

To my great surprise, I was one of the winners. I thought this was a sign that my luck was changing. I had always enjoyed Fonda’s movies and was thrilled to have the chance to meet her. So I made up as much as I could, put on my best dress, and brought my best friend Jon along to meet Jane Fonda.

Fonda was seventy-five then and looked great in person, wearing all black and looking decades younger. Not only that, but she was so kind and friendly. She really made me feel special as we discussed a film I had recently seen her in called Peace, Love &Misunderstanding. We posed for a picture together, and I even got the opportunity to ask her a question at the event.

One of the radio network’s organizers promised to send me the photo of us, so I was thrilled when I received an e-mail from her the next day with the Jane Fonda picture. But my excitement turned into embarrassment and disgust when I got a good look at the photo.

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That picture gnawed at me.


I made up my mind to lose weight and get in shape.

2022-05-19更新 | 77次组卷 | 1卷引用:2022届海南省高三下学期学业诊断大联考(五)英语试题
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8 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

As soon as his workday ended, Jordan rushed out of the office. He drove his car to the nearest supermarket to prepare for his mother’s surprise birthday party that evening. Unfortunately for Jordan, it was Friday and the parking lot was packed with shoppers. He had to drive around looking for a space to park.

After nearly 20 minutes, he noticed a space, but that was specially used for unloading goods. He hesitated for a while, but thinking shopping would take him just a few minutes, he parked his car there and rushed into the supermarket. He hurried down the aisles (过道), checking the shopping list his sister had messaged him. Soon Jordan had almost everything. Now he just needed to pick out a birthday cake.

“Just a few minutes more, ” he repeated these words in his mind several times as he sped down the target aisle. But when he got there, there was a long line of people wanting to buy cakes or cookies. He was getting more and more anxious, and began to regret not ordering a cake the day before.

Half an hour later, it was finally his turn. He asked for a chocolate cake, and carefully placed it in the cart. Now he could go! Jordan raced towards the nearest till (收款处).“Oh, I really have good luck!” he thought. “There’s no one there! ” However, out of the corner of his eye, he saw someone approaching the till ahead of him.

It was a young woman. Thinking he would surely be late if he failed to check out before the woman, he decided to take action. He pushed his shopping cart forward and narrowly missed hitting her. “Hey! ” the woman cried. “Be careful. You could have hurt me!

Jordan felt embarrassed, but he pretended not to hear. He quickly paid for all his goods and rushed out of the supermarket, leaving the woman staring at him from behind. He looked at his watch and imagined that he would make it with good luck.


When returning to the parking lot, Jordan found his car was gone.


Jordan felt surprised that the woman should give him a lift.

语法填空-短文语填(约190词) | 较难(0.4) |
9 . 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1 个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。

Toby Mott was just an ordinary person working as an artist. But then, at the age of 36, he had an idea that made him famous. It started when he wanted     1     (earn) some money for the holidays one year. His product was simple­­­ a short message of five words     2     a T­shirt.

He took the T­shirts   to a clothing store and they sold 40 in a week.     3     (immediate), he decided to start     4     (he) own business. The product was good. In the past 12 months, he has sold 60,000 T­shirts worldwide.

The     5     (phrase) for the T­shirts come from things he thinks of during the day and from conversations with friends at dinner. His customers,     6     (include) the rich and the famous, enjoy his imaginative phrases. They include things like I will spend your money, and I do things I shouldn’t.Mott says, “I’m successful,     7     it hasn’t changed my     8     (person) life. I still     work at home on the same small desk. My friends, whom I     9     (know) for more than 20 years, are still my friends. In fact, they’re as     10     (surprise) about my success as I am.”

完形填空(约230词) | 较难(0.4) |

10 . After I graduated from the university, I got so pressured in finding a job. I did a lot of _________ both online and handing in person to a particular company. It occurred, one day I went to _________ my CV (履历) to a certain company and I wanted to meet the human resource manager in person because I believed it was a better _________ than leaving my CV at the reception.

Unfortunately, in this company the _________ did not allow me to see the human resource manager and _________ asked me to just leave the CV with her and that she would _________ it. I was really _________ since I knew she wouldn't do that and my CV will just be thrown in the trash can, I thought so because it usually _________ a lot in some other companies. So I just left with my head _________ and never thought about it again since I knew I would never get any __________ from the company.

Weeks passed and one day I received a call from a(an) __________ number and guess what...it was the human resource manager of that same company. I was really shocked since I did not __________ it at all. So he said he received my CV and that he would __________ it.

I was so happy and felt bad at the same time for __________ the receptionist the other day. This humbled me and it was a __________ to believe in people and not assume things just because of the norm.

A.hand inB.give upC.carry outD.take back
A.agree onB.work onC.refer toD.search for
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