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1 . 阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。

I’m smaller than everyone else my age. When I walk in the halls at school, I have to squeeze in between the bigger kids to get by. At the playground, sometimes even little kids try to boss me around. Mia, my best friend, is so tall that when she walks, I have to jog to keep up with her.

I used to try to make myself taller whenever I could. My posture was perfect, straight as an arrow. I hung from the tree in our backyard to stretch out my arms and legs. I even ate all my vegetables. Every day I measured myself, but I was the same height every time. Frustrating!

“Don’t worry,” Mom always said. “Being small has its advantages.” “Really? I could never notice any.”

One day, Mrs. Alvarez announced to the class that we’d be putting on a spring play. I practiced all the lines. But at the audition (试演), when I walked up to the stage, Mrs. Alvarez cried, “You’ll be perfect as the elf (小精灵)! You’re just the right size for the costume.” I even never got a chance to deliver the practiced lines. Back home I grumbled (咕哝) to mum that I was made an elf. But she bet I would be the best elf. To please her, I went to rehearsals (排练), though I only had two lines.

Mia got the lead role-a girl wandering through a magical fairy forest in search of her lost dog. In the last scene, she finds a box under a giant mushroom, and when she opens it, her dog jumps out. Mrs. Alvarez’s dog, Prince, played the dog role. She brought him to all the rehearsals, and when he wasn’t onstage, we got to play with him, but he seemed to like me best.

The night of the show, my first line came early, “Let’s ask the Fairy Queen!” Since my only other line was toward the end, I waited offstage, playing with Prince.


Finally, the grand end came, and Prince was brought onstage inside the box.


“How can we get Prince out from beneath the stage?” Mrs. Alvarez asked.

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2 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

We had just relocated to Germany and moved into a big and old country house with a mysterious abandoned wine cellars (地窖), which my husband warned me many times not to explore without him. After settling down, we began slowly releasing our large family of rescue cats and dogs into the woods behind our house so that they could get used to the area and venture out on their own. So, it wasn’t long before we gained a reputation for having lots of rescue animals with us in the neighborhood.

One day, the doorbell rang and I was sure some of my Christmas packages had arrived. I ran to the door and swung it open, but no one was there. I sensed something and looked down, only to find a beautiful calico (有斑点的) kitten sitting there, looking up at me with big, intelligent eyes. There was no way that she could have rung the doorbell by herself, was there? Were my new neighbors playing tricks on me? Perhaps, someone had found the kitten somewhere and left her there, and then rang the doorbell and ran away. They accurately guessed we would welcome an additional family member and take care of her.

My husband called her our little angel, so we named her Angelica accordingly. It seemed as if she was always meant to be in this big family and she turned out to be a perfect companion. Always by my side, she was more like a puppy than a kitten. Wise beyond her years, she enjoyed exploring through the mysterious house as much as I did, but with much less fear. Angelica was courageous.

So, I decided to be brave, too. I had promised my husband that I wouldn’t explore dangerous areas unless he or someone else was around, but he was away on a business trip for a week and I figured that Angelica would count as my companion. I was ready to explore the cellar, and so was she.

The only way in was through a hatch (盖子) that was partially hidden by the grass that covered it, then down a shaky ladder to its dark depths, probably twelve feet deep. I equipped myself with a good flashlight and warm clothes. Angelica sat on the edge and watched me carefully start down the ladder. Suddenly, there was a crash at the foot.

I woke up with a splitting headache and pieces of the broken ladder lying around me on the stone cellar floor.
Angelica could sense my dilemma.
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3 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

The Forgotten Pages

Once upon a time, in a land far away, there was a small village. Surrounded by the majestic mountains, the villagers happily lived a life of bliss.

All of them were used to their robotic daily tasks and none of them had the imagination or the will to try something new, except for one girl named Hannah. Very few people in the village could read let alone write, and Hannah was one of them. Her parents had made sure that their only child got everything possible.

Hannah was an adventurous spirit with an imagination far beyond her time. One afternoon, when Hannah was on one of her adventurous quests, she came upon an abandoned cottage. The cottage looked very old in its condition. Even though Hannah’s mother had strictly warned her not to go wandering in abandoned places, her curiosity got the best of her.

She tip-toed slowly to the door and slowly opened it and she was left stunned. In front of Hannah was a room full of books! Books glistering in the dust, basking in the warm sunlight just waiting to be explored. Hannah gasped (倒吸气) as she realized that she had found a hidden treasure. Hannah broomed and dusted all day long until she realized it was dark and she had to go back. So Hannah picked two books and decided to read them at her home.

She went home and all night long, she read the adventurous tales hidden in the book cover. The next day, she quickly gulped her breakfast and made her way to the cottage again. Hannah devoured the books.

They were too interesting filled with stories about different creatures. Each page was just an adventure waiting to be embarked on. Hannah’s imagination took her to a world of talking animals, mystical creatures, and daring nights. The little girl was so inspired by the books and she learned the power of love and friendship! With the good in heart, she decided to share the tales with the people of her village.

She knew it would be a difficult journey, but she wanted to share the gold with everyone.
Soon, the words of Hannah’s storytelling spread to far-off towns.
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4 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文.


Roger was filled with excitement as his mother told him his grandfather was on his way over. He always had fun together with his grandfather who once drummed in a band. They could make the whole house shake with their joyful music. Roger got excited and practiced drumming all morning.

Finally, Dad's car pulled up in front of the house. Upon hearing the car door opened. Roger shouted for joy from his bedroom window, "Hi, Grandpa! Listen to this!” Taking a deep breath, he raised his drumsticks and began rocking and rolling, just like Grandpa had taught him. Jumping up. he raced outside to his grandfather and asked, "Grandpa. what do you think? Are you ready to drum together?" Grandpa, giving Roger a hug, said. "It was wonderful, but I'm afraid I can't play right now.” Dad smiled at Roger, telling him some of Grandpa's finger joints were hurting him and that maybe he would want to play after a short rest. Roger didn't ask again.

After lunch, Roger went to his room to get his skateboard, finding someone had already stepped into the room. It was Grandpa who stood near the drum set. He picked up a drumstick and began to play. Thump! Thump! But just with two thumps, the drumstick fell onto the floor. Grandpa reached for it, trying to pick it up, but the drumstick fell out of his hand. He tried again and the same thing happened. Grandpa moved his red and swollen fingers, looking upset. Seeing this, Roger shut the door noiselessly. He walked to the sitting room where Dad was reading and asked Dad to drive him to his friend's house. "David has a drum with the pedal (踏板)and I'd like to borrow it," Roger told Dad about his plan. Dad got the car keys and off they went.


''Grandpa, a surprise!” Roger shouted when they returned with a big box.


Slowly, Grandpa reached out his foot and pushed the pedal as Roger did.

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5 . At a young age, Darrius Simmons fell in love with the piano. As he watched others play, he was _________ by the joy the piano gave them. He wanted to experience that, too, but knew for him it would be a/an _________.

“I decided at age 10 that I wanted to learn how to play the piano, _________ it was going to take a little bit _________ work for me to learn,” Simmons says. “I knew most people had 10 fingers while I had four, yet I was pretty _________ I could make it work.”

The Warren, Ohio teenager was born with a genetic _________ called ectrodactyly (先天性缺指畸形). He has three fingers on his right hand and _________ finger on his left. But it didn’t _________ Simmons from following his _________. With no formal training, Simmons taught himself by ear how to play the piano. He practiced and practiced, finding a way to __________ the keys with four fingers while mastering the pedals with his prostheses(假肢).

Simmons knew he would have to __________ his own style of playing. “I couldn’t base it __________ the technique of somebody who has 10 fingers. It just wouldn’t __________.” He says. “That’s __________ it was hard for me to take piano lessons. It’s very __________ for somebody who has learned how to play with 10 fingers to adjust and teach me with only four.”

The now 18-year-old not only learned how to play and read music but also began composing.

His mother, Tamara Simmons, isn’t surprised by Darrius’ __________. She knows how focused and __________ he can be.

From mastering music to beating __________ challenges, Darrius Simmons sets out to __________ the world. “I like to be somebody’s __________,” he says. “If I play in front of a whole crowd and I see one person smile, that’s a job well done.”

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6 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

“Will you do me a favor, Achenyo?” Mama called as she looked up from her weaving. Beside her was a pile of wild-grass stalks (秆). Mama took a stalk, laid it along the length of the half-finished bag, and began to weave (编织). In the corner were pots of dyes (染料) she’d use to paint the finished bags. “Will you get me some water for the dyes?” “Of course, Mama!” Achenyo picked up a pot as she ran outside. She didn’t like weaving, although it was a tradition for a mother to pass on the trade to her daughter. Outside, Achenyo called to her neighbor Ajuma. Both girls, with pots balanced on their heads, made their way to the river.

Achenyo and Ajuma soon arrived at the water’s edge, and they found a huge surprise. The river was gone! In its place was a blanket of dark green leaves and lavender-colored (淡紫色的) flowers. “Oh no!” Achenyo cried. “Mama won’t have water to mix the dyes for her bags.” When the adults arrived at the riverbank, they shook their heads, saying “They’ve struck again!”

Last year, the rainy season had brought an invasion (入侵) of water hyacinths. The plants had covered the river and left no room to dip a pot to get water. And now they were back. The adults walked into the water. They began pulling up water hyacinths and throwing them onto the riverbank. When they’d cleared enough plants, the girls filled their pots with water. A pile of water hyacinths lay on the riverbank. What a shame to waste such pretty flowers, Achenyo thought. She picked some for Mama, and then the girls headed home. Each day, they found the river covered by water hyacinths as if no one had cleared the waterfront (水边地) the day before. To fill their pots, they again had to pull up and throw water hyacinths onto the riverbank. The pile on the sand grew taller.

One day, as Achenyo moved an armful of dried water hyacinths out of her way, she had an idea. Carrying the plants under her arm, she ran home.

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3. 参考词汇:weave vt. & vi. (wove, woven) 编织

“Mama, will you teach me to weave?” asked Achenyo eagerly.


One afternoon, Achenyo held up her finished work made from water hyacinths.

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7 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

My mother eyed me with suspicion. I dared not look at her. Knowing that I was late from school five days in a row, I could not offer an acceptable explanation. However, realizing she had little choice but to accept my explanation that I had extra curricular activities every day and arrived home after 5 p.m., she told me that dinner was in the refrigerator and to warm it up in the microwave oven. She had to rush for her night work at the local clinic.

After our dad passed away in an accident, my mother became the only breadwinner. I was the eldest among the four siblings (兄弟姊妹) and it fell upon my shoulder to ensure that they would become responsible adults. Aside from helping Mother with the housework, I regularly coached them in their studies. Thankfully, never once did I have to raise my voice or force them to complete their homework. But all of us missed Dad deeply, who was a model father and husband. Mom had never recovered from the tragic incident.

However, she managed to pull through to raise us and secured a job at the clinic. It was very tough on someone like her who had never worked before in her life. But money was scarce and there were five mouths to feed. We stopped dining out and had our meals mostly at home. We basically lived from hand to mouth. That’s when it dawned on me that I had to do my part for the family. I knew Mother would not agree but I threw caution out of the window and managed to get a part-time job at a fast food restaurant. I worked three hours a day and managed to bring home money so that my siblings and I could go out for occasional movies or meals.

I was sure Mother suspected something wrong. But she could not quite point the figure to the source of her suspicion. However, I was awfully guilty and had to constantly reassure (宽慰) myself that contributing financially to the family was the least I could do to lessen my mother’s burden.

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One day, while serving the customers, I was surprised to see Mother leading my siblings in.


I walked over to see Mother was already crying.

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8 . 阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。续写词数应为150左右。

A few years ago, my mom went to the doctor to ask him about her neck, which had been a little bigger than usual. It turned out there was something t wrong with her lymph glands (淋巴结), and soon they scheduled Mom to have a biopsy (组织切片检查) on the seventh of September.

As soon as I found out, I was very angry, as September 7 is my birthday.They had promised to take me to see a spider- man movie and had a picnic in the yard.I shouted at her and everyone else, too. I even shouted at the dog. I started begging her to reschedule the biopsy, She gave me this look like she was about to cry and said, “I’m sorry, but I’ve done everything I can. I’ve got a disease. Could you forgive me?” Finally, I just yelled, “ I hate you!” and ran into my room, crying. I sat on my bed thinking —Why do things always have to happen to me? Everyone gets diseases. Why couldn’t mom just go to hospital another day?

For the next couple of weeks 1 remained silently angry. Deep down I knew 1 shouldn't act that way, but I did anyway. Anyone could see how sad I was making my mom. I knew it wasn't her fault, but I had to have someone to blame.

Finally, my birthday came. My parents left early in the morning for the hospital, and I was sent to our neighbor's house. No spider-man movie, no birthday present, and no picnic. Though I was taken good care of, I was not having a good time. “This isn't fair,” I thought. “This was supposed to be my day.”

My parents came home late that night. Mom walked in with a bandage on her neck. She sat down and rested her head on my dad's shoulder. It hurt so badly that it was difficult for her to talk.


Later that night, Mom asked me to get into her room and she pulled out a box.


A week later when Mom got the test result, she bugged me tightly and said, “Thank God, it was not cancer(癌 症)!”

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9 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写一段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

It all began when I moved to Dallasin the fourth grade, and I noticed that I was behind in my reading at School. Reading out loud, I had difficulty with half the sentences. My teacher, Mrs. Agnew, said my reading comprehension and ability to pronounce words was at a lower level than other fourth graders. I was scared every time she called on me to read aloud because, although I would try my hardest, she would always have to help me with the words. Mrs. Agnew suggested to my mother that I be tested for dyslexia (发育性阅读障碍) and seek a cure.

At first I didn’t understand why I was being tested. To be honest, I was in fear of facing failure then. Nervous and confused, I sat waiting in the hospital room, unsure of what Dr. Grady, the doctor who diagnosed developmental dyslexia, was telling my parents about the test results.

However, the final results showed that I did have developmental dyslexia. Knowing it, I froze. I had no idea what to do but stand still. My mother looked at me and said quietly, “Honey, don’t worry, and I’ll be with you all time. Are you going to let the obstacle get in your way? Say NO!”. Eventually, I became determined to struggle against my disability. I started to take speech treatments from doctors and some medical volunteers regularly. Dr. Grady told us to go to the hospital twice a week for treatment and my reading ability will get to normal after three years’ training.

Gradually, I even began to love reading, which I had once hated it so much. Several medical volunteers listened to me patiently and taught me patiently. I was deeply moved. Whenever I saw volunteers in white candy-striped (粉白相间条纹的) medical uniforms passing by me, I had a strong desire to give back by being a volunteer to help those like me.

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The time for retesting finally arrived.
One day a little girl in a wheelchair asked me to read a book to her.
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10 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。续写的词数应为150左右。

A Chair for My Mother

My mother works as a waitress in the Blue Tile Diner. After school sometimes I go to meet her there. Then her boss Josephine gives me a job too. When I finish, Josephine says, “Good work, honey,” and pays me. And every time, I put half of my money into the jar (罐子).

It takes a long time to fill a jar this big. Every day when my mother comes home from work, I take down the jar. My mama empties all her change from tips for me to count. Then we push all of the coins into the jar.

Sometimes my mama is laughing when she comes home from work. Sometimes she’s so tired she falls asleep while I count the money. Some days she has lots of tips. Some days she has only a few. Then she looks worried. But each evening every single shiny coin goes into the jar.

We sit in the kitchen to count the tips. Usually Grandma sits with us too. Often she has money in her old wallet for us. Whenever she gets a good bargain (划算的交易) on tomatoes or bananas or something she buys, she puts by the savings and they go into the jar.

When we can’t get a single other coin into the jar, we are going to take out all the money and go and buy a chair. Yes, a chair. A wonderful, beautiful, fat, soft armchair for Mama and Grandma. When Mama comes home, her feet hurt. “There’s no good place for me to rest my feet,” she says. When Grandma wants to sit back and cut up potatoes, she has to get as comfortable as she can on a hard kitchen chair.

So that is how come Mama brought home the biggest jar she could find and all the coins started to go into the jar.

Paragraph 1:

Now the jar is too heavy for me to lift down.

Paragraph 2:

Finally we find the chair we are all dreaming of.

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