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文章大意:本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要通过对家庭传统和草莓采摘的生动描述,展示了人与自然之间 的紧密联系和相互依存的关系,以及亲手制作礼物所蕴含的深刻意义。

1 . In our family, the presents we gave one another were almost always homemade. I thought that was the definition of a gift: something you made for someone else. We made all our Christmas gifts: piggy banks from old bottles, and puppets from retired socks. It didn’t seem like a hardship to me; it was something special.

My father loves wild strawberries, so for Father’s Day my mother would almost always make him strawberry cakes. While we kids were responsible for the berries, we each got an old jar and spent the Saturday before the celebration in the fields, filling it as more ended up in our mouths. Finally, we returned home and poured them out on the kitchen table to sort out the bugs. I’m sure we missed some, but Dad never mentioned the extra protein.

In fact, he thought that was the best possible present, or so he had us convinced. It was a gift that could never be bought. As children raised by strawberries, we were probably unaware that the gift of berries was from the fields themselves, not from us. Our gift was time, attention, care and “red” fingers.

Gifts from the earth or from each other establish a particular relationship, a duty of sorts to give, to receive, and to exchange. The field gave to us, we gave to my dad, and we tried to give back to the strawberries. When the berry season was done, the plants would send out its red runners to make new plants. So I would weed out little fields of ground where the runners touched down. Sure enough, tiny little roots would emerge from the runner and by the end of the season there were even more plants, ready to bloom under the next strawberry season. No person taught us this — the strawberries showed us. Because they had given us a gift, an ongoing relationship opened between us.

1. What is the author’s belief about a gift?
A.It should be practical and valuable.B.It should be luxurious and special.
C.It should be purchased from a store.D.It should be made with personal effort.
2. What did the children do for Father’s Day?
A.Making strawberry cakes.B.Finding the sweetest strawberries.
C.Going strawberry picking.D.Baking strawberry cookies.
3. What would the author do to give back to the strawberries?
A.Making homemade gifts for her father.
B.Devoting time and attention to the plant.
C.Waiting for the strawberries to get ripe again.
D.Searching for fields for the plants to take roots.
4. What did the strawberries teach the family?
A.How to cook with strawberries.
B.The importance of giving and receiving.
C.How to cherish homemade gifts.
D.The procedure of growing strawberries.
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2 . It was early spring and my mother worked the soil into a ridge (隆起部分) for sweet potatoes on the edge of her garden. She planted sweet comas next. When I saw the plants, I was really excited. I thought it was really amazing. This gave me an idea. So one day when my mother was working in the garden again, I said to her, “Mum, can I have some space in your garden?”

My mum looked as if she couldn’t believe her ears. I was just six years old then, after all.

“Why do you want some space?” she asked. “I want to grow some plants, too,” I said.

“What plants do you want to grow?” asked my mum.

I thought of some marigold (万寿菊) seeds I had saved from my grandma’s garden, so I told her I wanted to grow that kind of flower.

My mother didn’t answer me immediately. She looked at her plants. All that she had grown were vegetables. I didn’t know what she was thinking back then, but now I do. She didn’t want to waste her garden space. But at last she said, “OK. You can do that.”

I was very happy when I heard that. My mother then gave me a 4-by-4-foot square of space in the garden. With my mother’s guidance, I happily planted the seeds in my small “garden”. Then I watered them. In the following days I waited for the seedlings to appear. When I finally saw some, I let out cries of joy.

I have fallen in love with gardening ever since, I was lucky that I could work in a “garden” of my own when I was little. Today many children living in cities can’t have such fun. But their parents can still take them out to enjoy nature in the wild. It can bring them great joy, believe me!

1. What did the author want to do when she saw the plants grown by her mum?
A.To learn to grow vegetables.B.To have her own garden space.
C.To observe the plants every day.D.To help her mother in the garden.
2. How did the author’s mother feel about the author’s request?
3. What was the author’s mother most probably thinking then?
A.She should plant some flowers.B.She should grow more vegetables.
C.She would have to waste some space.D.She had a lot of garden space to spare.
4. Why does the author share her story?
A.To introduce marigolds to gardeners.B.To show today’s children live a boring life.
C.To advise people to buy houses with gardens.D.To encourage parents to take their kids to nature.
2024-01-02更新 | 28次组卷 | 1卷引用:广西钦州市灵山县天山中学2023-2024学年高一上学期期中考试英语试题
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文章大意:这是一篇记叙文,文章主要讲述了Ida Nelson在晚上蒸桑拿时听见有飞机发出不正常的声音,出去后才发现机场跑道的灯灭了,导致一架空运救护飞机无法降落去救助一位病重的女孩,于是Ida Nelson和周围的村民们用车灯指引飞机降落并起飞,最后小女孩得到医治并顺利出院,文章告诉我们有时候小举动汇集起来也能帮助解决困难。

3 . Ida Nelson was relaxing herself in her sister’s sauna (桑拿室) when she heard the sound of a small airplane circling the nearby airport.

It was 11: 30 at night in a remote village with a population of 70, and, as she told the newspaper reporter, “Any time a plane flies over that late, you know something is wrong.” Nelson and her sister leaped out of the sauna, ran to the window, and saw the problem — the airports runway lights were out. Nelson threw on some clothes, jumped into her jeep, and floored it to the airport, where she found a local pilot trying to turn on the lights manually.

“Normally, if you push the button 10 or 15 times, the lights will just light up,” Nelson told the reporter. Not this time. Meanwhile, she and the pilot learned of the plane’s urgent mission — it was a helicopter, there to transport a seriously ill local girl to the nearest hospital, 280 miles away in another city.

Nelson had a plan. Driving her jeep to the end of the runway, she shone her headlights on the road for the plane to follow. Great idea, but it wasn’t enough. More light was needed, so a neighbor called nearly every home in the village — 32 of them.

Within 20 minutes, 20 vehicles arrived at the airport, many of the drivers still in pajamas. Following directions from the helicopter pilot, the cars lined up on one side of the runway. The helicopter made its final approach and, guided by the headlights, landed safely. The young patient was loaded onto the aircraft, and the plane immediately took off again. Her illness was never publicly known, but she has since been recovered.

Without them, the girl might not have made it. However, for Nelson, it was only a small deed.

1. What problem did the helicopter encounter?
A.Its lights went out by accident.
B.It made noise as it ran out of fuel.
C.It didn’t arrive at the scheduled time.
D.It could not spot the runway at night.
2. What does the underlined word “urgent” in paragraph 3 probably mean?
3. What can we conclude from the passage?
A.The girl has been in the hospital since her illness was reported.
B.The creative thought and the sense of duty of Nelson led to the final landing.
C.The villagers gathered so quickly because they were awake and ready to help.
D.The helicopter was to transport the girl from the local hospital to another one.
4. What does this passage want to tell the readers?
A.No way is impossible to courage.
B.A friend in need is a friend indeed.
C.A small act of kindness makes a big difference.
D.Where there is a wisdom, there is effectiveness.
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4 . For me, nothing is more satisfying than discovering hidden precious stones in secondhand shops. After all, one person’s garbage may be another person’s treasure. I can spend hours sorting through boxes of old photography.

Two years ago, I came across a collection of loose, dusty photos. I looked to see if there were any names on the backs. I thought that if these were mine or my family’s, I’d want someone to return them to me. So I made it my goal to do so for others.

Since then, I’ve visited secondhand shops weekly, and have collected more than 50,000 of these items. I organize them in big boxes all over my house in New York.

I’ve also set up a social media account to help reunite items with their owners or other family members. The first item I posted was a video tape of a family holiday and I digitized (数字化) it. It was a video of two parents and a son of university age on a trip in the 1990s — the son was wearing a T-shirt with the words “Wesleyan swimming” on it.

My fans on social media contacted the sports departments in universities across the US and asked swimming coaches from the 1990s if they recognized the student. At last, the family was found. They couldn’t believe it and was overjoyed to be reunited with the tape. Then, the family revisited some of the memories together.

People are often quite affecting when seeing the items again — most of these items are lost after a house move or a family death, because they thought they would never see these items again. I have some rules, including not sharing sensitive photographs and removing posts if the family does not want their memories online. I want to encourage people to protect their own family history so that they don’t get lost.

1. Why did the author return old photos two years ago?
A.To do what he thought was worth doing.
B.To exchange them for more valuable items.
C.To discover more stories behind them.
D.To avoid more rubbish around in community.
2. How did the family reunite with the video tape?
A.By recalling the past.
B.By seeing the digitized tape on a poster.
C.With the help of the author and his fans.
D.Through a T-shirt with the family names.
3. What’s the probable reaction of people seeing the lost items again?
A.They feel at a loss.B.They’re filled with strong emotions.
C.They tend to remove them.D.They clean them again.
4. What is a rule observed by the author?
A.Throwing the items into the rubbish.
B.Giving up social media as much as possible.
C.Returning lost items to social organizations.
D.Deleting the online posts if not permitted.
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5 . Staff at the Thai Dynasty restaurant in Singapore never thought they’d receive such a huge tip during the COVID-19 pandemic (流行病), when economic condition seemed hard, let alone one as big as $600. But believe it or not, they did.

What was more surprising, however, was the person who left that massive tip for them. It wasn’t from a customer who was feeling extra generous that day. No, it was Jesse, a food delivery rider who came by to pick up an online order.

Being a familiar face among the staff due to frequent orders from the restaurant, the delivery rider wanted to show his best appreciation for their hard work in ensuring orders are prepared on time every time he comes by to pick something up. Along with the tip, he also left a heartfelt written note.

“Hello! I am writing to you all because I am very happy with your food and friendly customer service,” the note starts. “I want to say that your food is really delicious. You know, every day when I’m working, I see you all working so hard, which makes me feel proud of you all. Working is not easy, and I understand that because I am also working. Therefore, I want to thank you all for the good food and I want to help you all. Here inside is $600, for all of you. Share it among yourselves. Thank you once again!”

Speaking to Shin Min Daily, Thai Dynasty director Jason Pay said he never expected such a thing from a delivery rider, despite Jesse being a familiar face. “Employees are allowed to keep the tips for their good service, but they chose to return it, which I’m touched by,” Pay said.

Yes, they managed to return the super generous tip when Jesse swung by a few hours later to pick up another order. But seeing the hard work that the delivery rider highlighted in his staff, Pay decided to reward them the next day with pizza and other dishes for lunch.

1. What does the underlined word “It” in the second paragraph refer to?
A.The tip.B.An note.C.A stranger.D.An order.
2. What impressed Jesse most about the restaurant?
A.The delicious food.B.The familiar faces.
C.The generous customers.D.The positive working attitude.
3. What did the staff do to show their appreciation?
A.They told the story to the newspaper.
B.They gave back the tip to the delivery rider.
C.They helped the delivery rider get more orders.
D.They treated the rider with delicious pizza and other dishes.
4. Which saying can describe the text best?
A.Experience must be bought.
B.When in Rome, do as the Romans do.
C.A hero is known in the time of misfortune.
D.Everyone’s love will make the world a better place.
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6 . Albert Einstein, the genius behind the theory of relativity, which provided a new framework for all of physics and proposed new concepts of space and time, has recently been making headlines again. However, this time it is not for a new scientific breakthrough, but because of two handwritten notes the scientist gave a bellboy 99 years ago.

The story goes something like this. In 1922, Einstein was invited to Tokyo to deliver lectures. As the scientist was making his way from Europe to Japan, he received a telegram informing him that he had been awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics. Though pleased at the news, he decided to continue with his Japanese trip instead of heading to Stockholm to accept the honor.

When in Tokyo, he penned two notes in German. One of them, written on a piece of plain paper, said, “Where there’s a will, there’s a way.”

Why did Einstein write the notes? Some believe they were to express Einstein’s delight at the reception he received from the people of Japan who crowded to attend the laureate’s (获奖者) lectures. Others think they were specially written for the bellboy who came to deliver a message, either because the scientist did not have loose change to tip him, or because the messenger refused to accept tips. Regardless of the reason, Einstein purportedly told the bellboy, “Maybe if you are lucky, those notes will become much more valuable than just a regular tip.” He was right!

Earlier this year, the bellboy’s nephew decided to part with the notes and handed them to auction houses. One note brought the owner an astonishing $ 1.56 million. The second note, which opened at $ 1,000 and was expected to fetch a maximum of $ 6,000, was sold for $ 240,000!

1. What made Einstein become people’s focus again?
A.The theory of relativity.B.His new concepts of space.
C.The notes written by himself.D.His notes about his theory.
2. Where did Einstein write the words?
A.In Berne.B.In Stockholm.C.In Germany.D.In Japan.
3. How were Einstein’s lectures?
A.They had a great effect.B.They attracted a lot of people.
C.They successfully inspired people.D.They were hard to understand.
4. How might the owner of the notes feel about the deal?
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7 . Society looks down on people who collect the wastes of others, but what they don’t realize is that they could get more money in one day than what they get in one week working at their daily job from selling other people’s unwanted goods.

I am no “make-money-quick guru” but I have made a couple thousand dollars from selling what others throw out to the garbage. As the saying goes: “One man’s trash (垃圾), another man’s treasure.”

You don’t have to start a business. You could simply sell second-hand things people give away and profit from it. In my high school days, I had my first experience selling an old pre-loved Logitech to a buyer on Gumtree.com.au for $50. I remember how exciting it was for me to make money from something I no longer needed. I technically made a $50 profit in less than an hour.

How to make $1000 with $0 in a day?

Go on platforms such as Facebook market or Gumtree and find things people are giving away for free in your local area, then sell it. I found an abundance of household items like cupboards, shelves, mirror cabinet, and chairs that sell very well. Don’t worry what people think of you, remember that you could get a few hundred for those.

Reinvest your money and buy something with a higher value that someone might be happy to get rid of, and sell that for a profit of $600, etc. Your action is not just about making money, but also seeing it as using the earth’s resources efficiently and not wasting them in the trash.

If there is one thing I learned from this practice, it is that: there is always someone out there who considers one man’s trash as treasure, no matter what the item is.

1. What may a “make-money-quick guru” mean in Paragraph 2?
A.A person who throws unwanted things.
B.A person who works in a big company.
C.A person who makes much money by himself.
D.A person who teaches people how to make much money.
2. How did the writer start his business?
A.By collecting wastes.B.By selling his old things.
C.By buying valuable things.D.By giving away useless things.
3. Why did the writer buy more valuable things?
A.To collect them for later use.B.To get rid of the unwanted things.
C.To learn from the practice.D.To sell them and get a higher profit.
4. What’s the best title for the passage?
A.Sell Unwanted ThingsB.Make Money in a New Business
C.One Person’s Trash, Another Person’s CashD.Live an Environmentally Friendly Life
2023-04-26更新 | 47次组卷 | 1卷引用:广西钦州市2022-2023学年高二上学期期末考试英语试题
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8 . When 45-year-old Randy Pausch was diagnosed with pancreatic(胰腺) cancer, he chose to focus on living rather than dying. As a computer science professor at Carnegie Mellon University, Pausch was asked to deliver a “last lecture”. This well-known campus tradition allowed professors to share worldly wisdom with students as if they were dying and had one last lecture to give.

The only difference in Pausch’s case is that Pausch really was dying, but it only motivated him more. He delivered his last lecture, “Really Achieving Your Childhood Dreams” on Sept. 18, 2007.

Pausch began by sharing several of his boyhood dreams, some of which he had achieved and the others he hadn’t. He described the importance of having dreams and how anyone can still learn a lot by reaching for those dreams, even if they don’t always succeed. He shared the values(价值观) learned through experience, which he hoped to pass on to others hard work, laughter and gratitude, honesty, character.

Pausch’s last lecture received a great deal of praise and attention. It became a crazy YouTube hit, and in October 2007, he presented an abridged (删节的) version on “The Oprah Winfrey Show”. He turned the lecture into a book by the same name, which quickly became a best-seller. Readers were deeply moved by the book’s representation of Pausch’s lifelong philosophy and the way it revealed the biggest source of his motivation—his three young children.

Pausch passed away on July 25, 2008, but his voice lives on in the recorded lecture and his book. He continues to motivate us all by encouraging us to never give up our childhood dreams—a source of inspiration that can never run dry.

1. Why was Pausch asked to give his “last lecture”?
A.To teach the students.B.To make him have a better life.
C.To cure his cancer.D.To achieve his dream.
2. What was Pausch’s lecture mainly about?
A.His private life in boyhood.B.Having dreams and good values.
C.The reason for his success.D.The experience learned from others.
3. Which of the following motivated Pausch most?
A.His dreams.B.His children.C.His work.D.His students.
4. The purpose of the passage is to inspire people to ________.
A.keep on dreamingB.know the meaning of life
C.enjoy lifeD.give the last lecture
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9 . There was an old man who lived in a house by himself. Because of his old age, he wasn’t able to get around very well. Therefore, he had almost everything delivered(送货) to his home, including(包括) his newspaper, his milk, and his bread. On Friday, while delivering the old man’s milk, the milkman knocked on the front door of the man’s house. But to his surprise, no one answered. And the milk he delivered for these two days hadn’t been taken into the house yet. Beside the milk on the doorstep, there were also two bags of bread for Wednesday and Thursday.

This was the third day that the man hadn’t come to his door to get the milk. The milkman immediately thought there was something strange about the situation. He looked through the keyhole in the front door and was surprised to see the old man lying on the ground, maybe dead. The milkman called the police to the scene(现场). They found that the man had been shot to death. After finding out the things around the man’s house further, the police found no evidence(证据) other than(除了) a copy of Tuesday’s newspaper on the doorstep.

They then interviewed the three people who had most recently seen the old man: the milkman, the old man’s baker, and a newspaper deliveryman. They questioned the men to see if any of them had killed the old man. While being questioned, all three men said they didn’t kill him. It seemed unlikely that all three of them were innocent(无辜的). But the police had already figured out (推测) who the killer might be. They arrested the newspaper deliveryman.

How did the police figure out that he might be the person who killed the old man?
1. From the first paragraph, we learned that________.
A.the old man lived with his wife
B.the old man was strong enough to do many things
C.the old man lived alone
D.the old man had three good friends
2. Who found the old man lying on the ground?
A.The old man’s baker.B.A newspaper deliveryman.
C.The milkman.D.The policeman.
3. What’s the meaning of the underlined word “arrested”?
A.Be asked some questions.B.Be taken to the police station.
C.Be told something.D.Be fined.
4. How did the police figure out that the newspaper deliveryman might be the person who killed the old man?
A.The police found only a copy of Tuesday’s newspaper on the doorstep. There were no copies of Wednesday’s and Thursday’s newspapers.
B.The milkman told the policeman he saw it.
C.The old man left a letter.
D.The newspaper deliveryman left some of his private things in the old man’s house.
2022-12-29更新 | 36次组卷 | 1卷引用:广西钦州市第一中学2021-2022学年高一上学期英语期中考试英语试题
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文章大意:本文是记叙文。文章讲述小镇的男孩因盗窃入狱,无法在播种时节帮助父亲, 于是故意在给父亲的信中提到自己在父亲的地里埋了赃物,警察信以为真,翻遍了土地,变相地帮男孩的父亲锄了地。

10 . In a certain village lived a farmer and his only son. The son was a thief who always went about stealing from people’s homes. He continued this bad lifestyle till the day his cup got filled. He stole heavy sum of money from the richest man in their village, but that day he didn’t escape successfully as he used to. The rich man contacted the police immediately when he found out that his money was missing and the police started investigating, and finally they found out that the boy stole the money so they sent him to prison.

After some months, it was time for farming and the farmer was already old and weak and can’t dig the ground anymore, so the old farmer wrote this letter to his son in prison. “Son, this year I will not plant cassava and yam because I can’t dig the field, I know if you were here you would have helped me”. The son was really touched by his father’s letter so he thought a plan, and replied his father “Dad, don’t even think of digging the field because that’s where I buried the money I stole”.

On reading this letter, the policeman went early in the morning and dug the whole field in search of the money but nothing was found. The next day the son wrote his father again “Dad, you can now plant your cassava and yam. This is the best I can do from here. ”

Dad replied “My son, you are too powerful indeed, even in prison you still command policemen to work for me. I was so surprised to see the policeman and his team holding hoes and shovels, digging my farm. Next time I will write to you when I want to harvest.

1. What happened to the boy after he got caught stealing?
A.He was punished by the rich man.
B.He was sentenced to imprisonment.
C.He was arrested and questioned by the police.
D.He returned the stolen money to its original owner.
2. What can we learn from the story?
A.Think outside the box.
B.Every bean has its black.
C.Slow and steady wins the race.
D.A fall into the pit, a gain in your wit.
3. What can be inferred from the passage?
A.The boy buried the stolen money in his father’s field.
B.The police believed what the boy wrote in the letter to his father.
C.The boy had the power to command the police to dig the field for his father.
D.The police would come and dig the field again when his father want to harvest.
4. What is the farmer’s attitude towards his son’s plan?
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