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1 . 阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。

When Marco was a boy, he tried everything to get his father’s love and attention. He worked hard to earn good marks; he tried to be obedient (顺从的), he chose inspiring friends and always tried to behave well.

Sensitive and shy, he was so timid (胆怯的) that he always wore turtleneck shirts. He hid behind his hair, which he wore long around his face and ears. To make it worse, Marco was naturally shorter than the other kids. And because his good marks had allowed him to skip second grade — he was younger than everyone else. This added nothing to his already low self-confidence.

When Marco was eight his parents divorced, and Marco was sent to a boarding school. Six years later, he and his young sister Sandra moved in with their dad and his new wife in S-Leonard, a French Canadian and Italian neighborhood on the east side of Montreal, It felt to Marco that his father had little time for him and Sandra. Except for his demands around chores (日常琐事) after school, communication was nonexistent. It seemed to Marco the only time his dad ever spoke to him was to be demanding. He began to fear to come home from school every day.

Marco sank further into his low self-confidence, feeling unappreciated, inadequate, depressed and confused.

One day, his aunt called him. To Marco, this seemed like a miracle. Aunt Ginette usually only called once a year, on his birthday. She said she had just seen some young teenagers participate in a public speaking contest called Gala Personnalite sponsored by Club Optimiste — and she thought about him. She thought he, should give it a try. She told him she firmly believed he could perform on stage like the other kids.

Marco was greatly surprised. Him? Onstage? In a public speaking contest? To agree would be contrary to his entire shy, timid personality. But Aunt Ginette was so confident. She seemed really serious. She was sure it was something he could do. She truly believed in him. And feeling her strong belief, Marco agreed to enter the contest.


1. 所续写短文的词数应为150左右;

2. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好。

Paragraph 1:

An energy flooded him, which he never felt before.


Paragraph 2:

When the big night arrived, his family were all in the audience.


2024-03-26更新 | 63次组卷 | 1卷引用:江苏省句容高级中学2021-2022学年高一下学期期末考试英语试卷
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2 . Read the following paragraph, and then continue the story. No less than 70 words.(故事续写)

Once upon a time, there was a small town. There lived a man by himself who couldn’t see. He was blind. Yet, he carried a lighted lamp with him whenever he went out at night. One night as he was coming home after having dinner outside, he came across a group of young travelers.

2023-12-30更新 | 27次组卷 | 1卷引用:浙江杭州新东方2022年新高一英语期末考试题02
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3 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

Bob was a small-built child who preferred indoor to outdoor activities. He was mild-mannered and mostly kept to himself. Sitting in the corner of the class, he was very much a loner. Whenever he was made fun of in class, he would turn to his mother for comfort.

At the beginning of semester 2, Bob had a new classmate, Alex, who had just returned to New Zealand. Alex was assigned a seat next to Bob. To his surprise, within weeks, he became good friends with Alex even though they were poles apart in personality. Alex was popular, outspoken and artistic. “Alex is all that I want to be, ” Bob thought to himself. He began listening to the music Alex listened to and having similar haircut. He even quit his drama club and started playing the online games that Alex played. He seemed to have been out of his loneliness.

It was not long before Bob was introduced to Alex’s “cool“ friends. He told himself that he would try all means to be part of the group. He would follow them to the football games and join the art club after school so he could spend more time hanging out with them. Bob followed them around laughing when they told jokes, agreeing when they had opinions—most enthusiastically at the ones he disagreed with. He did not dare to differ in opinions as he would not want them to think badly of him. This continued for several months. At last, Bob felt relieved that he had finally fitted in.

One day, Bob overheard Alex and his cool friends talking “Bob’s such a loser, ” one boy commented in a playful tone. “He just follows you around trying to be you. He copies you; he does not have a personality of his own!” another boy exclaimed. Alex laughed, to make matters worse, he added, "That fellow wears me out. I wish he would leave me alone. He thinks we are best friends. A thorough fool!”

1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Bob stood rooted to the ground and could not believe his ears.
Bob decided to change himself.
2023-01-15更新 | 79次组卷 | 1卷引用:山东省济宁市2022-2023学年高三上学期期末考试英语试题
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4 . 阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段, 使之构成一篇完整的短文。

Easton retired(退休) as a school teacher, and he didn’t have enough savings. What’s worse, his wife, Cassandra, had heart disease that needed expensive treatment.

To save his wife’s life, Easton didn’t have a choice but to take up a job, and he found one as a pizza delivery(递送) man at Rooster’s Pizza. On his first day on the job, his co-workers judged him because the sight of an 84-year-old pizza delivery man was undoubtedly a rare one. But Easton didn’t care.

After delivering the first two orders that day, Easton was on his way to deliver the third one, when he realized his car was low on gas. He stopped at a gas station, worried he would be late for his next delivery. Determined to make it on time, Easton grabbed the steering wheel and drove as fast as he could. However, as he reached one of the main roads, a police car stopped him.

When Officer Jenkins and Officer Matthew walked up to Easton’s car, they were shocked to see an 84-year-old behind the wheel of a pizzeria car. Moreover, they didn’t expect an old man to be speeding.

“You see,” Easton said nervously, “I am running late for pizza delivery. We have a policy of delivering pizza within 45 minutes, or I’ll have to pay for it out of my pocket, and I need money for my wife’s treatment. I hope you understand…”

Officer Matthew looked at Easton’s teary eyes and trembling hands and felt deeply sad for him. However, he couldn’t go against his line of duty. They had to give him a ticket anyway. Easton was late for the delivery that day, prompting his manager to deduct(扣除) it from his salary. He was also warned that he would have to leave if he repeated the mistake.

Not losing heart, Easton set out for his deliveries the following day. “Rooster’s Pizza!” he shouted as he rang the doorbell of one of the houses on his list.

注意:1. 续写词数应150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

When the door opened, Easton recognized his customer was Officer Matthew!


Easton couldn’t believe what had just happened and was surprised by what Officer Matthew did for him.

2022-11-26更新 | 557次组卷 | 13卷引用:专题10 读后续写10篇(名校最新期末真题)-2022-2023学年高一英语上学期期末复习查缺补漏冲刺满分(外研版2019)
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5 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使其构成一篇完整的短文。

“Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow, Creeps in this petty pace from day to day.” What crosses your mind when you think of tomorrow? Some people think of the future literally like the next day. To others, it means the unknown. To me, it signifies hope.

Every day, on the way to and from school I pass by a children’s hospital. One morning, as I was hurrying to school, I noticed a child staring out of a small window on the first floor. The next minute I tripped (绊倒) and sprawled on the ground. As I slowly pulled myself up and dusted myself off, I looked up again and saw the child laughing. In spite of my situation, I was pleased to have made someone laugh. I bowed as though I were a performer. The child clapped and waved at me. As I stepped closer, I saw that the girl’s head was bald, a sign that she was a cancer patient. I quickly waved one last time to her before heading for the school

The next morning and the next, I looked out for the little girl and waved to her, doing a little jig just to make her laugh. I thought about her and wondered what her life must be like. Was that how the child lived from day to day?

I felt the urge to visit the child. I went to the hospital and looked for the room facing the road. I found the little girl. She was thin and pale. When she saw me, her eyes widened with recognition and she welcomed me with a shy smile. I talked to her a bit and learned her name, Suki. The nurse who saw me talking to her later told me that Suki was a leukemia patient. Her mother died two years ago and her father was now on duty outside the country. The nurse encouraged me to visit Suki so that she would not be so lonesome. As I was leaving, Suki called to me, “Tomorrow?” I understood and said,

“Yes, tomorrow.”


After that, I popped in to visit Suki after school every day.


Two months later, Suki told me the good news.

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6 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

The Gift of Kindness

Will, a nine-year-old boy, was such a kind soul that he brought home birds with broken wings. Money was very short for his family because his mother was ill. Every weekend, Will would mow his neighbors lawns to earn a little money.

One hot dry morning, on his way to school, Will saw a man sitting on the roadside with his head in his hands. Not far away was his truck. Previously, the man spared no efforts in repairing it, but he failed, exhausted and thirsty. Will came up to him, ready to help.

Hearing Will’s greeting, the man raised his head, looked at Will and asked for some water. Learning that he had even not had breakfast, Will walked into a shop, fingering the money in his pocket. Eventually, he picked up sandwiches and water. They cost all his money! He shrugged, walked back and handed him the food.

The man received the supplies gratefully and they shared the brief meal while introducing themselves. Allan, a boss with a small factory who delivered goods by himself, smiled,” The delivering job is so tiring that nobody seems to want it. By the way, thank you for your food. I’m sorry that I forget to take money with me today. I’ll..”

“It’s OK. My mom always says we should be kind to the world, and the world will be kind to you!” Will shrugged, “As for the job, don’t worry. There must be someone wanting to take it.”

“Perhaps. Today, I feel kindness in the world like your mom says. Maybe she is the one the world has been kind to.” Allan commented.

Will lowered his head, explaining quietly his mother’s situation and his father’s just being out of work because of the bankrupt of the company. Will pointed at a house. “My dad says we’ll have to sell it to pay for mom’s treatment. Sometimes, I hope the world could be kind to our family soon.” Tears rolled down Will’s cheeks and Allan patted his back gently. But soon, Will wiped his face, shouldered his school bag, waved goodbye to Allan and rushed for school, never imagining he would see Allan ever again.

Allan stared at Will’s fading figure, lost in thought.

1. 续写词数应为150左右;

After school, Will saw the truck parked in front of his house.


Hearing the good news, Will turned overjoyed.

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7 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

Charles Rose lived in the country with his father, who taught him to read and to write. Mr. Rose told his son that, when his morning lessons were over, he might amuse himself for one hour as he pleased.

There was a river near by. On its bank stood the hut of a poor fisherman, who lived by selling fish. His careful wife kept her wheel going early and late. They both worked very hard to keep themselves above want. But they were greatly troubled for fear that their only son should never learn to read and to write. They could not teach him themselves, and they were too poor to send him to school.

Charles called at the hut of this fisherman one day, to inquire about his dog, which was missing. He found the little boy, whose name was Joe, siting by the table, on which he was making marks with a piece of chalk. Charles asked him whether he was drawing pictures.

“No. I am trying to write,” said little Joe, “but I know only two words. Those I saw upon a sign, and I am trying to write them.”

“If I could only learn to read and write,” said he, “I should be the happiest boy in the world.”

“Then I will make you happy said Charles.” I am only a little boy, but I can teach you that.”

“My father gives me an hour every day for myself. Now, if you will try to learn, you shall soon know how to read and to write.”

Both Joe and his mother were ready to fall on their knees to thank Charles. They told him it was what they wished above all things.

So, on the next day when the hour came, Charles put his book in his pocket, and went to teach Joe. Joe learned very fast, and Charles son began to teach him how to write.

Some time after, a gentleman called on Mr. Rose, and said, “Charles did not always amuse himself. I often see him go to the house of the fisherman. I fear he goes out in their boat.”


The moment the gentleman left, Mr. Rose went in search of his son.


The next day, his father took him to town, and gave him books for himself and Joe, with writing paper, pens, and ink.

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8 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写一段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

I was lacking in everything needed to start a new friendship in a new town.

My parents had moved to the town when they decided to look for new jobs, but they didn't realize I was really hurt when I had to say goodbye to my old friends. It felt frightful to be a new student in my new school. When my classmates were chatting, I felt left out. I was not good at math or history, nor was I good at drawing or dancing. I was shy and timid (羞怯的). I had a few friends back at my hometown and it seemed that they were the only ones with whom I could be friends for my whole life. I felt there was no room for anyone else on my friends list. I was ashamed of myself, and believed I deserved no notice from others. That is, until Emily came to my world.

Emily was fearless, frank and easy to be around. She was everything I was not and I was too shy to come out of my shell. I met Emily in school almost every day but I never talked to her, even though we were in the same class. How I wished I could be like her, or at least be a friend of hers.

It was another ordinary day. I wandered to the bus stop in the morning and waited for the school bus. Birds were singing with their friends, but who could I sing with? I got on the bus and went straight to my usual seat, complaining in a low voice about getting up early and going to school like every other day, and about how things were going to be the same all over again. Little did I realize something different would happen that day.


When I got up to get off the bus, my schoolbag was stuck on the armrest (扶手).

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9 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

One holiday, my cousins and I decided to play a trick on my grandma. We planned to do it —not because we didn't like her. She was the sweetest grandma a kid could ever have, and we really loved her. We decided to play the trick just wanting to have some fun. And at that time, to our mind, it was just a harmless little kids' trick.

Early in the evening of that holiday, we began our trick. We secretly walked up to her doorstep with a can of red paint. Grandma was hard of hearing. So we didn't have to worry about being very quiet. Every time we thought about how funny it would be to see Grandma try to pick up a gift that was just painted on her doorstep, we couldn't stop laughing. It didn't take long to finish painting the gift two red roses. It wasn't very artistic. But for us little farm kids and an old woman with poor eyesight, it would do.

As soon as we were satisfied with the painting, we knocked on the door and ran to hide behind bushes and trees to watch the fun. There was a lot of giggling going on as we waited for Grandma to open the door. When she finally appeared, she stood in the doorway for a minute. She looked into the darkness, with her gray hair pulled back tightly into her usual style, wiping her hands on her usual white apron. And she said, “Who could be knocking at my door this hour of the night?” Hearing it, my stomach and cheeks ached from trying to hold back the laughter. Then she looked down at her doorstep. Even from fifteen meters away, we could see the joy that shone in her eyes when she spotted the red gift at her feet.

“Oh, how wonderful!” she called out happily. “A holiday gift for Grandma! I thought I was going to be forgotten again this year!”


Grandma bent down to pick up her gift.


At that moment, I regretted playing the trick and wanted to do something to make up for it

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10 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

The big day had finally arrived. I had won the local speech contest, representing Madison Middle School. Here it was the state competition. I waited backstage for the host to announce my name.

Even though I had practiced much, I was extremely nervous. My heart was thumping, my palms were sweating, and my mouth was dry. “Calm down,” I told myself. Still, picturing an audience of teachers, parents and classmates made me want to disappear totally.

Mr. Patrick, who taught me to give speeches, reminded me, “You’ll do great. You’re prepared. You’ve come this far.”

Mr. Patrick was right. I was ready for this, and besides, I won first place in the earlier contests. Yet, when I pictured all eyes on me waiting for me to mess up, my heart was gradually sinking into my stomach.

“You can’t back out now” I told myself as Mr. Nichols, the host, announced my name and the title of my speech, “My Hero.”

注意: 1. 续写词数应为 150 左右;2. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头已给出;

The big moment came.


My efforts undoubtedly paid off.

2022-08-12更新 | 100次组卷 | 1卷引用:甘肃省永昌县第一高级中学2021-2022学年高一下学期期末考试英语试题
共计 平均难度:一般