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Tim Robinson, a former junior officer of the British Army, was on holiday in Bridport, Dorset, a town in England. While enjoying a walk down the beach, Tim slipped on a piece of seaweed lying in the sand and fell, breaking his leg.

Unfortunately, Tim did not bring his cell phone with him when he left for his walk. No one was in site, but as Tim lay helpless he remembered his military training and tried to think about what was around to help him. After struggling around on the beach, the pain became too much to handle. He stopped and thought about what to do.

With no phone and no one around, and with his leg hurting greatly, Tim had a decision to make. He could either continue this way in pain and hope that someone happened to see him, or he could try something else. It didn’t matter that his leg had made him partially immobile, Tim still had the ability to crawl (爬行), and so he did.

The choice was easy, but the crawl was tough. Tim told the Daily Mail, “After I crawled to about a mile-and-a-quarter away from the car park, I started flashing my torch in SOS and spinning it over my head to create a Buzz-Saw signal which is a way of attracting helicopters in the armed forces.”

No one seemed to be around. At least, no one could read Tim’s signals for help. Once again, he had to either stay where he was and wait for help or get moving. In his mind he had no choice. There was no response to begin with, so he crawled for five minutes and covered about 50 meters before making the same signal three times. Most people couldn’t imagine crawling for any distance with a broken leg, but Tim wasn’t about to give up.


Tim finally got a response from the distance.


Tim’s condition was worse than Mrs. Robinson thought.

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“Ugh, chicken rolls again? I hate chicken rolls!” Matt yelled. “I’m not eating this.” Matt’s mom and dad looked at each other. Matt’s outbursts had been happening at least once a week all summer long.

“You know what, Matt? We re going to let you take over dinnertime from now on. You can pick the meals and cook them, as long as they’re healthy,” Mom said.

“Good, we’re going to eat good food every night!” Matt answered.

The next day, Dad sat down with Matt to make the meal plan so he could go grocery shopping. Matt had already been thinking about his favorite dinners. “We’re going to have beef tonight, and spaghetti tomorrow, and macaroni (通心粉) and cheese the next day,” Matt started.

“Woah, hold on now,” Dad said. “What else are we going to have with the beef? We need to have at least one vegetable with each meal, and usually we have another side to go with it.”

“Oh, yeah. Um, we can have corn with the beef,” Matt said.

“Sophia does not like corn,” said Dad.

“Well, it’s my choice, so I’m going to make corn,” Matt replied.

“OK, but she might complain at dinner tonight. Are you ready for that?” Dad asked.

“Yeah, whatever,” Matt answered.

Matt and his dad spent the next hour figuring out the whole week’s meals and side dishes. It was a lot more work than Matt expected, and almost every time he picked something out, his dad would tell him that someone in the family wouldn’t like it. It was very frustrating. “This is impossible!” Matt said.

“Yes, it is hard. Your mother and I try very hard to make everyone happy, but everyone has different tastes, and sometimes, we just can’t please everyone.”

“Fine, we’ll have to just go with this plan this week. Next week I’ll try to make everyone happy,” replied Matt.


When finishing grocery shopping, it was time for Matt to make his first meal.


Two hours had passed by before the dishes were ready on the table.

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When my parents told me we’d be moving, I didn’t know what to think. I meant of course I’d hate to say goodbye to my friends, but recently we’ve been growing distant. A part of me said this could be a good thing, while the other was completely terrible. I’ve lived here in Savannah Georgia my entire life, how was I going to make it in Maine? I’d tried to stop thinking about ,everything, but I couldn’t. Classic Amber, the overthinker.

“Amber! Caleb! It’s time to go.” My mom called my brother and I.

“Coming.” I shouted back.

I took one last look at my room before leaving. It made me sad to see it so bare and tiring life. All of my photography and awards were taken down. By the time I left my room, Caleb was coming out as well. I knew this move would be a lot harder for my elder brother. He was the quarterback (前卫) for the football team and had a lot of friends. I looked over at him to see how he was doing. He’s grown tall and strong recently. He towers over me now. I was about to say something to him, but I noticed his Airpods (无线耳机). Ever since mom and dad said we were moving he’s been never coming out of his room and when he did, he was always wearing his headphones or Airpods. This move would be a whole lot better if I had him help me. The worst thing about all of this was watching what it was doing to him.

As we stepped outside, I held my camera and took a picture of the house. I could almost hear the eye rolls from my family. Maybe it didn’t matter to them, but I didn’t want my childhood to disappear. I jumped into the backseat of our car and pulled out my phone.

1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

When Dad started the motor, we headed towards our new home.


Five hours later, we finally arrived at our destination.

2022-09-01更新 | 125次组卷 | 1卷引用:山东省日照市2022-2023学年高三上学期第一次校际联考英语试题
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4 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

From Tiger to Goldfish

Josh is my 10-year- old grandson. I love him so much that I find it very difficult to refuse any one of his requirements. Besides, he is good at persuading me. So, it’s really a big challenge to take him out sometimes. But now, I consider myself to be quite courageous. Perhaps that’s why I recently decided to take him to a fair.

At the first ringtoss booth, Josh was absolutely certain that he could win that five foot-tall tiger because he told me he was a real expert at tossing rings. They had such kind of game played at school and he practiced a lot at school. He told me that he was often the winner of the ringtoss. The guy in the booth said, “You could buy one ring for 50 cents, or three for $ 1. But if you wanted a real bargain, you could get 20 rings for $ 5.”

Of course, Josh said, “We should go for the bargain.” I thought about arguing with him by saying that an expert ringtosser like him would need only one ring. But I knew this was not an argument I was going to win. So I pulled out the $ 5 bill and placed it on the counter. Twenty rings later, he still didn’t have the tiger. “But now I see how to do this," Josh said. “Let’s buy another 20 rings, and I’ll get it this time.”

Well, he never did get the tiger, but there were plenty more places where we could spend our money. Josh was equally unsuccessful at the next several booths. My wallet was getting thinner. And then we spotted the booth that Josh positively could not miss: the goldfish booth, All you had to do was toss a ping- pong ball into just one of the many fishbowls, and you could go home with your very own goldfish.


As we got down to the last ball, I was secretly relieved that the goldfish would be staying at the fair.


The look of pure happiness on Josh’s face made the entire fair experience one to treasure.

2022-08-15更新 | 574次组卷 | 2卷引用:2022届湖北省新高考信息卷(一)英语试题
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5 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。 续写的词数应为150左右。

After graduation, Jason went to work in a big business. The schedule was very tight and he was so busy working, travelling from one place to another, that he was always on business for weeks without going to his mother’s home. And this year, he hadn’t seen his mother for months. Mother’s Day was coming up, and he would have managed to go back home, but this year he was just too busy and too tired. One day, when he was driving in a small town, he saw a flower shop. He said to himself, “I know what I will do. I’ll send my mother some flowers,“

He stopped and went into the flower shop and saw a boy talking to a girl in it. “How many roses can I get for five dollars?”, the boy asked. The girl was trying to explain that roses were expensive. Maybe the boy would be happy with something else.

“No, I have to have roses,” he said. “It has to be red roses, because my mum likes them best. It’s Mother’s Day. I want to get something special.” He was stubborn.

The girl in the shop looked at the boy and was just shaking her head. Something inside Jason was touched by the boy’s voice. It seemed that he wanted to get those roses very much. Jason looked at the boy and said to the girl that he would pay for the boy’s roses.

The girl looked at the boy and said, “Okay, I will give you ‘a dozen red roses for your dollars." The boy almost jumped into the air. He took the flowers and ran out. It was worth more than fifty dollars just to see that kind of excitement.

Jason ordered his own flowers and asked the girl to have them taken to his mother. After that, with relief, he drove down the road.

Paragraph 1:
Not long after his driving, he saw the boy...
Paragraph 2:
Jason stood there in silence.
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6 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

My grandfather had started experiencing major problems with his left eye due to his old age. He had visited the hospital on many occasions to seek treatment, but his condition was not getting any better. Finally, his doctor told him the only way left was to go for eye surgery as a way of trying to correct the abnormality with the eyes.

Since it was a weekend and I had no classes on that day, I thought it would be a good idea to accompany my grandfather to the hospital rather than to stay home and be bored despite the fear I had of surgeries and hospitals in general.

My uncle drove us to the hospital. After ensuring that my grandfather bad checked in, he had to leave for an important appointment. Luckily, there were several helpful nurses available to offer any assistance that my grandfather required, and the doctors were very friendly. Even though things were taking their natural course, the situation was tearing me apart. I guessed the nurses sensed the high level of nervousness that both my grandfather and I had at that moment. They talked to us nicely so that we ended up relaxing and seeing the surgery as something normal and nothing to worry much about.

Before long, both my grandfather and I felt relaxed and ready for the surgery, as we forgot the high degree of nervousness we had felt just a few moments earlier. I have always had this fear of doctors and injections so even as I began to relax, thoughts of the upcoming surgery were drilling my mind. I knew the surgery would be more serious than the injections that I feared so much as well. In an hour or so, I was just sitting on the couch and waiting while the nurses were preparing my grandfather for the surgery.


All of a sudden, a cup of coffee appeared before my eyes.


After only an hour, my grandfather was wheeled out with a bandage on the operated eye.

2022-07-10更新 | 81次组卷 | 2卷引用:专题07 读后续写15篇(名校最新期末真题)-2022-2023学年高二英语上学期期末复习查缺补漏冲刺满分(北师大版2019)
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7 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。续写的词数应为150左右。

Rebecca stretched her tired back. “That’s the last seedling (树苗), Pa. Have we planted enough?”

Pa walked to the end of the row of cottonwood seedlings. “No,” he said. “We have to plant trees all the way to that rock over there. We’ll need about twenty more seedlings.”

“I’ll get the seedlings,” offered Rebecca. She longed to cool her feet in the shallow river running through the cotton field.

“You’d better let me go, Miss Petticoats,” teased her twin brother, William. “There are dangers all over this prairie (草原).”

“You may both go,” said Pa. “But hurry back. I’d like to finish before sundown.”

They went across the shallow river to a sandbar where small cottonwood seedlings grew.

Gently, they pulled the seedlings from the sand.

“There! That’s twenty, with a few to spare,” said Rebecca.

“OK,” said William. He led the way to the riverbank, and then stopped. “Look! That’s the dugout (防空洞) we had lived in before we moved here last year,” he said, pointing to a hole on the grassy riverbank.

“Come on, let’s go inside.”

“No,” Rebecca said, “Pa is waiting. Besides, it’s hard to tell what’s in it.”

“Then you go back,” said William, handing the seedlings to Rebecca. I’ll catch up.” He ran to the dugout and stepped inside.

Rebecca wrapped the seedlings in her long apron (围裙) and began to walk. Suddenly she froze in her tracks.

A huge rattlesnake (响尾蛇) moved along the riverbank.

It stopped right in front of the dugout and lay still, coiling up on the warm sunny bank.

“William!” Rebecca shouted. “Don’t come out!”

“Huh?” William’s face appeared at a tiny window beside the door of the dugout.

Rebecca pointed at the rattler. William’s face paled when he saw the snake blocking the doorway. He turned desperate eyes toward Rebecca, and then he glanced behind himself. Rebecca knew what he was thinking: “Were there more snakes waiting in the shadowy corners of the dugout?”

Rebecca’s mind raced, trying to think of a way to get William out of there. An idea popped into her head. It was their only hope. It was risky, but it was the only hope.

“Don’t move,” she said to William in a soft voice. “When I say NOW, you run out of there as fast as you can.”

Rebecca removed the skirt-like petticoat (衬裙) from beneath her dress, and then dipped it into the river. She squeezed out some of the water, and then climbed to the top of the bank, directly above the dugout’s opening.

Paragraph 1:

“Get ready to run, William,” she said, keeping an eye on the motionless snake.

Paragraph 2:

“Are you OK?” he asked, breathing heavily. Rebecca nodded.

2022-07-09更新 | 162次组卷 | 2卷引用:选择性必修一 (外研版2019)Unit 2 Developing ideas
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8 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

Once upon a time, there lived a wise man. His son, however, was very lazy and wasted his time sleeping. The years passed, and he recognized the need to give something to his son so that he could take care of himself and his family.

One day, he called his son to his room and said, “My son, you are no more a kid now. I want you to find the real purpose of your life.” Then he handed his son a bag. The son opened it. Inside were some food, a little money and a map. His father continued, “I want you to go and find a treasure. I have drawn a map of the place where the treasure is hidden. You need to go and find it.” The son loved this idea. The next day, he set out on a journey to find the treasure. He had to travel really far across forests and mountains. Along the way, he used up the money and even starved sometimes. Luckily, he was helped by some with food and by some with money.

Finally, after a long year, he reached his destination (目的地). He searched and searched but found nothing. He spent two days looking and digging for the treasure. By the third day, he was so tired that he decided to leave.

On his way back, he met the same people who had helped him earlier. This time he stayed a few days with them and helped them in some way or another. He realized how nice they had been to a stranger who had nothing to offer them in return.

When he reached home, he realized it had been two years since he left the place. He walked straight into his father’s room. “Father!” he said. The father immediately jumped to his feet and hugged his son.

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2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

The father asked his son whether he had found the treasure.


The son replied, “Although it was hard, I did enjoy the journey on my way.”

2022-07-07更新 | 94次组卷 | 1卷引用:湖南省郴州市2021-2022学年高一下学期期末考试英语试题
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9 . 阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。

It was my twelfth birthday, and what I really wanted was a new bicycle. But I knew my family couldn’t afford one.

A new bike was just a dream, so I wanted a nightstand (床头柜). I figured that at least I would have a safe place to keep my private things. So I asked my parents for a nightstand with lockable drawer (抽屉).

We went to the secondhand furniture store and found an old, dark brown nightstand. It didn’t look too cool, but at least it had drawers that I could keep locked. I decided that I would paint it to make it look better.

After we took it home, I was getting ready to paint it. When I pulled the drawers out, I felt something stuck (卡住) at the back of the bottom drawer. I reached in all the way to the back and was surprised to find a bag.

When opening the bag, I realized that there were some papers in it which were some kind of official-looking documents (文件). And beneath were a bunch of dollar bills! Talk about finding a treasure! And on my birthday!

I went ahead and read the papers, which turned out to be a will (遗嘱). Some old lady was leaving her savings to her son and grandchildren. The old lady must have died and nobody knew the money. Her family donated the nightstand to the secondhand furniture store and it was now in my hands.

I counted the money, over 1,000 dollars in total. I was going crazy. With this money I could buy the coolest bicycle. I could even buy bicycles for my younger brothers. Maybe I could also get my parents a car.

What a dilemma! I could keep it and get all kinds of things for myself and my family. Or I could give it all back. “Somebody helps me with this!” I begged. But I really didn’t need anyone else to give me the answer. I already knew right from wrong. I decided not to fail this test. It was a test of honor-my honor.

Paragraph 1:

I called my family into my bedroom and showed them what I had found.

Paragraph 2:

Several days later, the old lady’s son and his wife came to my house.

2022-06-26更新 | 168次组卷 | 1卷引用:浙江省宁波市慈溪市2021-2022学年高一下学期期末测试英语试卷
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10 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

Larry had butterflies in his stomach. Today was the day for him to meet his girlfriend Kate’s parents. He was planning to leave them a good impression, so he was in his finest suit. On the way, he secretly recited a few jokes he picked up online the previous night. His weird behavior caught Kate’s attention.

“What are you doing, honey?” she asked. Blushing, Larry told her what he was doing. She, on the other hand, actually found his eagerness to please her family quite cute. “Well, let’s hear your jokes.” she said teasingly.

They were so immersed in their chatter and laughter that before they knew it, they had arrived at the house of Kate’s parents, who gave them a warm welcome. As an orphan, that night, Larry felt the love and warmth he had always longed for since childhood.

The next day, they drove downtown to pick their engagement ring. Everything was working out just perfectly. However, on their way home, a truck driven by a drunk driver smashed into their car, sending it flying off the roadside down a steep hill before it got stuck between several trees.

Larry struggled out of his seat to save the then unconscious Kate. As he made every effort to wake her up, the car began to slip down again. With only seconds to act, he hastily removed her seat belt and pushed her out of the car before it fell downhill again with him trapped inside.

A rescue team finally arrived and drove them to a nearby hospital. Under the doctors’ treatment, Kate woke up the next day. She was only slightly injured, but Larry remained unconscious due to severe damage done to his brain caused by the heavy impact.

Para 1: The doctors were afraid Larry might never wake up again.
Para 2: Larry told Kate to leave him and find someone else.
2022-06-01更新 | 177次组卷 | 2卷引用: 2022届重庆市高三下学期第十次质量检测英语试题
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