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1 . Directions: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can be used only once. Note that there is one word more than you need.
A. defensively        B. exited        C. initiatively          D. landscape          E. respond          F. thought
G. towered                  H. unaffected        I. uninhabited        J. welcoming          K. winding

Danger in the desert

That day we were deep in Chile’s Atacama Desert. There the     1       could often be compared to Mars. Our team of four female microbiologists watched as a car full of curious men pulled up beside us. Because we were strangers in a(n)       2     place, our minds immediately jumped to ways we could protect ourselves. So,     3     , our Chilean fellow guide lifted the strong tool she’d been using to dig up plant roots. The rest of us tried to look braver than we felt.

We had come to this desert to conduct DNA studies on giant horsetails that somehow grow well in one of Earth’s driest places. We were searching for plants in the most remote locations, where they would be     4     by human activities such as mining and agriculture.

We’d been warned that the trip could be dangerous. Because we were traveling so far from fuel sources, we were told to take along a can of gas. Our destination was at the end of a(n)     5       single-lane dirt road lined with burned-out vehicles that had not successfully negotiated the steep downslope. Our sample site was near a village, and the people might not, we were told,     6     positively to us. We were instructed to report our travel plans at the nearest police station so that search parties would know where to look for us if we disappeared.

We had found the amazing plants and their bright green stocks       7       over our heads. They aroused the     8       of ancient wetland plants. The men approached as we finished collecting our samples. We waited tensely as a man     9       the car and walked toward us. To our surprise and relief, he politely invited us to visit their village—they wanted to show us a lovely church of which they were proud. That day, we learned about more than the microbiomes that help desert plants grow well. We also met a(n)       10       community who had likewise beautifully adapted to their challenging home.

2022-12-16更新 | 232次组卷 | 3卷引用:上海市长宁区2022-2023学年高三上学期教学质量调研(一模)英语试卷
选词填空-短文选词填空 | 适中(0.65) |
2 . Directions: Complete the following passages by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.
A. overnight    B. flash    C. share    D. enormous    E. endured    F. rise
G. lengthy    H. places    I. pursue    J. reflected    K. plentiful

Robert Frost had aimed to be a poet since he was a teenager. But the American literary icon would not publish his first book of poetry until he was 39, and his best works would not follow until he was well into middle and old age. “Young people are good at discovering. They have a     1     here and there. It is like the stars coming out in the early evening,” he     2     at age 63, but “it is later in the dark of life that you see forms, patterns”

Frost’s     3     journey to fame during the dark of life, however, is far from the road less taken. Despite science society and silicon valley’s common belief that creativity, innovation and excellence are the near-exclusive province of the young, a surprising number of late bloomers mark the records of human history — women and men who     4     years of hardship, failure and missed opportunities before making an impact in the later stages of life. And once you move past the impressive stare of history’s Mozart-like geniuses, you find that late bloomers are quite     5    : in fact, there are many more roads to becoming an old master than a young prodigy.

Sometimes you don’t discover your passion in life until you’ve done some other things first. Sometimes you don’t get the opportunity to make the most of your experiences until relatively late in life. Ray Kroc, the founder of McDonald’s, didn’t start building his business empire until he was 53 years old. Until that point, the former Red Cross ambulance driver was a traveling salesman, peddling milk shake machines and paper cups. “I was a(n)     6     success all right,” Kroc wrote in his autobiography, “but 30 years is a long, long night.”

Sometimes, instead of opportunities, life     7     obstacles on the road to success. It wasn’t until Laura Ingalls Wilder turned 65 that her epic Little House on the Prairie series was published. By then, she had already devoted decades to being a farm wife and mother, schoolteacher, loan officer and newspaper columnist, and she had endured more than her fair     8     of hardship, from droughts to house fires. Another influential writer, Miguel de Cervantes, wrote Don Quixote in his late 50s after an eventful life in which he spent years behind bars and as a captive of Barbary pirates.

Therefore, unlike the youthful genius, whose rocket-fast     9     impresses as well as depresses the rest of the world, the late bloomer demonstrates what is possible as people     10     their own versions of full bloom.

2020-06-21更新 | 211次组卷 | 1卷引用:2019届上海外国语大学附属外国语学校高三下学期三模英语试题
选词填空-短文选词填空 | 适中(0.65) |
3 . Directions: Fill in each blank with a proper word chosen from the box. Each word can be used only once. Note that there is one word more than you need.

The Historical Change of Reader’s Digest

During World War I, Mr. DeWitt Wallace was wounded in a battle. During his recovery in the hospital, he read a lot of magazines and     1     a lot of interesting information. At the same time, he also found that few people had time to read so many magazines that he realized the idea of excerpting (摘录) these articles and publishing them.

He was     2     to publish a pocket magazine they called Reader’s Digest with his wife Lila Acheson. They opened an office downstairs in an illegal hotel in Greenwich Village, New York, and spent only $5,000 in capital and began     3     subscribers. After a period of hard work, the first volume was     4     published on February 5, 1922. Its purpose is to inform the readers in daily life and give the readers entertainment, encouragement and guidance. The first article,     5     How to Stay Young Mentally, was one and a half pages long.

In 1920, he put     6     selected articles into Reader’s Digest samples and displayed them to major publishers in the United States. He hoped that someone would be willing to publish them, but they were all     7    . Mr. Wallace did not give up and decided to publish it himself. He worked at home with his wife, and finally published the first issue of Reader’s Digest in February 1922. The first was printed in 5,000 copies,     8     at 25 cents, and sent to 1,500 payment subscribers by mail. By 1935, the circulation of Reader’s Digest had reached one million copies.

The Chinese     9     of Reader’s Digest was first published in March 1965. The first editor-in-chief was Lin Taiyi, the daughter of Mr. Lin Yutang, master of literature. In November 2004, Reader’s Digest and Shanghai Press and Publication Bureau announced the       10     of a long-term publishing cooperation.

2019-04-16更新 | 100次组卷 | 1卷引用:上海市普陀区2019届高三二模(含听力)英语试题
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