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阅读理解-七选五(约210词) | 适中(0.65) |

1 . In the late afternoon, 15-year-old Saanya Hasan Ali can often be found in her comfortable family room.     1     She is cutting, drawing, gluing and folding, surrounded by a colorful chaos of paper, rubber stamps, buttons, and ribbons(带). “I just love arts and crafts(手工艺),” says Saanya. During the past six years, Saanya has raised $26,000 through the sale of her cards to help children and families in need.

    2     “My mother received an e-mail from Pennies for Education and Health (PEH) organization. They were raising money for children in India to be able to go to school,” explains Saanya, who was nine years old at the time. Her mother, Salma, offered to donate $75 in Saanya’s name.     3    

Saanya made cards to sell at a family wedding that summer. To her own surprise, she earned $600, enough to send eight children to school for the year. “I kept on making cards, and the following summer I was able to help support the kids for another year,”” explains Saanya.     4    

Saanya acknowledges that her project has helped her to see the world through different eyes. “Now that I am in high school, I would also like to inspire other kids to do their own projects.     5     Making cards is my small effort,” she says. “If everyone does their small part, it can grow into something beyond your expectations.”

A.I was in third grade then.
B.Saanya’s unexpected success began in 2005.
C.But Saanya decided to raise the money herself.
D.But she isn’t doing homework or in front of a computer screen
E.No matter who you are, there is always an opportunity to make a difference.
F.Saanya had established her own non-profit organization called “Children Helping Children”.
G.One of her goals is to support the schooling of these eight children until they graduate from college.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约420词) | 较易(0.85) |

2 . If you feel at present that you don’t have enough friends in your life, one reason may be that you have let yourself become too busy to make time for the relationships you already have. Starting and keeping friendship requires effort and commitment.

Many of us let our lives become so busy with work and other responsibilities that we don’t get around to scheduling time for pleasure and renewal(叙旧)with the friends, relatives and acquaintances we already have.

Making the effort to call your friends more regularly and to accept more of their invitations you receive from others can improve your social life in a hurry!

Are there any people you could call right now and be sure to receive a pleasant welcome? Are there people that you could count onto help you in time of difficulty? Can you have close talks with them? Do you have fun when you are together? Are you happy to have them in your life?

If you haven’t seen much of them lately, is it because you have become too busy? Have you grown apart? Was there an argument?

If the main reason you haven’t been getting together with the people you already know is that   you have got too busy,take a good look at how you spend your time. Compare it with your real values and priorities(优先考虑的事)in life. Is your busy lifestyle really bringing you the quality of life that you want?

If you have become too busy for friends, why has this happened? Are you seeking material toys in your life at the expense of relationships with other human beings? Have you allowed your time to be over spent because you never say “No” to anyone? Do you insist on doing things yourself that could be appointed to others? If so, why? Do you believe that everything depends on you?

Examine whether the way you are now spending your time accurately reflects your deepest values and priorities. Make sure that you schedule adequate time for the things that are truly most important to you.

If you really want to keep friends in your life, make a space in your schedule, and a space in your heart for them.

1. In this passage the author mainly discusses ______       .
A.how to balance friendship and work.
B.how to spend our spare time.
C.whether we should keep friendship.
D.whether we should invite friends to dinner regularly.
2. Which of the following doesn’t mean a good relationship?
A.You have someone to count on when you are in trouble.
B.You have someone to have close talks with.
C.You have fun when you are with someone.
D.You feel depressed with others in life.
3. The reason why you have become too busy for friends may be the following EXCEPT that_____.
A.you spend too much time seeking material toys in your life
B.you feel it difficult to keep friendship
C.you stick to doing everything all by yourself
D.you never refuse whatever other people ask you to do
4. Which would be the best title for the text?
A.Too busy for Friendship?B.Too busy with work?
C.How to Spend Your TimeD.How to Make New Friends
语法填空-短文语填(约200词) | 适中(0.65) |
3 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

In his book, Intentional Living, author John Maxwell shares that back in 1976, he received a gift from one of his     1     (assist). As he unwrapped the gift, he saw that it was a book     2     (name) The Greatest Story Ever Told. He couldn’t wait     3     (read) it.

But when he opened the book, he was     4     (astonish) to see that the pages were blank. Inside the book was     5     note that said, “John, your life is before you. Fill these pages with kind acts and good thoughts of your heart. Write a great story about your life.” The intention of writing the story of his life excited him. Then, he     6     (begin) to write his book.

Every day we live out our story through our words, actions and decisions. But we must remember to live with intention to focus on what     7     (matter) most in life and to regain that focus when we get changed. Without intention, we can become unfocused in things     8     needn’t add to a life of significance and difference in our world.

Life isn’t perfect and it’s always hard,     9     we need reminders in our life from a friend, author, blogger, pastor or our inner spirit to re-focus us on the things that matter and make us live     10     (positive).

阅读理解-阅读单选(约310词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . Even the hardest days contain lessons that will help you be a better person. Feeling down?Consider these things to remember when you're having a bad day.

No one promised life would be perfect. If you look for perfection, you'll never be content. Don't condition your happiness on meeting every expectation you set for yourself. It is good to be ambitious,but you'll never be perfect. If you expect otherwise, your life will be filled with disappointments.

Success doesn't happen overnight. Trees__that__are__slow__to__grow__bear__the__best__fruit.__Don't kid yourself into thinking success will come quickly. It isn't easy to be patient,but anything worth doing requires time. If you get frustrated, remind yourself why your goal is important.

There is a lesson in every struggle. And once the storm is over,you won't remember how you made it through or how you managed to survive. But one thing is certain. When you come out of the storm, you won't be the same person who walked in. That's what this storm's all about. Don't complain about how terrible your life is. If you search for the lesson in your present struggle, you'll be able to make positive changes that would prevent similar situations in the future.

Without hard times, you wouldn't appreciate the good ones. Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strengths. When you go through hardships and decide not to give in, that is strength. It is hard to find much to smile about when you fail, but how else would you improve yourself?If you look at failure as a part of your evolutionary process, you'll stay positive and pursue your goals for as long as it takes.

1. Which of the following summarizes this passage best?
A.Every person has to go through hard times.
B.Perfection doesn't exist in life.
C.We should accept the fact that life is not perfect.
D.Things to remember when you are having a bad day.
2. What does the underlined sentence mean?
A.Success will come quickly.B.Hard work leads to success.
C.Success calls for patience.D.Confidence is the first step to success.
3. We can learn from Paragraph 4 that ______.
A.lessons from struggles make us stronger
B.all things are difficult before they are easy
C.we should forget how we managed to survive
D.similar situations in the future will never appear
4. Which statement agrees with the passage?
A.Hard times make us lose heart and be short of courage.
B.Perseverance in time of hardships develops our strengths.
C.Smiles when you fail will not help to improve yourself.
D.We should try to avoid failures in the evolutionary process.
完形填空(约280词) | 适中(0.65) |
5 . My father enjoys bike riding.Ever since I was little, I’ve always loved going hiking with my dad._______, as I became a teenager, other things began to draw my _______.Suddenly, it was important to do things with _______.I saw my dad every evening at home.Why did I have to _______ my Sundays, to all day bike trips with him, too? If my indifference (冷漠) hurt him, my father kept _______, but he would always let me know when he was planning a bike trip _______ I wanted to come.
It was a Sunday morning, and I was in low _______.Two of my friends had gone to the movies without inviting me.Just then my father _______ my room."It's a beautiful day.Want to go for a _______, today, Beck?” “Leave me alone!” I impatiently ________. Those were the last words I said to him before he left the house that ________.
Several hours later, the police called us, ________ us that Dad had a traffic accident. My father’s injuries were serious. It took several days before he could ________ speak. Beside his bed I held his hand gently, ________ of hurting him.
“Daddy … I’m sorry…”
“It’s okay, sweetheart. I’ll be okay.”
“No,” I said, “I ________ what I said to you that day. You know, that morning?”
“Sweetheart, I don’t ________ anything about that day. I remember kissing you goodnight the night before, though.” He ________ a weak smile.
I felt regretful for my thoughtless remark, for I ________ wanted him to leave me alone. My teacher once told me that ________ have immeasurable power. They can hurt or they can heal. And we all have the ________ to choose our words. I intend to do that very carefully from now on.1.
A.unlessB.in caseC.so thatD.as if
2019-01-30更新 | 1388次组卷 | 10卷引用:《高中新教材知识讲学》新人教版2019 Unit 5 Working the Land 单元跟踪限时练(45分)-【新教材精创】2020-2021学年高二英语新教材知识讲学(人教版选择性必修第一册)
完形填空(约240词) | 困难(0.15) |

6 . It’s easy to help some people, but what about those whose needs are not so obvious? This story was a ______ which has stayed with me and helped me a lot ever since.

It was Thanksgiving, and I was ______ with my parents at a shelter for the needy. We were standing behind the counter ______ hot food to whoever came in. Most of our diners looked like they had been having ______ times; their clothes were worn out and dirty. In short, they looked ______! Then, a man came in, who looked ______ but needy. He was well-dressed, in an expensive suit. I ______ what he was doing there, and my jaw dropped in ______ when he joined the line for ______. What was this man doing? The ______ he came to my service station, the more I murmured to myself. Surely he wasn’t going to ______ food meant for those who were ______ in need!

Then my mother ______ took me to one side. She said, “You have ______ that the needs of the people who come here must be purely ______: for food, shelter, clothing, etc. And this gentleman doesn’t seem to have any of those problems. ______ what if his needs are emotional? What if he needs ______ friends, or just to be among other human beings? Her words ______ me like a ton of bricks! I felt I should ______ to the man — but I didn’t.

About a week later the shelter received a large donation from an unknown source. I couldn’t help but wonder ______ it came from that man.

2019-01-01更新 | 242次组卷 | 2卷引用:Unit 3 Section C Using Language & Assessing Your Progress(重点练)-2020-2021学年高二英语十分钟同步课堂专练(人教版2019选择性必修第二册)
阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 较易(0.85) |

7 . I was selfish as a teenager.I usually spent my time thinking about myself and taking care of my own needs.I let my older brother do most of the work around the house until he left for college.I let my mom and dad worry about our bills and problems while I read books, played, and lost myself in my own imagination.This didn't change even when I went to college either.I studied hard but only to make my own life better. Even when I started to explore my faith, it was only to increase my own happiness.

I married after graduation and decided to start a family.Of course, I had no idea what hard knocks reality had in store for my selfish soul.Soon I found myself unemployed, deeply in debt, and with a new baby on the way.l found out that life has little sympathy for spoiled people.In fact, all of the struggles I was going through were beating the selfishness slowly out of me.

Still,I didn't give up on happiness.I knew that there must be a way to find it.I finally realized, however, that it had to include more than just my own needs, wants, and desires.The answer began to make itself clear one night shortly after my baby boy was born.I got a bottle and held him in my arms.As I was feeding him I looked down and saw his big, innocent, trusting eyes.I smiled and talked to him.Then he smiled and I could feel my heart growing, expanding with love.I felt such peace and joy.At that moment I had a hint of the truth: it is by growing our hearts with love that we find our happiness.

Carolyn Arends wrote:"The more people you let into your heart, the bigger your heart gets.The more love you get, the more love you have to give.It just keeps growing." So, keep loving, keep living and keep caring. Keep growing your heart today, tomorrow, and always.

1. What do we know about the author from the first paragraph?
A.He often helped his brother with housework.
B.He studied hard for his family.
C.He was concerned about his family.
D.He put his own needs above others'.
2. What did the author realize after he suffered in life?
A.Spoiled people can't survive the hardship of life.
B.Spoiled people are never happy in life.
C.Life is cruel to spoiled people.
D.Selfishness is helpful.
3. What can be inferred from the passage?
A.The author loved kids.
B.The author often fed his baby.
C.The author realized the importance of happiness.
D.When caring for his baby, the author got inspired.
4. Which can be the best title of the passage?
A.Loving Others, a Way to Happiness
B.The Elder One Grows, the More He Gets
C.Help Others, Help Oneself
D.Keep Growing to Live a Happy Life
2018-12-05更新 | 862次组卷 | 16卷引用:Unit 4 单元测评 【新教材】人教版(2019)高中英语选择性必修第四册(含听力)
阅读理解-七选五(约300词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . When we are little, we know nothing about the rights and responsibilities of adulthood.     1     Thus, if we like a certain toy or if we want to eat a certain type of chocolate, we think that our parents will have to buy that for us.   We don’t care that they possibly have not enough money for that. If they don’t carry out our wish, we’ll begin to cry.     2     Whenever we begin to cry, we’ll get what we want.

Still, little by little, we realize that our parents can’t offer us all that we want for certain reasons. We then also understand that parents have their rights. They have the right to scold us when we do something wrong or when they find out that we have lied to them.     3     They choose our clothes, the food we eat, the school we will study at, the hours when we should go out to play and the time we have to return home.

    4     They are the ones to blame later if we don’t receive proper education. That’s why when we beat a classmate at the kindergarten, parents are the ones to apologize for our deeds in front of the teacher and the classmate’s parents. And when we get ill, they are responsible for not taking good care of us and for dressing us inadequately.

The moment we become teenagers, we notice that we should be responsible for the society. Now we have the right to be independent.     5     It is supposed that we are mature enough to solve our problems and to make people around trust us. For some of us, this is a difficult test to pass, but it is the best method to see if we are capable of taking our place in society.

A.We think our parents should offer us all we need.
B.We should believe we can do them by ourselves.
C.This is a child’s important weapon to threaten his/her parents.
D.Moreover, they have the right to make choices for us when we are little.
E.As a matter of fact, parents have a lot of things to be concerned about.
F.But at the same time they are responsible for many things that happen to us.
G.However, it’s also time for us to give explanations when we do something wrong.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中(0.65) |

9 . Adults understand what it feels like to be flooded with objects(物品). Why do we often think that more is more when it comes to kids and their belongings? The good news is that I can help my own kids learn earlier than I did how to live more with less.

I found the pre-holidays a good time to encourage young children to donate less-used things, and it worked. Because of our efforts, our daughter Georgia did decide to donate a large bag of toys to a little girl whose mother was unable to pay for her holiday due to illness. She chose to sell a few larger objects that were less often used when we promised to put the money into her school fund (基金) (our kindergarten daughter is serious about becoming a doctor).

For weeks, I’ve been thinking of bigger, deeper questions: How do we make it a habit for them? And how do we train ourselves to help them live with, need, and use less? Yesterday, I sat with my son, Shepherd, determined to test my own theory on this. I decided to play with him with only one toy for as long as it would keep his interest. I expected that one toy would keep his attention for about five minutes, ten minutes, max. I chose a red rubber ball — simple, universally available. We passed it, he tried to put it in his mouth, he tried bouncing it, rolling it, sitting on it, throwing it. It was totally, completely enough for him. Before I knew it an hour had passed and it was time to move on to lunch.

We both became absorbed in the simplicity of playing together. He had my full attention and I had his. My little experiment to find joy in a single object worked for both of us.

1. What do the words “more is more” in paragraph 1 probably mean?
A.More money, more worries.B.Enough is enough.
C.The more, the better.D.Earn more and spend more.
2. What made Georgia agree to sell some of her objects?
A.Saving up for her holiday.B.Raising money for a poor girl.
C.Adding the money to her fund.D.Giving the money to a sick mother.
3. What did the author do in Paragraph 3?
A.He tried out an idea.B.He thought of many questions.
C.He helped his son start a hobby.D.He trained his son’s attention.
4. What can be a suitable title for the text?
A.Take It or Leave ItB.Live More with Less
C.A Lesson from KidsD.The Pleasure of Giving
阅读理解-七选五(约240词) | 适中(0.65) |

10 . You will experience a lot of changes through your teenage years. The changes may seem difficult. They may seem to happen quickly. Don’t panic!     1     You are a young adult now!

With more duty, you will find more freedom to make your own choices. This is a time to be well informed about making choices. In this way you can make healthy balanced decisions.     2     You may already know your career path or you may have no idea at all what you want to do. Both situations are fine! Work hard and the right chance will present itself to you.

    3     You will probably want to be independent. But try not to shut your family out of your life. You should learn to think of others even though you are old enough to look after yourself. It is also perfectly natural at this time for you to spend more time with your friends than your family. Choose your friends wisely.     4    

This period is a part of the life cycle. These are some people who will be with you throughout life’s journey. There will be some people with whom you part and go separate ways. Leaving school can be hard. The reality is that you may not even see all of your classmates again.

You are a young adult. It is your life. No one can live it for you. The choices that you make from now on will be your choices.     5     Life is for living. Enjoy your life wisely!

A.They will help shape the future.
B.You will deal with them successfully!
C.You may appreciate friendship in your own life.
D.So making the right choices will be important to you.
E.A true friend will stand by you no matter what happens.
F.Young adulthood means greater freedom and more choices
G.Your family has been with you since you came into this world.
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