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1 . Being a good friend isn’t always easy. Nevertheless, taking the time to develop a lasting friendship is worth every ounce of effort.     1     Here are a few things you can do to be a good friend to others.

Make time for each other

    2     The mark of a good friend is someone who makes time for you and makes spending time with you a priority. A good friend will also look for opportunities to maximize the time you have together by seeking fun and unique experiences that strengthen and maintain your bond.

Open up and allow each other to be vulnerable

A good friend is someone genuine, someone with whom you can be yourself and they can be themselves around you. A good friend allows you to be vulnerable with them and vice versa, meaning you can expose your emotions and circumstances with each other and trust one another to listen, be supportive, and have each other’s best interests at heart.     3     If your friend hurt you, don’t be afraid to talk about it.


It is one of the most important aspects of being a good friend. Your friend will need you for support, especially in hard times. Nobody wants to be friends with someone who actually isn’t interested in them. It’s hard to rely on a person who doesn’t behave in a trustworthy way. We all know well-intentioned people who say, “Okay, I will...” but never follow through. If that’s you, be aware that you’re destroying your friends’ trust. Eventually, they’ll stop believing what you say.

Apologize when you’ve made a mistake.

If you want your friends to trust you, then you can’t act like you’re perfect. If you know you’ve made a mistake, own up to it instead of denying. Though your friends won’t be happy that you made a mistake, they’ll be very pleased that you’re mature enough to admit it instead of just pretending that nothing is wrong, or worse — blaming it on someone else.     5     Let your friends hear the sincerity in your voice.

A.Be dependable.
B.Be a good listener.
C.When you do so, you should mean it.
D.A good friend is willing to stick their neck out on behalf of their friends.
E.It will contribute to direct lines of communication between both of you.
F.Friendships grow through shared experiences and quality time together.
G.Because good friendships provide a sense of belonging and security, knowing you are loved.
2023-12-09更新 | 50次组卷 | 1卷引用:浙江省A9协作体2023-2024学年高二上学期期中联考英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约330词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 . Every time we move to a new place, we’re faced with the challenge of making new friends. Connecting with a community is important to your sense of belonging, but it may take three to six months to finally make new friends, or even longer.     1    .

Get the word out

Tell your friends, family and co-workers that you’re moving and looking to meet new people. Make sure to communicate what kind of connections you’re looking for, like someone to show you around town. Use this time to do some research. Look up if your favourite coffee shop has branches in your new neighborhood.     2    . These groups, like volunteer organizations, can offer you a sense of familiarity.

Add more routine (惯例) to your day

Setting time aside for activities, communities or places you love can help you feel more at home. Do you go on a run every morning? Try running at the same park for a week. Or go back to that restaurant around the block at least once a month.     3     . By doing the same things, you’re seeing the same faces and you will become less shy to ask a question because you see them all the time.

Explore interest groups

    4     . Nowadays, you can find most of them online — for food, sports, or religion, just to name a few. You could also use your move as an opportunity to try things that you’ve been eager to try for years. That way, you feel connected to the city with the good memory of you excitedly exploring something new.


You don’t have to push yourself to make friends within weeks. Try to focus on being connected in the moment. When you’re new in town, you may feel shy or even frightened to share your true self. But you’ll find your people more quickly if you devote yourself into the things that you are interested. Laying that up is one way to really attract people with same interests, and soon you will find yourself connected.

A.Reconnect with old friends
B.Focus on the connection, not the friendship
C.And here are some tips on making friends anywhere we go.
D.You can also be more intentional about making new connections.
E.There’s also a good chance you’ll find similar community groups.
F.Group settings like interest are also helpful for meeting new people.
G.These acts seem small, but are of great importance in making connections.
阅读理解-七选五(约220词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . How to Make Friends at Community College

Making friends in community college is a bit trickier than in four-year schools in some cases. Students don’t typically dorm at community colleges, so there isn’t always a shared living environment.    1    Here’s a look at how to make friends at a community college.

Get hired on campus

While working part-time, most initial engagement involves assisting students with their needs. For example, if you work in the bookstore, the conversational icebreaker usually focuses on finding out what the other students need to find. Previously, you may have only had opportunities to socialize with other students in your classes.    2    .

Attend events

    3    . Whether it’s special lectures, career fairs, musical performances, or anything else, these occasions bring students together outside of the classroom. By participating in activities that correspond to their hobbies or preferences, you and your peers can meet other like-minded students. Plus, the event can be an initial topic of conversation, giving your peers an easy way to engage with others.


College work will occupy most of your day. Your health, for one, is something you may start to neglect as you throw yourself fully into college life. Needless to say, ignoring your health is absolutely unacceptable.    5    . You can start with your pal by heading over to your school’s gym or fit-ness center and try meeting new people there.

A.Work out with a partner
B.Find a job in your gym
C.You may start to see some new faces at your job though.
D.However, that doesn’t mean opportunities aren’t available
E.Community colleges offer programs that are two years long
F.Community colleges do hold a variety of activities throughout the year
G.Finding yourself an exercise buddy will help encourage you to become more active
阅读理解-七选五(约240词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . Friends are the family you choose. They may even be in a similar life stage as you are.    1    Here are some ways you can thank friends for their unconditional support.

1.    2    

Music can get people through some very challenging times in their lives. Make a playlist featuring songs about gratitude for your fiends. Let your friends know those songs represent the way you feel about their presence in your life. Music is a great way to develop a good sense of emotional connection.

2.Send a thank you

It’s always nice to take time to reflect on the people you know and think of how they’ve changed your life. Take a moment to write down all the things you appreciate about your friend. You can send it to your friend in an email or go the old-fashioned route and put pen to paper.    3    

3.Listen to the response

Part of what we love about our friends is how much they’re there for us in times of need. Friends are often sounding boards and unpaid therapists(治疗师).    4    .Your friends may be facing the same kinds of uncertainty and anxiety that you are right now. As much as you may need to express, you need to listen and empathize, too.

No one knows us as well as our friends know us. It can be easy to forget to thank your friends for the ways that they support us.    5    Be sure to express your gratitude to them.

A.Make them a playlist
B.Create a gratitude playlist
C.Don’t take your friends for granted
D.Give your friends support and care by spending time together
E.Even a quick text is a simple but effective way of expressing your gratitude
F.This means they may understand you even better than some of your family members
G.Make sure you’re holding up your end of the relationship by doing the same thing for them
阅读理解-七选五(约260词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . If you miss one of the old friends you’ve lost touch with and think about reaching out to them, you may worry about whether it’ll be just like old times, or uncomfortable and awkward. Here are some ways to help you avoid any awkwardness while reconnecting with an old friend.

Reach out through social media. Connect with them through social media, text message or other means if you’re too nervous to make a phone call or to begin a meet up. Follow up on one of their most recent posts.     1    

Show some love. If you’re really happy to connect with your old friend, make it a point to communicate that to them.     2     Sincere warmth can help lessen some of the awkwardness that may build up in a relationship.

    3     Start conversation by bringing up a fun time you shared. It will transport you both back to that moment when you were close and help smooth over the “What are you up to now?” conversations that sound too rigid (死板).

Display your interest. As you chat with your friend, try to pay attention and ask follow-up questions.     4     Empathizing (共鸣) with them can help you connect with them and get to know who they are today.

Move past conflicts. Don’t talk a lot about your conflicts or the reasons why your friendship became less close. If it happens to come up naturally down the line, then feel free to address any possible hurt feelings.     5     In the beginning, just focus on what you had in common and the good times you shared together.

A.Bring back a happy memory.
B.Make detailed plans for the future.
C.But better avoid taking the risk too soon.
D.Update your friend on everything going on in your life.
E.This shows you’re interested in what they’re sharing with you.
F.Be warm with them and let them know how much it means to you.
G.Then starting conversation about what they’re up to will be a natural thing.
阅读理解-七选五(约210词) | 较易(0.85) |

6 . Almost all kids pretend their dolls can talk or that their toys possess magical powers.    1    A study conducted by researchers at the University of Oregon found that by age 7, 37 percent of children had an invisible friend. In fact, imaginary companions are quite common in many people’s childhood.

And while there’s nothing wrong with kids who don’t have imaginary friends, children who have imaginary companions shouldn’t be a cause for concern either.


Some research indicates that kids with imaginary friends are more likely to be firstborn or only children, but that doesn’t mean imaginary friends are just for kids who are lonely. In fact, studies show kids who have imaginary friends are quite social and creative.

    3    On the contrary, they can be a tool that kids use to cope with their troubles. Kids who have experienced trauma (精神创伤),for example, may rely on imaginary companions to help them through times.

While some parents worry that the invention of an imaginary friend means a child doesn’t have any real friends, imaginary friends don’t indicate a lack of social skills.    4    

Talking to an imaginary friend can even improve a child’s communication skills.    5    Consequently, studies show kids with imaginary friends may be better at understanding a listener or observer’s perspective.

A.That’s not to say you need to stop their communication soon.
B.Imaginary friends usually aren’t a sign that a child is troubled.
C.It’s OK to be concerned about the imaginary friend by asking, “Who is he?”
D.In fact, some studies show there are many benefits to having imaginary friends.
E.But some kids take their dramatic play a step further and invent an imaginary friend.
F.They can actually serve as a safe way to practice such skills, like solving conflict and sharing.
G.Engaging in dialogue with an imaginary friend requires a child to take on the friend’s perspective.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 较易(0.85) |

7 . It’s the end of August, and it’s time to start thinking about going back to school. For some, it’s a very exciting time. For others, however, they can feel very stressful. There are lots of things to do if you want to have a great first day at school.

Stay busy throughout the summer holiday. Usually those who struggle (挣扎) on their first days are people who spend too much of their summer holiday indoors and relaxing. So you should try to stay active and busy over the course of the holiday. There are lots of things you can do, such as getting a summer job or taking up a sport.

Continue learning over the summer holiday. People who struggle the most at first are those who aren’t learning over the holiday. Learning itself doesn’t have to be boring! You can learn about anything you want. Simply keeping your brain in the habit of learning will give you an extra advantage when it’s time to go back to school.

Spend time with friends that will attend the same school. If you have any friends living in the same neighborhood, there are chances that you will go to the same school! Make a point of creating stronger bonds (关系) with those friends. Spend part of your summer holiday with them, and grow closer. While there’s always some worry about going into the first day of school, having friends around that care about you makes it much easier.

Buy your school supplies. The most important thing you can do in preparation for your first day is make sure you have all of the equipment you need. Though the types of materials you’ll need differ from class to class, certain things, like pens and paper, will be used for all classes.

1. Who is the text meant for?
A.The parents.B.The teachers.
C.The headmasters.D.The students.
2. What can you do to stay active during the summer holiday?
A.Spend much time relaxing indoors.B.Take up a part-time job.
C.Learn English every day.D.Take part in a sport competition.
3. Who will struggle the most on their first days?
A.Those who fully prepare all the things for school.
B.Those who spend their summer holiday abroad.
C.Anyone who has attended summer classes.
D.Anyone who doesn’t learn at all during the summer holiday.
4. Why are you advised to build a strong relationship with your friends in the same neighborhood?
A.Friends really help when you are in low spirits.
B.Friends can offer to help you with your study.
C.Friends can accompany you to spend the long holiday.
D.Friends can give you advice when you buy school supplies.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . Wednesday when I visited Josey, she told me she liked tangerines (柑橘)better than the little oranges I’d bought—tangerines have no seeds. Over the last several visits, she had become a person who only saw the negative side.

Today, when we talked about the oranges, she whined (抱怨的语调) . I hate whining, because it has such a negative meaning. Josey never got out of bed anymore or made the slightest effort to fix herself or even comb her hair, which would destroy the energy of a saint. I tried to recall our last fun parade to cheer her up. Positive thoughts, positive thoughts; I struggled to get there, but it wasn't working.

“These oranges are sweeter than tangerines. You hardly notice the seeds. I bring tangerines next time if you’d rather.”

“You’re patronizing (屈尊俯就地对待) me. I’m allowed to voice an opinion, aren’t I? I just told you I preferred tangerines. If it’s that much trouble, don’t bring anything.”

“I just brought something with VC that might help you feel better. It’s not any trouble.”

“I’m not blaming you. Thank, you. for. the. damned, oranges. Happy now?

Well, some appreciation at least. She’s having a bad day and the treatments here have eaten away her spirit. Maybe I should go. Could I be any stronger? Take the high road, take the high road.

“I’ll go then. Should I come about the same time tomorrow?”

“Yes,… please come,” she murmured, eyes turning red. I stayed for another 10 minutes.

“Do you need me to comb your hair?” I snatched the comb and attended to her tangled hair.

“Ouch! Now you’re hurting me!” snapped Josey.

“Trust me, it’s all going to be okay.”

The next day, I visited Josey as usual but with tangerines. I peeled one carefully and handed a half to her. “Th…thank you…I mean it.” Josey stammered. I held her in my arms, whispering, “I get it. I’ll come every day.”

1. What’s the theme of the story?
2. How is the theme developed?
A.By describing the characters and environment.
B.Through speech, action and inner thoughts.
C.By making a comparison and conclusion .
D.Through narration and explanation.
3. What kind of person was the author?
a. sensitive b. tolerant c. humorous d. caring e. positive f. considerate
2021-11-19更新 | 42次组卷 | 1卷引用:浙江省温州十校联合体2021-2022学年高二上学期期中考试英语试题
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