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阅读理解-阅读单选(约410词) | 适中(0.65) |

1 . I parked outside the grocery store that weekend, still tired after another stressful week of work. I’m an accountant, and it was the middle of busy season, which meant tight deadlines and crazy hours. A long weekend was coming up, and a friend suggested that I relax at a nearby woman recover center. I moved through the passageway with my shopping cart, hurrying to beat out a few others who were heading for the already long checkout line. It took me more than an hour to finish the shopping.

When I got back to my car, groceries in hand, I found a note on my car. In beautiful handwriting and blue ink, the writer explained that her car had scraped(刮擦) my Honda Civic when she pulled into the space next to mine. “I’m sorry!” she wrote, and added her insurance policy(保险单) number and cell phone number. At the bottom, she signed her name, Elyse.

What an honest person!I was quite surprised. Few people act like that nowadays. Most people would have just driven away. A few weeks later I got the estimate for the repair: $1,500! There’s no way she’ll pay this much, I thought. I picked up that note with the beautiful blue script and dialed the number, ready for an argument.

“Hello?” Elyse answered cheerily. “Hi, you left a note on my car?” I began. But even when she heard how much the bill was going to be, Elyse still sounded just like she had in her note, so friendly—and calm. How was it possible for her to be like that? I wondered. Believe it or not, I got the money for the repair.

When the busy period at work finally passed, I decided to go to the recover center that my friend had suggested. I had my doubts if it would help, but it couldn’t hurt, right?

Checking in at the front desk, I looked through the guest book, looking for a blank spot to write my name. Finally, I reached the last page. There, at the top, in the same perfect handwriting that she had used in her note to me, was Elyse’s name.

1. The author got her car scraped when she was _______.
A.parking her car outside the grocery store
B.doing some shopping in the grocery store
C.driving to the grocery store
D.on her way to the woman recover center
2. From the passage we learn that ________.
A.Elyse is a woman who is difficult to deal with
B.anyone who scrapes others’ car should write down his name and address
C.the grocery store where the author did shopping was not busy
D.the author didn’t expect Elyse could pay for the repair voluntarily
3. Which of the following description about the author is correct?
A.She is an accountant and usually very busy.
B.She is always too busy to make any friends.
C.She is quite selfless and likes helping others.
D.She is poor and always trying to get money from others.
4. Which of the following word can replace the underlined word “estimate” in Paragraph 3?
A.A fixed amount.
B.A repair price.
C.A guessed amount.
D.An exact price.
5. From the end of the story we may infer that _________.
A.Elyse is the boss of the woman recover center
B.the author would return the money for the repair to Elyse
C.the author is eager to learn perfect handwriting from Elyse
D.the author may meet Elyse and they might become friends
2022-04-21更新 | 102次组卷 | 2卷引用:天津市高二年级-故事类阅读理解名校好题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约390词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 . An Olympic Village is a place that houses Olympic competitors. It is a place where they prepare for what might be the most important moment in their life. But we want to know more about this mysterious (神秘的) place: What really happens in the village?

We asked swimmer Natalie Coughlin, a three-time Olympian and 12-time medalist. She says, “People think it’s a lot more attractive and interesting than it is. It isn’t. It’s like a huge college campus, including a bank, a salon, a post office, and a huge cafeteria — except that everyone is anxious, getting ready for their biggest event under unbelievably high pressure.”

But some other Olympians look differently at their campus. “It’s like the first day of college,” water polo player Tony Azevedo says. “You’re super excited. Everyone’s meeting people and trying to socialize with others.”

Coughlin says the best spot to be in the village is the cafeteria. Not only does it provide a place to talk with the rest of the athletes from your country, but it’s a great chance for people-watching. One of her favorite games was to tell what sport someone in front of her took based on their body type.

Living in the same village means athletes run into one another all the time. Coughlin shares this story: While in London in 2012, at one point applause (欢呼) broke out at the arrival of someone. Coughlin thought it was one of the British royals, but it was Jamaica’s Usain Bolt (the world’s greatest runner alive). Runner Allyson Felix — a winner of six gold Olympic medals — has also had her run-ins. In 2008, she came across the world-famous U.S. men’s basketball team, including Anthony, Bryant, Wade and other top players.

It’s “a pretty wild scene, the biggest melting pot — a place where large numbers of people, ideas, and cultures are mixed together— you’ve been in,” said swimmer Eric Shanteau. Felix agrees, saying, “You get to meet people from other countries that you wouldn’t even come into contact with. To me that’s the coolest thing.”

1. The purpose of the first paragraph is to ______.
A.provide examples
B.present research findings
C.introduce the topic
D.give suggestions
2. What does Coughlin say about the Olympic villagers?
A.They are very nervous.
B.They like to make friends.
C.They enjoy the village very much.
D.They spend most of their time relaxing.
3. What did Coughlin often do at the cafeteria in the Olympic Village?
A.She often watched other people play games there.
B.She often spent time with athletes from other countries.
C.She often gave fitness advice to others according to their body features.
D.She often tried guessing a person’s sport.
4. What do both Coughlin and Felix tell us in Paragraph 5?
A.Why Olympians are so popular.
B.How they met superstars in the village.
C.Why the Olympic Village is mysterious.
D.How they communicated with other players.
5. What impresses Felix most in the Olympic Village?
A.Spending time with some old foreign friends.
B.The positive influence of the Olympic spirit.
C.Mixing with people from around the world.
D.The competitive atmosphere in the village.
书信写作-感谢信 | 适中(0.65) |
3 . 假如你叫李华,在美国学习期间,吃住在一户美国人家里,现在马上就要学成回国,临走前你给你的房东Mrs. Jones写封感谢信,感谢她三个月来的悉心照顾。内容包括:
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . It is 6:00 am on the first day of the school year. In Cherrybrook Technology High School, mathematics teacher Eddie Woo is already at work.

One of the first things before the first bell rings is to set up his tripod (三脚架) and iPad in the middle of the classroom. This technology is Mr. Woo’s core tool of the trade. “I’m Mr Woo. I record my lessons. I record all of them. In fact, I’m about to record this one,” he explains to his new maths class.

The unique approach to teaching mathematics has not gone unnoticed. Mr. Woo is arguably the most famous teacher in Australia-a maths teacher by day and an Internet sensation (轰动) by night.

He started posting videos online in 2012 for a student who was sick with cancer and missing a lot of school. Other students in the class then wanted to watch Mr Woo’s videos on his free YouTube channel and website, so he started sharing them across the country and beyond. Wootube now boasts more than 38,000 subscribers (用户) and has attracted almost 4 million viewers worldwide.

Cherrybrook Technology High School principal Gary Johnson said Mr Woo was helping address a standing shortage of maths teachers in Australia, and making maths popular again. “He has an ability to simplify mathematics to a level where kids can really understand it,” Mr. Johnson said.

12-year-old student Emily Shakespear said Mr. Woo’s teaching style made maths irresistible. “I don’t want to say it, but he sucked me into maths,” she said. Owen Potter, who attends high school in Cobar, agreed. “It’s difficult to understand how someone in Sydney can influence thousands of people across the whole country,” he said.

Mr Woo won the 2017 University of Sydney Young Alumni Award for Outstanding Achievement, and he was one of 12 Australian teachers honored at the Commonwealth Bank Teaching Awards.

1. Eddie Woo set up an iPad in the middle of the classroom with the purpose of _______.
A.listening to music.
B.playing a video.
C.recording his class.
D.showing pictures.
2. Why is Mr. Woo’s approach considered unique?
A.He simplified maths and shared his teaching videos online.
B.He recorded and shared all his attractive lessons for fun.
C.He made maths irresistible for audience only in Australia.
D.He won varieties of important awards as a maths teacher.
3. What can we infer from the statistics in the fourth paragraph?
A.Mr. Woo had made a lot of money by selling videos.
B.Mr. Woo posted videos online to help many adults.
C.M. Woo’s teaching videos online are well received.
D.Mr. Woo created his Wootube in 2012 in Sydney.
4. According to Gary Johnson, Mr. Woo’s maths lessons are _______.
A.difficult to follow.
B.easy to understand.
C.simple to handle.
D.challenging to learn.
5. What can we learn about in the last paragraph?
A.Mr. Woo graduated from the University of Sydney with honors.
B.Mr. Woo is the most well-known maths teacher in Australia
C.M: Woo won all the Commonwealth Bank Teaching Awards.
D.Mr. Woo’s contributions to teaching have been recognised.
2021-05-28更新 | 221次组卷 | 2卷引用:天津市高三年级-故事类阅读理解名校好题
阅读理解-阅读表达(约350词) | 适中(0.65) |
5 . 阅读下面的短文,请根据短文后的要求答题。

In the midst of the coronavirus pandemic(冠状病毒流行病),everyday heroes are appearing all over the world.

Raina owns and operates a Bakery in San Juan del Monte, Philippines. Though her business has slowed greatly with more people staying home, one pizza delivery driver came by her shop every day to buy at least 300 pieces of bread.

Curious, Raina finally asked why the driver was buying so much bread. She was shocked by his response. It turns out that the driver whose name is Raymond was using his own tip money to buy the bread to distribute it to homeless people in Quezon City.

Raina was so impressed by Raymond’s kindness that she shared the story on Facebook. Raymond explained that he’s gone hungry as a child himself, so seeing people in need as he made his deliveries urged(敦促) him into action.

He said, “when I give them food, they end up crying. They even tell me that their last meal was the night before I spoke to them. I know what I am giving is not enough but at least they could sustain for a few hours.”

Things are not easy for Raymond right now, either. He’s got three kids at home and his wife is out of work and pregnant(怀孕的).Still, he’s setting aside his tips and a bit of his won salary to feed others.

Once Raina’s Facebook post went popular, more people began sending Raymond donations for his cause. When his boss found out what he was up to, he sent him a check for 10,000 Philippine pesos. (菲律宾比索---货币单位)

Raymond says that he’ll continue to do his part to make sure his neighbors are okay! This is just another example of how some people are stepping up when the rest of the world is forced to step back.

1. What has made Raina’s business a lot worse than before? (No more than 5 words)
2. Why did Raymond give the homeless food? (No more than10 words)
3. What does the underlined word in Paragraph 5 probably mean? (1 word)
4. What happened after Raymond’s story got around? (No more than 10 word)
5. How does Raymond’s story inspire you? (No more than 20 words)
2021-01-11更新 | 114次组卷 | 2卷引用:天津市高一年级-阅读表达名校好题
完形填空(约260词) | 适中(0.65) |

6 . A social worker played a huge role in my life when I was young. I want to share a letter I wrote________social workers for the work they do.

Dear social workers,

When you feel_______, take a moment to read this letter.

I was 12 when I first_______Dale. I had been left in an institution (收容所) for the last few years. At that time I thought I was________and could not be good again. I later_______it was my family that was broken. My father was an alcoholic(酒鬼) and my mum________the family when I was 3 and she_______came back. When some teachers noticed my behavioral problems, a________was made to put me into an institution where I met Dale. Dale promised to find a________for me. He kept his word. I________the institution I had been in. It meant well but it was no place to grow up.

Once in Dale’s car, I________a fire extinguisher(灭火器) to see what it would do. The entire inside of his car looked like it had been snowed in. I was_______loud voice telling me how________I was and a beating. But he just took a deep breath and________his head from side to side. When we finished cleaning, he_______thanked me for helping clean so hard.

This_______is just one of the many I could tell about Dale. He was the________man have ever met in my life. The next time you are questioning whether your work________, believe it does. The next time you _______everything, read this simple letter. You can also________this letter to every social worker you know.


A once lost child

A.ran out ofB.cared forC.looked down uponD.built up
A.looked forB.turned onC.broke downD.checked on
2020-09-27更新 | 264次组卷 | 2卷引用:天津市高一年级-完形填空名校好题
完形填空(约300词) | 较易(0.85) |

7 . I don’t know why the train was unusually full today. I sat down in the only seat _____   beside a middle-aged man who had his head down and seemed to be lost in ______. I was glad that he didn’t notice me as he just ______ to look down towards the floor.

Shortly after the train left I found myself ______ what this man was thinking about. What could be so ______ that he didn’t even see me sit next to him? I tried to forget about it and started to read my paper. ______, some inner voice kept encouraging me to talk to this man. I tried to ______ but I failed.

Finally I ______ an excuse to ask him a question. When he ______ his head and turned his eyes towards me I could see that he must have been really ______. I can’t describe the sadness which was so ______. We talked for about 20 minutes and in the end he seemed to be doing ______. As we were leaving the train he thanked me again and again.

Several weeks later, when I watched TV at home, I received a strange ______, which only had the word Angel written on it. After I read it I was ______ touched (感动). It was a letter from the man I met on the ______. That day he planned to ______ his life. In his letter, he went on to ______ that he had said to God that if God really ______ him he would send someone to prevent him killing himself. In his eyes I was that Angel sent by God.

I don’t know what that voice was that made me take a ______ and talk to a stranger but I do know that it made a ______ in someone’s life that day. So the next time you hear your inner voice, just listen to it.

A.call forB.ask forC.came up withD.make up for
A.called onB.cared aboutC.sent forD.gave up
2020-01-29更新 | 257次组卷 | 2卷引用:天津市高一年级-完形填空名校好题
完形填空(约300词) | 较易(0.85) |

8 . As I was taking a walk with my mom,I asked her,"Have you taken the senior bus yet?" I held my breath as I waited for her ____."Oh,yes,I have,"she said."How was it?" I said the words as_ ___ as I could to show my excitement,even though I sensed the answer was not going to be ____.She sighed heavily,"No one ever ____ on that bus.They all sit there quietly and look sad.I only see about thirteen ____ old ladies and men." My ____ for her situation grasped my stomach.

My dad had recently passed away, and his sudden leave made my mother _____and frightened. For fifty-seven years, my dad had walked by her side. Mom never learned to ____, so Dad drove her everywhere. Now,her wheels were gone,as one grandchild so properly ____ her situation.I knew she needed great ____ to make the decision to take the senior bus. However, I firmly believed the ____ wouldn't last too long, for Mom was so outgoing and active that she could chat with almost everybody whom she met in the street.

Several days later,when I came to visit her,I asked. “Do they talk to you now? " She ____ and there was a sparkle in her eyes. It didn't take genius to figure out that the ____ had changed."It was silly that all of us must sat there ____ saying a word.So one morning when I ____,I greeted them and then remarked what a nice day it was.Soon,they began to ____ and we chatted happily.Now we are friends and always have some good ____ on the bus,"she replied.

My mother held the key to the ___ _of the other lonely people on that bus.A smile and some ____ words were all it took.She sowed tiny seeds of ____ for herself and her friends on the bus.

A.passed byB.stood upC.got onD.got back
2019-09-03更新 | 364次组卷 | 2卷引用:天津市高三年级-完形填空名校好题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 适中(0.65) |

9 . On a flight from Dallas, Texas, to Cincinnati, Ohio, to visit a friend in 2013, event planner Paige Chenault daydreamed about the grand birthday parties she’d throw for her daughter one day. (Paige was five months pregnant at the time.) Then, flipping through a magazine, she saw a photo of an impoverished Haitian boy, skinny. “I thought, this kid has nothing,” Paige says.

The image stayed with her, and she resolved to do something to help. “I decided I would use my talents to throw birthday parties for homeless kids,” Paige says. For the next four years, Paige and her husband, Colin, took time out from parenthood to visit shelters to determine how best to pull off the parties.

Finally, in January 2017, Paige launched the Birthday Party Project, a nonprofit organization, and recruited friends and family to help decorate Dallas’s 75- occupant Family Gateway Shelter with balloons and streamers, celebrating the birthdays of 11 boys and girls, with 60 more homeless kids in attendance. “That first party was better than I could have ever imagined,” says Paige.

Now Paige and her staff of three paid employees work with regional volunteers to plan monthly themed parties at 15 shelters across the country, some of which house abused or abandoned kids. Each child celebrating a birthday that month gets a $30 gift, a decorative place mat, and an individual cake or cupcake.

One of Paige’s favorite parts of each party is when the kids make a wish and blow out the candles. “They rarely get a chance to dream big,” says Paige.

Her daughter, Lizzie, now seven, often helps out at the parties. Paige says, “The one thing I’ve always wanted is for my kid to be generous.”

1. What was it that made Paige want to help the homeless children?
A.A flight from Dallas to Ohio.B.Her daughter’s birthday.
C.The photo of a Haitian boy.D.Her talent for throwing parties.
2. What does the underlined word “impoverished” mean?
3. What can be learnt from the passage?
A.A total of 75 full-time workers are employed by Paige at present.
B.After unsuccessful attempts, Paige finally threw a wonderful party for the homeless kids.
C.Kids can spend $30 to celebrate their birthday.
D.Paige devotes herself to the cause of helping the homeless kids.
4. What kind of person do you think Paige is?
A.Kind and perseverant.B.Ambitious and honest.
C.Caring and sensitive.D.Responsible and disciplined.
5. Which of the following is the best title for the passage?
A.Bring Sunshine to the Homeless
B.A Warm story Between Paige and her daughter
C.Paige and Her Birthday Party Project
D.How to Light Up the Life of the Abandoned Kids
2019-05-08更新 | 183次组卷 | 3卷引用:天津市高二年级-故事类阅读理解名校好题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约400词) | 适中(0.65) |

10 . Most young architects particularly those in big cities— can only dream about working in a building of their own. And making that dream come true often means finding a building no one else seems to want, which is exactly what happened to David Yocum and his partner, Brain Bell. Their building is a former automobile electrical-parts film in Atlanta. From the outside, it looks too old, even something horrible, but open the door and you are in a wide, open courtyard, lined on three sides with rusting (生锈的) walls.

In 2000, Yocum and Bell found this building in the city’s West End. Built in 1947, the structure had been abandoned years earlier and the roof of the main building had fallen down. But the price was right, so Yocum bought it. He spent eight months of his off-hours on demolition (排除), pulling rubbish out through the roof, because it was too dangerous to go inside the building. The demolition was hard work, but it gave him time to think about what he wanted to do, and “to treasure what was there — the walls, the rust, and the light.” Yocum said. “Every season, more paint falls off the walls and more rust develops. It’s like an art installation (装置) in there—a slow-motion show.”

Since the back building had been constructed without windows, an all-glass front was added to the building to give it a view of the courtyard, and skylights were installed in the roof. The back of the building is a working area and a living room for Yocum and his wife. A sort of buffer(缓冲) zone between the front and the back contains a bathroom, a kitchen and a mechanical room, and the walls that separate these zones have openings that allow views through to the front of the studio and the courtyard beyond.

Yocum and Bell, who have just completed an art gallery for the city, feel that the experience from the decoration of their building, focusing on the inside rather than the outside, has influenced their work. It has also given these architects a chance to show how they can make more out of less.

1. According to the passage, it is ________ for most young architects in big cities to work in a building of their own.
2. Yocum bought the old building because ________.
A.it was a bargain to him
B.it was still in good condition
C.it was located in the city center
D.it looked attractive from the outside
3. Working on the old building, Yocum and Bell ________.
A.pulled rubbish out through the roof
B.removed the skylights from the bathroom
C.presented a slow-motion show in an art gallery
D.built a kitchen at the back part of the old building
4. It can be inferred from the passage that Yocum and Bell ________.
A.benefited a lot from pulling down the roof
B.turned more old buildings into art galleries
C.got inspiration from decorating their old building
D.paid more attention to the outside of the art gallery
5. The main idea of the passage is that ________.
A.people can learn a lot from their failures
B.it is worthwhile to spend money on an old building
C.people should not judge things by their appearance
D.creative people can make the best of what they have
2019-04-29更新 | 333次组卷 | 7卷引用:天津市高二年级-故事类阅读理解名校好题
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