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1 . Children develop their habits and attitudes(态度)about money from their parents and how money is managed at home.

Giving kids pocket money is a great chance to teach children the value of money and help them understand about saving, spending and donating. Giving your children money can help them to make money decisions.     1    or save it up for something bigger. Paying pocket money is not appropriate for every family, so it is up to you if you prefer to use other ways to teach your children about money. Which jobs you pay for and the ones you don’t will be different from family to family.     2    .

Getting to know which family tasks you pay your kids for is important. Family jobs that you might not pay your children for could be things like setting the table for dinner,making their bed, washing up and tidying their room.     3    , like sorting washing, or sweeping the floors. Pocket money could be paid to encourage a good work ethic(伦理). If you set certain tasks for your kids and the tasks are not completed, you could choose not to pay pocket money for those jobs or pay them less.     4     .That is:you only get paid in full when you complete the job properly.

    5    . It’ll help you get an idea about what other people are doing. You can find out what jobs they pay their kids for, how much they are paying and how often they pay their kids. Getting other parents’ opinions can help you work out a system that suits your family.

A.Here are some suggestions
B.This will teach them a lesson
C.Talking to other parents can be useful
D.Managing å child’s pocket money is important
E.They can choose whether to spend their money now
F.There’re many reasons for not giving children·pocket money
G.Paid jobs could be tasks that a parent would have to do if they don’t do
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