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1 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

Mom was busy in the kitchen when my brother Marco and I got home from school on Friday. “Did you remember your grandmother’s coming today?” She asked. “Sure, Mom,” we laughed. “Didn’t you notice we cleaned our rooms?” Mom smiled and continued, “Thanks. I know I shouldn’t be nervous, but my mother hasn’t been here for almost six years! As I was growing up, her house always looked perfect. So I want everything to be well.”

“Perfect,” I said with a smile. “What else can we do to help before she gets here?”

Mom looked around,“You two could set the table. Use the good bowls. And be very careful with the glasses Grandma gave to us before you were born!”

As Mom prepared a big meal, Marco and I set the table. I taught Marco how to line up the forks on the left side of each p late and the knives and spoons on the right. In the center of the table, we placed a set of tall white candles. Then we stepped back and looked at our work. It seemed something was missing. “What’s missing?” I asked Marco.

“Napkins?” He asked. “And I don’t think Mom would want us to use paper ones!”

We both laughed. Marco opened a drawer and took out the nice cloth napkins Mom saved for special occasions (场合). The soft white squares were folded in the middle, and we placed one on each plate. “Do you think that looks good enough?” I asked.

“No,” Marco answered. “Let’s make them look better. Remember the restaurant we went to last year? Their napkins were folded into different shapes! That was great!”

I nodded and unfolded the cloth napkin in front of me. “Look,” I said, pointing to the napkin, “These lines make special shapes. That gives me a great idea! Let’s do origami (折纸). That’ll make the napkins unique!”

Marco looked confused, so I explained,“Origami’s a kind of folding art. People usually use paper, but you can use cloth. You make boats, birds or flowers just by folding. Nothing else is needed!”

Mom heard us and came to help.
We placed a different origami napkin on each plate.
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2 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

I was pacing back and forth as I looked up and down the street for my mom’s car. She had never been before. The fact that she wasn’t picking up her phone was what worried me the most.

Burring!!! My phone suddenly rang out.

“Hello?” I answered.

“Where are you?” my brother asked.

“I’m in front of my academy waiting for Mom to pick me up, but she’s 20 minutes late,” I replied. He then calmly said, “Don’t worry, but Mom was in a car accident. I’m coming to get you right now taxi. Wait out front.”

As we stepped into our empty home, I felt terrible. My mom quit her job and became a housewife after had children, so she was always at home taking care of us. As the youngest daughter, I never made chore. To suddenly have her away from the house made my hands shake.

“Listen Grace,” my brother said.“ I’m not sure how long Mom is going to be gone, so we have to up. Dad’s always busy with work and comes home late, so it’s going to be just the two of us for ale.”

“Who’s going to take care of us?” I asked in a low voice.

He looked at me confidently and said, “It’s high time that we took on some responsibility, right?” Holding back tears I lied and said, “Right, I can handle it.”

The next few days were a nightmare as I had to do everything since my brother left home for university. Clothes were piling up, but I didn’t know how to use the washing machine. Trash piled up as the training family members just ordered food for every meal and I didn’t know where to throw away them. I spent most of my day at home looking at the mess enlarging itself like a growing mountain.

Feeling helpless, I decided to see my mother and ask her for advice.
What Mom said touched me deeply.
语法填空-短文语填(约170词) | 较易(0.85) |
文章大意:这是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了Randall Davis的家庭活动以及他对家庭生活的看法。
3 . 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(l个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。

My name is Randall Davis. Years ago, I wanted     1    (make) something of myself working as an editor. However, I realized later that the most important things in life lived within the walls of my own home. So today my     2    (great) interest is my family.

I enjoy     3    (spend) time with my family. I have four children, and we go hiking and camping together. On our hikes, we often talk about life or tell     4    (story). We always have fun taking pictures. I can also focus     5    my kids without the distractions (分心) of video games or the Internet. Telling stories sounds easy,     6    when you have to think of a new story on a hot, 12-kilometre hike through the desert, you have come up with ideas off the top of your head.

Now, this doesn’t mean we don’t have problems; all families face challenges in     7    (they) lives, and our family     8    (be) no exception. However, we try to talk     9    (open)about our problems, and we try to solve our problems together. Building     10    strong family takes time, but it is worth the effort.

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4 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

Dottie's Thanksgiving Dinner

Dottie, a puppy, knew today was special. It was Thanksgiving and everyone was getting ready for a big dinner. The doorbell kept ringing as cousins, grandparents, uncles and aunts all came to visit.

Amazing smells were coming from the kitchen. Dottie was not allowed to be in the kitchen today. Mom said that she would get in the way. Dad said she would lick (舔) everything she could reach. They were both right.

The children had been asked to keep the dog out of the way. They did, at first. However, once their cousins arrived, they forgot about Dottie and started playing with each other. The dog got closer and closer to the kitchen. Everything smelled so good! On the edge of the table was a plate filled with slices of ham (火腿) . Before she had a chance to eat it, Dad saw her.

“No! Leave that alone, Dottie! No food for you,” he said. Then he let the dog out into the yard where some family members were playing football. Dottie smiled. This was good! She liked running. She grabbed (抓住)   the football from a small boy and wouldn’t give it back. He started to cry, and Dottie got in trouble.

“That's enough, Dottie,” said Uncle Bill, taking the ball away from her. “Maybe you should go back in.” He opened the door again, and the sad puppy went inside.

The puppy went into the dining room and no one was there. Dottie went under the table. The tablecloth was so long that it hung down to the ground. This was a good place for a sleep, she thought.

In the kitchen, everything was ready. Mom and Dad began carrying big bowls and plates of delicious food into the dining room. “Before we get started, we should take a family picture,” suggested Mom. Dad agreed. They went to tell everyone to go outside for a Thanksgiving photo together.

Dottie's nose woke up before she did. She came out from under the table. She looked around. The house was empty. She remembered what Dad had said. “No food for you.” He was wrong.

“Oh, YES, food for me!” Dottie thought, excitedly.
“Oh my goodness!” said Mom.
共计 平均难度:一般