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| 共计 495 道试题
听力选择题-长对话 | 适中(0.65) |
1 . 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
1. What did the woman do to afford her long holiday?
A.She shared the cost with other people.
B.She earned enough money before traveling.
C.She avoided spending too much on accommodation.
2. Where did the woman begin her trip?
A.In Greece.B.In France.C.In Germany.
3. What does the woman say about the family restaurant?
A.They had English-speaking customers.
B.Nobody in the family spoke English.
C.One of the children employed her.
4. Why was the job perfect for the woman?
A.Its location was near the islands.
B.The family had a boat she could use.
C.She didn’t need to work at the weekend.
2024-04-20更新 | 64次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届四川省成都市金牛区成都外国语学校高三下学期模拟预测(二)英语试题
听力选择题-短对话 | 容易(0.94) |
2 . When will the man arrive at the party?
A.At 7:30.B.At 8:00.C.At 8:30.
听力选择题-短对话 | 适中(0.65) |
3 . How did the man feel about the ride?
2024-04-17更新 | 53次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届四川省成都市金牛区成都外国语学校高三下学期模拟预测(二)英语试题
听力选择题-长对话 | 适中(0.65) |
4 . 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
1. What does the woman like most?
A.Talent shows.B.Historical dramas.C.Geographic documentaries.
2. Who is the man probably?
A.A student.B.A teacher.C.An actor.
2024-04-17更新 | 18次组卷 | 1卷引用:四川省达州市万源中学2023-2024学年高二下学期4月月考英语试题
听力选择题-短对话 | 较易(0.85) |
5 . Why was Dina late for the film?
A.She had forgotten the time.B.She had missed the bus.C.She had got up late.
2024-04-17更新 | 16次组卷 | 1卷引用:四川省达州市万源中学2023-2024学年高二下学期4月月考英语试题
听力选择题-长对话 | 适中(0.65) |
6 . 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
1. What does the man say about the party?
A.The organizer was interesting.
B.Too many people attended.
C.The food was very rich.
2. When did the man probably get home last Sunday?
A.Around 11:30 pm.B.Around 10:00 pm.C.Around 2:00 pm.
3. What does the man probably want to do now?
A.Watch a football game.B.Go for a drink.C.Get some sleep.
2024-04-15更新 | 70次组卷 | 1卷引用:四川省绵阳南山中学高三下学期三诊热身考试英语试题
听力选择题-长对话 | 适中(0.65) |
7 . 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
1. Why is the woman so happy?
A.Because of the man’s invitation.
B.Because of the cabin.
C.Because of the good weather.
2. What is the woman’s plan for the weekend?
A.To spend time with three friends.
B.To invite the man to the island.
C.To visit Tina’s parents.
2024-04-15更新 | 68次组卷 | 1卷引用:四川省绵阳南山中学高三下学期三诊热身考试英语试题
听力选择题-短对话 | 较易(0.85) |
8 . What are the people probably doing there?
A.Taking photos of butterflies.B.Watching airplanes.C.Flying kites.
2024-04-15更新 | 67次组卷 | 1卷引用:四川省绵阳南山中学高三下学期三诊热身考试英语试题
听力选择题-短对话 | 较易(0.85) |
9 . How does the man feel about the woman’s proposal?
2024-04-15更新 | 66次组卷 | 1卷引用:四川省绵阳南山中学高三下学期三诊热身考试英语试题
听力选择题-短对话 | 适中(0.65) |
10 . What did the man do during his holiday?
A.He walked along the beach.B.He swam in the ocean.C.He went fishing.
2024-04-09更新 | 17次组卷 | 1卷引用:四川省仪陇中学校2023-2024学年高二下学期4月月考英语试题
共计 平均难度:一般