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听力选择题-长对话 | 适中(0.65) |
1 . 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
1. What does the man want to see at first?
2. Why do people feed lions at night?
A.There are few people at night.
B.They want to train lions how to find foods in darkness.
C.They don’t want other animals taking away the food from the lions.
3. How does crocodile meat taste?
A.Like pork.B.Like beef.C.Like chicken.
2024-04-19更新 | 13次组卷 | 1卷引用:贵州省贵阳市清华中学、安顺一中等校2023-2024学年高一下学期第一次联考英语试题
听力选择题-长对话 | 适中(0.65) |
2 . 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
1. What will students mainly do at the camp?
A.Exchange food culture.
B.Learn to cook.
C.Do outdoor activities.
2. Who can take part in the camp?
A.Elementary school students.
B.High school students.
C.College students.
3. When will the camp end?
A.On Jan.22nd.B.On Jan.25th.C.On Jan.26th.
4. How will the speakers go to the camp?
A.By car.B.By bus.C.By bike.
2024-04-19更新 | 12次组卷 | 1卷引用:黑龙江省牡丹江市第二高级中学2023-2024学年高一下学期4月月考英语试卷
听力选择题-长对话 | 适中(0.65) |
3 . 听下面一段对话,回答以下小题。
1. What made the woman’s house messy?
A.The kids.B.The pets.C.The friends.
2. How was the weather on Saturday?
3. What did the woman do on Sunday?
A.She spent some time in the museum.
B.She had a walk in the mountain.
C.She cleaned the house.
2024-04-19更新 | 2次组卷 | 1卷引用:2023-2024学年下学期高二英语期中考前模拟卷02-2023-2024学年高二英语下学期期中考点大串讲(人教版2019)
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中(0.65) |

4 . Family-Friendly Events in January

ZooLights: Glow Wild Jan.1-19

The Phoenix Zoo’s yearly holiday light show is on until Jan.19, allowing families one or more opportunities to enjoy the city’s zoo, with millions of lights giving an added dimension to the festivities.

Glow Wild, 455N. Galvin Pkwy., Phoenix, phoenixzoo. org, $11. 95 members, $13. 95 general admission.

Downtown Mesa Festival of the Arts Jan.4-18

The Downtown Mesa Festival of the Arts features the work of established and emerging artists, including those who create woodwork, metal crafts, food items, art, photography and gifts.

On Macdonald, off of Main Street in Downtown Mesa, dtmesa fest. com, free admission.

Family Fun Winterfest Jan.4

Ody Sea Aquarium in the Desert is hosting the third annual Family Fun Winter fest in its Desert Courtyard, featuring real snow for the kids to play in. This free event features everything from bounce houses to rides, games, snowflake crafts and face painting to go with various stands set up by local sellers, with food and other offerings for sale at the event.

9500 E. Via de Ventura, Scottsdale, od yseainthedesert. com, free.

Youth Fine Arts Course Jan.18-Mar.7

Mesa Arts Center is hosting an eight-week youth arts course on Saturdays to teach artistic skills and knowledge through fun and challenging art classes in a wide variety of art materials, including painting, drawing, mixed media and sculpture, ensuring mentally stimulating sessions for all.

Mesa Art Center. 1 E. Main St. Mess, mesaartscenter. com. $93.

1. What is an advantage of becoming a member of Phoenix Zoo?
A.Free admission.B.Hosting the light show.
C.Getting a discounted ticket.D.Being allowed to enjoy the zoo.
2. How much will it cost for twin sisters to take art courses?
A.$93.B.$186.C.$744.D.Free of charge.
3. Where should the parents take him if a child likes to make a snowman?
A.The Phoenixzoo.B.Downtown Mesa.
C.Desert Courtyard.D.Mesa Arts Center.
2024-04-19更新 | 30次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届山西省平遥县第二中学校高三冲刺调研押题卷英语(四)
听力选择题-短对话 | 较易(0.85) |
5 . What is Jennifer going to do this Saturday?
A.See a doctor.B.Do some shopping.C.Go to the cinema.
2024-04-19更新 | 9次组卷 | 1卷引用:河北省沧州市任丘衡实中学2023-2024学年高二下学期一调英语试卷
听力选择题-长对话 | 较易(0.85) |
6 . 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
1. What are the speakers mainly talking about?
A.What sports to do.B.When to have a trip.C.How to spend their weekend.
2. What happened to the man in the last fishing trip?
A.He lost his boots.B.He hurt his arm.C.He didn’t get any fish.
3. What does the man suggest doing?
A.Going climbing.B.Playing games.C.Going fishing.
2024-04-18更新 | 16次组卷 | 1卷引用:浙江省金华市曙光学校2023-2024学年高一下学期4月月考英语试题
改错-短文改错 | 适中(0.65) |
7 . 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。
增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧), 并在其下面写出该加的词。

Last weekend, my friends and I decided to go to skiing together. As we arrived, we could see the slopes cover in a blanket of white, which waited for us to overcoming them. We eager rented our skis and snowboards and made our way to the beginner’s slope. Some of us were experiencing skiers, when others were trying it for the first time. We encouraged each other but shared tips on how to manage the slopes. As we slid down hill, a sense of joy filled the air. We challenged us to tackle more challenging runs. Skiing together not only allowed us to enjoy the thrill of the sport but strengthen our friendship.

2024-04-18更新 | 44次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届陕西省咸阳市高三下学期模拟检测(二)英语试题
听力选择题-短文 | 适中(0.65) |
8 . 听下面一段独白,回答以下小题。
1. What is the talk mainly about?
A.TV programs.B.Sports competitions.C.Entertainment activities.
2. What time is it now?
A.8:20 am.B.8:40 am.C.9:00 am.
3. How is the weather today?
4. What do we know about the movie?
A.It is free of charge.
B.It will start at 9:00 pm.
C.It will be showed in the Ship’s Gym.
2024-04-18更新 | 23次组卷 | 1卷引用:黑龙江省大庆市大庆中学2023-2024学年高二下学期4月月考英语试题
听力选择题-长对话 | 较易(0.85) |
9 . 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
1. What does Lydia like to do in her spare time?
A.Go camping.B.Stay with her family.C.See foreign films.
2. What do we learn about David?
A.He hates camping.
B.He likes outdoor activities.
C.He lives near the Boundary Waters.
3. How does David find photography?
4. What are the speakers going to do this weekend?
A.Visit the art gallery.
B.Take a photography class.
C.Hold a photography exhibit.
2024-04-18更新 | 19次组卷 | 1卷引用:黑龙江省大庆市大庆中学2023-2024学年高二下学期4月月考英语试题
听力选择题-长对话 | 较易(0.85) |
10 . 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
1. How long will it take the speakers to go to the club by car?
A.About an hour.B.About half an hour.C.About 10 minutes.
2. What is the woman going to do in the Students’ Club?
A.Have a swim.B.Play basketball.C.Do some running.
3. Where will the speakers meet?
A.At the school gate.B.At the man’s home.C.At the club.
2024-04-18更新 | 21次组卷 | 1卷引用:黑龙江省大庆市大庆中学2023-2024学年高二下学期4月月考英语试题
共计 平均难度:一般