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听力选择题-长对话 | 适中(0.65) |
1 . 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
1. When did the woman usually watch cartoons when she was a kid?
A.On Saturday afternoons.
B.On Saturday mornings.
C.On Saturday evenings.
2. What could the woman do if she missed a cartoon on Saturday?
A.She could sometimes watch it the next day.
B.She could always watch it again on Sunday.
C.She could watch it during the weekdays.
3. What does the man think about cartoon movies for kids?
A.He likes them a lot.
B.He only likes those about toys and cars.
C.He thinks they are stupid.
4. What do the speakers have in common?
A.They both like cartoons made for adults.
B.They both seldom watch cartoons on TV now.
C.They both watched a lot of cartoons in their childhood.
2022-11-05更新 | 66次组卷 | 1卷引用:辽宁本溪市高级中学2022-2023学年高一上学期9月月考英语试卷
听力选择题-长对话 | 适中(0.65) |
2 . 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
1. Which is the last continent that Amanda wants to go?
A.Asia.B.Europe.C.South America.
2. Why did Amanda go to London at first?
A.Because she wanted to improve her English.
B.Because her boyfriend was there.
C.Because she had a job there.
2022-10-31更新 | 54次组卷 | 1卷引用:西藏自治区拉萨市城关区拉萨中学2022-2023学年高三上学期10月月考英语试题(含听力)
完形填空(约250词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . Charles has faced a lot of obstacles in his 87 years of life but he is not giving up or slowing down any time. He has always had a______ passion for riding motorcycles, and it is what he passed down to his son, Jack. But a hit-and-run in 2016 ______ to take their shared interest away.

Charles was left disabled, and he spent eleven______ in the hospital. But even an accident this______ could not keep Charles down for long. Upon getting out of the hospital, he started looking online to find something he could ride.

With loads of time, research, and hard work, Jack finally found ways to get Charles back on the______   again. He didn’t just______ there-he went on to help others like his dad with his own______ , which he named Charles Mototrikes,selling adaptive riding equipment.

Charles has confronted even more barriers, his latest one involving cancer.______ ,this incredibly close family has found a way to once again do what they always do:______   the good. One way they’ve done this is by having a fun gathering with friends and family before Charles begins his cancer ______   in the hospital. What______   way to spend their time together than by going on a 100-mile ride______ the Green Mountains in Vermont?

This gathering is also a way to______ what Charles has accomplished and ______   in his life. “Never give up,”

Jack said, “Look at him, 87 years old and still______ . You can’t beat that.”

A.Focus onB.Give offC.Go overD.Pick up
2022-10-30更新 | 355次组卷 | 3卷引用:重庆市第八中学2022-2023学年高考适应性月考卷(二)英语试题
语法填空-短文语填(约210词) | 适中(0.65) |
4 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Everyone has a favorite color. We tend     1     (stick)with one color throughout our lives. A new study has found that the most common favorite color is blue. There were two main findings in the research. One was that a majority of people like blue most.     2     other finding was that people change the colors they like with time going by. The researchers said our     3     (experience)in life change the way we feel about color. In particular, people often like darker colors as they get older. However, dark yellowish-brown was the world’s     4     (little)liked color.

The researchers looked into studies from two universities in the USA. They said blue     5     (be)a favorite since research began on color in the 1800s and most people’s feelings of blue are positive. The color in nature, for     6       we have a preference is blue, especially a blue sky, the sea and many flowers. A blue sky is enough to make many people     7     (extreme)happy. In reality, the only negative     8     (associate)with blue was in the English language. In English, people say they “have the blues” or are “feeling blue”     9     (mean)they are sad. One factor     10     choosing a favorite color was a sports team. Many people like the color their favorite team uses.

2022-10-22更新 | 128次组卷 | 1卷引用:黑龙江省齐齐哈尔部分学校2022-2023学年高三上学期10月月考英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约650词) | 适中(0.65) |
文章大意:本文是一篇应用文。博主写了一篇博客,文中博主把自己比作另一个 Mr. Trebus。他们的共同点是,他们会把家里所有的旧物件都存起来,不愿意扔掉,认为这些东西都会有用,都会被用到。对博主的这种做法,一些人发表了各自的评论。
5 .

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Some years ago, an 80-year-old man hit the headlines when the local council tried to force him out of his own house in London. Mr. Trebus, who’d had to leave his hometown in Poland after Germany invaded at the beginning of the Second World War, later served as a tank commander in the British army. After he settled in London, he began collecting all kinds of things. He would tour the local neighbourhood recovering things from bins that others had seen as mere rubbish. He then took this junk home and sorted it into piles of similar things: a room packed with vacuum cleaners, a corner for old doors, another for windows. He also managed to acquire practically every record Elvis Presley ever made.

By the time the council came to evict (驱逐) the old man, he had just a tiny space in his kitchen to live in, surrounded by piles of old newspapers and children’s toys. Yet he resisted eviction, arguing that everything he kept was useful.

He was cleverly over-the-top, but let’s face it, there’s a bit of Mr Trebus in most of us. How many collectors do you know? Personally, I have boxes of old comics in the attic, which I don’t read, but can’t get rid of. Who hasn’t made some impulse purchase, which has then been left lying in some cupboard for years? How many of you have a drawer like mine in the kitchen: a drawer full of caution and fear, stuffed with good intentions; packed with optimism and meanness and, of course, all rubbish? In my drawer, there are a number of instructions and guarantees for things I’ve bought over the years, just in case they break down or I forget how to use them. There are also a large number of dead batteries which I’ve been meaning to take to the recycling centre and a number of leaflets — one about a local gym I still haven’t joined. There are various odd screws, nails and pins (I’d have to buy new packs if I didn’t keep them), a broken cup (I must buy some glue to stick it back together), and finally a large number of foreign coins (they might be collector’s items one day, they might be valuable).

RedyellowblueCome on! Get a life! Just throw it all out!
Dani79Nice post. On top of my cupboard, there’s a box of stuff I did when I was at primary school. I read your blog and I thought ‘what do I need it for?’ But then I looked at those cute drawings, my funny handwriting and … I couldn’t get rid of it and put the box away again. Don’t feel guilty about it!
TimR1975So we’re all a bit like Trebus, but it’s difficult to sympathise when you live with someone like my flatmate, who has 300 pairs of shoes. Are you suggesting I should just put up with it?
ProshrinkI am a psychologist and I read your post with interest. I think you’re very brave to admit that you have something in common with Mr Trebus, and I hope your admission helps a few more people think about the issue. Actually, around one in twenty people has a problem like this. Research suggests it’s at least partly genetic, but if we’re honest, we’re all potential hoarders. We all want to keep things we think we may one day need—and we all want things to stay as we remember them too. It’s a very fine line.
1. Why does the blogger use “I AM … MR TREBUS” as the title of the blog?
A.Both Mr Trebus and he survived a terrible war.
B.He has known Mr Trebus for a long time.
C.Mr Trebus and he might have something in common.
D.He would like to be another Mr Trebus.
2. ________ take a negative attitude towards the blogger’s behaviour.
A.Dani79 and TimR1975B.Dani79 and Proshrink
C.Redyellowblue and ProshrinkD.Redyellowblue and TimR1975
3. “Hoarders” refer to those who ________.
A.love storing thingsB.admit being dishonest
C.throw away unnecessary thingsD.are interested in psychology
听力选择题-长对话 | 适中(0.65) |
6 . 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
1. What’s the man famous for?
A.Doing business.B.Collecting coins.C.Teaching maths.
2. What is the woman doing?
A.Learning to talk with a professor.
B.Collecting information for the paper.
C.Figuring out how to develop a hobby.
3. How does the man get the coins for his collection?
A.By trading for rare and old ones.
B.By asking his uncle to buy some.
C.By asking for some from his friends.
4. How many coins does the man have now?
A.About 1,200.B.About 2,500.C.Over 5,000.
2022-10-13更新 | 30次组卷 | 1卷引用:广西北海市2022-2023学年高三上学期9月联考适应性考试英语试题(含听力)
听力选择题-长对话 | 适中(0.65) |
7 . 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
1. What does the man say will happen to the Olympics?
A.They will go ahead.
B.They will be moved.
C.They will be put off.
2. Where were the last Olympics held?
A.In Paris.B.In Tokyo.C.In Rio de Janeiro.
3. Which is a new Olympic sport this year?
A.Running.B.Baseball.C.Long jump.
4. Which sport does the woman disagree with?
2022-10-10更新 | 70次组卷 | 1卷引用:浙江省精诚联盟2022-2023学年高一上学期10月联考英语试卷
听力选择题-短文 | 适中(0.65) |
8 . 听下面一段独白,回答以下小题。
1. What made Chai Lin get his first bike?
A.His own efforts.B.His family’s help.C.His successful business.
2. What is the museum intended for?
3. What does Chai Lin expect to do?
A.Collect more antiques.B.Produce new brand bikes.C.Expand the exhibition area.
2022-09-17更新 | 284次组卷 | 1卷引用:福建省泉州市2022-2023学年高中毕业班9月质量监测(一)英语试卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 较难(0.4) |

9 . “Can we eat this one, Dad?” my four-year-old daughter, Alicia, asks. We’re on one of our Thursday adventures, searching the nearby woods for eatable mushrooms. She’s pointing at a bright-red cap covered with white dots. I pull out my handy mushroom-identification app, which notes that Amanita muscaria, while eatable if prepared properly, is also a known hallucinogen (致幻剂). I have a firm “tell them the truth and be as precise as possible” philosophy and explain what the app says, and that I don’t think our Thursday adventures are ready to get quite that adventurous yet.

Watching your kids learn new skills is extraordinarily rewarding, but I’ve experienced more personal growth than I have at any other point in my life.

Last year, after a winter of practicing skiing on the green tracks for beginners each week, Alicia was french-frying her way down blues and even attempted her first black. That month also witnessed me visiting the mountain more times than in the 15 years combined and I’ve got myself a partner for life.

It’s not all easy—but sometimes that’s the point. Alicia practices the violin every day, and although she enjoys it, even 15 minutes of practice can upset her. The trick, I’ve found, is to let her watch me try to get better at something, too. I start taking piano lessons at 41 years old with the idea that if she sees me struggling as I practice and then improve, she’ll understand that things don’t come easy, even for grown-ups. I know there’s going to be a time when I’ll end up on the sideline cheering her on as she finds her own passions. I’m okay with this, and I’m hoping that by then she’ll carry the joy of practice and knowledge through life.

1. What does the father imply by saying “I’ve got myself a partner for life.”?
A.It is rewarding to learn new skills.B.Skiing has become his lifelong hobby.
C.He will explore more with his daughter.D.His daughter will accompany him forever.
2. Why does the father start learning to play the piano?
A.To prove it is never too old to learn.B.To set a good example for his daughter.
C.To experience the joy of piano practice.D.To share with his daughter musical knowledge.
3. Which of the following can best describe the father?
A.Rigid and humorous.B.Cautious and inspiring.
C.Creative and thoughtful.D.Ambitious and patient.
4. Which can be a suitable title for the text?
A.The Thrill of the SkillB.Practice Makes Perfect
C.Like Father, Like DaughterD.The Power of Knowledge
阅读理解-阅读单选(约440词) | 适中(0.65) |

10 . I’d never thought of flying as something I would ever actually want to do in my free time until my family bought me what’s called a ‘flying experience day’ as a birthday present. Don’t get me wrong, I wasn’t like some of my friends, who would start shaking with fear at the thought of going in a plane of any size. I’d actually always looked forward to flying off somewhere on holiday, especially that feeling you get when the plane’s just taking off. But flying a plane was something other people did, not me.

I started researching the experience day online straight away. The little aircraft I was going to fly in could only go up to 3. 000 meters, which is quite low when you realize big jets fly closer to 10, 000 meters. I found out there was a half-hour talk from the instructor(教练)about safety and the controls. This seemed more than enough to me, as I was only going to be in the air for about the same amount of time, which I couldn’t quite believe. My parents were amazed that something like that was available for a twelve-year-old girl, but I’m very pleased it was.

On the day, I was quite nervous but Sheena, my instructor, was very calm, which helped a lot.

She took the controls as we took off, of course. It appeared to take ages to get high up, but it was only actually a minute or two, and then I took the controls. I was so excited, I wasn’t really listening to what Sheena was saying. I was hoping to see my house but it was hard to work out where everything was from the air. Even though we were flying at 280 kilometers per hour, you could hardly tell we were moving when you looked down.

I’m now so into flying that I’m considering it as a career. I’ll need to get a pilot’s license, of course, and I’m happy to save up for more classes to do this. It was such fun that I’d love to do it every day and get paid for it, too. The company that organizes experience days keeps sending emails about train driving and other things, but I only want more of one particular kind of experience now!

1. How did the writer feel about flying before she did the flying experience day?
A.Scared of flying in a small plane.B.Confident that she would be good at it.
C.Uninterested in taking it up as a hobby.D.Uncertain about what it would feel like.
2. What surprised the writer as she was researching the flying experience day?
A.How young the pilot can be.B.How long the flight will take.
C.How high the plane would reach.D.How much training is needed.
3. What does the writer say about being in the air?
A.The plane appeared to travel very slowly.
B.Seeing where she lives was fantastic.
C.It was too noisy to hear the instructor.
D.The plane seemed to climb very quickly.
4. What does the writer hope to do in the future?
A.Learn how to fly other planes.
B.Have more flying lessons just for fun.
C.Try different ‘experience days’.
D.Do business offering experience days.
5. What’s the text mainly about?
A.A 12-year-old girl’s rise to fame.
B.Preparation work needed for flying a plane.
C.Process of controlling a flying plane.
D.A12-year-old girl’s first flying experience.
2022-09-09更新 | 103次组卷 | 1卷引用:山东省济南市2022-2023学年高一上学期开学考试英语试题
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