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1 . International Literacy (读写能力) Day, also called World Literacy Day, was set in 1966 by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). The purpose was to help improve the world’s ability to read and give people better opportunities in life.    1    

·Collect Books to Donate

Kids in some poor communities might have difficulty getting chances to read the books they need to improve their skills and become better readers.    2    . Keep an eye out for books that can be donated.

·Tutor (辅导) a Student How to Read and Write

    3    . They can use extra help from a tutor to get skills as well as confidence. Go to the local library or school to find out ways that literacy programs can use extra help with tutoring

·    4    .

In addition to helping someone read locally, it’s also possible to get connected with a literacy organization through the World Literacy Foundation. This organization mainly focuses on helping children from low-income backgrounds.    5    

A.Connect with a Literacy Organization
B.Some children struggle to read and write
C.Collect books for them from used bookstores
D.And it also helps the children to become lifelong readers
E.Here are tips about how to celebrate International Literacy Day
2024-03-28更新 | 32次组卷 | 1卷引用:2023年6月福建省普通高中学业水平合格性考试英语真题
书信写作-投稿征文 | 适中(0.65) |
2 . 假定你是李华,在你的成长过程中一定读过很多书,其中肯定有一本书影响你、感动你。你们学校的English Corner正在以“My Favourite Book”为题征文,请你写一篇文章。内容包括:
1. 什么时候读的这本书;
2. 书的大概内容;
3. 这本书给你最大的影响是什么。
1. 词数100左右;
2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
1. a large number of; make a (n) ... impression on
2. What attracts me most is...
3. the message that the book delivers...
4. overcome one difficulty after another...

My Favourite Book

2024-03-05更新 | 6次组卷 | 1卷引用:湖南省平江县第三中学等多校联考2023-2024学年高二普通高中学业水平合格性考试仿真模拟(专家卷四)英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 较易(0.85) |

3 . Here are four books for you and your children. Pick anyone you like!

Football with Dad   by Frank Berrios

After watching the big game on TV every Sunday, a boy and his dad head outside to throw around a football like their favorite players. With its focus on playing safe and having fun. Football With Dad is the perfect way to introduce your little reader to the game of football.

There’s an Alligator Under My Bed by Mercer

Mayer Fear of the dark often brings people another fear, like having a monster (怪物) under your bed. This story uses clever thinking to show children how to do with their fear during the night. And it does have helped lots of children overcome their fear of the dark.

Room on the Broom   by Julia Donaldson

The story has a great message of friendship. A witch (女巫) is happily flying around on her broom when the wind blows away her hat, then her bow, and then her wand. Luckily, a helpful animal finds her missing belongings each time. .

7 Days till Ice Cream   by Bernardo Feliciano

Jerron, A. J. , and Cha are so excited about ice cream day! But sometimes, the ice cream car drives down a different street. Can they work together to control their car right to their house? This fun, easy-to-read story also shows us problem-solving and hands-on activities that your children will love!

1. What is the book Football With Dad about?
A.How to enjoy an exciting football game.B.How to play football.
C.How to be a father.D.How to get kids to be athletic.
2. Which book is about courage?
A.Football with Dad.B.There’s an Alligator Under My Bed.
C.Room on the Broom.D.7 Days till Ice Cream.
3. Who writes about friendship?
A.Frank Berrios.B.Mercer Mayer.
C.Julia Donaldson.D.Bernardo Feliciano.
4. Which of the following can be used to describe Jerron, A. J. , and Cha?
2024-03-05更新 | 14次组卷 | 1卷引用:湖南省平江县第三中学等多校联考2023-2024学年高二普通高中学业水平合格性考试仿真模拟(专家卷四)英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中(0.65) |
4 . Chocolate Me!
by Taye Diggs and Shane W. Evans
Ages 4—8

This bright picture book is a tool, great for comforting kids who feel worried about their looks. A young boy is made fun of for the colour of his skin, but an important lesson from his mother makes him realize that his differences are what make him special.

Thank you, Mr. Falker
by Patricia Polacco
Ages 5—8

The celebrated author and illustrator (插图画家) tells the story of her personal experience of fighting dyslexia(a difficulty in reading and spelling caused by a brain condition) and the teacher who gave her the courage to keep going. Kids will love reading about fifth-grader Trisha and patient Mr. Falker.

New Kid
by Jerry Craft
Ages 8—12

It’s always hard being the new kid at school, and it can be quite difficult when you’re from Washington Heights in New York City and you study at a top private school across town. The book follows Jordan’s first year at Riverdale, addressing problems head-on. It was awarded the Newbery Medal in 2020.

The Giving Tree
by Shel Silverstein
Ages 2—6

What wouldn’t this tree do for this little boy? The author tells a story of unselfish love and unending sacrifice(牺牲) as, starting with apples and shade, a tree gladly gives more and more to a boy over the years, finally giving all of itself.

1. Which book is about the author’s own experience?
A.Chocolate Me!B.Thank you, Mr. FalkerC.New KidD.The Giving Tree
2. What makes the boy in the Chocolate Me! special?
A.His age.B.His tool.C.His feeling.D.His difference.
3. Whose book won a medal?
A.Taye Diggs and Shane W. Evans’s.B.Patricia Polacco’s.
C.Jerry Craft’s.D.Shel Silverstein’s.
4. What is the book for 3-year-olds mainly about?
A.A mother teaching her boy lessons.B.A teacher helping a girl read and spell.
C.A boy studying at a new private school.D.A tree’s unselfish love and unending sacrifice.
2024-02-29更新 | 7次组卷 | 1卷引用:湖南省平江县第三中学等多校联考2023-2024学年高二普通高中学业水平合格性考试仿真模拟(专家卷一)英语试题
语法填空-短文语填 | 适中(0.65) |

5 . 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式,并将答案转写到答题卡上。

“What shall I read?” You might have asked yourself this question     1     (many) than once. If you are not sure what to read, you can get ideas from different     2     (source), but it’s also important     3     (develop) your own taste.

To start with, ask your friends, parents and teachers to recommend what books you ought to read. Most people will be happy to share     4     (them) favourite books with others. Teachers in particular can provide suggestions for interesting reading materials     5     can be found in the library or bookshops     6     (quick). You can also read book reviews in newspapers, in magazines or online.

Meanwhile, you must decide for yourself what kind     7     books to read. You do not have to read books just because everyone     8     (recommend) them. Instead, look for books on topics that interest you. Take time to look through the collections in different sections of your local library, and you are likely to come across     9     book you love to read. Over time, you may find yourself better able to seek out books to your taste and enjoy     10     (read) all the more.

2024-02-29更新 | 29次组卷 | 1卷引用:湖南省平江县第三中学等多校联考2023-2024学年高二普通高中学业水平合格性考试仿真模拟(专家卷三)英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中(0.65) |

6 . I turned 8 years old the day I skipped school for the first time. It was easily done: Both my parents left for work before my school bus arrived on weekdays, so when it showed up at my house on that cold winter morning, I simply did not get on. The perfect crime!

And what did I do with myself on that glorious stolen day, with no adult in charge and no limits on my activities? Did I get high? Hit the mall for a shoplifting extravaganza (狂欢)?

Nope. I built a warm fire in the wood stove, prepared a bowl of popcorn, grabbed a blanket, and read. I was trilled and transported by a book — it was Hemingway’s The Sun Also Rises — and I just needed to be alone with it for a little while. I ached to know what would happen to Jake Barnes and Lady Brett Ashley and Robert Cohn. I couldn’t bear the thought of siting in a classroom taking another exam when I could be traveling through Spain in the 1920s with a bunch of expatriates (异乡客).

I spent that day lost in words. Time fell away, as the room around me turned to mist, and my role — as a daughter, sister, teenager, and student — in the world no longer had any meaning. I had accidentally come across the key to perfect happiness: I had become completely absorbed by something I loved.

Looking back on it now, I can see that some subtle things were happening to my mind and to my life while I was in that state of absorption. Hemingway’s language was quietly braiding itself into my imagination. I was downloading information about how to create simple and elegant sentences, a good and solid plot. In other words, I was learning how to write. Without realizing it, I was hot on the trail of my own fate. Writing now absorbs me the way reading once did and happiness is their generous side effect.

1. Why did the author skip school on that day?
A.Because she’s fascinated by a novel.B.Because it’s a biting cold winter morning.
C.Because her parents left home early.D.Because she’s anxious to take the exam.
2. What did the author think is the source of true joy?
A.Reading a fiction by the fire.B.Travelling with a bunch of expatriates.
C.Being occupied by one’s passion.D.Breaking the rules and regulations.
3. Which can best replace the underlined phrase “braiding itself into” in the last paragraph?
4. What can we infer from the passage?
A.The author was tired of his roles in the real-life.
B.Becoming a writer is the author’s childhood dream.
C.The author skipped school when he was 8 years old.
D.Writing has a horrible effect on the author’s life now.
7 . 阅读下列句子并排序。
① I like reading books of all kinds.
② I have a top 10 reading list and I try to keep it updated.
③ It always makes me excited to work hard and achieve a team goal together.
④ Meanwhile, I’m an active member of my school’s long-distance running team and volunteering club.
2023-12-31更新 | 13次组卷 | 1卷引用:广东省佛山市南海区2023-2024学年高一上学期学业水平测试英语试题
文章大意:本文是一篇记叙文。洛杉矶居民乔·布莱克斯通和杰米·莫恩非常关注儿童阅读能力的培养。他们创办了J3’s Cozy Reading Club,免费为孩子们提供阅读机会,提高他们的阅读技能,并取得了成功。

8 . Los Angeles residents Joe Blackstone and Jamie Mohn have long recognized the lasting impact storytelling can have on a child’s life. Shortly after getting married, the couple began volunteering to read books to elementary school kids. Then, when they became parents themselves, they created the J3 Foundation to help organizations devoted to children’s growth. But after learning two-thirds of fourth graders who cannot read effectively end up on welfare, Blackstone and Mohn decided to take a more hands-on approach: in 2018, they launched J3’s Cozy Reading Club.

Each session of the two-hour, after-school program is free and includes outdoor activities and a healthy snack. Then, it’s time for some comfortable reading. After teachers read a book aloud and the group talks about the storyline freely, the kids find a spot to sit while grabbing a book of their choice to look through. In the end, they get to choose two books to borrow and take home.

In its first year, J3’s Cozy Reading Club served 15 students in one L. A.-area classroom. As of 2022, it had expanded to 17 schools across four different districts, impacting a total of at least 400 students, the vast majority of whom live in underserved communities. With impressive statistics backing it up 90% of the students have significantly improved their reading scores, and 95% say they’ve started reading for fun since taking part in the program——its founders have much to celebrate.

“Having more than 5,000 culturally relevant books available to them is so exciting. I love it when our students can see themselves and their classmates’ lives reflected in the books they are reading. The hope of changing one kid at a time makes all the work worthwhile,” Blackstone said.

Currently, J3 is in the process of raising $864,000, so the Cozy Reading Club can expand to an additional 24 Los Angeles schools and double its book collection to 10,000. This is worthwhile. The National Assessment of Education Progress (NAEP) reported that 68% of U. S. fourth graders weren’t skilled at reading in 2022, up from 66% in 2019.

1. What can be inferred about Blackstone and Mohn?
A.They are children’s writers.B.They teach reading in a school.
C.They value kids’ development.D.They’ve donated much to charities.
2. What can children do in J3’s Cozy Reading Club?
A.Learn the history of books.B.Discuss a book’s plot.
C.Cook and have snacks.D.Buy interesting books.
3. What are the statistics in Paragraph 3 about regarding J3’s Cozy Reading Club?
A.Its great achievements.B.Its various services.
C.Its long-term goals.D.Its current programs.
4. Why does the author mention NAEP in the last paragraph?
A.To state reading is significant.B.To show J3 is a necessary cause.
C.To assess J3’s potential abilities.D.To criticize America’s education.
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 较易(0.85) |

9 . BBC: Top 4 Wonderful English Novels

Great Expectations
By Charles Dickens, 1861

Mrs Dalloway
By Virginia Woolf, 1925

By George Eliot, 1874

Wuthering Heights
By Emily Bronte, 1847

1. Which of the following might be the purest British novel?
A.Great Expectations.B.Mrs Dalloway.
C.Wuthering Heights.D.Middlemarch.
2. When was the novel of Mrs Dalloway published?
A.In 1847.B.In 1861.C.In 1874.D.In 1925.
3. What can we learn about Middlemarch?
A.Its plot is very simple.
B.It describes the hero’s events in one day.
C.It is powered by more psychological energy than any other book.
D.It is the greatest social and psychological novel written in English.
4. Who wrote the novel of Wuthering Heights?
A.George Eliot.B.Virginia Woolf.
C.Emily Bronte.D.Charles Dickens.
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 容易(0.94) |

10 . The following are the best-of-the-best stories to finish before you turn 17.

Beauty Queens by Libba Bray

A plane full of teen beauties is headed to the girls’ biggest contest ever until their plane crashes. Stuck on a deserted island, they all struggle to stay alive. But holding onto their attractive, high-end lifestyles will definitely get in their way.

A Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine L’Engle

This story is all about high school girl Meg Murry who’s trying to bring her dad back home. The first in a four-book series, Meg meets a stranger one night who informs her of a tesseract(宇宙魔方) that will help her travel through dimensions. Along with her brother Charles and her friend Calvin, they travel to find out what exactly happened to MrMurry and take him back to their reality.

The Fault in Our Stars by John Green

Like the movie, it tells the story of two teenagers trying to live their lives to the fullest, even though their time is limited.

1. What's the teens’ aim on the plane?
A.To enter a contest.B.To visit an island.C.To improve life.
2. From whom did Meg know of a tesseract?
A.A stranger.B.Charles.C.Calvin.
3. Which has been adapted into a film?
A.Beauty Queens.B.A Wrinkle in Time.C.The Fauilt in Our Stars.
2023-10-13更新 | 59次组卷 | 1卷引用:2023年湖北省普通高中学业水平合格性考试模拟英语试题(二)
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