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1 . How to Appear Outgoing in a Conversation?

Some people seem naturally outgoing when chatting with others, while others find it hard to make it. Here are some tips to help you appear outgoing in a conversation.

Make eye contact. If you’re in a social situation, such as at a party, try to make eye contact with the other people there. Once you’ve established eye contact, give the other person a friendly smile     1     If the person does not respond or does not expect to be approached, let them go their way. Part of being outgoing is knowing when and where to approach others and when to keep to yourself.

Ask some open-ended questions.     2     It’s easier to start up a chat with someone new if you invite them to share about themselves. If you’ve already exchanged eye contact and smiles with someone, and you’re close by, start off with a question. Here are some ideas: How do you like that book or magazine? What is your favorite thing to do around here?

    3     You might see some of the same people every day, but never acknowledge (致意) them. To become outgoing, it is important to start acknowledging the people around you more often. The next time you order a coffee or check out at the grocery store, smile at the person helping you and say “thank you”. This small act will help you become more comfortable interacting with others.     4    

Talk to everyone. After you become a bit more comfortable talking to people you know, try talking to new people as you go through your day.     5     But the more you approach people and get comfortable with making conversation, the easier it will become.

A.These questions invite others to respond with more than a “yes” or “no”.
B.If the person smiles back at you, then go over to them.
C.Remember that they serve hundreds of people a day.
D.Say thank you in public as much as possible.
E.It will probably make the other person’s day a little brighter.
F.Keep in mind that this approach doesn’t always work well in some situations.
G.At first, you might feel uncomfortable talking with strangers.
昨日更新 | 6次组卷 | 1卷引用:陕西省西安市临潼区临潼中学2023-2024学年高一下学期期中考试英语试卷
阅读理解-七选五(约230词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 . Relationship conflicts can cause emotional pain and stress. Knowing how to apologize can repair damage in a relationship. Effective apologies are simple if you know what to say.     1    

Understand reasons to apologize.

When you’ve made a mistake or hurt another person, there are many good reasons why you should apologize. By apologizing, you are able to:

Acknowledge that you were wrong;

Discuss what is allowed and not allowed in your relationship;

Express your regrets and thoughts;


Take responsibility.

Taking responsibility means acknowledging mistakes you made hurt the other person. It’s one of the most important parts of most apologies. Saying “    3     I’m sorry” shows that you know it was what you said that hurt the other person and you take responsibility for it.

Express regrets.

When you seek to understand how to apologize effectively, it’s also important to understand the value of expressing regrets. Taking responsibility is important, but it’s also helpful for the other person to know that you feel bad about hurting them. They already feel bad.     4    


Although apologizing can be a way to repair the relationship and be forgiven. Sometimes this doesn’t happen. Sometimes the other person just isn’t ready or able to forgive you and move on. Or they may forgive you but still be guarded. Realize that you can’t control their response and if you’ve done everything you can, let it go for now.

A.Let go of results.
B.Know when to apologize.
C.Learn from your mistakes.
D.When I said the hurtful thing, I wasn’t thinking.
E.Let me help you learn how to apologize effectively.
F.And they’d like to know you feel bad about them feeling bad.
G.People are often unwilling or unable to apologize face to face.
2024-09-10更新 | 64次组卷 | 1卷引用:云南省昆明市寻甸回族彝族自治县民族中学2024-2025学年高一上学期开学检测英语试卷
选词填空-短文选词填空 | 较易(0.85) |
3 . 选词填空

bet   case   downstairs   duty   occasions   ought to   settle   tailor


N=Narrator   A=Ambassador   P=Portia H=Henry

N: After that, it seemed like everyone in London was talking about Henry. The American ambassador to Britain invited Henry to an upper-class party.
Henry felt it was his     1     to go. He wanted to maintain a good relationship with the ambassador in     2     others found out just how poor he really was.
A: Ah, there you are.
P: (to Henry) How do you do?
A: Mr Adams, my special guest, Miss Portia Langham.
H: How do you do?
A: If you’ll excuse me, I must go     3     to see the other guests. (He leaves.)
P: Won’t you sit down, please?
H: Yes, I’d love to…with your permission. Thank you, Miss.
P: That poor, dear ambassador. He hates these     4     almost as much as I do. Nothing but talk, talk, talk. And no one says anything anyone wants to hear, do they?
H: No, I bet they don’t.
P: The ambassador tells me you are a rich man. He tells me you are the talk of London. Why, it seems that every banker and     5     in the city is eager to meet you.
H: Yes, I’ve heard. I can’t understand why, really. I’m not so special as that.
P: Are you planning to     6     in London?
H: Well, I hadn’t really thought about it much.
P: You     7     think about it.
2024-09-07更新 | 1次组卷 | 1卷引用:人教版2019 必修三 Unit 5 Section Ⅳ Assessing Your Progress & Video Time、
阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . Imagine you’re at a football game when this rude man sits next to you. He’s loud, he spills his drink on you, and he makes fun of your team. Days later, you’re walking in the park when suddenly it starts to rain heavily. The same guy from the football game offers you an umbrella. Do you change your mind about him based on this second meeting, or do you go with your first impression and write him off?

Related research suggests that we’re quick to form lasting impressions of others based on their behaviors. On the one hand, learning very bad, highly immoral (不道德) information about someone usually has a stronger influence than learning very good, highly moral information. This is because immoral behaviors can better show a person’s true character.

On the other hand, when forming and updating our opinions about others, people tend to give more importance to behaviors that are seen as less common. When thinking about others’ actions, certain areas in the brain will become active. This brain activity is connected to how often people think these behaviors happen in daily life. In other words, the brain tries to decide if the person’s behavior is common or unusual.

There’s a good meaning in this data: your brain, and you, might care more about the very bad, immoral things another person has done compared (比较) to the very good, moral things, but it’s a direct result of the comparative rareness of those bad behaviors.

In the situation with the rude-football-fan-turned-good-person, your brain says, “Well, in my experience, pretty much anyone would lend someone their umbrella, but the way this guy acted at the football game, that was unusual.” And so, you decide to go with your first impression.

Think about the last time you judged someone based on their behavior, especially a time when you really feel like you changed your mind about someone. Was the behavior that caused you to update your impression something you’d expect anyone to do, or was it something totally out of the ordinary?

1. What does the underlined words “write him off” mean in paragraph 1?
A.Ignore him.B.Forgive him.
C.Accept him.D.Follow him.
2. Why do bad behaviors have a stronger influence?
A.They are more memorable.
B.They are seen as less common.
C.They could form lasting impressions.
D.They better present a person’s true nature.
3. Which of the following is your final impression to “the man”?
4. Which of the following is a suitable title for the text?
A.The importance of first impressions.
B.A rude-football-fan-turned-good-person.
C.How to leave a good impression on others?
D.What will influence your impression of others?
2024-08-21更新 | 46次组卷 | 1卷引用:浙江省台州市台州市第一中学2023-2024学年新高一上学期入学分班考试英语试卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约460词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . We all know that friends are special people whom we share our lives with, and who share their lives with us in return. But seeking friends and keeping the friendship going are never easy.

According to a research recently published in the Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, the key is to use “we­talk”.

Led by University of California psychologist Megan Robbins and her colleagues, the researchers reviewed and analyzed 30 different studies involving over 5,000 participants. This largest ­ever analysis of “we­talk” suggested that the frequent use of “we” and “us” is linked to happier and healthier relationships.

The word “we” moves people from an individual position into a partnership, which makes us more interdependent. “The pronouns offer an insight into whether people see themselves as individuals or as part of a whole ... Word use is a window into what people are thinking and feeling without asking them, ” Robbins told Science Daily.

Their research also found that “we­talk” is helpful in resolving conflicts. “The primary point is that interdependence may bring about supportive and relationship-­centered behaviors and positive perceptions of the partner — especially important in times of stress and conflict, ” said study author Alexander Karan.

US­based magazine Psychology Today used the word “union” to describe the impact on a partner upon hearing “we­talk”.

Contrary to “we­talk”, there is “I­talk”, which refers to the frequent use of first­person singular pronouns, such as “I”,   “me”,   and “mine”,   when writing or speaking.

Earlier this year, researchers from the University of Arizona, US, analyzed a set of data that came from 4,700 people in Germany and the US. They found that too much “I­talk” is an accurate linguistic marker for the likelihood that someone is feeling stressed or experiencing negative emotions.

“If you are speaking in a personal context — so you’re speaking about something that’s of relevance to you, ” lead researcher Allison Tackman told The Independent. “But if you’re communicating in a context that’s more impersonal, such as describing a picture, we did not see the relationship emerge.”

As you can see from the two studies, too much “I­talk” can make you feel depressed. But “we­talk” can encourage you to become more positive and create a ripple effect (连锁反应) of healthy interdependence with others.

So next time you’re talking to a friend, try using more “we­talk”. You may find yourself feeling more positive — and the effect it will have on your friend will be positive as well.

1. According to Megan Robbins and her colleagues’ research, we can infer the following EXCEPT         .
A.too much “I­talk” certainly indicates pressure or depression
B.more than 5,000 people were involved in their research
C.the more we use “we” and “us”,   the happier we may feel
D.“we­talk” may help us build better teamwork in our work
2. What can be the benefit of “we­talk”?
A.We may avoid arguments and conflicts with it.
B.It may help promote friendship in our life.
C.It can help produce a feeling of individualism.
D.We can become more independent of others.
3. What does the underlined part in Paragraph 8 mean?
A.A person tends to use “I­talk” too much if he is experienced.
B.“I­talk” is an exact linguistic marker for people’s feelings.
C.If a person uses “I­talk” a lot, he is probably in a bad mood.
D.It is possible that someone likes “I­talk” when he is in an impersonal context.
4. What is the main idea of the passage?
A.Using “we­talk” contributes to building good social relationships.
B.The importance of choosing the word in our daily conversation.
C.Using too much “I­talk” may lead you to become upset.
D.Introduction to “we­talk” in our daily communication.
2024-08-04更新 | 42次组卷 | 1卷引用:Unit 1 Starting out & Understanding ideas 同步练习-2021-2022学年高中英语外研版(2019)选择性必修第一册
阅读理解-七选五(约210词) | 适中(0.65) |

6 . To have a good conversation is a pleasure for most people. But not every conversation is good. Sometimes there are awkward (令人尴尬的) silences while people try to think of something to say. Some conversations are one-sided. One person asks all the questions, and the other just gives one-word answers.     1     They need to say things that others can answer and expand on (细说).

To start a conversation, ask something about the other person. “What do you do?” is a good place to start. You can also simply say, “Tell me about yourself.”     2    

As the other person begins to respond (回复) to your question, look for common ground. If you ask someone about their weekend, the person could talk about what they did. When the person finishes their story, you can comment and mention something that you did.     3    

When the other person is talking, it is important to be interested in them.     4     Do not interrupt (打断) them. When they finish, ask some more questions, and listen to the answers. Don’t allow your eyes to look around the room as they talk.

    5     After you’ve conversed for a bit, you can say, “I need to run now.” You may also give a reason. Say something like, “I really need to get going. My exercise class starts in 10 minutes.”

A.Listen to what they are saying.
B.A conversation should end well, too.
C.Now, go out and enjoy a good conversation!
D.Most people love an opportunity to talk about themselves.
E.A good conversation needs two or more people to keep it going.
F.That gives the other person the message that you’re not interested in them.
G.Then you can talk about those activities and your plans for the coming weekend.
2024-07-30更新 | 50次组卷 | 1卷引用:Unit 5 Into the wild 单元综合评估试卷-2023-2024学年高中英语外研版(2019)必修第一册
阅读理解-七选五(约190词) | 适中(0.65) |

7 . The saying “good fences make good neighbours” means that having clear boundaries (界限) and respecting each other’s space can lead to a better relationship between neighbours. This saying is often used when people have disagreements over property lines or other issues related to shared spaces.

    1     This includes being honest and open with your neighbours about any issues that may arise, such as noise complaints or property disputes. If you are an independent person who values privacy, it is still important to communicate with your neighbours in a frank and respectful way.     2    

    3     Holding onto grudges (积怨) and resentments can lead to a poisonous relationship that is difficult to repair. It is important to remember that everyone makes mistakes and has different viewpoints, so it is important to approach conflicts with an open mind and a willingness to compromise (让步).

One way to avoid conflicts with your neighbours is to establish clear boundaries and expectations from the beginning.     4     By establishing these expectations early on, you can avoid misunderstandings and potential conflicts down the road.

    5     By respecting each other’s space and establishing clear boundaries, you can build a positive relationship with your neighbours and avoid conflicts. Remember, “good fences make good neighbours”.

A.This will help to avoid misunderstandings and conflicts.
B.The boundary shows people live separately from each other.
C.Being a good neighbour requires honesty and a willingness to forgive.
D.Giving others a privacy space can also make the relationship stronger and longer.
E.This can include discussing property lines, parking arrangements, and noise levels.
F.In order to be a good neighbour, it is important to understand your duties and responsibilities.
G.If there is a disagreement or conflict with your neighbour, it is important to try to forgive and move on.
2024-07-22更新 | 49次组卷 | 1卷引用:四川省成都市成华区2023-2024学年高一下学期7月期末考试英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约270词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . Listening is one of the four primary forms of communication, along with reading, writing, and speaking.     1    . There’s a higher form of listening, fortunately, which leads to real communication. We call it “genuine listening”. And it’s the kind of practice we want to put to use. But to do genuine listening, you need to do three things differently.

    2    . It is reported that only 7 percent of communication is contained in the words we use. The rest comes from body language (53 percent) and how we say words, or the tone and feeling reflected in our voice (40 percent) . To hear what other people are really saying, you also need to listen to what they’re not saying.     3    , everyone is tender inside and has a desperate need to be understood.

Stand in their shoes. To become a genuine listener, you need to take off your shoes and stand in another’s. In the words of Robert Byrne, “Until you walk a mile in another man’s shoes you can’t imagine the smell”.     4    

Practice mirroring. Think like a mirror. What does a mirror do? It doesn’t judge. It doesn’t give advice. It reflects. Mirroring is simply this: Repeat back in your own words what the other person is saying and feeling. Mirroring isn’t mimicking (模仿) . Mimicking is when you repeat exactly what the other person says, like a parrot. If you practice mirroring but don’t really desire to understand others, they will see through it. If your attitude is right but you don’t have the skill, you’ll be okay.     5    . If you have both the attitude and the skill, you’ll become a powerful communicator!

A.Listen with your eyes, heart, and ears
B.Choose some interesting topics
C.You must try to see the world as they see it and feel as they feel
D.It’s a bad habit to pretend to listen to other people
E.However, many people don’t know how to listen
F.But it doesn’t work the other way around
G.No matter how hard people may appear on the surface.
2024-07-19更新 | 27次组卷 | 1卷引用:黑龙江省齐齐哈尔市2023-2024学年高一下学期7月期末英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约220词) | 适中(0.65) |

9 . How to Support Those with Mental Health Problems

There may come a time when a friend, a family member, or an employee requires your help for a mental health problem. The more you learn about mental health, the better position you may be in to help those with mental health problems.     1    .

Attend a training course

In fact, anyone can benefit from psychological training. You might be a teacher that manages youth or a worried parent who wants to make sure your children can tell you anything.     2    . For example, you can take part in the Psychological Counselor Training (心理咨询培训) that focuses on supporting those at risk.

Listen attentively

If someone in trouble approaches you and wants to listen to your views, give them your full attention.     3    , but to listen carefully and patiently. The more you listen, the better advice you can give.


Even if you have experienced psychological training through an organization like Training For Mind, it doesn’t mean you can offer people the mental health support as professionals do. Therefore, the best thing you can do is encourage them to seek professional help.

Contact in time

Make contact with those with mental health problems in time to see how they are feeling. It makes a difference for them to know they are cared for. You can communicate with them often.     5    , such as practicing yoga, making plans and going hiking together, etc.

A.Seek professional services
B.Try your best not to interrupt
C.Try to seek acceptance from other people
D.It’s hard to deal with mental health problems
E.Meanwhile, you can try the following activities
F.The following tips can help you to support them
G.It really makes a difference to attend a training course
2024-07-14更新 | 37次组卷 | 1卷引用:贵州省毕节市2024年高一下学期期末考试英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约190词) | 适中(0.65) |

10 . Teaching manners to a young child, may seem a little difficult, but it doesn’t have to be. This article explores these methods that can help you.

Practice greeting.

    1     Try to remind them to say hello to relatives and friends. If they forget to say “hi”, gently remind them. Try something like, “That’s our neighbor Tom! Do you want to say hello?”

Suggest looking someone in the eye.

It can be hard for anyone, so this step takes a little extra time.     2     This can make it feel more like a game and can help them get more comfortable! If you notice your-child staring at the ground while talking to someone, gently suggest they look up.     3     This can make them extra shy!

Say what they should do.

“No” without any suggestion may leave your child feeling confused about what to do next.     4     This way they know what good behavior they should practice instead.


Always be kind, polite, and positive in front of your child. You are a positive example to learn from. Consider eating dinner as a family each night. This is a great place to practice polite conversation as well as dinner table manners in particular.

A.Set a good example.
B.Remind them to say “please”.
C.Avoid embarrassing them, though.
D.Practicing saying “hello” is the first step.
E.Saying what they should do is a good idea.
F.To practice, ask your child to look you in the eye.
G.It’s parents’ duty to teach their children to take care of themselves..
2024-07-13更新 | 39次组卷 | 1卷引用:广西南宁市2023-2024学年高一下学期期考调研考试英语试题
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