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阅读理解-七选五(约240词) | 适中(0.65) |

1 . An interview is a discussion with someone in which you try to get information from them.     1     There are three basic sub-types of interview: structured interviews, unstructured interviews and semi-structured interviews.     2     Incidentally, “respondent” and “informant” are words that are sometimes used instead of “interviewee”.

A great deal is provided by this personal contact: you are another human being, and interviewees will respond to you, in bodily presence, in an entirely different way from the way that they would have reacted to questionnaires that came through their letterboxes or to emails.     3     Most people want to help and give their opinions, and they will usually be energized to help by your physical presence.

If you take the trouble to schedule a visit, you can be more or less guaranteed of a response. Most importantly, though, you will be able to relate to interviewees while you are talking to them.     4     You will be able to watch their behaviour which will give you important clues about how they feel about a topic. Because of the primacy of the personal contact, your appearance and tone are important—how do you want to be seen? As “one of us”? As a person in authority? As an observer? …Or what?     5     However you decide to present yourself, it is good practice of course to try to put the interviewee at ease before the interview begins — to talk about the weather, about your journey, about anything that will break the ice.

A.This is a ready-made support for you.
B.Its nature varies with the nature of the interviews.
C.You will be able to hear and understand what they are saying.
D.Your decision should influence the way that you look, sound and behave.
E.The information may be facts or opinions or attitudes or any combination of these.
F.Each involves the interviewer in fact-to-face contact or telephone contact with another person.
G.You will be using these clues to make informed guesses about what the interviewees might really mean.
2020-04-16更新 | 701次组卷 | 11卷引用:河北省石家庄二中实验学校2022-2023学年高三上学期9月开学考试英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约220词) | 较易(0.85) |

2 . How to Help Others in Your Community (社区)

Helping others in your community is a great way to spread joy to others and get the most out of life.     1    

You can choose to become a volunteer. Volunteering is great way to help others out in your community. Look around for a homeless shelter or soup kitchen and spend some time there doing whatever needs to be done.     2     For example, try tutoring homeless kids at the local shelter so that they can stay in school and not fall behind, and also you get a sense of achievement.

    3     You can give away money to some organizations that help others. If you don’t have money to spare, look through your unused items (物品) and see what you can part with that is in good condition. They are needed by a local food bank or shelter.

You can choose to redirect gifts.     4     You can invite them to do voluntary work to celebrate your birthday. You can also suggest they donate the money they intend to use to buy gifts for you.

You can stop to help. There are many cases where you can stop to give a helping hand. If you see people on the street struggling to carry all their groceries, stop to help     5     However, keep in mind that they may not always need help. But never feel discouraged when your kindness is turned down.

A.Usually they are grateful to accept your help.
B.You can choose to donate to important causes.
C.There are a number of chances you can take advantage of.
D.You can help your neighbors without spending much money.
E.Donate the gifts you receive to poor children in your community.
F.Not only will this help others, but also you will gain certain benefit.
G.Instead of getting new gifts every birthday, have your friends and family help others.
阅读理解-七选五(约210词) | 较难(0.4) |

3 . Chinese culture values family bonds very much. Family members don't just gather during the holidays .In fact they often live under one roof all year round.     1    . Families in the East and West are very different from each other.

In most East Asian cultures, extended families are common.     2     According to the

Atlantic, 90 percent of children in Shanghai and 70 percent of children in Beijing were cared for by their grandparents. Chinese people believe that "a grandparent is a treasure to their family".

In many Western countries, most families are nuclear families (小家庭). These are solely made up of children and their parents.

Additionally, the duties parents have toward their children can also differ.    3    .

It's normal for parents to pay for their children's college, help them find a job, or buy them an apartment. Chinese adults also follow their parents' opinions when making major life decisions, more often than not.

In most Western countries, however, kids usually move out of the house after they turn 18.

    4    . Also, if they choose to keep living with their parents after becoming an adult, it can be seen by some as a failure on their part.

While the East cares more about close family bonds, the West values privacy and independence.     5    . Families will always be a source of love, warmth, and care for people around the world.

A.These families have three or even four generations living together
B.Nuclear families are the most common type in China.
C.In China, many parents look after their children all the way into adulthood.
D.Different cultures have different family values.
E.But in the end, home is best 一 east or west.
F.Many young people going to college often need to take out loans and work part-time jobs in order to pay for tuition and rent.
G.Both Easterners and Westerners value quality family time.
阅读理解-七选五(约250词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . How to Use Social Media Positively

Nowadays so common is social media in our society that almost everyone is connected to some form of it. We are in a fast-paced, technologically evolving(进化) society and we are addicted to social media.    1    

So how does one ensure a positive online reputation? It’s simple:

Keep it clean. Party photos with alcohol are an absolute no-no. Would you want to have your boss see these photos?    2     Make sure to post contents that you feel positively reflect you, your creativity and your skills.

    3     You have a private account so you can post anything you want? This is decidedly not the case. Privacy settings make it harder to see your full account, but it’s not impossible. Under no circumstance should you rely on privacy settings as a way to protect inappropriate contents.

Ensure you’re careful and professional. Keep it classy (优等的)! Discover your brand, or what you want people to think of you. Proper spelling and grammar is always a plus, but it may not be your brand.    4     In this way, you can earn approval.

Follow these simple rules and you’re on your way to building, or restoring an online reputation. Using social media positively doesn’t mean you can’t have fun and use it to express yourself; however, you want to ensure that you’re OK with anyone seeing everything you post.    5    So your post can get your friends active and happy.

Like it or not, your social networks reflect you—make sure you look like the shining star that you truly are.

A.Try to do everything as well as you can.
B.In fact, we long for social media and need it.
C.Social media is very fast to use but very difficult.
D.Don’t trust privacy settings at all.
E.Be entirely sure about what you’re posting.
F.Once you click post, there’s no looking back.
G.Make sure your post is written personally.
2019-09-29更新 | 64次组卷 | 1卷引用:山东省济南市济钢高级中学2019—2020学年高三上学期第一次诊断(含听力)英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约250词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . Politeness is the practical application of good manners, the goal of which is to make all of the parties relaxed and comfortable. It's a flexible management of words and actions, by which we make other people have a better opinion of us and themselves. It seeks to build a positive relationship.     1    .

However, in the rush of daily life being polite is social behavior that we find rare nowadays.     2    . They don’t even take the time to look around. This has led to the loss of simple social rules some might take for granted and that are particularly powerful.

    3    , people become less and less attentive to others’ feelings, for human interaction (互动) is almost lost. Take for instance the rudeness we tolerate when a person is looking at his phone when talking to us.

Being polite is not just a simple social elegance.     4    . These days “Please” and “Thank You” are forgotten. And not many people are aware that these two simple words can easily open or close any door to us. Unfortunately, they often forget to say these words.

Hope is not lost. There are many ways we can improve our behavior to achieve skills in politeness. There are simple things we can do to be considered as a polite and well-mannered person.    5    , they will respect you back. Just make a change in our behavior to start. Use simple words like “Excuse me”, “Please”, and “Thank you” every day. Be kind to receive kindness. Care and politeness will get you far in all aspects of life.

A.As technology progresses
B.People have become more self-absorbed
C.As long as you show your politeness for people
D.Since for many people being polite remains a challenge
E.Many languages have specific means to show politeness
F.It aims to respect a person’s need to be liked and understood
G.It’s also about being kind, caring and respectful to another person
阅读理解-七选五(约290词) | 适中(0.65) |

6 . Are You a Prisoner of Perfection?

Do you struggle for a goal that is beyond your reach?     1     Are you setting yourself up for failure and shame when you can’t achieve the unachievable? Understanding what drives perfectionism is the first step toward releasing this self-created anchor that keeps us stuck.

Shame and fear are often the hidden drivers of perfectionism. We believe that if we can fashion a perfectly polished personality, flash our intelligence, and perfect our humour, then no one can hurt us with criticism and we’ll win respect and approval.

    2     Politicians who display a desperate need to be right and refuse to acknowledge mistakes or uncertainty are often driven by a secret shame. They fear that showing vulnerability(弱点) will expose them to the accusation that they’re weak. They stick to a desire to be right, perfect, and polished, even when it’s obvious that the emperor has no clothes.

Perfectionism keeps us leaning toward the future. We’re constantly evaluating ourselves in order to do better.     3     However, if we can’t relax and enjoy lighter moments, then we become prisoners of our perfectionism. We get painfully self-conscious and take ourselves too seriously. Sadly, we deprive(剥夺) ourselves of the simple pleasure of enjoying the moment and being ourselves.

    4     We realize that failing at any enterprise doesn’t mean that we are a failure. Without failures, we’ll never learn from our mistakes; we’ll never move forward in our lives. Those who succeed have made countless mistakes. The important thing is to learn from our error, forgive ourselves and move on.

Being human, perfection is impossible.     5       Releasing ourselves from the desire to protect our image, we’re freed to sail gracefully through our successes and failures—and enjoy our precious life.

A.Do you hold an idealized vision that is impossible to realize?
B.A cure to perfectionism is to make room for our human shortcomings.
C.Do you fear that others will be horrified by what you judge about yourself?
D.The addiction to staying perfect protects us from any sign of being imperfect.
E.There’s nothing wrong with wanting to do our best and self-correcting along the way.
F.People who are addicted to perfection are often isolated, even if they seem outgoing and popular.
G.By accepting ourselves as we are and doing our best, we begin to rid the shame that drives perfectionism.
2019-04-11更新 | 1332次组卷 | 16卷引用:北京市北京师范大学附属实验中学2022-2023高三上学期开学摸底考试英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约210词) | 适中(0.65) |

7 . You’ve seen news reports about people who need assistance after a natural disaster, or TV programs about how lonely and isolated older people can get. Maybe you’ve walked past people who are living on the streets.    1    The answer: you can volunteer. Volunteering gives you an opportunity to change people’s lives, including your own. Helping others in need is such an important part of life. So how do you go about it?

Find what’s right for you.

Volunteering isn’t school.    2    You can choose what really interests you and who or what is most deserving of your time.


After you’ve discovered what interests you, decide how much time you want to spend and what fits into your schedule.

Expand your mind.

Volunteering is a great way to learn new skills — from working as part of a team to setting and reaching goals.    4    And it can help you develop a new understanding of people who are different from you — people with disabilities, people in financial problems, sick kids, or the elderly.

Feel good.

Volunteering helps people feel they make a difference — that they do have the power to change things for the better. When people depend on you, it can change the way you look at yourself.    5    Volunteering is also a great way to get a view on your own life.

A.It can give you a chance to discover what kinds of things you’re best at and enjoy most.
B.Instead of having the choices made for you, you’ve got to pick.
C.Doing something for others helps people to change the world.
D.So what can you do about any of those things?
E.You can feel proud of what you’ve achieved.
F.Find what fits your schedule.
G.Change things for the better.
阅读理解-七选五(约270词) | 较难(0.4) |

8 . How to Be a Great Best Friend

Everyone wants to be a great best friend but doesn’t know how or where to start that perfect friendship. The following will help you.

Be your own best friend first.     1     If you can’t respect yourself, then you can’t respect others. Understand what values are important to you and stick to them. Seek out others who honor those values because you’ll only end up hurting yourself and possibly others if those people don’t have the same values as you.

Trust each other.     2     All you have to do really is make sure you can both trust each other. Don’t try to trick or use your friend to your advantage; you need to make them know they can trust you.

Learn to listen. Nobody likes a best friend who just talks and talks, but never listens. If you’re a chatterbox, try to develop good listening skills. Whenever your best friend says something, listen carefully and say something.     3     If they ask for advice, listen carefully and give them the best advice you can.

Care for your best friend. If your best friend is upset, ask them what’s wrong, They might not tell you straight away, but they should in the end.     4     Understand that certain things are private, and trust that they’d be just as patient with you if you were in their shoes.

Let your friend have other friends, too. If your best friend picks another friend over you, try to be friends with their friend too.     5     Everyone is always looking for new friends. But never leave the old one; your loyalty(忠诚) is what the other person expects and counts on every day.

A.Learn how to respect yourself.
B.Maybe you guys can be a group of friends!
C.Don’t interrupt while they’re talking to you.
D.Best friends are the most valuable friends you have.
E.If they don’t tell you, don’t get angry at them.
F.To be a great best friend really doesn’t take much.
G.Take time out of your day to appreciate the funny things in life.
阅读理解-七选五(约200词) | 适中(0.65) |

9 . Life is full of surprises and events that sometimes change one’s daily routine. Some of them might be good and pleasant.     1     The unexpected events may cause you anxiety and stress. So you need to find some ways to be less affected by them.

    2     Even if you live the same kind of life, doing the same things day after day, there could be unexpected events. So you need to realize that such events can’t be avoided and you need to be prepared for them. In this way, you’ll find it easier to deal with whatever happens in your life.

Have a positive attitude. Not all unexpected events are bad.     3     For example, even getting fired for work could finally turn out well, as you might find a more satisfying job.

Always focus on the present moment, learning from it and making use of new changes that come your way. In other words, make the most of the present moment, instead of thinking about what you lost, or how bad the situation is.     4    

Introduce small changes into your life.     5     You can try eating a different breakfast or drink tea in the morning instead of coffee, or do things that you usually do, but in a different way.

A.This is useless and is a waste of time.
B.Admit the fact that unexpected events are part of life.
C.However, there are some that are bad and unpleasant.
D.Think before speaking when facing unexpected events.
E.This will help you deal more easily with unexpected events.
F.Sometimes what seems like a problem could be a good thing.
G.It would be much more useful to think about the new situation.
阅读理解-七选五(约190词) | 适中(0.65) |

10 . No matter what type of business you run, it has to deal with things that go wrong from your customer’s point of view. Complaints can be a great source of information for organizations to make corrections as well as further improvements.     1     Firstly, you should listen actively to what the customer has said by maintaining comfortable eye contact.     2    

Secondly,     3     It’s important for you to know that your apology must appear sincere to the customer, and not an empty exercise. And also you should show the customer you’ve accepted the responsibility and provide him with choices or, you’ll do something about his complaint.

Thirdly, talk with the client and discover the best means to resolve his problem.     4    

In this case it’s important to let your customer know an estimation of how long it will take to take action on his complaint.

Fourthly, a simple “Thank you”is one way to let the customers know you appreciate the time and effort they’ve taken to inform you about a problem of your company’s service or product that you need to know about.

Finally, create a procedure for recording different types of customer complaints.     5    

A.Listen to your customer’s complaints and you can improve your service.
B.There will be times when you’ll be unable to resolve the issue immediately.
C.When receiving a complaint, you should apologize for the failure the customer has identified.
D.They are a valuable source of information to determine various root causes that need to be addressed within your company.
E.So it’s important to learn to deal with customers’ complaints efficiently.
F.Don't feel ashamed of the failure in your service or product.
G.You should also show your customer that you do understand him by giving full attention.
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