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1 . I started cooking when I was thirteen. Both of my parents worked, so I was usually _______ after school. One day, my parents forgot to _______ dinner before they went to work. As we were short of money, eating out was beyond _______. So I decided to be the _______ of the day.

A few moments later, I _______ to cook fried rice, the best option out of _______ resources, including my cooking knowledge. After _______ a pan on the stove and turning on the heat, it soon began to sizzle. I was so hungry that I _______ and threw everything into the pan all together. In went rice, pieces of meat and vegetables. Little did I know that the _______ of ingredients (原料) was crucial in cooking. I ________ waited for the meat to be thoroughly cooked, but other ingredients were ________. At first, I mistook it as steam from cooking, but I soon ________ something went horribly wrong when smoke ________ to fill the kitchen.

Later that day, my mother told me, “You cannot rush yourself when cooking.” Rather, I should take steps, turning to the basics, such as learning about the ingredients and ________ the recipe.

I’ve learned that the first ________ seems hard but we should just start and let the journey teach us.

A.working onB.fixing onC.referring toD.contributing to
7日内更新 | 17次组卷 | 1卷引用:外研版(2019) 高中英语 必修第二册 Unit 1 Food for thought
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 较易(0.85) |

2 . By now, most people know they should be eating more vegetables. But are there ways to get more from the vegetables you already eat? A research shows that when it comes to vegetables, it’s not only how much we eat, but also how we prepare them, that decides the vitamins and other nutrients that enter our body.

Many studies show that people who eat lots of vegetables have less heart disease, and eye problems and even cancer. But raw vegetables are not always best. The researchers found that 198 Germans who eat raw food were short of lycopene, the matter found in tomatoes and other red vegetables. “There is an idea that raw foods are always going to be better,” says Steven K. Clinton, a professor at Ohi o State University. “For fruits and vegetables, sometimes a little bit of cooking can be helpful.”

A number of factors decide how the vegetables do good to people’s health before they reach the table, including where and how they were grown and stored before being bought. No single cooking way is best. Some nutrients are easily lost in cooking if they are cooked in different ways.

Vitamins C and B are often lost. In January, another report said that boiling was better for carrots than frying or serving them raw. Frying was the worst way to cook.

What cooked with the vegetables can also be important? When the vegetables were cooked with fat, the diners can get more nutrients. Fat can also make the taste of vegetables better, meaning that people will eat more of them. Putting on some other things that make it taste better—a little salt—can make the food taste better.

1. The writer mainly wants to tell us that ________.
A.people should eat more vegetables
B.the way people eat vegetables is important
C.eating vegetables is good for us
D.how much vegetables one should eat
2. The people who eat the raw vegetables for a long time will ________.
A.have the eyes problemsB.have heart disease
C.be in need of lycopeneD.hate eating tomatoes
3. The following decide how the vegetables do good to people EXCEPT ________.
A.the place where the vegetables are grown
B.the way how the vegetables are stored
C.the way how the vegetables are prepared
D.the price at which the vegetable are sold
4. From the last paragraph, we can know ________.
A.It’s better to cook vegetables with fat
B.the more fat in the cooking, the fewer vegetables people will eat
C.It’s better to cook the vegetables without salt
D.the fat will increase the nutrition of the vegetables
2023-09-17更新 | 327次组卷 | 44卷引用:必修第二册Unit 1综合检测—2023年高考英语一轮复习讲练测(人教版2019)
阅读理解-七选五 | 适中(0.65) |

3 . As most children have a natural interest in both cooking and screens, playing free cooking games online with your child may be an excellent way to introduce them to the world of food at an early age.     1    . They provide a number of developmental and educational benefits as well.

Cooking games for kids develop creativity.     2     by letting them experiment with raw materials, recipes, and preparation methods. Such games can help kids develop a growth mindset, creativity, and the freedom to make their own choices.

Cooking games can improve social skills. Most cooking games offer an in-built social space. For example, playing multiplayer or two-player games allows children to interact with others, solve problems in cooperation, and so on. This is especially convenient for those who have difficulty reaching out to others in the real world. Online games can help them practice their communication skills.     3    .

Cooking games boost confidence and independence. When kids take the initiative, finish a task, or follow directions correctly, they feel good about themselves and proud of what they’ve done.     4    , they are more likely to grow up with a feeling of confidence, responsibility and independence.

    5    . The act of cooking, whether virtual or in the real world, requires a lot of counting and measuring, which promotes the development of fundamental mathematical abilities. Additionally, they require kids to perform various kitchen tasks or read the recipes or lists of raw materials and then follow the directions, teaching them to read, and improving their vocabulary.

A.If they have trust in their own skills
B.When they learn how to solve disagreements
C.Cooking games promote math and reading skills
D.Many cooking games are more than just a fun activity
E.Playing in the kitchen helps kids learn to solve problems
F.They encourage kids to try new things and think outside the box
G.Therefore, they eventually feel more confident making friends in real life
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中(0.65) |

4 . It was a snowy day during the spring break when I walked into a great restaurant. In this blizzard weather, it was the only restaurant that remained open.

The restaurant has a long history in Hong Kong. Its owners, the couple, Peter and Michelle, have been running the restaurant since 2007.

“Things have changed a lot in the past 30 years,” Peter said. “Chinese students 20 years ago thought that a 70-cent bowl of rice was too expensive, but now a $20 meal is acceptable”. He also said that the new generation of Chinese students engaged with other students, bringing all their non-Chinese friends to visit the restaurant.

Peter takes great pride in his own cooking. He was curious about how the food was made and why particular foods or sauces had specific tastes. He chose to serve mainly Guangdong and Sichuan food at the restaurant, featuring the family-style Chinese dim sum or hot pot.

When I asked whether he would modify the taste of the dishes to suit the taste of most Americans, Peter said, “We are not like those American Chinese restaurants. We provide the genuine Chinese taste to our customers, and they will love it because it is delicious, and their taste will suit the taste of our dishes, not the other way around.”

“If I hear complaints from my customers, I will be so upset that I can’t fall asleep at night”, he said. “Luckily most of my favorite dishes received wide acclaim from my customers and it takes more than one person’s effort.”

He compares himself with the craftsmen in China who are proud of preserving ancient Chinese art and whose motivation is only on people’s enjoyment of their work and thought.

Such a spirit of craftsmanship has been remarkable and greatly valued in the past. The craftsman’s spirit with perfection, precision, concentration, and patience remains in Peter and his cooking.

1. How long have the couple been running the restaurant?
A.16 yearsB.20 yearsC.30 yearsD.70 years
2. Why is the restaurant different from other American Chinese restaurants?
A.Its customers are mainly Chinese.
B.It sticks to its original taste of the dishes.
C.It adjusts the taste according to the customers.
D.Its menu merely contains Guangdong and Sichuan food.
3. Which words can best describe Peter?
A.Generous and patient.B.Ambitious and economical.
C.Thoughtful and humorous.D.Precise and devoted.
4. What can we infer from the passage?
A.He believes that cooking just needs one person’s effort.
B.He shows an interest in preserving ancient Chinese art.
C.He takes pride in cooking the best typical Chinese cuisine.
D.He cares about the taste of the dishes rather than customers’ complaints.
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中(0.65) |

5 . Three Cooking Myths

As a child, one of the unbreakable rules was “no swimming for 30 minutes after eating”. This was like a gospel(福音、信条), seriously not to be questioned. Turns out, there was actually nothing true about this “truism”. But for many years, children sat around, unhappily, awaiting the end of the 30-minute torture.

I only bring this up because there are a few kitchen truisms that I thought we might investigate, just for fun.

1Adding Oil to Pasta Water

One of the notions that seems to passionately divide cooks is adding oil to pasta cooking water. The reasons are twofold. It interrupts the foaming of the boiling water, thus preventing the dreaded boil over. And it keeps the pasta from sticking together. The anti-oil in the water crowd maintains that the oil coats the pasta, thus preventing the sauce from clinging to the noodles. The truth lies somewhere in between.

My advice: Use whatever method makes you comfortable. I don’t add oil to the water. I prefer to add a bit of fresh oil on top of the finished dish.

2“Cooking Off” the Alcohol

A second divisive notion is the idea that boiling alcohol for a few moments will “cook off all of the alcohol”. This is not true. What will happen is that the raw, unpleasant alcohol taste will disappear. However, only a small percentage of the alcohol itself goes away.

In order to rid your dish of a large percentage of the alcohol, you’ll need to simmer(用文火炖)your dish for well over an hour…closer to two. But, unless alcohol is prohibited or dangerous for you, the small amounts called for in most recipes should not be a problem.

3Searing Meat to “Lock In” Moisture

Now, the granddaddy of all kitchen myths: Searing(轻煎)your meat will seal in all of the juices. Again, this is not true. Searing your meat will give it a beautiful colour, and a wonderful flavour coming from the caramelization(焦糖化)of the meat. That said, all of the studies I’ve read agree that the moisture inside the meat will be either the same or even a little less in a seared piece of meat when compared to a non-seared piece.

So, enjoy the glorious colour and flavour of your seared steak, but know that the only way to preserve the juiciness is simply NOT to overcook it. And be sure to give it an adequate resting period once it leaves the pan.

1. What section of a magazine is the passage most probably taken from?
A.Catering menu.B.Cooking tips.C.Best recipes.D.Healthcare.
2. Which of the following statements will the author agree with?
A.Searing the meat can both promote its juiciness and colour.
B.It makes sense to remove the taste of alcohol by boiling it.
C.Swimming after dining conveys seriously religious implications.
D.Adding oil in cooking water will form a layer of anti-oil.
3. The purpose of the passage is to________.
A.encourage readers to take up some lifelong skills
B.entertain readers with several cooking myths
C.recommend better cooking ways for housewives
D.illustrate the consequence of false cooking rules
2023-07-13更新 | 24次组卷 | 1卷引用:Unit 3 Food Unit Test B卷 必修第二册(上外版2020)

6 . My husband and I intended to have a quiet, low-key New Year’s Eve this year. We wanted to spend it with our kids and other immediate family and make it a special ________ for them, instead of ________ a babysitter and going out on our own.

The logical way to do this was through ________. As we all know, food had a magical way of making a night ________, and our New Year’s Eve certainly ________ that way, thanks to doughnuts (甜甜圈).

I decided to make doughnuts because my cousins had ________ a batch (一批) on Halloween and I found it very ________. I used a recipe from the 1976 Mennonite cookbook More With Less and it ________ a curious ingredient — two cups of mashed potatoes that ________ made the texture lighter. The doughnuts were rolled out and cut from a sheet of dough (生面团), then left to ________ until ready to fry in hot oil. Then they took several seconds to ________, which meant that my enormous batch of 100 doughnuts was ________ cooking in a fairly short time. We glazed (浇上浆液) the tops and then ________ them for the rest of the evening. The leftovers disappeared at breakfast.

This will become an annual ________, I have no doubt. Whether we host a bigger party or keep it small, there will always be ________ doughnuts, because when you have hot homemade doughnuts, you can’t help but have the best time.

A.turned outB.moved outC.ran outD.stood out
A.called forB.carried onC.took upD.cut off
语法填空-短文语填 | 较易(0.85) |
7 . 语法填空

Previously, my first idea at mealtimes was     1     (eat) at a restaurant. I was eager     2     (try) new restaurants.     3     (dine) out was also a social activity, allowing me     4     (boost) the relationship with my friends. It didn’t change until last month when I came across a cooking app. There are a variety of recipes in the app     5     (choose) from, which offer     6     (detail) instructions so that others can follow them step by step. When I picked a popular recipe and gave it a try, I discovered it was not that difficult     7     (make) a simple and tasty dish. After a lot of practice, now I am good at     8     (cook) a couple of dishes. My plan is     9     (invite) my friends over at the weekend     10     (show) them my new-found skills.

2023-04-06更新 | 39次组卷 | 1卷引用:Unit 2 Period 2 Learning About Language同步练习 2022-2023学年高中英语人教版(2019)选择性必修第三册
阅读理解-阅读表达 | 较易(0.85) |
8 . Read the food blog and answer the questions.

1. What is the origin of Gong Bao Chicken?
2. What are the two main parts of a recipe?
3. How do you cook Gong Bao Chicken? Describe the process in your own words.
2022-12-21更新 | 16次组卷 | 1卷引用:外研版2019课后题-必修二
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中(0.65) |

9 . It’s funny—as a writer, it’s easy to share your knowledge, or your personal stories with an unknown listener of many. You think your friends and family may not read your articles. But as I began to talk more openly about Chinese traditions and food, I learned that they were interested, curious and really hungered for it. Their interest and curiosity grew and the culmination of their interest and curiosity was this past Spring Festival. They would like to spend the Spring Festival with me. It was an inconvenient Monday. I’d never had the Spring Festival when anyone but my father cooked.

I took the day off work in a madness of last-minute preparation. I drove 45 minutes out of town to a Cantonese BBQ shop where I bought a whole roast duck (烤鸭) and watched, fascinated, as it was changed into bite sizes. I shopped at a faraway international market like madwoman, looking for Chinese vegetables and other foods that would be new for my guests I called my dad, asking for six-second pointers on how to make dishes I’d never made. I texted him pictures of the sea fish I picked out, and the red clothing they threw on for luck.

In just a few hours, I cooked a dinner of 15 dishes for six friends who cared enough about me and my culture to come over on a cold winter Monday night to celebrate my tradition with me. We drank, ate and toasted the beautiful night. And that night, I felt what it was to be loved for my culture as well as our food.

1. What does the underlined word “culmination” mean in paragraph 1?
2. What did the author do in the BBQ shop?
A.She ate a whole roast duck.B.She took a roast duck.
C.She asked to cook a duck herself.D.She took beautiful photos of the duck.
3. What does the second paragraph mainly talk about?
A.The shops the author went to.B.The author’s love of Chinese food.
C.The author’s preparation for dinner.D.The suggestions the author’s father gave.
4. What can we say about the author from the text?
A.She is living with her father.B.She is a madwoman.
C.She is a world famous writer.D.She is proud of Chinese culture.
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中(0.65) |

10 . Whatever your tastes are, it is highly unlikely that many of you are using 3D printers to create your favorite meals. Still, anyone interested in the future of food can find technologists printing out snacks, from steaks to cakes, at the push of a button. Now laser cooking has arrived and it is adding an entirely new layer of gourmet (美食家) taste.

Columbia’s Creative Machines Lab team is hoping to build a digital personal chef to deliver taste, materials, and food to suit individual tastes. So far their experiments with chicken have created laser-cooked examples that have the same flavor as cooking, but use 50 percent fewer ingredients, and have the double content.

“In fact, our two blind taste testers preferred laser-cooked meat to the conventionally cooked samples, which shows the promise for this burgeoning technology,” said project leader James Blutinger. Scientists are working to promote this technology.

Creating software that would allow chefs to make their own designs—a Photoshop of food—is the next step. “We need high-level software that enables people who are not programmers to design the foods they want,” said group leader Hod Lipson. “And then we need a place where people can share digital directions as they share music.”

All of this could well change the way we think about and eat food. High on the list of positives is the fact that printed food can be healthier, lessen the environmental impact of food production—especially red meat—and cut waste.

Global food waste hit almost one billion metric tons in 2021. So future companies that turn food waste into tasty dishes and food decorations—like Natural Machines or Upprinting Food—are a welcome development. As food printing becomes more widespread, we may see instant printed and recycled meals as the dietary solution we were looking for.

1. What is the function of Paragraph 1?
A.To show the popularity of 3D printers.
B.To lead to the topic of laser cooking.
C.To illustrate the process of cooking meals.
D.To demonstrate the ease of laser cooking.
2. What does the underlined word “burgeoning” in paragraph 3 mean?
A.Promising greatly.B.Growing rapidly.
C.Shining hugely.D.Spreading quickly.
3. What does Columbia’s Creative Machines Lab team plan to do next?
A.Create a Photoshop of food.B.Design recipes to suit individual tastes.
C.Build an automated digital personal chef.D.Turn food waste into tasty dishes.
4. What is the passage mainly about?
A.How to create your favorite meals.B.What laser printing meant to our life.
C.The global food waste problem.D.The laser cooks meals.
2022-07-13更新 | 81次组卷 | 2卷引用:外研版2019 必修二 Unit 1 第三课时 巩固练(Developing ideas & Presenting ideas)
共计 平均难度:一般