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1 . Research studies indicate that children who eat breakfast perform better at school. Maybe it works that way for adults too since our brains need fuel to work properly.

Skipping breakfast is a common way for people who are trying to lose weight, but unfortunately, it’s usually not a successful way. Your body (or more likely, your brain) expects to be refueled a few times each day. When you don’t eat breakfast, you may feel so hungry by lunchtime that you eat more foods than you normally would, which cancels out the calories you cut by skipping breakfast. You may also be tempted to choose foods that are not the healthiest choices when you feel like you are starving.

For many people, eating breakfast may be an important part of a weight loss diet. Research studies tell us that people who eat breakfast are more likely to keep up a healthy weight. Some experts believe that breakfast keeps your metabolism (新陈代谢) running higher. In fact, it takes three or four days of eating nothing before the body starts changing down your metabolism. It’s more likely that people who regularly eat breakfast also make good dietary choices the rest of the day.

Breakfast should include a healthy source of protein and plenty of fiber; the combination will help satisfy your hunger and will keep you feeling full until lunchtime. The protein can come from low-fat meat, low-fat dairy products, or nuts. Eggs are also a good source of protein. High-fiber foods, include fruits, vegetables and whole grains.

If you really don’t like to eat breakfast in the morning, you can split it up into two smaller meals. Eat a hard-boiled egg, or a small cup of yogurt at home before you leave for work, and then about an hour or two later, take a break from work and snack on an apple and a handful of healthy nuts like pecans or walnuts.

1. What’s the main idea of Paragraph 2?
A.Eating breakfast keeps us healthier than skipping it.
B.Skipping breakfast isn’t very useful for losing weight.
C.Our brain needs a lot of fuel to work properly.
D.What healthy food we should eat for breakfast
2. What does the underlined word “tempted” Paragraph 2 probably mean?
3. All the following are a good source of protein EXCEPT _______.
A.low-fat meatB.low-fat dairy products
4. The passage is most probably taken from _______.
A.a news reportB.a personal diary
C.a biology bookD.a healthy life website
昨日更新 | 56次组卷 | 1卷引用:河北省石家庄师大实验中学2023-2024学年高一年级下学期四月阶段考试英语试题
阅读理解-七选五 | 适中(0.65) |

2 . When fighting sugar dependence, avoiding added sugar in the diet is key, which sounds simple — right? It certainly does, but things become a bit more complicated once we introduce alternative sweeteners into the mix.

    1     Many people think that if they replace the sugar in their diet with alternative sweeteners, they’ll be good to go, but this isn’t necessarily the case.

Alternative sweeteners are everywhere.     2     For example, Stevia is a popular sugar substitute (代替者) because it is up to 200 times sweeter than sugar and provides fewer calories. Mon k fruit is another example that is free from calories, sweeter than table sugar, and gained from the juice of monk fruit.     3     Sugar alcohols provide fewer calories than regular sugar because they are not fully absorbed by the body.

Now that we know some of the common types of alternative sweeteners, let’s take a deeper dive into the problem with them. Research in animals has shown that removing calories from foods that taste sweet can interrupt the ability to control energy intake.     4     If we consume high amounts of alternative sweeteners, it may heighten our preference for sweetness, resulting in the overuse of sugar-sweetened foods and drinks.

The other interesting thing about alternative sweeteners is that our brains don’t recognize them as “fake (假的)” sugar.     5     Whenever a food tastes sweet, a message is sent to the brain that communicates we are tasting a sweet food — which can further feed into the sugar dependence cycle.

So what do I recommend? In order to fully put a definite end to sugar dependence, reducing your intake of alternative sweeteners should be the goal.

A.The taste profile of alternative sweeteners varies.
B.We can’t forget about the ever-so-popular sugar alcohols.
C.There are countless alternative sweeteners on the market.
D.Our brain senses something sweet and thinks it is real sugar.
E.They may help reduce the calorie content of good-tasting foods and drinks.
F.Artificial sweeteners may also cause one’s body to prefer sweeter-tasting foods.
G.Alternative sweeteners are referred to as “low-calorie” or “no-calorie” sweeteners.
昨日更新 | 29次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届北京市顺义区高三下学期二模英语试题
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3 . Super Size Me

Fast food, otherwise known as junk food, is a huge passion for a large number of people across the Western world. But what would happen if you ate lots of junk food every day? Would it seriously damage your health? These were the questions which led Morgan Spurlock, an independent film-maker, to do an experiment, which he came into a documentary film entitled Super Size Me.

The main basis of his experiment was that Spurlock promised to eat three McDonald’s meals a day, every day, for a month. He could only eat food from McDonald’s and every time an employee asked if he would like to ‘super size’ the meal, he had to agree. ‘Super sizing’ refers to the fact that with this type of meal you get a considerably larger portion of everything for only a very small price increase.

Before he started, three doctors certified that Spurlock weighed about 84kg and was in good health. Although both Spurlock and his doctors knew he would put on a bit of weight, and that this diet was unhealthy, none of them were quite prepared for just how unhealthy it turned out to be. The changes in his body were horrifying. In the first week, he put on 4.5 kilos and by the end of the thirty days he had gained nearly 14 kilos, bringing his total weight to 98 kg.

Weight gain was only one of the negative effects, however. When all three doctors saw the severe damage to his liver, they all recommended stopping the experiment after 20 days. Spurlock continued to follow the diet, however, because he wanted to show people what this kind of diet can do to you. Watching the film, you begin to realize that it could be a fast-forward picture of your life: in 30 days you go to see what could happen to you over 20 or 30 years of overconsumption.

Junk food is exactly what it says it is -- junk. Spurlock says, ‘I’d love people to walk out of the movie and say, “Next time I’m not going to ‘super size’. Maybe I’m not going to have any junk food at all. I’m going to sit down and eat dinner with my kids, with the TV off, so that we can eat healthy food, talk about what we’re eating and have a relationship with each other.”’ Food for thought indeed.

1. In the one-month experiment, Spurlock ______.
A.ate three McDonald’s meals every dayB.could choose to “super size” his meal
C.got extra-large meals at a lower priceD.pretended to eat for better visual effect
2. How do we know that “The changes in his body were horrifying”?
A.He gained one sixth of his body weight in one week.
B.Doctors suggested him stopping the experiment halfway.
C.He fast-forwarded the video past the medical examination.
D.He turned out to be 20 or 30 years older than people of his age.
3. Spurlock made a documentary film, aiming to tell people that______.
A.human nature often drives us to desire more
B.how we eat is far more important than what we eat
C.overconsumption for a short time does little harm to the body
D.if we eat too much junk food, we ourselves will be supersized
7日内更新 | 12次组卷 | 1卷引用:上海市杨浦区2023-2024学年高一下学期4月模拟质量调研英语试题

4 . Despite the fact that burgers, chips and fries are known as some of the most unhealthy food we can eat, they are still the most popular food.

There are a few reasons behind that. First, junk food is generally easy to get and take with you. This convenience is a major draw for many, especially people who are always on the go. Restaurants like McDonald’s and KFC can be found outside many schools and workplaces, providing meals in under a minute.

Secondly, junk food contains a lot of added sugar and fat. This kind of food causes our brain to send out certain chemicals, which produce the feeling of relaxation, pleasure and enjoyment. That’s why such food is called “comfort food”.

Thirdly, our ancestors didn’t have such easy access to the huge variety of food we come across every day. They didn’t have the convenience of having food as easily as we do. So they made it a habit to eat as much as they could to survive and protect themselves from the hard natural conditions. The cave mentality (心理) is passed down to us, which makes us believe that we can never have enough food that is high in sugar and fat, no matter how crazily we eat.

Besides, when we are too worried and tired to relax, our body produces cortisol (皮质醇), which increases the sugar content in the blood, so it can be used as energy to aid in fat and carbohydrate metabolism (碳水化合物代谢). Additionally, it is also found to increase hunger. That’s the reason why when we’re thinking about unpleasant things, we prefer foods that are high in sugar, fat and carbohydrate, that is to say unhealthy food.

1. Why are McDonald’s and KFC mentioned?
A.To show they take up the best site.B.To show they provide good service.
C.To show they are famous for their taste.D.To show they make junk food easy to get.
2. What does the author want to tell us in Paragraph 4?
A.We need all kinds of food.B.Our ancestors lived a hard life.
C.We are born to eat more than we need.D.It is difficult for us to change our habits.
3. What is a cause of the increase of sugar content in our body?
A.Too much stress.B.A wish for food.
C.A fast metabolic rate.D.Not having enough energy.
4. What is the text mainly about?
A.How harmful junk food is.B.Why fast food is so delicious.
C.How we can develop a healthy lifestyle.D.Why we love unhealthy food so much.
7日内更新 | 21次组卷 | 1卷引用:山东省临沂市河东区2023-2024学年高二下学期期中考试英语试题
阅读理解-七选五 | 适中(0.65) |

5 . Nowadays, the term “superfood” has become the nutritional buzzword. Simply put, these superfoods are those that provide large amount of nutrients through minimal calories.

The term “superfood” may have taken the modern food scene by storm.     1     Although only popular in recent years, the concept of certain foods with special nutritional qualities has been around for a long time. The nickname “superfood” gained widespread popularity in the early 2000s as health enthusiasts and the food industry sought to identify and market foods with special health benefits. Today, it is a trend in diet.

In an age when we share all kinds of superfoods on social media, ignoring the phenomenon is impossible.     2     It’s easy to understand. These nutritional superheroes offer a perfect combination of substance and style, tailored for the digital generation. Their lively colours, exotic origins and impressive nutrient profiles make them candidates for the next viral food trend.

    3     They offer a lifestyle that reflects the global shift towards a more health­conscious society. As the world wrestles with an increasing burden of diseases and the fast pace of modern life, people are seeking dietary solutions from superfoods.     4     They are rich in vitamins and minerals that can strengthen your immune system, avoid chronic diseases, and improve your overall well­being. Another remarkable benefit is their potential to promote heart health, helping you build a strong heart. Don’t forget their role in skin regeneration. The antioxidants (抗氧化物) can provide a natural glow, reduce skin ageing and fight against skin conditions.

    5     Superfoods, while nutritionally dense, should be part of a comprehensive diet rather than the only guarantee of our health.

A.What is driving the trend?
B.What are nutritional superheroes?
C.They bring appearances to the table as well.
D.Superfoods promise more than just a meal.
E.No single food can cure all diseases.
F.They seem tailor­made to deal with these concerns.
G.However, its roots can be traced back to early 20th­century nutrition literature.
2024-04-26更新 | 290次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届江苏省苏锡常镇四市高三下学期教学情况调研(一) (一模)英语试题

6 . David Brunelli has eaten up a huge burger. He starts eating handfuls of French fries. If he eats them fast enough, he could win. The crowd shouts with excitement. Suddenly, a stream of food pours out of Brunell' s mouth. Puking (呕吐) during an eating competition means you lose. So Brunelli catches the food in his hands and pushes it back into his mouth. Welcome to the world of competitive eating.

Thousands of eating competitions take place around the world each year. To win, people like Brunelli eat huge amounts of food as quickly as possible.They eat everything from mountains of hot dogs to hundreds of chicken legs.

Some people say it is time for eating competitions to stop. One reason is that the competitions can lead to serious health problems. These include weight gain, heart disease, and stomach problems. In 2004, a woman died from choking (窒息) during a competition. Eating competitions can make overeating look attractive. This sets a bad example for fans. Also, millions of people in the world go hungry every day. That makes it seem wasteful to eat amounts of food just for fun.

Still, many people love competitive eating. They say it is a fun tradition that goes back many years. Fans point out that the group Major League Eating (MLE) runs professional eating competitions. At these competitions, injuries are uncommon. MLE always has doctors on hand.

Eating competitions allow people like Brunelli to get famous and win money. And the competitions are popular. Each July 4, more than a million people watch Nathan s Famous Hot Dog Eating Contest on TV. This year, will you be one of them?

1. Why does the author write the first paragraph?
A.To bring up the topic.B.To introduce Brunelli.
C.To make a comparison.D.To show some delicious food.
2. What can we learn about eating competitions from the text?
A.They have a short history.B.They enjoy great popularity.
C.They are attractive to the poorD.They introduce lots of new food.
3. What does paragraph 3 mainly talk about?
A.The fun of watching eating competitions.
B.The health problems caused by overeating.
C.The difficulties in winning an eating competition.
D.The reasons why eating competitions should be stopped.
4. What can we learn about MLE?
A.It trains many doctors.B.Its prizes are unusual.
C.Its competitions are relatively safe.D.It is an organizer of traditional competitions.
2024-04-20更新 | 28次组卷 | 1卷引用:贵州省仁怀市第四中学2023-2024学年高二下学期第一次月考英语试题
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7 . With all the dietary information online, it can be hard to know what tips to follow. Watch out for these words and expressions.

Fat Is Good

It doesn’t matter if you are part of the fat is GOOD for you or BAD for you group, the important question to ask is the source of the fat. If it comes from a land-based animal, and is likely to be solid at room temperature, then it is saturated (饱和的) fat whereas if it comes from fish or plants, and it is likely to be liquid at room temperature, then it is unsaturated fat. All the evidence indicates that eating more unsaturated fat than saturated fat lowers your risk of dying early.

Natural Sugar Is Better

The vast majority of sugar we consume is sucrose (蔗糖). It is the white powdered stuff we cook with and is made up of glucose and fructose. How about sugar from honey? It is often marketed as natural and better for you. Actually, it just has its own distinct flavour, but is as sweet because of glucose and fructose.

High-pH Water

Some people think we need to eat alkali (碱) food to maintain our blood at a pH of 7.4. But everything we eat or drink passes through the stomach, which, at a pH of 1.5, is the most acidic part of the body. It is then neutralised to a pH of 7. So, nothing we eat will change the pH of our blood.

Don’t Eat Anything That You Can’t Pronounce

Whether foods are natural or highly processed, they are all full of chemicals. Are you supposed to fear “phenylthiocarbamide”, because you can’t pronounce it? This is simply the chemical responsible for the bitter taste found in brassicas, the plants in the cabbage and mustard family.

Don’t Eat Food With More Than Five Ingredients(佐料)

Simple foods are not necessarily healthier for you. If I, for instance, use Chinese five spice powder in a recipe, that would count as one of the five ingredients. However, what if I added the typical components of five spice powder separately into a dish? Does that mean my recipe suddenly becomes bad because it has more than five ingredients?

1. According to the passage, healthier fat ______.
A.can be found in fish and plantsB.comes from land-based animals
C.remains solid at room temperatureD.can lower the death rate of elders
2. The passage suggests that ______.
A.diets can help adjust the pH of our bloodB.honey sugar can do more good than sucrose
C.foods with more ingredients may be as healthyD.chemicals we can recognize are safer to take in
3. What is the main purpose of the passage?
A.To compare tips on food choices.B.To introduce different health concepts.
C.To recommend fitness recipes to readers.D.To warn us of some dietary misunderstandings.
2024-04-20更新 | 126次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届北京市海淀区高三下学期一模英语试题
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8 . I couldn’t sleep at all last night, and my sister believes it was because I ate a bowl of really spicy (辛辣的) food before bedtime. However, I was skeptical about the connection between spicy foods and sleep. Can eating spicy foods before bedtime truly impact one’s sleep quality? Some people believe that eating spicy foods before bedtime can disrupt sleep by increasing body temperature and causing heartburn. It may be worth avoiding spicy foods close to bedtime.

To find out the relation, the researchers in Australia conducted an experiment to investigate the effects of spicy foods on sleep. They provided a group of individuals with delicious late-night meals, alternating (交替) between spicy and mild options. The results revealed that consuming spicy foods led to disrupted sleep patterns, causing participants to take longer to fall asleep and sleep for shorter time. This data supported the belief that there is a correlation between eating spicy foods and experiencing sleep disturbances.

While the exact mechanism(机制)by which spicy foods influence sleep remains unclear, researchers have proposed several possibilities. One is that stomach discomfort resulting from spicy food consumption may affect sleep quality. Additionally, the long digestion (消化) of spicy foods could delay the start of sleep. Furthermore, spicy foods contain something that can raise body temperature, which has been linked to poor sleep in previous studies.

Given these findings, it is advisable to avoid consuming spicy foods before bedtime to promote better sleep. Next time, I will follow my sister’s advice and opt for a milder meal in the evening to ensure a restful night’s sleep.

1. What do people usually think of eating spicy foods before bedtime?
A.It can make people addictive to it.
B.It can be bad for digestion.
C.It can make sleep difficult.
D.It can lead to an increase in energy levels.
2. How did Australian researchers conduct this study?
A.By analyzing data.B.By studying papers.
C.By doing an experiment.D.By doing interviews.
3. What can we know from the study?
A.Spicy foods take long to digest.
B.Body temperature has no effect on sleep.
C.Bad eating habit changes sleep patterns.
D.Sleep problems may be caused by bad habits.
4. What is the purpose of this text?
A.To forbid children from having spicy foods.
B.To suggest not eating spicy foods before bedtime.
C.To promote some healthy food that is not spicy.
D.To keep up with the latest healthy food research.
2024-04-20更新 | 107次组卷 | 1卷引用:湖北省部分学校2023-2024学年高一下学期4月期中英语试题
阅读理解-七选五 | 适中(0.65) |

9 . Research has shown that mindful eating has positive impacts on people, so it’s beneficial to know how to eat more mindfully. Here are some techniques for eating at a healthy pace.

Remove all distractions while you eat.     1     Make sure your cell phone is face down and you’re not going to be responding to any messages that come through.

Take enough time to finish your meal. Even with all distractions removed, very often you still find yourself eating faster than you should.    2     It takes about that time for your body to get the signal to the brain that you are full.

    3     You might wonder how to spend 20 whole minutes eating a sandwich. One way to slowdown is to engage your senses and think through all the details about your meal. Ask yourself: What’s on my plate? How hungry am I today? Is it too salty? Notice the smell, the taste and whatever other senses that arise as you eat.

Limit the amount of the food you might munch on(大口吃) mindlessly. Put a small amount of snack food, like potato chips, in a separate bowl to help avoid mindless munching.    4     Putting aside some of the food can help you eat less at a healthier pace.

Actually chew. If you’re wolfing down(狼吞虎咽) your food you’re probably not chewing it. And chewing is an important part of digestion.     5     Look at each bite before putting it into your mouth, acknowledge what you’re eating and chew, chew, chew.

A.Notice all the little details about your food.
B.Limit your time for a meal within 20 minutes.
C.It helps break up the foods so it’s easier for absorption.
D.Watch out for your food intake and the time you spend on it.
E.When you sit down to eat, spend at least 20 minutes doing so.
F.If you have a whole bag of it, it is challenging to stop after several bites.
G.They can limit your ability to enjoy your food and notice when you are full.
2024-04-19更新 | 241次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届广东省佛山市高三下学期二模英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中(0.65) |

10 . You may have read that light coming into your eyes sets the body’s clock. Similarly, food changes the clocks in tissues in your liver, muscles, and fat. Human beings developed to eat only during daylight, which lasted 12 hours. That meant we didn’t eat for 12 hours a day. Sticking to that plan may help you stay healthier as well as thinner. However, it’s a surprisingly bad idea to ignore breakfast, eat lunch or dinner late, eat a big bedtime snack, or eat in the middle of the night.

In a study with 776 participants, people who ignored breakfast were 80 percent more likely to have obesity (肥胖症). People who ate lunch after 12:30 (or dinner after 21:00) were 60 percent more likely to have those extra pounds. That was true for both men and women at different ages and regardless of other factors that affect weight including your diet and exercise habits.

Odd hours seem to contribute to uncontrollable eating. When you eat late at night, you tend to eat more. Perhaps driven by hormone (荷尔蒙) increases, we long for sweeter, saltier food at night, research suggests. In one study, night eaters ate about 300 more calories each day.

“Eating late in the day aggravates reflux, writes Jamie A. Koufman, who specializes in voice disorders and acid reflux (胃酸倒流). Many of my patients find that eating late makes them suffer more from their allergies and diabetes symptoms,” he says. “Give your stomach at least three hours to digest before sleeping,” advises Jonathan Aviv, another specialist in acid reflux.

Eating breakfast late may also increase your breast cancer risk by about 17 percent for every hour you delay, according to a study of nearly 1,200 women with breast cancer in Spain, compared to more than 1,300 women who didn’t develop breast cancer. If you eat late at night, another research suggests, you may up the chance of breast cancer occurrence. While researchers work out the details of how our body clocks affect digestion and their downstream effects, one point is clear: Early is better.

1. What can be learned from the first two paragraphs?
A.What you eat makes no difference to your clocks.
B.Not eating for a half day may do good to your health.
C.Eating late may be more harmful than ignoring breakfast.
D.People gain weight because of their diet and exercise habits.
2. What does the underlined word “aggravates” probably mean?
3. How is the result found in the text?
A.By experimenting on people of different ages.
B.By summarizing the data from various surveys.
C.By comparing the studies about the eating disorder.
D.By concluding some researches concerning eating habits.
4. Which of the following is the best title for the text?
A.Ignore Breakfast to Lose Weight.B.Night Eaters Are Much Healthier.
C.Eating Late Is Really Bad for You.D.Eating More Damages Body Clock.
2024-04-17更新 | 107次组卷 | 3卷引用:湖北省宜荆荆随恩2023-2024学年高二下学期3月月考英语试题
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