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阅读理解-七选五(约230词) | 适中(0.65) |

1 . As is often the case, it is human nature to lead a sedentary(久坐的)lifestyle and most of us are so involved in our busy schedules that we don't even notice our bad habits. Many worry about the right time or "right age" to start working out.     1     Here're some practical tips to help you get fit.

Master your mind. Most people argue that they are too tired or old to start exercising. Doing so is much easier than trying to change the busy lifestyle. Change your mindset and be more confident in improving your health.     2    

Easy does it. Once you have chosen a fitness program, start slowly and increase it in stages. Begin with just a few minutes of gentle exercises and stretches.     3     About 30 minutes should be devoted to your workout. As your body starts to respond and your muscles get used to the exercises, you can gradually increase the length of your workout.

Always warm up. Always remember to warm up your muscles before exercising. Gentle warm-ups will reduce your risk of injury, aches and pains, and increase blood circulation and flexibility.

    4     There's no quick access to getting fit. It's a common mistake to do too much too soon. If you don't know how to balance your needs and your expectations, you might seriously injure your muscles or just create stress.

Cool down. When you finish your routine, you need to cool your muscles and let your heart rate slow gradually.     5    

A.Don't overload your body.
B.Never ignore your potentials.
C.Tell your body to be more active and say, "I can do it."
D.However, nobody cares about what you have done for them.
E.Go next to some mild activity such as walking, jogging or cycling.
F.Cooling down will help your body to return to its pre-exercise level.
G.But it's never too late for them to start exercising and all they need is enough determination.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 较难(0.4) |

2 . When it comes to making healthy lifestyle changes, which should come first-changing your diet or becoming more physically active?

Previous studies suggested that providing people with too much information about nutrition and physical activity at once tends (趋向) to be discouraging. That has led to the popularity of advising people to make changes gradually, and set smaller goals.

So the scientists divided 200 inactive participants who were 45 or older into four groups. One group was instructed in making diet and fitness changes at the same time; the second group was taught about diet changes first, and then fitness changes four months later; the third group changed their exercise habits first and made changes in their eating habits four months later; and the final, control group was not instructed in either diet or fitness changes but in how to manage their stress.

The researchers followed the groups for a full year. Compared to the control group, the three intervention (干预) groups made healthy changes in their diet. Those who changed their fitness habits first significantly increased the amount of exercise they received daily compared to the other groups after four months. However, at the end of the year, the group that changed both diet and exercise at the same time was the only one that met the nationally recommended targets for both exercise and nutrition levels, while those who worked on improving their nutrition first were unable to meet the recommended levels of fitness after a year. The researchers suspect that changes to diet are easier to make than changes to physical activity.

The findings show, however, that pairing diet and exercise changes may help to overcome some of the barriers people face in adding more physical activity into their lives. If folks change diet and exercise orderly, the scientists say, they may end up placing more importance on the first set of behavior changes and feel less pressured to address the second set.

1. How is Paragraph 3 developed?
A.By giving examples.B.By making comparisons.
C.By analyzing causes.D.By making classifications.
2. Which group was the most physically active after four months?
A.The first group.B.The second group.
C.The third group.D.The control group.
3. What might the scientists approve of?
A.Changing eating habits first may be reasonable.
B.Diet and exercise changes should be made orderly.
C.Diet and exercise changes are equally hard to make.
D.Diet and exercise should be processed at the same time.
4. Which of the following is probably the title of the passage?
A.Changing your habits for better health
B.Ways to lead a healthy and balanced life
C.Making healthy lifestyle changes really counts
D.Timing matters in making diet and exercise changes
2020-05-07更新 | 414次组卷 | 4卷引用:2020届安徽省六安市第一中学高三下学期模拟(九)英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约260词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . Until two weeks ago, sixth graders could be found playing football. Recess(课间休息)was a time to play, learn, and exercise. Then, football was banned for being “too dangerous”. Now you'll find us lying on the grass and wishing for something to fill our time with.

Football is a good source of exercise. The TIME for Kids article, “Fighting Fat in Kids,”talks about different ways to fight obesity(肥胖).    1    We need football so we don't grow up to be unhealthy and get diseases like diabetes or heart disease.

    2    With big teams it doesn't leave anyone out like other games Just picture it: Every child in sixth grade can be invited to play together! Whether you are a great player or a beginner, there is always a place for you on the team!

Some people think football is only for boys.    3    Out of 25 kids, including boys and girls, all will say they want to play football. Even my mom and sister love to play. This shows that football is a valuable part of recess and should not be banned.

Football helps us learn important things.    4    Sometimes during the game both teams argue because they think they should get the point. This gives kids a chance to work out their problems on their own and make a solution.

Please allow football again at recess.    5    We will get more exercise, we will build community, and we will learn important skills. These are lessons we need, and as long as we are careful, we can be safe. Please take the football ban away and let us play again.

A.In fact, that's not true.
B.We will be healthier, stronger kids if you do.
C.For example, we can learn to solve problems.
D.Football is a game that everyone can participate in.
E.These are the basic football rules for school children.
F.One of the reasons kids get fat is because they don't get enough exercise.
G.Football is a dangerous sport with injuries happening frequently to the head.
阅读理解-七选五(约280词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . Spring and summer are the best seasons of the year for lots of activities, especially jogging(慢跑). This kind of running is the choice of many people who live in the city, work in the office and want to keep healthy.     1    

1. Make good preparations before jogging.

    2    There, you’ll have an opportunity to find and buy all the necessary sportsware. Pay attention to the selection of jogging shoes, if you don’t want to suffer from the feeling of heaviness, pain and leg swelling after the run. With all these pieces of wisdom. your body will be truly grateful to you.

2. Do fitting warming-up activities

Every runner, especially the beginners should know that all physical activities without proper warming up can cause a terrible pain and result in harm to muscles. It will probably lead to a final discomfort in your body or even disease.     3    Actually, it usually just takes you 15 minutes to increase the range of motion of our joints and warm up every muscle of the body.

3.    4    When running, you usually feel physical and mental pleasure. Sometimes this pleasure can be replaced by negative feelings or even some kind of pain. No matter how healthy you’re, you should always pay attention to how your body reacts. If something is wrong during your jog or run, the body will certainly let you know by giving you some hints(暗示). Watchfulness can help you avoid all possible aftereffects of over exercise.

Every type of sport is special and useful in its own way. While jogging can sometimes bring pain and discomfort, it really offers you greater joy and satisfaction. So don’t step back.    5    I hope these tips will help you prepare yourself for jogging and avoid any serious issues.

A.Listen to your body signals.
B.Never give in to difficulties while jogging
C.However, jogging without preparation will bring great harm.
D.One of the best ways to prepare is to go to specialized (专门的) shops.
E.Just go in for jogging, but remember to follow the above rules
F.Therefore, you should make it a habit to warm up before jogging
G.Here are some basic rules to make jogging safe, useful and comfortable
2019-12-09更新 | 518次组卷 | 17卷引用:安徽省安庆市第一中学2023-2024学年高一上学期10月月考英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约230词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . Try This at Home!

Are you looking for a new pastime that will create a balance between physical activity and relaxation? Then yoga may be the perfect choice for you. Yoga can be practiced by people of all ages and levels of fitness.    1     It's a great way to strengthen your muscles and become more flexible.

In the 1930s, Indian Sri Tirumali and K. Pattabhi developed one of the most popular forms of yoga practised worldwide today. They worked together using an ancient Sansknt text called Yoga Korunta to create a set routine of yoga movements and breathing exercises.     2    

Ashtanga is different from other forms of yoga. It is a very powerful form of aerobic (有氧的)exercise which creates deep heat in the body.     3     In other forms of yoga, however, the routine can change each time and the stretching exercises aren't aerobic.

    4    As well as making you stronger and more flexible, it can also help you to stay calm. By focusing on your breathing while doing physical exercise, you are able to get a balance between mind and body. In addition, yoga helps to make us healthier so we are less likely to get common illnesses like colds.

Furthermore, yoga encourages you to think about what you're doing. Often you will close your eyes while doing certain movements.    5    After a few lessons you'll stop looking at what the others around you are doing. You will stop comparing yourself and start focusing on yourself.

A.It can also be done anywhere at any time.
B.The result of their co-operation was ashtanga yoga.
C.Whatever kind of yoga you choose, there are many long-term benefits.
D.This allows you to concentrate better and it makes you less competitive.
E.Every time someone practices ashtanga, he or she does exactly the same movements.
F.If you're interested in yoga, but can find a class near you, then it might be     an excuse to travel.
G.Recently, it has become extremely common for beginners as well as advanced yoga students to go on yoga holidays.

6 . Older women who walk a little over three kilometers each day might live longer than less active women of the same age, a new study suggests.

Many Americans hoping to stay healthy set a daily goal of 10, 000 steps, or about eight kilometers. They often have this goal because they are wearing electronic devices which set that target, note researchers in the United States. Their findings appeared recently in the publication JAMA Internal Medicine.

But it is not clear how much intensity(强度)or speed matter when counting the health benefits of every step, the researchers write. They add that 10,000 steps per day might not be the right goal for everyone.

For the study, researchers observed 17,000 women, all in their early 70s. They asked the women to wear accelerometers for at least four days. Accelerometers are small devices that measure the number of steps and the intensity of movement. The researchers followed up with the women much later, around 4. 3 years later, on average. Since the beginning of the study, 504 women had died. Compared to women who took no more than 2, 718 steps daily, the women who took at least 4,363 steps per day were 41 percent less likely to die.

“Even a modest amount of steps is associated with lower death rates, "said I-Min Lee, the lead writer of a report on the study. "The rate of stepping did not matter in these older women: it was the number of steps that mattered.

The study had a few limitations. For example, the researchers only measured women’s movements once, at the start of the study period. It is possible that the women’s behaviors changed over time. Still, the results are "good news for older adults who may have difficulty walking at faster paces, "said Keith Diaz, a researcher at Columbia University. He was not involved in the study.

“Any walking is better than nothing, " Diaz said by email. "With even small amounts of walking, your risk of death will be sharply reduced "For those who have difficulty walking, other research shows that any form of aerobic activity provides health benefits," he added. "Swimming, bicycling or any form of activity that is continuous in nature will provide health benefits.

1. What conclusion can we come to from the text?
A.People who walk about 10,000 steps can live longer.
B.10,000 steps per day might be the right goal for people.
C.The more steps one walks per day, the longer life he may live.
D.The number of steps is important for a long life among older women.
2. How is paragraph 4 mainly developed?
A.By giving examples.B.By comparison.
C.By listing statistics.D.By explaining reasons.
3. What can be leaned from what Diaz said?
A.People who walk fast will get more health benefits.
B.If people have a habit of walking, the risk of death will be reduced.
C.People with walking difficulty can not benefit from activities
D.Activities such as swimming and bicycling are not as beneficial as walking.
4. Where is the text most likely from?
A.A medical journal.B.A news report.
C.A magazine about fashion.D.A traveler brochure.
阅读理解-七选五(约250词) | 适中(0.65) |

7 . There are lots of skiing lovers around the world. To get the most out of your time on the mountain you should think through each part of your adventure- equipment, clothing, food, and travel.     1    , the more time you can spend on the slopes.


Your skiing equipment — composed of your skis, poles, bindings, helmet, and goggles — should be checked over, and possibly tuned up, before you pack your bags for the mountain.     2    . Inspect your boots to make sure they fit properly. Check your goggles and put them on with your helmet to see that they fit comfortably and offer a wide field of view.


Your jacket and snow pants should be properly fitting and recently cleaned. Make sure your gloves are in good shape and offer a sense of comfort.     3    . Don’t forget extra items like warm socks, neck warmers and ski masks as well.


Anyone who has ever purchased lunch at the ski lodge knows just how expensive it can be. Packing your own lunch saves you money and gets you back on the slopes faster.     4    , bring plenty of fluids to drink on breaks between runs.

    5    .

Know your way to the mountain before you hit the road and consider writing down directions if you know you’re heading into areas with spotty service. At the mountain, choose a designated meeting place in case the group becomes separated- a spot near the main lift often works well. Check the forecast and current conditions of the mountain. Many ski resorts will have live updates on the number of open trails and lifts.

A.Routes and planning
B.Spots and conditions
C.If you are fully prepared
D.The more prepared you are
E.While bringing a bottle of water with you on the mountain isn’t recommended
F.Besides, long underwear goes a long way in keeping your legs warm and comfortable
G.If you are taking your skis onto the slope for the very first time, they may also need a fresh wax

8 . A study has found that a lifetime of regular exercise and activity can slow down the aging process (衰老过程). Researchers say that getting older should not necessarily mean becoming more weak or sick. Their research shows that a devotion to a life of movement and exercise may help us live not only longer, but also healthier.

For their study, the researchers looked at two groups. The first group was made up of 125 non-professional cyclists between the ages of 55 to 79. This group included 84 healthy men and 41 healthy women. We will call this group the “cyclists”.

Researchers then found 130 people to make up a second group. Within this group, 75 people were aged from 57 to 80. The other 55 were between the ages of 20 and 36. The people in this group were also healthy, but they did not exercise regularly. We will call this group the “non-exercisers”. Smokers, heavy drinkers of alcohol and people with other health issues were not included in the study.

Then, researchers gave both groups a series of tests. They tested their muscle mass (肌肉质量), muscular strength, percentage of body fat and the strength of their immune (免疫的) systems. Then the researchers compared the results of the two groups.

Results showed that the cyclists did not experience body changes usually regarded as a normal aging process. For example, they did not lose muscle mass or muscular strength. Also, their body fat did not increase with age.

The researchers also found something they had not expected. The study showed that the immune systems of the cyclists did not age either.

The researchers advise us all to find an exercise that we like in our lives.

1. How did the researchers carry out the study?
A.By comparing.B.By discussing.
C.By imagining.D.By reasoning.
2. Which of the following is a result of the research?
A.The cyclists kept a thin body shape.
B.The non-exercisers gained weight easily.
C.The cyclists’ muscles remained strong with age.
D.The non-exercisers usually had health problems.
3. Which is an unexpected result for the researchers?
A.The cyclists had normal aging process.
B.The cyclists’ immune systems didn’t age.
C.The cyclists lost nearly all their fat.
D.Everyone needed an exercise in their lives.
4. Which of the following can be the best title for the text?
A.Healthy People Need More Exercise
B.Take an Exercise, the Harder, the Better
C.Cycling Is the Best Way to Prevent Aging
D.A Lifetime of Exercise Slows Aging Process
2019-03-24更新 | 617次组卷 | 16卷引用:安徽省合肥市六校2020-2021学年高一下学期期末联考英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约300词) | 适中(0.65) |

9 . If you think that running marathons will help you live a long and healthy life, new research may come as a shock. According to a recent scientific study, people who do a very strenuous workout are as likely to die as people who do no exercise at all.

Scientists in Denmark have been studying over 1,000 joggers and non-joggers for 12 years. The death rates from the sample group indicate that people who jog at a moderate pace two or three times a week for less than two and a half hours in total are least likely to die. The best speed to jog at was found to be about 5 miles per hour. The research suggests that people who jog more than three times a week or at higher speeds of over 7 mph die at the same rate as non-joggers. The scientists think that this is because strenuous exercise causes structural changes to the heart and arteries(动脉). Over time, this can cause serious injuries.

Peter Schnohr, a researcher in Copenhagen, said, “If your goal is to decrease risk of death and improve life expectancy, jogging a few times a week at a moderate pace is a good strategy. Anything more is just unnecessary, and it may be harmful.”

The implications of this are that moderate forms of exercise such as tai chi, yoga and brisk walking may be better for us than “iron man” events, triathlons and long-distance running and cycling. According to Jacob Louis Marott, another researcher involved in the study, “You don't actually have to do that much to have a good impact on your health. And perhaps you shouldn't actually do too much.”

1. The underlined word “strenuous” in Paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to “________”.
2. The author presents some figures in Paragraph 2 to ________.
A.suggest giving up joggingB.show risks of doing sports
C.provide supportive evidenceD.introduce the research process
3. According to the scientists, why is too much exercise harmful?
A.It may injure the heart and arteries.B.It can make the body tired out.
C.It will bring much pressure.D.It consumes too much energy.
4. What can be inferred from the text?
A.Jogging is the best exercise.
B.More exercise means a healthier life.
C.Marathons runners are least likely to die.
D.Proper exercise contributes to good health.
阅读理解-七选五(约290词) | 较难(0.4) |

10 . For some people, walking or running outdoors is a great way to exercise. What may not be so great is seeing rubbish all over the ground. Well, some people are doing something about it.     1     “Plogging” began in Sweden. The name connects the Swedish word “plocka,” which means to pick up, and the word “jogging,” which means to run slowly.

A Swedish man named Erik Ahlström, started the movement in 2016. He moved to Stockholm from a small community (社区) in northern Sweden. Each day he would ride his bike to work. He became worried about the amount of rubbish and litter he saw each day on his way to work. So, he took matters into his own hands. He began picking up the rubbish.     2    

Today, plogging is an official activity, which is becoming more and more popular. People of all ages are welcome to plog. Exercise while helping your community.     3     It can also build closer social connections in a community. When the street looks bad and it’s dirty, you're going to feel bad about the community. You may even feel less safe because of that. So if we’re all doing our part and picking it up, it’s very easy to help beautify it, and help build those social connection.     4     You get to feel some social duty when you do this.

Along with cleaning up the environment, there may be another reason to choose plogging instead of just jogging. You may get a better workout. One fitness app, Lifesum, records one hour of plogging as burning 288 calories.     5    

As can be seen, cities around the world now hold plogging events. The goal is to spread the idea that littering is not acceptable. People would think twice before dropping a garbage on the ground.

A.Plogging is equal parts of exercise and community service.
B.And that is how plogging was born!
C.And plogging does good to your health.
D.Usual jogging burns about 235 calories.
E.They are plogging!
F.There are people all around the world doing this.
G.You get to know your neighbors.
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