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阅读理解-七选五(约250词) | 适中(0.65) |

1 . Getting motivated when you don't feel like working out is so much easier when you have a workout partner!    1    Your workout partner can actually help you realize your fitness goals.

    2    You are NOT your partner’s personal trainer or coach. You are equals, pushing each other to reach a similar goal together.

If you are doubting your discipline or feel like your motivation ebbs and flows(起伏), then a workout partner can make all the difference! For both of you!

With A Workout Partner, You Show Up

You set time to meet and exercise about an hour, and you are getting dressed and planning to head out soon. When you are alone, so many things can get in the way and seem more important: the laundry, the kid's needs, fixing dinner, petting the dog...     3    With a workout partner, the time is set and it becomes about them, their time, and honoring your commitment to them.

You’ll Work Harder With A Partner

You and your workout partner will have a workout plan, and you'll know what is expected for the day.     4    It's great how it works to motivate both people! Especially when, by themselves, they may not have worked out as hard.

A Workout Partner Keeps You Focused

Your focus on the exercise at hand is multiplied when you have a workout partner. There is a purpose for your meeting, and it becomes clear how to make the goal a reality with consistent work. The hard work seems worth it when you have a partner who is working towards the same goal.    5    

A.If you have ever done, you know what I mean.
B.Before you know it, your planned exercise time is gone.
C.As a workout partner, you are a motivator and a voice of reason.
D.Your partner will remind you of the potential mistakes you may make.
E.With a workout partner, you learn how to achieve the desired results.
F.So it makes you more focused, knowing your time together is limited.
G.Your partner will push and motivate you because he or she expects the same from you!
阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 . The health benefits of staying active are already well-known. It can help you manage weight, keep blood sugar levels down and reduce risk factors for heart disease.

Now, a new study suggests that regularly playing sports, especially badminton or tennis, is not only healthy but also reduces your risk of death, at any age, by approximately 50%. This is a big scale population study to explore the health benefits of sports in terms of death rate. The study evaluated responses from 80, 306 adults aged 30 and above in England and Scotland, who were surveyed about their health, lifestyle and exercise patterns.

After adjusting factors such as age, sex, weight, smoking habits, alcohol use, education and other forms of exercise besides the named sports, the researchers compared the risk of death among people who took part in a sport to those who didn’t. The percentage of reduced risk of death was found to be: 47% for racket(球拍)sports, 28% for swimming and 15% for cycling.

In addition to this, the study didn’t find any significant reduction in the risk for sports like running and football. The findings also exposed that over 44% of the participants met the guidelines for the recommended exercise levels to stay fit and healthy, which amounts to 150 minutes of moderate(适度的) physical activity in a week.

Does this mean you stop running or playing football and switch to tennis instead? Every kind of sport and physical activity has different physical, social and mental benefits attached to it. The apparent lack of benefits of running and football could result from several variables (变量) that were not taken into account.

Being active helps you feel happier and live longer. So, the most important step is to take part in any kind of sport that you are likely to enjoy and follow in the long term.

1. How is the study conducted?
A.By doing comparative experiments.
B.By analyzing previous data.
C.By evaluating survey information.
D.By tracking participants for a long time.
2. What does the underlined part “the named sports’” refer to?
A.Water sports.B.Racket sports.
C.Individual sports.D.Traditional sports.
3. What can we infer from Paragraph 5?
A.Few people will play football.
B.Tennis will become more popular.
C.The result of this study is wrong.
D.The study could be further improved.
4. What does the author advise people to do?
A.Stick to any sport that you like.
B.Play badminton and tennis only.
C.Stop running and playing football.
D.Do any sport according to guidelines.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . Physical education, or PE, isn’t required for all high school students. In some schools, it isn’t offered for some different reasons. But should high school students have physical education? The answer is certainly “yes”.

Today many people don’t do sports. But as is known to all, doing sports is very important for an adult. Teaching teens the importance of a healthy lifestyle and making fitness plans now can help teens put exercise in the first place as an adult.

High school isn’t that easy. Many students are under a lot of stress. Stress can be harmful to a student’s study and life. Doing sports can help them deal with stress better, helping them live a happier life at school.

The American Heart Association says that 10 million kids and teens suffer from obesity (肥胖症). Teens should get 60 minutes of physical activity per day to control their weight and to help their bones get stronger. The increase in activities that don’t get teens to move around, such as video games and computer activities, means many teens don’t get their required exercise. PE classes act as a public health measure to encourage physical activities and help teens have healthy weights.

Not doing sports increases teens’ risk of developing many diseases. An active lifestyle offers a good way of protection from these health problems. As much as 75 percent of health-care spending goes toward treating medical conditions that can be hindered by lifestyle changes,according to the American College of Sports Medicine.

According to the President’s Council on Fitness,Sports and Nutrition (PCFSN), students who performed five hours of physical activity each week improved their academic (学业的) performance. Students from programs with no physical activity, who used the extra time for classroom study, did not perform better on tests than those who gave up some study time in support of physical education.

1. According to paragraph 2, what does physical education in high school mean?
A.Making teens attach importance to exercise later.
B.Removing the stress faced by teens at school.
C.Getting teens to encourage adults to exercise.
D.Helping teens learn to make good plans.
2. What does the underlined word “hindered” in paragraph 5 mean?
3. According to the PCFSN, doing sports ________.
A.means making students choose between sports and studies
B.helps students make good use of all their time
C.means students adjust to their studies better
D.helps students do better in their studies
4. What is the text mainly about?
A.Why high school students should receive physical education.
B.Why some schools consider physical education important.
C.How schools can help students love doing sports.
D.How high school students can live a better life.
阅读理解-七选五(约250词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . The Growing Popularity of Cycling

They say once you learn how to ride a bike, you never forget. Most of us learnt when we were kids, and many still strap (系好) on our helmets, put our feet on the pedals , and shoot off for a ride around the streets. In recent times, cycling has seen a boost in popularity.     1    

First, let’s look at the health benefits. Cycling can improve your cardiovascular (心血管的) health and burm excess body fat. Strengthening your leg muscles in your calves (小腿肚) and thighs (大腿).     2     A long ride in the countryside could help you to clear your mind, or de-stress. But it’s not only about your body and mind— there are also some plus sides for your wallet’s health.

Cycling can be a great way to commute (通勤) or get about town.     3     If you do drive into work, sometimes finding somewhere to park can be a nightmare, whereas finding somewhere to chain your bike up can be much simpler. Then, on the train, there are changes at stations and other commuters speaking loudly on their phones to deal with. And if you’re worried about safety, there are designated cycle lanes in many major cities. Wearing high-visibility clothing is another way to improve your safety when cycling on the roads.

    4     It can help you to reduce your carbon footprint. Not pumping out fumes into the atmosphere is better for the planet and your own environment.

So, whether people want to cycle for their health, getting about town, their wallet, the environment, or a combination of all of them—    5    

A.The popularity of cycling is on the rise.
B.By cycling, you save money on fuel or train fares.
C.Finally, cycling can also be good for the environment.
D.Cycling except for transport, also can be used for fitness.
E.And cycling’s benefits aren’t just physical, but mental as well.
F.What makes it so appealing to people to straddle their bikes once again?
G.I feel very relaxed by cycling, but the body was able to quickly reach the amount of exercise!
2022-07-19更新 | 270次组卷 | 4卷引用:河南省商丘名校2021-2022学年高二下学期期末联考英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约200词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . Sports day! These two words can inspire both joy and terror in the hearts of students everywhere. For many, sports day can be a great day of fun and the chance to bag a prize or two.     1    

Today, more and more schools have recognized the importance of exercise.     2     They hope that by making sports days less competitive, children of all abilities will be motivated to take part without fear of losing. Exercise and fitness is important for everyone, no matter how good at sport you are.     3    

However, some people feel that it’s important that sport has winners and that learning to lose is just as important as learning how to win.     4     Particularly, on a sports day which is your chance to really prove yourself!

There are lots of people who agree with the idea—parents in particular! According to a 2017 survey by Families Online, 82% of parents say they prefer “traditional” competitive sports days.     5     It’s also an opportunity for some children to show off their physical and sporting skills.

People have different ideas about whether it is the winning or the taking part that counts when it comes to school sports days. So, should School Sports Day be competitive or not? We want to know your ideas.

A.What’s the point if no one wins?
B.Should sport just be about winning?
C.Many of them have “non-competitive” sports days.
D.Everyone should be celebrated for trying and playing their part.
E.Many adults are worried that their kids can get injured when doing sports.
F.For others, it might feel like having to take part in something they aren’t good at.
G.Many adults feel that children can learn valuable lessons in both winning and losing.
阅读理解-七选五(约240词) | 适中(0.65) |
真题 名校

6 . Fitness Magazine recently ran an article titled “Five Reasons to Thank Your Workout Partner.” One reason was: “You’ll actually show up if you know someone is waiting for you at the gym, ” while another read: “    1       With a workout partner, you will increase your training effort as there is a subtle (微妙) competition.

So, how do you find a workout partner?

First of all, decide what you want from that person.     2     Or do you just want to be physically fit, able to move with strength and flexibility? Think about the exercises you would like to do with your workout partner.

You might think about posting what you are looking for on social media, but it probably won’t result in a useful response.     3     If you plan on working out in a gym, that person must belong to the same gym.

My partner posted her request on the notice board of a local park. Her notice included what kind of training she wanted to do, how many days a week and how many hours she wanted to spend on each session, and her age. It also listed her favorite sports and activities, and provided her phone number.     4    

You and your partner will probably have different skills.     5     Over time, both of you will benefit—your partner will be able to lift more weights and you will become more physically fit. The core (核心) of your relationship is that you will always be there to help each other.

A.Your first meeting may be a little awkward.
B.A workout partner usually needs to live close by.
C.You’ll work harder if you train with someone else.
D.Do you want to be a better athlete in your favorite sport?
E.How can you write a good “seeking training partner” notice?
F.Just accept your differences and learn to work with each other.
G.Any notice for a training partner should include such information.
2022-06-08更新 | 15154次组卷 | 44卷引用:河南省信阳市浉河区信阳高级中学2022-2023学年高二上学期期末英语试题
阅读理解-五选五(约220词) | 适中(0.65) |

7 . Playing sports offers you more than just physical benefits (好处).     1     The benefits are the same whether or not you’re good at sports. If you are not good enough to play competitively on a school team, you can play sports with your friends.

Making new friends.

Playing sports enables you to create friendships you otherwise might not have formed.     2     You play together happily and gradually know each other. Many times, the friendships you create on the field remain strong when you are not playing sports.

Understanding the value of health.

Taking part in sports improves your health in many ways.     3     This gets you thinking about what to eat and how to treat your body so as to achieve the highest performance levels. Thus, playing sports can lead to better eating habits and prevent you from becoming too fat.

Building team spirit.

Sports provide children with the important lesson of learning how to work in a team.     4     By working together they will learn each other’s strengths and weaknesses and will be better able to decide and work out the best plan for the team. This will without doubt help them in their future lives and jobs as well.


Playing sports requires a lot of time and energy. Some may think this would take students’ attention away from schoolwork. However, the opposite is true. Sports require memorization, repetition and learning — skills that are directly relevant (有关的) to schoolwork.

A.Doing better in your studies.
B.Everyone has to work together to achieve the goal.
C.To be a good athlete, you must take care of yourself.
D.Sports can help you in your study and fit in with society as well.
E.Sports bring teens together from different schools and backgrounds.
阅读理解-七选五(约230词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . The Importance of Getting Kids to Be Active

Everyone knows that kids should be physically active and need to exercise regularly to be physically fit.     1    , regular physical activity is considered by most experts to be an important part of a healthy lifestyle. However, that doesn’t mean every child needs to spend four or five hours a day exercising.

How Much Exercise Do Kids Need?

It is recommended that kids should be physically active for at least 60 minutes per day.     2    . For example, if your eight-year-old played soccer for 20 minutes during PE at school and then played basketball with his friends for 40 minutes after school, he would meet the recommendation of 60 minutes of physical activity for that day.

Exercise and Calories

    3    . It can help them build self-respect, sleep better, have more energy, and reduce depression. And as most people know, along with a healthy diet, regular exercise is the best way to lose weight and prevent childhood obesity (肥胖). Since your child is not likely to get his exercise using exercise equipment, it can be hard to always tell how many calories he is burning while exercising.     4    , as long as your child is getting his 60 minutes or more of physical activity each day and maintaining a healthy diet.

Youth Exercise and Fitness

Remember that kids, even teens, don’t usually stick with exercise programs.     5    . Instead, kids do better with lifestyle exercise programs, such as active free play and organized team sports.

A.Fortunately, it doesn’t matter
B.Regular exercise is good for kids
C.So they will be able to burn even more calories
D.That’s why you don’t see many kids in health clubs
E.Whether they are overweight or at a healthy weight
F.If your child is very active and is still gaining weight
G.But that doesn’t have to be 60 minutes of continuous activity
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 较难(0.4) |

9 . Physical education, or PE, isn’t required for all high school students. In some schools, it isn’t offered for some different reasons. But should high school students have physical education? The answer is certainly “yes”.

Today many people don’t do sports. But as is known to all. doing sports is very important for an adult. Teaching teens the importance of a healthy lifestyle and making fitness plans now can help teens put exercise in the first place as an adult.

High school isn’t that easy. Many students are under a lot of stress. Stress can be harmful to a student’s studies and life. Doing sports can help them deal with stress better, helping them live a happier life at school.

The American Heart Association says that 10 million kids and teens suffer from obesity (肥胖). Teens should get 60 minutes of physical activity per day to control their weight and to help their bones get stronger. The increase in activities that don’t get teens to move around, such as computer games, means many teens don’t get their required exercise. PE classes act as a public health measure (措施) to encourage physical activities and help teens have healthy weights.

Not doing sports increases teens’ hazard of developing many diseases. An active lifestyle offers a good way of protection from these health problems. As much as 75 percent of health-care spending goes toward treating medical conditions that can be prevented by lifestyle changes, according to the American College of Sports Medicine.

According to the President’s Council on Fitness, Sports and Nutrition (PCFSN), students who performed five hours of physical activities each week improved their academic (学业的) performance. Students from programs with no physical activity, who used the extra time for classroom study, did not perform better on tests than those who gave up some study time in support of physical education.

1. According to Paragraph 2, what does physical education in high school mean?
A.Making teens attach importance to ęxercise later.
B.Removing the stress faced by teens at school.
C.Getting teens to encourage adults to exercise.
D.Helping teens learn to make good plans
2. What does the underlined word “hazard” in Paragraph 5 mean?
3. According to the PCFSN, doing sport          .
A.means making students choose between sports and studies
B.helps students make good use of all their time
C.means students adjust to their studies better
D.helps students do better in their studies
4. What is the text mainly about?
A.Why high school students should receive physical education.
B.Why some schools consider physical education important.
C.How schools can help students love doing sports.
D.How high school students can live a better life.
2022-02-08更新 | 804次组卷 | 18卷引用:河南省郑州市中牟县第一高级中学2023-2024学年高一上学期10月月考英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中(0.65) |

10 . The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) included on December 17, 2020 China's Tai Chi on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. The decision was announced during the online meeting of the UNESCO Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage held from December 14 to 19 in Kingston, capital of Jamaica.

“Born in the mid-17th century in a small village named Chenjiagou located in Central China's Henan province, Tai Chi is not only a kind of traditional Wushu integrated with slow movements and deep breathing, but is also deeply rooted in many areas of Chinese culture, such as medicine and philosophy,” Zhu Xianghua says, who is the son of the famous Tai Chi master Zhu Tiancai.

Although it has spread to more than 150 countries and regions, attracting more than 100 million people to practice, the idea that Tai Chi is for the elderly has stopped many young people practicing the ancient Wushu. They think of it as a slow exercise, which is specially made and better suited for their grandparents. Instead, many young people are turning to the Indian practice of yoga to relieve stress, which was placed on the UNESCO's List in 2019.

In order to promote Tai Chi, joint efforts have been made from individuals and the Chinese government in the last decades. Xi'an Jiaotong University requires students to learn Tai Chi. Wang Yunbing, a professor in the university's sports center, stressed that Tai Chi is not only good physical exercise-researchers from the American College of Rheumatology find that it can help manage several diseases but is also conned ted to ancient Chinese civilization. Since 2014, the World Tai Chi Championships have been held every two years by the International Wushu Federation. It provides a platform for communication and learning between the Tai Chi masters and Tai Chi lovers around the globe. In January 2020, Tai Chi became an official event in the 2026 Dakar Youth Olympic Games.

1. What does Zhu Xianghua say about Tai Chi in paragraph 2?
A.It originated from fast Kung Fu action.
B.It was born around the 1750s in a village.
C.It is related to other cultural fields of China.
D.It integrates Chinese medicine and western philosophy.
2. Why do some young people choose to practice yoga instead of Tai Chi?
A.They think it easier to practice yoga to keep fit.
B.The elderly stop young people practicing Tai Chi.
C.They consider Tai Chi is custom-built for old people.
D.Yoga was included in the world culture earlier than Tai Chi.
3. What is the main purpose of the last paragraph?
A.To promote contemporary Chinese civilization.
B.To show many efforts made to popularize Tai Chi.
C.To stress the importance of Chinese Tai Chi masters.
D.To advise people to practice Tai Chi to cure diseases.
4. Which of the following is the best title for the passage?
A.Tai Chi Steps on the UNESCO's List.
B.Tai Chi is Competing against Yoga.
C.Tai Chi Has Regained populate Globally.
D.Opinions Greatly Differ on Tai Chi and Yoga.
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