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阅读理解-七选五(约220词) | 适中(0.65) |

1 . Teenagers' fitness is now a major concern and physical exercise is very important.     1     Exercise makes your body strong and helps you to keep the right body weight. Sports scientists offer the following advice to teenagers.     2     Then you can design a programme that will help you become healthier.

    3     “Overweight” means that the person gets very little exercise and often has a serious weight problem.“Inactive” means that the person does not join in many physical activities, but is not seriously overweight. “Active” refers to people who participate in sports and other physical activities, but do not have a high fitness level.

According to experts, overweight teenagers should work out to keep healthy. Ride a bike, play volleyball or basketball for a while, and go for a twenty minute walk each day. All these will help to burn calories. Inactive teenagers should do similar activities, but add some bending and stretching exercises, such as push-ups and sit-ups, starting with twenty of each a day. Inactive people can take a little more exercise than overweight people because their bodies are stronger.     4    

Experts also suggest one hour a week or more on running and other forms of intensive exercises, together with fifteen minutes a day spent on stretching and bending activities.     5     Some weight-training and other body-strengthening exercises could also be planned in the programme in order to increase people's strength and safety.

A.It's time to take part in sport.
B.It reduces stress and improves fitness.
C.Sports can make your life more colorful.
D.First, find out your present level of fitness.
E.The same rule is also suitable for active teenagers.
F.They are really important in order to prevent injuries.
G.There are three levels of fitness that need a change of lifestyle.
2021-08-01更新 | 92次组卷 | 3卷引用:山东省高二年级-七选五名校好题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约230词) | 较易(0.85) |
真题 名校

2 . The Biggest Stadiums in the World

People have been pouring into stadiums since the days of ancient Greece. In around 80 A.D., the Romans built the Colosseum, which remains the world’s best known stadium and continues to inform contemporary design. Rome’s Colosseum was 157 feet tall and had 80 entrances, seating 50,000 people. However, that was small fry compared with the city’s Circus Maximus, which accommodated around 250,000 people.

These days, safety regulations-not to mention the modern sports fan’s desire for a good view and comfortable seat — tend to keep stadium capacities (容量) slightly lower. Even soccer fans tend to have a seat each; gone are the days of thousands standing to watch the match.

For the biggest stadiums in the world, we have used data supplied by the World Atlas list so far, which ranks them by their stated permanent capacity, as well as updated information from official stadium websites.

All these stadiums are still functional, still open and still hosting the biggest events in world sport.

·Rungrado 1st of May Stadium, Pyongyang D.P.R. Korea. Capacity: 150,000. Opened: May 1,1989.

·Michigan Stadium, Ann Arbor, Michigan, U. S. Capacity: 107,601. Opened: October 1, 1927.

·Beaver Stadium, State College, Pennsylvania, U. S. Capacity: 106,572. Opened: September 17, 1960.

·Ohio Stadium, Columbus, Ohio, U. S. Capacity: 104,944. Opened: October 7,1922.

·Kyle Field, College Station, Texas, U. S. Capacity: 102,512. Opened: September 24, 1927.

1. How many people could the Circus Maximus hold?
A.104,944.B.107,601.C.About 150,000.D.About 250,000.
2. Of the following stadiums, which is the oldest?
A.Michigan Stadium.B.Beaver Stadium.C.Ohio Stadium.D.Kyle Field.
3. What do the listed stadiums have in common?
A.They host big games.B.They have become tourist attractions.
C.They were built by Americans.D.They are favored by architects.
2021-06-08更新 | 11203次组卷 | 55卷引用:专题11 应用文体类阅读理解 -2022年高考英语毕业班二轮热点题型归纳与变式演练(新高考专用)
阅读理解-阅读表达(约440词) | 适中(0.65) |
3 . 阅读表达

Until quarantine (隔离期) ends, we are left picturing what physical effort we might make: working out at the gym, playing on a competitive sports team, swimming, biking, or rock climbing. However, we don’t often think of martial arts as a possible activity; instead, we rule it out because we think it’s dangerous, uncommon, and even, impossible. Martial arts isn’t considered a sport, right?

Well, here’s some good news: you're wrong! Martial arts is much more common than people think, and you can start learning at any age. Practicing martial arts is a great way to keep in shape (both physically and mentally). And it’s much less scary and much less difficult than it’s usually portrayed as in movies, so worry not, you don’t need to be the karate kid to have a blast! Let’s look at what you can usually expect from martial arts of any style.

Good martial arts generally requires you to focus on the position and movement of every one of your limbs, sometimes even your breathing too. Think about it: when you leave the gym, your mental state has improved and you are much calmer. This is because you’ve only paid attention to one activity. It is a great way to clear your head, and practice can help you learn to stay more focused in general (say, when you start your schoolwork afterwards).

Long series of choreographed (编排好的) moves (including when to breath in and out) called forms are often described as “moving meditation (冥想)” ; they’re meditative in the same way doing repeated moves is, but much more so. Martial arts practice can be as slow or as intense as you want, but it’s always extremely engaging.

Martial arts also improves your coordination, and greatly improves your posture. I have personally seen students go from slouching and knocking things over to walking tall with their shoulders back in just a couple of months.

There are many styles and countless subtypes and mix-ups of martial arts. Whichever one appeals to you, know that all of them are good choices, competitive or not.

1. Why isn’t martial arts considered a sport by some people?
2. What should people focus their attention on when doing martial arts?
3. Please decide which part is false in the following statement, then underline it and explain why.
Martial arts practice is beneficial because it can not only make us more facially attractive but also help improve our mental state.
4. a) Which type of sport do you prefer, slow sports like yoga, or competitive sports like basketball? Explain why. (about 40 words)
b)Give an example of another Chinese traditional sport and introduce its advantages. (about 40 words)
2021-05-31更新 | 358次组卷 | 3卷引用:二轮拔高卷 09-【赢在高考·黄金20卷】备战2022年高考英语模拟卷(北京专用)
阅读理解-七选五(约350词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . Any time of the day you can commit to exercising is a good time for getting active, the best time for exercise is different for each person. Consider your lifestyle and exercise goals to help find the right time for you.


Do you struggle to get out of the bed in the morning or do you wake up energized and ready to go? Are you a night owl and never get to bed before midnight? Once you establish what your sleep tendencies are, you will have a better idea of when your body is most inclined(倾斜的)to exercise. If you are not a morning person, do not schedule an early morning workout.     2     .Sacrificing sleep to get a workout in can result in poorer performance and make it difficult to develop a consistent routine.

Consider your daily schedule.

When are you the busiest? When do you tend to schedule your most important tasks?     3     Some people would prefer to get it out of the way first thing, while others prefer to put it off until the end of the day when they are all caught up. If you tend to have a lot of activities after work, you may want to exercise in the morning.     4     An afternoon workout may be good if you have time on your lunch break and do not want to sacrifice your evening or morning time.

Determine your exercise goals.

Are you trying to lose weight? Are you trying to improve your performance? Or are you trying to develop a consistent exercise routine? If you are trying to develop a routine, you may want to exercise in the morning.     5     You may not feel like exercising after a long day of work, errands, or being out on the town. If you are trying to improve your performance, afternoon or evening exercise may the best. You may experience less fatigue, quicker reaction times, and more strength and flexibility in the evening. If you are trying to lose weighty you may want to exercise in the morning before you have eaten. When you exercise in a fasted state, your body is more likely to use fat instead of carbohydrates for energy.

A.Pay attention to how well you sleep.
B.Determine when you have the most energy.
C.Experiment with both morning and evening workouts.
D.People who exercise in the morning are more consistent.
E.Try to fit in your exercise before or at least around these events if possible.
F.You are more likely to hit the snooze button instead of getting a workout in.
G.If your mornings are busy and you have trouble making it out of the door on time, an evening workout may be best.
2021-05-27更新 | 144次组卷 | 2卷引用:二轮拔高卷04-【赢在高考·黄金20卷】备战2022年高考英语模拟卷(新高考专用)

5 . Scientific research on yoga has found that yoga practice can help with problems such as back pain, depression and anxiety. Still, yoga studies tend to be of uneven quality, often relying on self-reported survey data. However, a 2019 review paper focused on a more objective measure: brain scans. Though far from definitive, the findings show that the practice may improve brain health, and they indicate a way to bring yoga and science more convincingly together.

The review, led by Neha Gothe, director of the Exercise Psychology Lab, examined 11 papers that used various types of brain scans to assess the impact of yoga practice on the brain. Gothe and her colleagues limited their review to studies in which all three major elements of yoga were included: the physical poses, breathing exercises, and meditation or mindfulness. Three patterns emerged with some consistency: yoga practice could be linked to increased gray matter volume(体积) in the hippocampus, a key structure for memory; increased volume in certain regions of the prefrontal cortex, the seat of higher-order-cognition(认知); and greater connectivity across the default mode network. This network plays a role in processing memories and emotions.

Jessica Damoiseaux, a co-author of the review paper, focuses her research on aging-related changes in the brain, and she notes that the structures that seem to be strengthened by yoga are ones that tend to shrink with aging. The greater volumes linked to yoga are similar to those seen in studies of aerobic (有氧的)exercise. This raises a question: Is there really anything special about yoga or is it just another brain-preserving workout?

At this point it’s hard to say. Clearer answers will come with better studies that build on the smaller experiments. Gothe, for example, recently received government funds for a study that will assign 168 old adults to six months of classes of yoga, aerobic exercise, or stretching and strengthening. “It’s exactly the kind of trial we need,” says Gothe.

1. What do we know about the 2019 review paper on yoga?
A.It is far from objective.B.It is centered on brain scans.
C.It proves to be of low quality.D.It relies on self-reported data.
2. What is the second paragraph mainly about?
A.Three major elements of yoga.B.The key structure for memory.
C.The finding of the review by Gothe.D.The emotion processing network.
3. What does Gothe plan to do in the future?
A.Take aerobic exercise.B.Apply for government funds.
C.Assign old people to jobs.D.Carry out smaller experiments.
4. Which of the following can be the best title for the text?
A.Yoga back in fashion.B.Age can affect brain power
C.Brain trials on the wayD.Yoga may boost brain health
2021-05-17更新 | 179次组卷 | 3卷引用:2020年全国一卷阅读理解C变式题

6 . I was born with eye disease. At school I even couldn’t read the blackboard. By the time I got to university, I couldn’t really see images(图像) at all. I just can tell the difference between light and dark. In the first year of my PHD, I was almost 100% blind.

When I was young I used to get very angry if I encountered something I found difficult or couldn’t do because of my eyes. But over time I learned that wasn’t a helpful response. There’s no point getting wound up by the fact that I can’t see, because it won’t change it.

I started climbing when I was young. My dad took me up my first rock route(路线) when I was two. All my early climbing was outdoor traditional climbing. My dad had been in the Mountain Rescue and was part of Mountaineering Club, so we would go for weekends away climbing throughout the UK.

He taught me everything I know and I led my first route outside when I was 11. At this time I could just about see well enough to place rock gear(齿轮), but not well enough to pick out the routes from the ground. People are usually amazed when they discover that not only do I climb, but I also lead climbs.

At university I joined the Mountaineering Club and was able to climb much more frequently. We had regular trips to indoor walls and weekends away outdoors. I developed a great circle of climbing friends and went on multiple trips to Europe. On these I started Alpine climbing and ice climbing too.

There was a time when I thought I might have to give up leading as my eyesight got worse. But I never thought I would stop climbing. I just learnt to adapt myself to the eye disease with the support of my friends. It’s quite possible that I wouldn’t be as good a climber if I weren’t blind — if I didn’t have these challenges. That concentration and determination is built through my disability.

1. How did the author eventually respond to his eye problem?
A.He ended up feeling annoyed.B.He accepted it and faced it bravely
C.He sought help from othersD.He quit his study at university.
2. What can we learn about the author’s father from Paragraphs 3 and 4?
A.He was a professional climber at university.
B.He ran his own mountaineering club.
C.He taught his son to do outdoor climbing.
D.He introduced his son to a love of rocks.
3. What does the author believe contributed to his success in climbing?
A.His disability.B.His university.
C.His father.D.The Mountaineering Club.
4. Which of the following can be the best title?
A.A Blind Man’s Life Struggle.B.Mountain Climbing Experience.
C.Courses on Rock Climbing.D.Determination and Experience.

7 . Unicycles are one-wheeled vehicles that developed from the original bicycle, the Penny Farthing, which consisted of a large front wheel and a much smaller back wheel. When this bike hit bumps(凸块) or suddenly slowed down, the back wheel came off the ground, so many riders learned to balance on just the front wheel. Thus, bicycle-makers began making vehicles with just one wheel.

Some of the benefits of riding a unicycle include burning calories, and increasing your levels of coordination (协调), concentration and balance. Because unicycles don’t have any handlebars, riders must balance, using only their abdominal (腹部的)muscles and leg muscles. This helps you build a healthier core. Long cycling sessions also increase your heart rate, which can lead to a healthier cardiovascular (心血管的) system. Riding a unicycle is an effective way to get in a low-impact workout for those with damaged knees and legs.

Unicycling is a fun activity regardless of your ability level. Riding a unicycle is self-motivating and psychologically stimulating because you will notice improvements each time you ride. Some people find that it gives them feelings of control when they can achieve balancing and riding on just one wheel.

Some riders use their unicycles as their primary mode of transportation for work or school. Because unicycles don't require any type of fuel, you can save money at pump. Unicycles also have only a few moving parts that might break. This means that you typically don't have to spend much money on repairs. You also won' t need to spend money on storing or transporting your unicycle.

Unicycling is a somewhat uncommon activity. Because of this, a sense of unity tends to grow among unicycle riders. Many riders travel significant distances just to go on rides and spend time with other unicyclists. Unicycling is often a family activity, and riding together can bring family members closer.

1. Why were one-wheel vehicles created?
A.Because it was more beneficial for one's health.
B.Because it was more likely to avoid road bumps.
C.Because the front wheel only could also be used for balancing.
D.Because a bicycle’s back wheel wasn’t fixed well.
2. What does the underlined word “This” in Paragraph 2 refer to?
A.Having a handlebar.B.Stopping a unicycle.
C.Increasing strength.D.Balancing a unicycle.
3. What is Paragraph 4 mainly about?
A.Typical features of cycling.B.Basic modes of transportation.
C.Economic benefits of unicycling.D.Ways to store and transport unicycles.
4. The text is mainly written to.
A.introduce benefits of unicyclingB.show how unicycles are spread
C.display varieties of unicyclesD.advocate cycling for teenagers
2021-04-18更新 | 143次组卷 | 3卷引用:2020年全国一卷阅读理解C变式题

8 . Some people say that the best way to reduce the size of your waist is to do stomach exercise. Many people believe that when specific muscles are exercised,the fatty tissues(组织)in the immediate area are burned up. The truth is that exercise burns fat from all over the body and not from one specific area. Of course,if you reduce the fat throughout your body,you will certainly see results around your waist,too.

Some people believe that you need to exercise twice a week in order to keep a sufficient level of physical fitness. However,studies directed by American scientists show that unexercised muscles lose their strength very quickly. Within 48 to 72 hours,you must use the muscles again to reestablish(重建)the good physical effects. And what does that mean to you?American scientists concluded that while daily exercise is most helpful,exercising every other day or three days a week will keep a sufficient level of physical fitness.

Is it true that you burn more calories running one mile than walking the same distance?The answer is no. The truth is that you use the same amount of energy whether you walk or run the mile,since in both cases you are moving the same weight the same distance. The speed does not matter. Of course,if you run rather than walk for 30 minutes,you will cover more distance,and therefore,burn more calories.

If your breathing doesn't return to normal within 5 minutes after you finish exercising,you have exercised too much. Five minutes or so after exercising,your breathing should be normal,your heart shouldn't be beating loudly,and you shouldn't be tired.

1. If you want to reduce the fat around your waist,you should________.
A.do stomach exercise
B.exercise the waist
C.exercise all the muscles of your body
D.run fast for 30 minutes
2. From the second paragraph,we learn that________.
A.we only need to exercise twice a week
B.we should exercise three times a week
C.muscles lose their strength after 48 hours
D.we should exercise every other day,or three days a week
3. If you have exercised too much________.
A.your breathing will take longer than 5 minutes to return to normal after you finish exercising
B.your breathing will return to normal within 5 minutes after finishing exercising
C.your heart will not be beating loudly
D.you will be too tired to move
4. This passage tells us that________.
A.it is better to do more running than walking
B.the more exercise you do,the healthier you will be
C.the unexercised muscles must be used again within 48 to 72 hours
D.in order to lose weight,you have to run fast
2021-03-28更新 | 74次组卷 | 2卷引用:2020年江苏卷阅读理解C变式题
阅读理解-七选五(约220词) | 适中(0.65) |

9 . We are taught from childhood that warming up is a must in preparation for any exercise. It allows us to prepare our muscles for the strain(拉力)we are about to place on them and prevent injury.    1    These all prepare for an effective workout.

    2    It prevents dizziness, helps return the heart rate back to normal and prevents chronic venous insufficiency(CVI). Also known as "blood pooling", CVI occurs when the blood in blood vessels(血管)expands during prolonged exercise, making it difficult for it to return to the heart from the legs.

According to many health and fitness instructors, the total cool-down period should last 3 to 10 minutes, or until you are ready to stop.    3    For example, if you have been working your legs, you will need to do lower body stretches or a slow walk. There are many helpful tutorials online.

The best way to measure whether you have cooled down effectively is purely based on common sense—if you feel your heart rate has reduced, that's enough. There is no research to prove stretching after a session will help reduce pain, but if you feel it helps, do so.    4    

Cooling down methods, including foam rollers, a sports massage or dry needling, are worth investigating.    5    If the pain is there the next day, consult your doctor, and, more importantly, warm up more thoroughly next time.

A.It is down to personal preference.
B.Fast walking is the simplest exercise.
C.If you are not flexible, lower your upper body.
D.If you experience any pain when stretching, stop.
E.But cooling down is as important as warming up.
F.Areas to target depend on which part of the body you have trained.
G.More importantly, it steadily increases the heart rate and blood flow.
2021-03-27更新 | 404次组卷 | 5卷引用:江苏省高三年级-七选五空名校好题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约450词) | 适中(0.65) |

10 . Sports fandom is about more than just entertainment. It can boost your self-esteem (自尊) and make you happier — and you don’t have to root for the winning team to gain the benefits.     

Being a sports fan is a “very psychologically healthy activity,” says Daniel Wann, professor at Murray State University whose research program centers on the psychology of sport fandom. Fandom connects us to other like-minded people, which satisfies our human need for belonging, he says.

These relationships are significant: People who identify as sports fans have higher levels of self-esteem, lower levels of loneliness and tend to be more satisfied with their lives compared to those who aren’t interested in sports, Wann says. Fans tend to have more access to social support, help and resources as well. Research suggests that when people have support from their communities, they have better health.

Beyond bonding, fans get to enjoy the psychological benefits of winning, even if they have nothing to do with the players or games, says Stephen Reysen, associate professor at Texas A&M University-Commerce who studies identity and fandom.

“Individuals feel that the fan interest (in this case a sport team) is a part of them,”   Reysen says. “So when the team is winning, you feel like you are winning even though you are not a player.”

Of course, teams sometimes lose.

So, why do people continue to put their faith behind teams that tend to lose? People who feel a strong psychological connection to a team are more likely to root for a team when they’re having a losing season, Reysen says.

“Sports fandom has nothing to do with the outcome of a game,” Wann says. For example, if a pizza restaurant continually got your order wrong, you’d likely switch to a more reliable one. But because being a fan is so central to people’s identities, people are willing to accept defeat and continue to be loyal to a team.

Being part of a fan community can also help people cope with losses. A 2019 study found that watching a football game with other fans helps to ease the negative psychological effects of losing.

“For fans of the losing team, sharing the pain may have protected them from losing self-esteem,” Silvia Knobloch-Westerwick, co-author of the study and professor of communication at The Ohio State University said in a release.

1. According to the passage, why do sports fans feel happier?
A.Because they could gain the benefits from the winning team.
B.Because they can share pains and happiness with people who have the common interests.
C.Because they could have a low level of self-esteem.
D.Because most of them are optimistic.
2. What is the significance of the relationships between sports fans?
A.Sports fans have support from their favorite teams.
B.Sports fans have higher levels of loneliness.
C.Sports fans are likely more content with their lives.
D.Sports fans tend to compare themselves to those who aren’t interested in sports.
3. According to the passage, if the team has a losing season, the sports fans may .
A.display their identities
B.have a boost of self-esteem
C.not support the team any more
D.have a negative psychology period
4. According to the passage, what can help sports fans deal with losses of their team?
A.Being part of the team.
B.Ordering a pizza in a different restaurant.
C.Sharing the pain with family members.
D.The loyalty to the team.
5. What is the passage mainly about?
A.Sports fans have a closer relationship with other like-mined people.
B.Sports fans have higher self-esteem and are more satisfied with their lives.
C.Sports fans always put their faith behind their favorite teams.
D.Sports fandom has nothing to do with the outcome of a game.
2021-03-02更新 | 330次组卷 | 4卷引用:解密11 说明文类阅读理解-提升 (分层训练)-【高频考点解密】2021年高考英语二轮复习讲义+分层训练(全国通用)
共计 平均难度:一般