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1 . The eyes are the windows of the soul (心灵). Having a pair of bright, clear eyes is very important, so we should protect our eyes throughout our lives.


Don’t read while lying down or walking. Relax after every hour of reading. Keep a distance from the TV set when you watch TV and give your eyes a rest every 30 minutes. Don’t stare at (盯看) the sun or try to read in the darkness.     2     This can damage your eyes easily.

Get your eyes checked often.

Not many people have this habit, but it is necessary. If you feel that there is something wrong with your eyes, get them checked quickly.     3    

Rest your eyes whenever you can.

You can close your eyes for a few seconds or look into the distance for one or two minutes. A small break will relax your eyes.     4    

Besides, be careful when you choose your glasses.     5     Make sure your glasses are right for you. If you don’t feel right, get your glasses changed.

A.Develop good habits of using eyes.
B.It also helps to protect you from getting eye problems.
C.Make sure you get enough sleep every night.
D.Glasses that aren’t suitable for you could bring you trouble.
E.Even if you’re wearing sunglasses, never look directly at the sun.
F.Eye problem can be found and treated early with regular checks.
G.Drink green tea every day as a way to protect your eyes against eye problems.
阅读理解-七选五 | 适中(0.65) |

2 . Where would you be without your legs and feet? They do a lot to get you where you need to go.

But sometimes, kids have problems with these important body parts. Their legs and feet might look different or might not work exactly the way they should.     1     They either go away on their own or the kid learns to handle them by using stuff like special shoe inserts.

Pigeon Toes

Pigeon toes, or inwardly turning toes, is a common foot condition in kids. It occurs when the front of the foot is turned inward, facing the other foot.     2     Most kids’ feet straighten naturally without any medical treatment.


When someone stands with the feet and ankles together but the knees widely apart, we call that being bowlegged. Many babies are born bowlegged because their legs were folded tightly across their bellies while they were growing inside their mom. Bowlegs usually straighten once babies with this condition start to walk and their legs bear weight. By the age of 3, most kids grow out of the condition.


Knock-knees is a condition where the legs curve in at the knees so much that the ankles are separated.     4     But around the age of 6, the body begins to straighten naturally, and within a few years most kids can stand with their knees and ankles touching at the same time.


    5     Rise up on your toes. Can you see the arch in the bottom of your feet? Most of us have some sort of arch on the bottom of the feet between our toes and heel. Someone who doesn’t have this curve might have flexible flatfeet.

B.Full Arch
C.Stand sideways in front of a mirror.
D.Boys and girls both experience pigeon toes.
E.In other words, if your feet are flat, they’re fine!
F.The good news is that these problems usually aren’t serious.
G.Lots of kids become knock-kneed between the ages of 3 and 5.

3 . Crossing your legs is an extremely common habit. While you may find it comfortable to sit with one knee crossed over the other, it might be causing health problems that you are not aware of.

A study published in Blood Pressure Monitoring stated that sitting with your legs crossed can increase your blood pressure. The reason this happens is because the blood in your legs has to work against gravity to be pumped back to your heart, crossing one leg over the other increases resistance, making it even harder for the blood to circulate. You won’t feel any immediate effects, but sitting for long periods of time will hurt you forever.

Crossing your legs can also lead to neck and back pain. Ideally, it’s best for our bodies to sit with our feet planted flat, hip width apart, on the floor, but it’s not easy to maintain perfect posture all day at the office. When you sit with your legs crossed your hips are in a twisted position, which can cause one of your pelvic bones(骨盆) to rotate. Since your pelvic bone supports your neck and spine(脊椎), this can cause pressure on your lower and middle back and neck.

You also might notice that when you sit with your legs crossed for long periods of time your feet and legs get painful or have the feeling of being asleep. This is because when one leg sits on top of the other it causes pressure on the veins(静脉) and nerves in your legs and feet. It can cause numbness and/or temporary paralysis in the legs, ankles, or feet. While the feeling of discomfort may only last a minute or two, repeatedly crossing your legs until they feel numb can cause permanent nerve damage.

So next time you sit down, try to get yourself in the habit of sitting with both of your feet on the floor. Not only will it help your posture and stability, but it will also save your health in the long run.

1. Which of the following is not the consequence of crossing legs?
A.Neck and back get hurt.
B.Feet and legs become numb.
C.Blood pressure goes up.
D.Pelvic bones keep perfect postures.
2. What does the underlined word “rotate” in Para3 mean?
A.break seriously
B.hurt greatly
C.move casually
D.straighten suddenly
3. What does the text mainly talk about?
A.How to choose a proper sitting posture
B.It is advisable not to sit with legs crossed
C.How to develop beneficial habits
D.Blood pressure harms our bodies.
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中(0.65) |

4 . Eye Health Care Daily

Healthy habits mean healthy eyes. Here are some daily tips for eye health.

◆Clean your eyes with pure cold water regularly. This is one of the best ways to keep eyes healthy and disease free.

◆Avoid looking directly at the sun.

◆Roll your eyes up and down, then side to side. Then move your eyes in a circular motion (圆周运动). Exercise 5 to 10 times a day to relax your eyes.

◆ Keep a good distance from the computer screen-sit about 22-28 inches away from it.

◆Visit your eye doctor on a regular basis.

There are also some tips for healthy contact lens (隐形眼镜) wear and care to help prevent eye infections (感染). Please visit CDCS healthy contact lenses website and you can also follow them on social media (www.cdc.goy/contactlenses).

1. _____is not good for your eyes.
A.Eating vegetablesB.Wearing sunglasses
C.Wearing contact lensD.Looking at the sun directly
2. How to relax your eyes according to the tips?
A.Clean eyes with pure cold water.B.Look at the sun directly.
C.Make eye movements.D.Wear contact lens.
3. In which column can we read this text?
2018-10-25更新 | 249次组卷 | 4卷引用:北师大2019版选择性必修三Unit 9 Lesson 2 Brain Power课前预习
共计 平均难度:一般