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阅读理解-七选五(约270词) | 适中(0.65) |

1 . Perhaps you use your headphones to enjoy music and peace and quiet during the day. But you may be neglecting the dangers of hearing loss with headphones.     1     This is 30% higher than just 20 years before, and experts are pinning it on headphones.

In fact, headphones are not a bad thing. They can bring peace, allow for better musical enjoyment, and even protect your ears from higher decibels(分贝).     2    

How long should you wear your headphones every day? The answer is, according to the World Health Organization, one hour per day.     3     But the fact is that the longer you listen, you’re going to lose your hearing sooner. To keep hearing loss from happening to you, you should follow the recommendation in place by the WHO that you keep your time with headphones on limited to one hour per day.

Then, how do you set the safest volume for your headphones? With headphones, it depends on the type you’re using and your environment. To test things out, you should take them off your ears and extend them in your hands out in front of you.     4     If you are using open-back headphones, you should try to have a conversation with someone nearby. When you’re able to carry on the conversation clearly, you’re listening at a proper volume. But do remember that never raise the volume on your listening device over 60% of the maximum!

    5     At others this loss will build up over time. It usually isn’t noticeable in the beginning. It’s not until it’s too late that most people realize that the damage has been done. The only way to know for sure is to consult your doctor.

A.This might seem unreasonable to you.
B.At times, hearing loss isn’t permanent.
C.l in 5 teens will have some types of hearing loss.
D.What’s more concerning is what that means for children.
E.It’s the duration and volume that cause the problem, however.
F.If you still hear your music clearly, you need to turn them down.
G.It’s a wonderful thing to shut out the rest of the world and enjoy your music.
阅读理解-七选五(约260词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 . Where would you be without your legs and feet? They do a lot to get you where you need to go.

But sometimes, kids have problems with these important body parts. Their legs and feet might look different or might not work exactly the way they should.     1     They either go away on their own or the kid learns to handle them by using stuff like special shoe inserts.

Pigeon Toes

Pigeon toes, or inwardly turning toes, is a common foot condition in kids. It occurs when the front of the foot is turned inward, facing the other foot.     2     Most kids’ feet straighten naturally without any medical treatment.


When someone stands with the feet and ankles together but the knees widely apart, we call that being bowlegged. Many babies are born bowlegged because their legs were folded tightly across their bellies while they were growing inside their mom. Bowlegs usually straighten once babies with this condition start to walk and their legs bear weight. By the age of 3, most kids grow out of the condition.


Knock-knees is a condition where the legs curve in at the knees so much that the ankles are separated.     4     But around the age of 6, the body begins to straighten naturally, and within a few years most kids can stand with their knees and ankles touching at the same time.


    5     Rise up on your toes. Can you see the arch in the bottom of your feet? Most of us have some sort of arch on the bottom of the feet between our toes and heel. Someone who doesn’t have this curve might have flexible flatfeet.

B.Full Arch
C.Stand sideways in front of a mirror.
D.Boys and girls both experience pigeon toes.
E.In other words, if your feet are flat, they’re fine!
F.The good news is that these problems usually aren’t serious.
G.Lots of kids become knock-kneed between the ages of 3 and 5.

3 . If you don't use it, you lose it. At least, that's how the old saying goes. It refers to the idea that something which does not get used regularly quickly falls into a state of decline. Muscles, for example, will waste away without use. In order to resist this, people take regular exercise to keep their skills sharp.

Well, what about the brain? As we age, our brains can naturally begin to decline. In some cases, this can lead to certain mental conditions such as dementia(痴呆),which I'm sure you will agree, no one wants. However, all is not lost because these days it's relatively easy to train your brain. Smart phones and apps have put programmes into our hands that can test, maintain and even improve our memories, mathematical skills and a lot of other mental abilities. With a little practice every day, we can keep our brains nice and sharp, right?

Well, no, actually. According to a report from the Global Council on Brain Health, even though many people thought it was important to play online games, such as puzzles and mind games, which are designed to improve brain health, the evidence of the benefits was “weak to non-existent”.

There are other ways to promote the old grey matter. It recommends seeking out new activities that challenge the way you think and are socially engaging,while leading to a healthy lifestyle. Among their suggestions are practising tai chi, taking photography classes, learning new technologies, gardening, art projects or volunteering.

There's more good news, too, James Goodwin, chief scientist at Age UK has said that brain decline is not inevitable (不可避免的). As long as the activities are “new to you and require your concentrated attention”, they can provide benefits for brain health. So, hurry up, get out there and try something new. Maybe it's time to try that hobby you've always wanted to do. And as for me? I'm off to learn the piano.

1. From which is the text probably taken?
A.A biology textbook.B.A healthy magazine.
C.A travel brochure.D.A research paper.
2. Which has the closest meaning of the underlined words “socially engaging”?
A.Making more shopping.B.Avoid brain decline.
C.Doing exercises alone.D.Going out with friends.
3. Which of the following can better keep your brain healthy according to the author?
A.Trying something new.B.Using smart phone regularly.
C.Playing games online.D.Doing what you are good at.
4. What does the passage mainly tell us?
A.Advantages of trying something new.
B.Disadvantages of using smart phones.
C.Ways to keep our brain as sharp as possible.
D.How to spend time meaningfully at an old age.
阅读理解-七选五(约230词) | 适中(0.65) |
真题 名校

4 . Eyesight plays a very important role in our daily life. Every waking moment, the eyes are working to see the world around us. Over forty percent of Americans worry about losing eyesight, but it's easy to include steps into our daily life to ensure healthy eyes. Here are five suggestions for a lifetime of healthy eyesight:

Schedule yearly exams.

    1     Experts advise parents to bring babies 6 to 12 months of age to the doctor for a careful check. The good news is that millions of children now can have yearly eye exams and following treatment, including eyeglasses.

Protect against UV rays .

Long-term stay in the sun creates risk to your eyes. No matter what the season is, it’s extremely important to wear sunglasses.     2     Give your eyes a break.

Two-thirds of Americans spend up to seven hours a day using computers or other digital products.     3     Experts recommend that people practice the 20/20/20 rule: every 20 minutes, take a 20-second break and look at something 20 feet away.

    4    .

As part of a healthy diet, eat more fruits and vegetables each day. Vitamins C and E help protect eyesight and promote eye health.

Practice safe wear and care of contact lenses.

Many Americans use contact lenses to improve their eyesight. While some follow the medical guidance for wearing contact lenses, many are breaking the rules and putting their eyesight at risk.     5    

Otherwise: you may have problems such as red eyes, pain in the eyes, or a more serious condition.

A.Eat your greens.
B.Eye care should begin early in life.
C.They can properly protect your eyes.
D.Stay in good shape by taking more vitamins.
E.Parents usually don’t care about their own eyesight.
F.Always follow the doctor’s advice for appropriate wear.
G.This frequent eye activity increases the risk for eye tiredness.
2020-05-09更新 | 1416次组卷 | 62卷引用:河北省邯郸市永年区第二中学2021-2022学年高二12月月考英语试题(含听力)
阅读理解-七选五(约230词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . Take care of your spine(脊柱

The spine stands at the center of your health, providing your body with structure and support. It also contains your spine cord, a massive collection of nerves conveying electric signals from the rest of your body to your brain    1    

Maintaining good posture( 姿势) is one of the most important things you can do to keep your spine healthy. Proper posture means standing or sitting while keeping your spine straight, except for its natural curves. Posture comes into play even when you are asleep. Sleeping on your side puts less stress on your spine than most other positions.     2     . Especially if you work at a desk most of the day, it's important to get up and stretch regularly.

    3    Stretch can help the muscles around your spine relax and allow bones to shift into better arrangement. Strength exercises like pushups(俯卧撑) can also help by strengthening the muscles around your spine. However, don’t overdo the exercise, as repeated motions can strain the muscles around your spine.

Finally, your diet affects the health of your spine because many vitamins are necessary for bones and nerves. In particular, vitamins B and D are essential to keep bones healthy, so you may want to consider taking a supplement.    4    , so it is also helpful to do some of the back exercise outside.

Many of the actions necessary to keep your spine healthy are identical to those used to preserve your health in other ways.    5    

A.However, the latter is also absorbed from sunlight.
B.Staying still for too long can be hard on your back.
C.So protect your back, the rest of the body will benefit.
D.Protecting your spine with yoga is also a necessary step.
E.Try the following exercises to keep your spine more flexible.
F.Exercise is also an important factor in the health of your spine.
G.So you should take the following factors into account to have a healthy spine.
阅读理解-七选五(约240词) | 适中(0.65) |

6 . Eyesight plays a very important role in our daily life. Every waking moment, the eyes are working to see the world around us. Over forty percent of Americans worry about losing eyesight, but it's easy to include steps into our daily life to ensure healthy eyes. Here are five suggestions for a lifetime of healthy eyesight:

·Schedule yearly exams.     1    Experts advise parents to bring babies 6 to 12 months of age to the doctor for a careful check. The good news is that millions of children now can have yearly eye exams and following treatment, including eyeglasses.

·Protect against UV rays (紫外线). Long-term stay in the sun creates risk to your eyes. No matter what the season is, it's extremely important to wear sunglasses.     2    

·    3    Two-thirds of Americans spend up to seven hours a day using computers or other digital (数字的)products.   This frequent eye activity increases the risk for eye tiredness. Experts recommend (建议)that people practice the 20/20/20 rule: every 20 minutes, take a 20-second break and look at something 20 feet away.
·    4      As part of a healthy diet, eat more fruits and vegetables each day. Vitamins   C and E help protect eyesight and promote eye health.

·Practice safe wear and care of contact lenses (隐形眼镜). Many Americans use contact lenses to improve their eyesight. While some follow the medical guidance for wearing contact lenses, many are breaking the rules and putting their eyesight at risk.      5       Otherwise, you may have problems such as red eyes, pain in the eyes, or a more serious condition.

A.Have your eyes checked as early as possible.
B.Give your eyes a break.
C.Parents usually don’t care about their own eyesight.
D.They can properly protect your eyes.
E.Stay in good shape by taking more vitamins.
F.Always follow the doctor’s advice for appropriate(恰当的;合适的)wear.
G.Eat your greens.
2018-03-21更新 | 105次组卷 | 1卷引用:河北省冀州市中学2017-2018学年高一3月月考英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中(0.65) |

7 . Feifei, an 11-year-old boy from Xuzhou, Jiangsu Province, suffered from a sudden acute eye disease which has almost led to blindness. The disease was caused by excessive(过度的)eye fatigue(疲劳)during the winter vacation, during which he played computer games for continuous 10 days and nights.

Many youngsters in China nowadays are increasingly addicted to computer games and other electronic products. This is followed by a series of health problems, with the most typical case being myopia, or nearsightedness.

According to the latest research report released by the World Health Organization (WHO), the myopia     rate among Chinese teenagers ranks first in the world—70 percent of high school and college students. The rate is nearly 40 percent in primary school students, while it is only 10 percent for their peers in the United States.

There are at least 10 million people in China with severe myopia, and they are likely to get pathological(病理性的)myopia in middle age. Pathological myopia can't be treated with glasses or surgery, and it is one of the biggest factors that lead to blindness, Xu Xun, director of the ophthalmology(眼科学) department at Shanghai General Hospital, pointed out.

Experts explain that two major factors lead to the high rate of myopia among Chinese people. One is high academic pressure, and the other one is excessive use of electronic devices over a long period of time. Genetics, on the other hand, are not the main reason, as only 20 percent of Chinese people had myopia in the 1960s.

"Teenagers are now faced with severe academic pressure, which means they often study without natural light. This increases their risk of becoming nearsighted," Xu said.

Experts suggest that youngsters maintain a proper balance between study and rest so as to protect their eyesight, and parents should play an active role in the process.

1. Why does the author mention Feifei's experience in the first paragraph?
A.To advise people to protect their eyes.
B.To introduce the topic of nearsightedness.
C.To inform people of the cause of blindness.
D.To show that Feifei developed an eye disease.
2. What can be learnt from the passage?
A.Nearsightedness may cause other health problems.
B.There are more nearsighted students in the United States.
C.70 percent Chinese students in primary school are nearsighted.
D.Pathological myopia is most likely to cause blindness.
3. Which of the following can be a main reason for myopia?
A.Genetics factors.
B.Low academic pressure.
C.Overuse of electronic devices.
D.Reading in natural light.
4. What will be probably discussed in the following paragraph?
A.The significance of protecting eyesight.
B.Youngsters’ bad behavior leading to myopia.
C.The relationship between youngsters and their parents.
D.Parents’ role in helping youngsters protect their eyesight.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 较难(0.4) |

8 . The way you stand can identify whether you will suffer from aches and pains in the back or neck in later life, the British Chiropractic Association has said. Whether you are a “spoon”, “bridge”, “leaning tower” or “flat-back” will determine your risk of having problems later.

A quarter of women suffer pain lasting between one and three days starting at the relatively young age of 34, the survey found. While previous indicators have focused on body shapes, with larger-breasted women and “apple” shapes being seen as a warning sign, this new research shows posture (姿势) could be key in preventing back pain.

“Leaning tower” —women whose heads lean forward — are most likely to report pain, with almost six in ten with this posture already suffering. Being a “bridge” with an arched back was the second worse posture, followed by a “spoon” position with rounded shoulders but a flat back. And a change in posture can be far less demanding than a crash diet or an exercise programme.

“Flat back” ladies, who keep their backs flat are the most likely to avoid pain with a fifth reporting they have never suffered back or neck aches in their lives. Tim Hutchful, a member of the British Chiropractic Association said, “Rather than worrying about being an ‘apple’ or an ‘hourglass’ , we want people to think about what they look like from the side. The perfect posture should give you a side-on appearance with your ears, shoulders, hips, knees and ankles in line. ” People who want to improve their back and neck pain symptoms through a better posture should try imagining they have a plumb line (铅垂线) hanging straight from their ears to ankles —with everything in the middle sitting on the same line. One way to do this is to try standing in a relaxed way and then gently pressing together the abdominal muscles (腹肌).

1. Which posture holds the greatest risk of back pain?
A.“Spoon”.B.“Bridge”.C.“Leaning tower”.D.“Flat back”.
2. What should people care about if they want to avoid back pain?
A.Their exercise.B.Their body shape.
C.Their daily diet.D.Their side-on appearance.
3. What does Tim Hutchful recommend?
A.Having an “hourglass” shape.B.Keeping a “flat back” posture.
C.Building abdominal muscles.D.Hanging a plumb line from one’s ear.
4. From the text we can infer that ________.
A.previously people blame body shape for back pain
B.we should lean slightly forward to avoid back pain
C.a “bridge” holds less risk of back pain than a “spoon”
D.your side-on appearance determines your body shape
2017-04-21更新 | 75次组卷 | 1卷引用:2016-2017学年河北省定州市第二中学高二下学期第一次(3月)月考英语试卷
阅读理解-七选五(约210词) | 适中(0.65) |

9 . Easy Ways to Keep Your Brain Sharp

Everyone is forgetful, but as we age, we start to feel like our brains are slowing down a bit- -and that can be a very annoying thing.     1    Read on for some techniques worth trying.

1.     2    

People who regularly made plans and looked forward to upcoming events had a 50 percent reduced chance of Alzheimer’s disease (早老性痴呆症),according to a recent study.     3    Something as simple as setting a goal to have a weekly coffee date with a friend will do. There’s evidence that people who have a purpose in life or who are working on long or short-term goals appear to do better. In other words, keep your brain looking forward.

2. Go for a walk.

Mildly raised glucose (葡萄糖) levels can harm the area of the brain that helps you form memories and physical activity can help get blood glucose down to normal levels. In fact, exercise produces chemicals that are good for your brain.     4    

3. Learn something new.

Take a Spanish class online, join a drawing club, or learn to play cards. A study found that mental stimulation (刺激) limits the weakening effects of aging on memory and the mind. But the best thing for your brain is when you learn something new and are physically active at the same time.     5    Or go dancing with your friends.

A.Focus on the future.
B.This can be especially harmful to the aged.
C.It should be something like learning gardening.
D.So take a few minutes each day to do some reading.
E.But don’t worry if your schedule isn’t filled with life changing events.
F.Luckily, research shows there is a lot you can do to avoid those moments
G.In other words, when you take care of your body, you take care of your brain.
2016-11-26更新 | 1414次组卷 | 37卷引用:2013-2014学年河北正定中学高二下学期第一次月考英语卷
共计 平均难度:一般