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1 . Directions: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.

Stressed out? Get chewing: can a wellness rebrand make Americans buy gum again?

When was the last time you saw someone chewing gum? 1998, maybe? 2007? Chances are, it probably wasn’t recently. Like high heels and affordable housing, chewing gum appears to be going     1    

Gum’s popularity has been fading globally thanks to increased competition from products like breath mints and mobile phones distracting us from impulse purchases while shopping. The pandemic, moreover,     2    ·accelerated gum’s decline.

Even after people     3     from lockdown, sales didn’t recover. Gum sales worldwide in 2023 were 10% below 2018 figures. In the US, the drop has been particularly pronounced: last year 1.2 billion units of gum were sold in the US, 32% fewer than in 2018.

However, chewing gum, in various forms, is one of the oldest habits there is. Stone age teenagers were chewing birch bar k tar possibly for pleasure, medicinal purposes, or to use it as a glue. Gum has also been loaded with cultural meaning and the subject of various     4     panics. Some people believe it is a marker of the bad kids or a habit of the lower class.

Despite a certain amount of social stigma(污名) attached to gum, it has - until relatively recently -been a wildly successful product. That’s thanks to William Wrigley Jr, who was a marketing and advertising genius. Wrigley always     5     to find a way to make gum relevant and insert it into consumer culture. For example, Wrigley advertised the idea that chewing gum was a health aid that would help digestion and would relieve stress.

This year the Wrigley brand’s owner —Mars— came out with an ad campaign it hopes will revive gum’s     6     by positioning it as an almost instant stress reliever. Linking gum with wellness worked in the 1910s, but is it going to work now? Alex Hayes at the food consultancy is     7     optimistic. “The global well ness market is estimated to be worth more than $1.5 trillion, so it’s no surprise that Mars wants a piece of the pie,” Hayes says. “We’ve seen the success of categories such as tea promoting their products via functional     8       and messaging-teas for good sleep, mental clarity, stress relief, etc. So it comes as no surprise that Mars is risking the same     9     .” But he also notes, customers are increasingly worried about processed foods and are eager to move away from artificial     10    . There’s still ongoing discussion on just how effective repositioning chewable plastic as a health supplement is going to be.

7日内更新 | 8次组卷 | 1卷引用:上海中学2023-2024学年高一下学期期中考试英语试题
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2 . Tiredness May Lead to Snacking

Staying up late doing homework is always tiring. Perhaps when we are tired, we feel the need to eat unhealthy snack food. Recently scientists have been investigating tiredness and snack food.

According to a study in the Journal of Neuroscience, people are more likely to crave snacks when they don’t get enough sleep.

For the study, researchers from University of Cologne in Germany gave the same dinner to 32 healthy men aged between 19 and 33. Half of the men were then sent home to bed, and the other half were kept aware in the laboratory all night.

The next morning, the participants were asked to consider how much they would be willing to pay for snack food items shown to them in pictures.

According to the researchers, all were similarly hungry in the morning, and had similar levels of most hormones and blood sugar.

However, brain scans showed that when the sleep-deprived participants looked at the pictures of junk food, they released more of the “hunger hormone”. This is the hormone responsible for increasing the appetite, and making us consume more.

Asked about how much they would pay for snacks, “participants with sleep deprivation were more willing to overspend on food items than those with a good night’s sleep,” researchers said.

Researchers also observed that among the people who hadn’t slept, there was greater activity in the part of the brain where food rewards are processed.

Scientists think that sleep-deprived people experience changes to the hunger hormone and the brain’s reward system that leads to a stronger desire to eat snacks with high fat and calories.

“This brings us a little closer to understanding the mechanism behind how sleep deprivation changes food valuation,” Professor Jan Peters, a co-author of the study from the University of Cologne, told The Independent.

Kill the craving

Listen to some soft music to relieve your tiredness.

Do some slight exercise for a short time when you’re tired.

Eat yogurt or fruits to replace snacks with high fat and calories.

Distance yourself from the craving.

1. People are more likely to crave snacks if they don’t get enough sleep because they ______.
A.have high levels of most hormones and blood sugar
B.release more of the “hunger hormone”, making them consumer more
C.are extremely hungry in the morning
D.are attracted by the snack food items in the pictures
2. Which of the statements is NOT TRUE according to the passage?
A.Hunger hormone can increase people’s appetite and let them eat more food.
B.Participants without sleep deprivation may spend less on food items.
C.The brain’s reward system will lead to craving snack food.
D.Greater activity will appear in certain part of the brain among those who sleep well.
3. Which of the following way is most likely to help you kill the craving?
A.Listening to Rock & Roll.B.Walking out for while.
C.Ordering a McDonald’s Big Mac.D.Drinking black coffee.
2024-05-18更新 | 54次组卷 | 1卷引用:上海市七宝中学2023-2024学年高一下学期期中英语试题
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3 . Studies have shown that when people’s mental health improves, they’re more likely to _________ in their relationships and careers — and adopt healthier habits. People become more productive, find meaning in everyday experiences and are more equipped to cope with changes and obstacles when they feel mentally well. Here are four New Year’s resolutions experts expect people to make _________ mental health.

Rethink your social media use

Reflect on whether you’d like to continue with the same online habits in 2024, says Nedra Glover Tawwab, a therapist. “Do you want to set some _________ for yourself? Are there people you need to _________?” “For example, you might limit yourself to 15 minutes on social media per day, delete the most _________ apps from your phone during the workweek, or challenge yourself not to check social media when you’re feeling gloomy.

Reconnect with a long-lost friend

“Make new friends, but keep the old” is an adage (格言) for a reason. Loneliness affects physical and mental health while _________ social bonds are a slave. Resolve to reach out to “one person you lost touch with who used to be _________ to you,” Winch says. He recommends opening with a text like this: “I was thinking about you. It’s been so long. How are you?” _________ the message with a smiley face, he adds. “That’s important because when you say, ‘It’s been so long’, it can sound accusing.” A smiley face, Winch says, can ensure the _______ meaning — “I miss you” — comes across.

Plan four activities each week

The “core four” help guard against life’s stressors. First, do something __________, like attending a football game or belting out a Taylor Swift album. Having fun “__________ the stress by helping you accumulate more positive events than negative ones,” says Calvin Fitch, a clinical health psychologist. Then check off a “mastery activity”, like cleaning or running errands. Also important are being __________— a sense of belonging facilitates better health — and doing physical activities that get your heart rate going.

Do something to relieve climate anxiety

If you’re __________ about the state of the planet — and more of us are — worrying won’t help. Instead, take a cue from Winch’s family: each year, they decide to do one thing to __________ their climate anxiety, like eliminating plastic bags, composting food scraps, or walking 15 minutes to nearby destinations instead of driving. “It’s overwhelming — I feel like I can’t get my arms around it,” he says. “But doing one small thing is a way of feeling like you’re __________ your goal.”

A.in memory ofB.in the name ofC.with the aid ofD.with the exception of
2024-05-14更新 | 40次组卷 | 1卷引用:上海市长征中学2023-2024学年高二下学期期中考试英语试卷
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4 . (You may read the questions first.)

Interested in learning simple moves which can lead to a less stressed-out you? Join our eight-week course of training Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction. Below is a brief introduction of our four strategies to build the ability to recover from stress.

Body Scan

For many of us, work can be so mentally exhausting that it’s possible to forget that we have an entire body attached to our head. The body-scan meditation is a chance to help you tune in to the tiny pains that we often don’t even notice. It can last anywhere from one to 20 minutes, and it’s easy to do while lying in bed. Here’s how to do it: lie down or sit still in a chair with your eyes closed, and begin to sense every part of the body in turn, starting at your toes and traveling up from there. It’s a good way for us to release tension we don’t even realize we’re experiencing.

Gentle Yoga

Mindfulness isn’t all closed eyes and a statue-still position. Stretching, too, can be meditation. Mindful movement is also a way to pay attention. The point isn’t to twist into a complex body position, but to better understand the body’s limits and potential. Cycle through slow, gentle poses, like placing a knee to your chest while lying on your back, or a simple cat-cow (pictured) on all fours. Before you start, set aside at few minutes to calm down and focus on your breath. And once you’re done, spend a few moments lying flat on your back with your muscles relaxed.

Breathing Exercise

Simply breathing while paying attention to the breath is the heart of any mindfulness practice. The goal isn’t to clear the mind but to let thoughts pass like clouds without getting sucked into what they might mean. Rather than identifying with a thought or getting caught up in it, the participant notices the thought and then says goodbye to it. That way, people can have a little bit more freedom in how to respond to internal stimuli like their thoughts. To cultivate awareness of the breath, find a relaxed seat and notice—without thinking about it or trying to change it—how you breathe in and out. Build up to a 15-to-20-minute practice.

Walking Meditation

Walking is a good framework for practicing mindfulness. (Ideally, this should be done without the pressure of having to get anywhere on a particular schedule.) Find a quiet place inside or outdoors to take your stroll. While you walk, focus on each small, slow step: the lifting of one foot, the heel-first transfer of weight, the shift to the other. Every time your foot hits the ground, bring your attention to your breath and the feelings in your body. Walking meditation is more manageable than, say, sitting still in the dark, and it can also alleviate pain in the process. Try to practice mindful walking, at any pace, for 10 to 30 minutes.

1. Gentle Yoga and Breathing Exercise are similar in that both of them __________.
A.involve stretching bodies considerably
B.call for controlling people’s breath
C.empty pressure from mind temporarily
D.help people reduce body movement
2. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true?
A.People can do their walking meditation at their own pace
B.Doing body scan can let go of the unnoticed tension.
C.Before doing gentle yoga, people need to lie down and relax muscles.
D.Breathing exercise requires people to breathe in a usual way
3. Chris is a student who tends to overthink everything and prefers to stay still, so practising __________ fits her most.
A.Body scanB.Gentle yoga
C.Breathing exerciseD.Walking meditation
4. Which of the following can be inferred from the passage?
A.Warming up activity is required before doing these exercises.
B.These exercises are better functioned when done indoors.
C.The more time you spend on the exercises, the better result you get.
D.Your body keeps in a motionless state when doing body scan.
2024-05-06更新 | 59次组卷 | 1卷引用:上海市七宝中学2023-2024学年高二下学期期中考试英语试卷
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5 . Health in space

Astronaut Frank Rubiales has returned to Earth after 371 days in space.     1       Unlucky for him, but very lucky for scientists who want to see what effects spending an extended time in space has on the human body.

Being in space can affect physical wellbeing.     2     Astronauts are recommended 150 minutes of exercise per day to counteract this. Also, space traveller’s eyes can be affected by the way that fluids act in zero-gravity. Outside the protection of the Earth’s atmosphere, astronauts are exposed to much higher levels and different forms of solar radiation. This can potentially cause long-term health problems, such as cancer.

It’s not just physical health that is affected by being in space. Our mental health can be damaged if we don’t get enough sleep. On earth, our bodies respond through circadian rhythms (昼夜节奏) to the Sun rising and setting to help us sleep, but astronauts on board the International Space Station see 16 sunsets and sunrises every day. This means that avoiding sleep deprivation is a challenge. Isolation, and spending all your time with a small group of people can also affect mental health. Along with isolation, is the pressure that comes from being constantly monitored by experts back on Earth. With possible future missions to Mars predicted to last three years, tensions within the crew could become heightened.     3    

Developing new techniques and technology to support astronauts’ health will enable more ambitious future missions.     4     The Canadian Space Agency is using its expertise to improve health care for people living in remote regions. The technology that supports robots used in space is now being used in surgery in normal hospitals, while pressure suits are being used to treat post-pregnancy complications.

A.Astronaut Harry Hartfield reports an example of this where a colleague threatened to open the airlock and drain the oxygen from the spacecraft.
B.The sacrifices of astronauts contributed to a giant leap in space exploration.
C.It can also help those of us who are staying on Earth.
D.Weightlessness caused by a lack of gravity can lead to a loss of bone and muscle mass.
E.The missions do great harm to both physical and mental health of astronauts.
F.It was only supposed to be 180, but a technical fault stopped him from returning as planned.
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6 . Directions: Read the following passage. Summarize in no more than 60 words the main idea of the passage and how it is illustrated. Use your own words as far as possible.

Why Socks Help You Sleep Better

If you’re one of those people who has trouble falling asleep, listen up. You might fall asleep 15 minutes earlier and wake up far less during the night if you put on a pair of socks at bedtime.

To understand why you first need to grasp the relationship between core body temperature and sleep. During daylight hours, the human body hums along at an average temperature of 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit (37 degrees Celsius). But at night, your core body temperature dips as much as 2 degrees Fahrenheit (1.2 degrees Celsius) over the course of six or seven hours of sleep.

This gradual decrease in core body temperature, as it turns out, is a key part of the complicated neurobiological (神经生物学) dance of falling asleep and staying asleep. And the faster you can lower the core body temperature, the faster you will fall asleep. Researchers have show that warming the feet before going to sleep using a warm feet bath or by wearing socks promotes vasodilation (血管扩张), which in turn lowers the body’s core temperature faster than going to sleep with cold, bare feet.

Scientists suppose that socked feet have a neurological effect as well. Inside the brain’s “thermostat (恒湿器)” is a type of neuron called a warm-sensitive neuron (WSN) that increases its firing rate when there’s a temperature difference between the body’s core temperature and extremities like the feet. Research has shown that WSN firing rates go way up on the beginning or slow wave or deep sleep and gradually decrease prior to waking up. So WSNs may play a role in generating the sensation of sleepiness that helps us fall asleep and stay asleep. And if that is the case, warming up the feet before bed time gives WSNs an extra power.

In a small study, researchers found that wearing a pair of special sleeping socks not only sped up the beginning of sleep, but increased overall sleep time by an average of 30 minutes and cut nighttime waking periods in half.

If you are worried about becoming too warm while wearing socks in bed, look for ones made of natural breathable fibers.

2024-05-05更新 | 54次组卷 | 1卷引用:上海市七宝中学2023-2024学年高二下学期期中考试英语试卷
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7 . Directions: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.
A. concentrating       B. constantly       C. contrary       D. deliciously       E. healing
F. originates       G. peaceful       H. reduction       I. sort       J. specializes       K. thorough

Enjoying Your Life’s Pauses

Each country has its own secret to happiness. If “pyt”, which closely means “don’t worry about it and stuff happens”, explains a relaxed attitude of Danish people, “niksen” will reveal how Dutch people fight stress and burnout in a fast-paced lifestyle.

The term “Niksen”     1     from the Dutch word “niks”, which refers to “nothing”. Mindfulness, another welcome subject to help people have a     2     mind. But unlike mindfulness, niksen is not about     3     on the present moment. It’s about letting yourself do nothing, and allowing your mind to run free without expectation.

In practice, this means “hanging around, looking at your surroundings, or listening to music as long as it’s without purpose,” according to Time Magazine.

Niksen sounds     4     to the advice we were all given as kids. Nowadays, we’re     5     told to stay busy and work harder than everyone else. But niksen opposes that mentality. It offers the chance to“    6     do nothing”, as Carolien Hamming, a coach at CSR Centrum, an organization devoted to fighting stress and burnout in the Netherlands, told Time. She thinks that niksen is essential to staying healthy, since it’s a form of mental relaxation and     7    . Just as a wild animal lies in wait for their prey, niksen seems to be a natural state of being.

For some people, niksen can mean more than just stress     8    . It’s also a means to imagine new ideas or plans. Jenny Holden, a communications expert in the UK, adds it to her daily lunch breaks. “Within 10 minutes of doing nothing-just staring and listening to myself -my head began to clear and     9     out my work and home to-do lists,” she told the Metro UK.

Above all, niksen is a suggestion for balancing work and rest. As Dutch-born writer Ogla Mecking wrote in US-based Whoolly Magazine, niksen is the “    10     enjoyment of life’s pauses”. Everyone is encouraged to embrace your niksen moments.

2024-05-05更新 | 30次组卷 | 1卷引用:上海市敬业中学2023-2024学年高二下学期期中考试英语试题

8 . “Working long hours poses an occupational health risk that kills hundreds of thousands of people each year,” the World Health Organization says.

People working 55 or more hours each week face a(n) _________ 35% higher risk of a stroke and a 17% higher risk of dying from heart disease, _________ to people following the widely accepted standard of working 35 to 40 hours in a week, the WHO says in a study that was published in the journal Environmental International.

“No job is _________ the risk of a stroke or heart disease,” WHO Director — General Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said, _________ governments, businesses and workers to find ways to protect workers’ health.

The global study, which the WHO calls the first of its kind, found that in 2016, 488 million people were _________ to the risks of working long hours. In all, more than 745,000 people died that year from overwork that resulted in stroke and heart disease, according to the WHO.

“Between 2000 and 2016, the number of deaths from heart disease _________ working long hours increased by 42%, and from stroke by 19%,” the WHO said as it announced the study, which it conducted with the International Labour Organization.

The study found the highest health _________ from overwork in men and in workers who are middle-aged or older. Regionally, people in Southeast Asia and the Western Pacific region had the _________ exposure to the risk. People in Europe had the lowest exposure. In the US, less than 5% of the population is exposed to long working hours, according to a map the WHO published with the study. That proportion is _________ to Brazil and Canada — and much lower than Mexico and in countries across most of Central and South America.

Several steps could help __________ the burden on the workers, the study states, including governments’ adopting and enforcing __________ standards on working time. The authors also say employers should be more flexible in scheduling, and to __________ their employees on a maximum number of working hours. In another step, the study __________ workers arrange to share hours, so no one is working 55 or more hours in a week.

To compile (编写) the report, researchers reviewed and __________ dozens of studies on heart disease and stroke. They then estimated workers’ health risks based on data drawn from a number of sources, __________ more than 2,300 surveys on working hours that were conducted in 154 countries from the 1970s through 2018.

A.calling inB.calling upC.calling onD.calling at
A.instead ofB.resulted inC.due toD.lead to
A.agree onB.agree toC.agree upD.agree with
2023-12-10更新 | 65次组卷 | 1卷引用:上海市东华大学附属奉贤致远中学2023-2024学年高一上学期期中考试英语试题
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9 . Directions: Complete the following passages by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.
A. celebrate       B. overlooked       C. circumstances       D. cast       E. incredibly
F. factors       G. unspoken        H. swim       I. strongly       J. normal       K. assume

Self-Silencing Is Making Women Sick

In the late 1980s, Harvard-trained psychologist Dana Jack identified a recurring theme among female patients suffering from depression: a tendency to self-silence, defined as “the tendency to engage in uncontrollable caretaking, pleasing the other, and restriction of self-expression in relationships in an attempt to achieve intimacy and meet relational needs.” He found that this learned behavior,     1     rooted in gender norms, was linked to an increased risk of depression.

Since then, considerable evidence has revealed that female self-silencing isn’t just tied to psychological issues like depression and eating disorders, but also to physical illness. Most worryingly, it has also been linked to higher risk of premature death. This was true even when     2     such as age, blood pressure, and smoking were taken into account.

When women push their feelings down and     3     their needs aside, their health suffers. But it can be difficult for women to do otherwise in cultures that     4     these self-silencing practices. Moms are praised for being painstakingly selfless to the point of self-sacrifice. These     5     standards establish a vicious (恶性的) cycle. For many women, it feels easier—beneficial, even—to silence their needs at the expense of their own health, rather than     6     against the prevailing cultural current.

In his best-selling book, The Myth of Normal, physician and author Gabor Mate writes that many of our society’s most “normalized ways of being” are, in fact,     7     toxic. “That ‘not listening to self’ in order to prioritize others’ needs is a significant source of the health-impairing roles women     8    ,” Mate explains. “It is among the medically     9     but extremely harmful ways in which our society’s ‘normal’ imposes a major health cost on women.”

To reshape the virtues of womanhood, a new “    10    ” needs to emerge—one in which we honor our emotions, prioritize our needs, and actively communicate our boundaries. Such a shift requires change on both the individual and societal level, and will by no means be easy. But it’s certainly worth it—after all, women’s lives depend on it.

2023-11-20更新 | 235次组卷 | 1卷引用:上海交通大学附属中学2023-2024学年高三上学期期中英语试题
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10 . As a volunteer, John Apollos is losing weight - the old-fashioned way - by eating less. Apollos has lowered his daily caloric intake 25% over the past eight months. The fat, not surprisingly, has melted away. But that’s not the real reason Apollos and the other participants in the program are eating only three-quarters of what they used to. The researchers are trying to determine whether restricting food intake can slow the ageing process and extend our life span. “I feel better and lighter and healthier,” says Apollos. “But if it could help you live longer, that would be pretty amazing.”

The idea is counterintuitive: If we eat to live, how can starving ourselves add years to our lives? Yet decades of calorie-restriction studies involving organisms ranging from microscopic yeast to rats have shown just that. Last July a long-term study led by researchers at the University of Wisconsin, found that calorie restriction seemed to extend the lives of humanlike rhesus monkeys (恒河猴) as well. The hungry monkeys suffered from diabetes, heart and brain disease and cancer much less frequently than their well-fed fellows did.

Scientists have suspected that calorie restriction could extend the life span of animals since at least1935, when researchers at Cornell University noticed that severely food-restricted lab rats lived twice as long as normal ones and were healthier. Other investigators began exploring the idea and learned that the secret is not merely a matter of body weight.

One theory is that a state of slight hunger acts as a mild but constant stressor that makes an organism stronger and more resistant to the ills of ageing. Taking in fewer calories also slows metabolism (新陈代谢), and some data indicate that humans with a slower metabolism live longer. But even if these theories are correct, simply defining the mechanism is not the same as identifying the molecular pathways behind it. If researchers could determine those pathways, they might be able to pharmacologically mimic (模仿) the effect of calorie restriction. That could be the ultimate benefit of the CALORIE study. “Calorie restriction is pretty much the only thing out there that we know will not just prevent disease but also extend maximal lifespan,” says Dr. Marc Hellerstein, a nutritionist at the University of California.

1. The purpose of keeping diet for John Apollos and other participants is to ________.
A.lose weight in order to keep slim
B.prove how long people can survive if they lack food
C.prove if eating less food can extend life span and keep young
D.just keep a good mood and live a healthier life
2. What’s the meaning of “counterintuitive” (Line 1, Para. 2)?
3. From Dr. Marc Hellerstein’s words at the end of the passage, we can infer that ________.
A.people who are thin can survive longer than those who aren’t
B.effective calorie restriction makes us healthier and live longer
C.keeping diet cannot help people keep fit or live longer
D.a state of hunger is beneficial for our health
4. What is the main idea of this passage?
A.People should be slim in order to live longer.
B.Keeping calorie restriction effectively makes one live longer.
C.Eating too much is really harmful to our health.
D.People should form a good diet habit in daily life.
2023-11-15更新 | 68次组卷 | 1卷引用:上海市延安中学2023-2024学年高一上学期期中英语试卷
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