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1 . We usually divide a year into four seasons. However, in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) theory, there are five seasons — spring, summer, late summer, fall, and winter. Each of the five has many features which guide us to change our habits to keep the balance between our body and the external environment.

Winter in TCM

The ancient Chinese believed that winter is the Yin “阴” season in nature.     1     So, winter is the time of year to reflect on health, save strength and regain energy, preparing ourselves for the start of new life in the spring. Different aspects of our lives like exercise, diet and emotions can influence our health and, therefore, our well-being in winter.


In TCM theory, winter is a season to feed ourselves both spiritually and physically. Activities in the season have a turn inwards. For example, we can do more writing, reading and other soul-nourishing (滋养灵魂的) activities. Although energetic exercise should be avoided, it’s important to keep our body healthy with gentle exercise, especially outdoor activities, in which we can get fresh air and sunlight. In addition, we should also go to bed earlier to save more energy.     3    

Foods for winter

The principle of harmony between what we eat and the season is based on hundreds of years of experience in TCM. It suggests that we embrace locally-grown and seasonable foods, which is the way nature intends us to eat. During the winter, there are many foods beneficial to us.     4     — pumpkins, potatoes, root vegetables, winter greens, carrots, cabbage, mushrooms, and pears. Besides, hot soup, whole grains and roasted nuts also offer nourishment to feed the body in cold winter months. But always remember, moderation in all things is important.

Moods in winter

According to TCM theory, stress, depression and unresolved anger can also weaken our immune system, allowing external factors to affect our body in winter.     5     Meditation (冥想) and breathing techniques are particularly helpful, especially in relieving stress. TCM also offers a variety of treatments such as massage (按摩) and herbal formulas to manage our moods.

A.Activities in winter
B.Exercises in winter
C.Most of them naturally grow in this season
D.It is inactive, cold and dark, which makes us slow down.
E.If you exercise properly in winter, you can enjoy yourself.
F.Everyone can enjoy winter if they live and exercise appropriately.
G.So, keeping a good mood is especially important in this cold season.
语法填空-短文语填 | 适中(0.65) |
2 . 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式(不多于3个词)。

As the weather warms up and spring ingredients(食材)become available, chefs in Beijing are experimenting with fresh and flavorful dishes     1     (particular) with tender and flavorful spring bamboo shoots(竹笋).

Beijing restaurant Xin Ming Yuen greets spring     2     warming soups. The eight seasonal soups     3     (select) by chef Li Xiang in response to the vibrant(充满生机的)and relaxing nature that spring brings. The double-boiled turtle soup with Chinese herbs and pigeon is     4     standout. In this soup, cordyceps flowers(虫草花),     5     are neither cold nor dry to the body, are simmered with pigeon and turtle to produce a golden soup with a lingering flavor.

Xunchu Jitang,a restaurant from Jiangsu and Zhejiang province, will update both     6     (it) menu and environment this spring. Fried shepherd’s purse with spring bamboo shoots, a     7     (combine) of freshness, is the must try. Fried broad bean with garlic is another signature as the broad bean is one of the most popular beans     8     (produce) in spring time.

Modern Yunnan cuisine restaurant Ban Shan Yao from Under Clouds is bringing the spring of Yunnan to the capital. The spring menu, themed “wildness”,     9     (feature) bulb fennel(茴香)salad, preserved pork with bamboo shoots and fried red beans with mint. The new dish is worthy of     10     (try) as it blended with a black truffle sauce from Yunnan.

2023-05-06更新 | 76次组卷 | 1卷引用:河北省石家庄第二十七中2022-2023学年高一年级第二学期期中考试英语试题
语法填空-短文语填 | 较难(0.4) |
3 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

There is a day considered special by people     1     observe solar (太阳的) movement of the sun in many countries of the world. On its eve, in England, people go to Stonehenge     2     (welcome) the rise of the sun. In Latvia, people travel from the cities to the country- side to gather, eat and sing. Chinese people attach equal     3     (important) to this day,   known as the Summer Solstice (夏至), or xiazhi in Chinese.

It is the     4     (long) day of a year in terms of daylight. After the Summer Solstice, the subsolar point begins its moving south, and daytime     5     (gradual) shortens. Though people believe it is at the height of summer, xiazhi is not the hottest time of a year. After xiazhi, the temperature will continue to increase.

While in modern China, xiazhi is simply known as one of the solar     6     (term), in ancient times it was a major festival. In the Song Dynasty, the festival     7     (offer) officials a holiday of three days. A grand sacrificial (祭奠) ceremony was also held on the Summer Solstice during the Ming and Qing dynasties.

According to Guo Wenbin, a scholar of traditional culture, many customs from the ancient Summer Solstice festival     8     (be) now celebrated as part of events. “We often believe boat race was created     9     memory of Qu Yuan. But it is said that before the death of Qu, Chinese people had already had boat race as an event of Summer Solstice festival,” says Guo. Since the Summer Solstice is often a time when people harvest wheat,     10     is a tradition to eat noodles in many places.

2022-07-24更新 | 289次组卷 | 2卷引用:河北省保定市部分高中学校2021-2022学年高一下学期7月份考试英语试题
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