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题型:阅读理解-七选五 难度:0.65 引用次数:89 题号:21239639

We usually divide a year into four seasons. However, in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) theory, there are five seasons — spring, summer, late summer, fall, and winter. Each of the five has many features which guide us to change our habits to keep the balance between our body and the external environment.

Winter in TCM

The ancient Chinese believed that winter is the Yin “阴” season in nature.     1     So, winter is the time of year to reflect on health, save strength and regain energy, preparing ourselves for the start of new life in the spring. Different aspects of our lives like exercise, diet and emotions can influence our health and, therefore, our well-being in winter.


In TCM theory, winter is a season to feed ourselves both spiritually and physically. Activities in the season have a turn inwards. For example, we can do more writing, reading and other soul-nourishing (滋养灵魂的) activities. Although energetic exercise should be avoided, it’s important to keep our body healthy with gentle exercise, especially outdoor activities, in which we can get fresh air and sunlight. In addition, we should also go to bed earlier to save more energy.     3    

Foods for winter

The principle of harmony between what we eat and the season is based on hundreds of years of experience in TCM. It suggests that we embrace locally-grown and seasonable foods, which is the way nature intends us to eat. During the winter, there are many foods beneficial to us.     4     — pumpkins, potatoes, root vegetables, winter greens, carrots, cabbage, mushrooms, and pears. Besides, hot soup, whole grains and roasted nuts also offer nourishment to feed the body in cold winter months. But always remember, moderation in all things is important.

Moods in winter

According to TCM theory, stress, depression and unresolved anger can also weaken our immune system, allowing external factors to affect our body in winter.     5     Meditation (冥想) and breathing techniques are particularly helpful, especially in relieving stress. TCM also offers a variety of treatments such as massage (按摩) and herbal formulas to manage our moods.

A.Activities in winter
B.Exercises in winter
C.Most of them naturally grow in this season
D.It is inactive, cold and dark, which makes us slow down.
E.If you exercise properly in winter, you can enjoy yourself.
F.Everyone can enjoy winter if they live and exercise appropriately.
G.So, keeping a good mood is especially important in this cold season.
【知识点】 方法/策略 季节


阅读理解-七选五 | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Being a teenager can sometimes mean struggling with identity, lacking discipline, and even having low self-esteem. If you are the parent of a teen then you might be familiar with repeated responses “Whatever” and “I don’t care”.     1     By using the following strategies, you can assist your teens in developing motivation.

Give them the freedom to Set Their Own Goals

    2     Make sure teenagers set their own goals rather than those determined by others. It is helpful to ask questions such as “Why did you choose this goal?” It is also helpful to teach the components that make a goal decisive.


Your teenagers are watching you and modeling their behavior after you, consciously or unconsciously. If you find it difficult to motivate yourself, your teens might have a hard time changing their behavior. Your teens will be more likely to develop these qualities if they observe that you are hardworking, responsible, and disciplined.

Encourage healthy lifestyles

The value of a good night’s sleep cannot be underestimated when it comes to motivating teenagers.     4     You should help your teen develop a routine that provides enough time for rest. It’s also essential to eat right and exercise. Teenagers can increase self-control and cope with stress by adopting healthy habits.

Be patient with teenagers

It’s already safe to say if you have a teenager, you know being patient is the only answer that works. Most teenagers are on edge, and if you push them even a little bit, they will burst out and send you to ground zero.     5    

A.Be a good example for your teen
B.Help your kids get their good qualities
C.Sometimes they can be so unmotivated.
D.Self-determination is essential for teenagers.
E.It is schools that should exercise more discipline.
F.Exhaustion makes motivation difficult for anyone.
G.Don’t rush it and let them figure it out themselves.
2023-05-24更新 | 70次组卷
阅读理解-六选四 | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】News From The

World of Medicine

The balance challenge

Can you stand on one leg for ten seconds? This question could help doctors assess the overall health of their middle-aged and older patients, argues a Brazilian-led study published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine.     1     During a follow-up period of seven years, the researchers drew the above conclusion after accounting for basic factors like age and sex.

Besides causing falls, poor balance can also signal underlying medical issues, such as declining eyesight or nerve damage caused by diabetes (糖尿病). Much like grasp strength and walking speed, balancing ability doesn’t tell the whole story of your health, but it’s a useful clue.

Don’t remove skin tags and moles yourself.

Two of the most common types of skin spots among adults are dark spots known as moles and the growths known as skin tags.     2    

In some places, mole- and skin-tag removal kits are sold for home use.     3     US FDA recently issued a warning about these kits after receiving reports about consumers who had injured themselves. You’re better off visiting a dermatologist, who are experts in treating skin diseases. Plus, they can perform the all-important screening for skin cancer.


Researchers from New Zealand recommend a 60-kilogram person consume 110 milligrams of vitamin C per day through a balanced diet, while someone weighing 90 kilograms needs 140 milligrams. That is to say, when taking vitamin C, it’s best to take your weight into account. Eating foods like oranges—which contain on average 70 milligrams of vitamin C each—can really help.

A.Tailor Vitamin C intake to your weight.
B.The subjects who couldn’t perform this had a higher risk of death.
C.Vitamin C supplements are always safe and effective for everyone.
D.Regular exercise can improve your balance and reduce the risk of falls.
E.Both are harmless and don’t require treatment unless their appearance is an issue.
F.But these products can contain a large amount of salicylic acid (水杨酸) and could leave you with permanent scars.
2023-04-14更新 | 134次组卷
阅读理解-七选五 | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Cellphones and Friends

Have you ever spent time with friends who ignored you because they were busy on their cellphones? Do you ever feel that your friends are distracted by their cellphones to the point of not hearing what you say in person? Or are you the one who pays more attention to a text conversation than a face-to-face interaction? The act of chatting on cellphones and ignoring friends is now called “phubbing”. Having your cellphone with you is necessary, because you need to deal with possible emergencies.     1     Here are some suggestions.

Put your cellphone on silent when you are with friends.     2     If you’re worried about missing an important message, you can set your cellphone to vibrate mode and check it momentarily before giving the person you are with your full attention.

Be considerate. Isn’t it annoying if your close friend constantly checks the cellphone and ignores your heartfelt words? You don’t want to feel like someone who isn’t physically there is more important than you, and neither do others.     3    

    4     This allows you to better digest your food. Also, engaging in face-to-face conversations with your loved ones will make the dining experience a lot more pleasant.

Don’t use your cellphone at a wedding.     5     You’ re invited because they want you to witness the precious moment in their lives, so respect them by being present physically, mentally, and emotionally.

A.Speak slowly and clearly.
B.Put your cellphone aside while eating.
C.Therefore, treat others as you prefer to be treated.
D.After all, you never know when there might be an emergency.
E.Make sure you give your undivided attention to the bride and groom.
F.This makes you stay entirely focused on the face-to- face interactions.
G.However, it’s also important to have proper manners on a social occasion.
2022-07-18更新 | 151次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般