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1 . A forest in Staffordshire (in the UK) transformed into a hi-tech laboratory. Researchers here are investigating how the trees use carbon, and it’s difficult to find out. In an unusual experiment, extra carbon dioxide is piped to the trees, to create the kind of atmospheric conditions expected in the middle of the century. And instruments measure how the forest reacts.       

The scientist in charge says there’s still a lot to learn. And he worries that governments and companies are rushing to plant trees as an easy answer to climate change. “If you try and use trees to tidy up the mess that we’re making through emissions, you are putting those trees into a very rapidly changing climate and they will struggle to adapt,” said Professor Rob MacKenzie, University of Birmingham.

This device tracks the movement of carbon dioxide. In a healthy forest, the gas is not only absorbed by the trees but some is released as well. What scientists here are finding out is the way carbon flows into a forest and out of it is a lot more complicated than you might think. So, if mass tree planting is meant to be a solution to tackling climate change, the trees are going to have to be monitored and cared for, over not just decades, but may be centuries as well.

Of all the challenges, the task of planting is the simplest. Shelby Barber from Canada can do an amazing 4,000 trees in a day. “People talking about planting millions billions of trees around the world. Is it possible do you think, physically?” asked BBC.

“It’s definitely possible with the right amount of people, the right group of people. I’ve personally, in three years, planted just over half a million trees.” said Professor Rob MacKenzie.

Once planted, the trees need to survive, and experts are mixing different types to minimize the risk of disease. “It’s a bit like making sure you don’t put all your eggs in one basket, you’re spreading out your risk. And then if one part of that woodland fails, for whatever reason, it gets a disease or it can’t tolerate future climatic conditions, there are other parts of the forest that are healthy and able to fill in those gaps.” said Eleanor Tew of Forestry England.

Suddenly there’s momentum to plant trees on a scale never seen before. So what matters is doing it in a way that ensures the forests thrive — so they really do help with climate change.

1. Why is extra carbon dioxide piped to the trees in the experiment?
A.To predict the future atmospheric conditions.
B.To imitate the possible air condition in the future.
C.To create an instrument to measure atmospheric conditions.
D.To investigate the quality of air condition in the future.
2. The underlined word “some” in the second paragraph refers to __________.
A.oxygenB.carbon dioxideC.messD.purified gas
3. What will Eleanor Tew suggest concerning the survival of the forest?
A.Minimizing the area of the woodland.
B.Studying future climatic conditions.
C.Planting different types of trees.
D.Avoiding mixing different species.
4. Which statement concerning mass tree planting will Professor Rob Mackenzie mostly likely agree with?
A.It should be advocated in terms of efficiency and convenience.
B.It is the most effective solution to fighting climate changes.
C.It will do more harm than good to the health of the environment.
D.It needs to be studied further as a measure against climate change.
2024-04-17更新 | 102次组卷 | 2卷引用:2024市上海市杨浦区高三下学期二模英语试题
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2 . The water off the coast of northwest Greenland is a glass-like calm, but the puddles (水坑) on the region’s icebergs are a sign that a transformation is underway higher on the ice sheet.

Several days of unusually warm weather in northern Greenland have caused rapid melting, made visible by the rivers of meltwater rushing into the ocean. Temperatures have been running around 60 degrees Fahrenheit — 10 degrees warmer than normal for this time of year, scientists said.

The amount of ice that melted in Greenland between July 15 and 17 this year alone — 6 billion tons of water per day — would be enough to fill 7.2 million Olympic-sized swimming pools, according to data from the US National Snow and Ice Data Center.

Each summer, scientists worry that they will see a repeat of the record melting that occurred in 2019, when 532 billion tons of ice flowed out into the sea. An unexpectedly hot spring and a July heat wave that year caused almost the entire ice sheet’s surface to melt. Global sea level rose permanently by 1.5 millimeters as a result.

Greenland holds enough ice — if it all melted — to lift sea level by 7.5 meters around the world. The latest research points to a more and more threatening situation on the Northern Hemisphere’s iciest island.

Unprecedented (史无前例的)” rates of melting have been observed at the bottom of the Greenland ice sheet, a study published in February found, caused by huge quantities of meltwater flowing down from the surface. This water is particularly concerning because it can destabilize the sheet above it and could lead to a massive, rapid loss of ice.

And in 2020, scientists found that Greenland’s ice sheet had melted beyond the point of no return. The rate of melting in recent years exceeds anything Greenland has experienced in the last 12,000 years, another study found — and enough to cause measurable change in the gravitational field over Greenland.

At the East Greenland Ice-core Project — or EastGRIP — research camp in northwest Greenland, the work of scientists to understand the impact of climate change is being affected by climate change itself.

Aslak Grinsted, a climate scientist at the University of Copenhagen’s Niels Bohr Institute, said that they have been trying to get flights into the camp but the warmth is destabilizing the landing site.

Before human-caused climate change kicked in, temperatures near 32 degrees Fahrenheit there were unheard of. But since the 1980s, this region has warmed by around 1.5 degrees Fahrenheit per decade — four times faster than the global pace — making it all the more likely that temperatures will cross the melting point.

1. The passage is mainly written to ________.
A.alert people to the rapid melting of Greenland’s ice sheet
B.arouse people’s awareness of protecting the environment
C.inform people of the large amount of ice Greenland holds
D.reveal to people the cause and effect of the rise in sea level
2. What does “a transformation” in the first paragraph refer to?
A.Climate change.B.A rise in sea level.
C.Global warming.D.The melting of ice.
3. What can be learned about the ice that melted in 2019?
A.It repeated a record melting of the ice sheet several years ago.
B.Its amount was the largest ever and lifted sea level permanently.
C.It was enough to fill 7.2 million Olympic-sized swimming pools.
D.Its melting rate was so rapid as to result in an unexpectedly hot spring.
4. It is implied in the passage that ________.
A.climate change is a result of human activities
B.the study of climate change is being made easier
C.the melting of Greenland’s ice sheet is reversible
D.temperatures increase 1.5°F or so each decade globally
2022-12-15更新 | 334次组卷 | 3卷引用:2023届上海市崇明区高三上学期一模英语试卷(含听力)
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3 . As Climate Changes, Global Inequality Worsens

Scientists have long predicted that warmer temperatures caused by climate change will have the biggest impact on the world’s poorest, most vulnerable people. New research now indicates that this has already happened over the last several decades.

A study published this May in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences found that in most poor countries, higher temperatures are more than 90% likely to have resulted in decreased economic output, compared to a world without global warming. Meanwhile, the effect has been less dramatic in wealthier nations - with some even potentially benefiting from higher temperatures.

“We’re not arguing that global warming created inequality,” says Noah S. Diffenbaugh, the author of the study and professor at Stanford University who studies climate change. But “global warming has put a drag on improvement.” The countries most likely to have lost out economically as a result of warmer temperatures have done the least to contribute to the problem, he adds.

Higher temperatures affect economic output in a variety of ways. For example, labor productivity decreases with extreme heat, crops produce lower yields and cognitive functioning declines.

The new study builds on past research, including a landmark report released last fall from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the UN’s climate science body. The report showed that if global temperatures rise more than 1.5℃ by 2099, poor countries will likely face critical challenges, including the destruction of entire communities and millions of premature deaths.

Climate policymakers have tried for years to address the problem of the poorest countries facing the worst effects of rising temperatures. These countries were not generally responsible for global warming. Early attempts at addressing climate change internationally included different expectations for emissions reduction based on each country’s level of development. Poorest countries received more leeway (自由行事的空间) while the richest were set stricter targets.

But in some ways, that approach backfired (起反效果), especially in the U. S. It helped feed the popular narrative that Washington is overpaying for climate change mitigation, while poorer countries are away with doing less. That conservative viewpoint has done some damage. Hardline distinctions between carbon reduction targets for rich and poor countries have been softened in recent years, in favor of a lighter version of what climate change policymakers refer to as “common but differentiated responsibilities.” That principle suggests that richer countries should bear a greater burden in addressing climate change, but remains vague about what that means for concrete policy.

Many of the world’s developing countries have cried foul. “This problem is created somewhere else,” Abdur Rouf Taiukder, Bangladesh’s Finance Scretary, told TIME in a recent interview. “We are spending more on adaptation because we have to live.”

1. Which of the following statement is true about the study published in May?
A.It warned the world about a speedup in global warming.
B.It explained a wider wealth gap between poor and rich countries.
C.It predicted a future where wealthy countries will benefit from climate change.
D.It pointed out that climate change has already caused the least developed countries to suffer.
2. Climate change affects a country’s economy in all of the following ways EXCEPT that it _________.
A.leads to extreme heat that has disastrous effects on agricultural output
B.results in higher temperatures which cause workers to be less productive
C.causes people to become less efficient in learning and other intellectual activities
D.is the direct cause of unbalanced development of the most and least developed countries
3. The underlined word “mitigation” in paragraph 7 probably means _________.
4. We can infer from the article that _________.
A.climate policymakers from developed countries have reached an agreement on how to address climate change.
B.many Americans are against the uneven division of the responsibility for addressing climate change among countries
C.there has been a lack of clarity in whether the poorest countries should share any of the burdens that climate change has put on the world
D.the less developed countries in the world have refused to spend any money in dealing with climate change
2022-09-29更新 | 51次组卷 | 1卷引用:上海市实验学校2020-2021学年高三上学期9月练习英语试卷
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4 . At Cleveland Bridge, in Bath, a long line of traffic is building up. Although the Georgian structure was praised for its handsome Greek Revival style by Nikolaus Pevsner, an architectural master, it was built for horses, not cars. Repairs will close the bridge for several months, causing bigger jams and more pollution in a city where air quality is already a cause of concern.

Bath is an extreme example of a tradeoff faced by much of the country. Britain has the oldest housing stock in Europe, with one in five homes more than 100 years old. Period features are prized and often protected by law. Yet as efforts to cut carbon emissions intensify, they are clashing with attempts to preserve heritage. It is a “delicate balance” says Wera Hobhouse, Bath’s MP “What is the public benefit of dealing with the climate emergency, versus protecting a heritage asset?”

Two years ago, Bath was among the first British cities to declare a “climate emergency” when it also promised to go carbon-neutral by 2030. Yet Bath also wants-and is legally required to preserve its heritage. With Roman remains and Georgian streets that spread across the Avon Valley in shades of honey and butter, the city is designated a world heritage site by UNESCO. About 60% of it is further protected by the government as a conservation area, more than 5.000 of Bath’s buildings-nearly 10% of the total-are listed as being of special architectural or historical interest, making it a criminal offence to alter them without permission.

Many of the features that make Bath’s Georgian buildings so delicate also make them leaky. Buildings of traditional construction make up 30% of Bath’s housing stock but account for 40% of domestic carbon emissions, according to the Centre for Sustainable Energy, a charity. British homes are rated for energy efficiency on a scale from A to G; most traditional buildings in the city are an F or G.

Transport is another area where climate and heritage clash. Bath’s 17t-century streets lack room for bike lanes. Joanna Wright was recently booted out of her role as Bath’s climate chief after proposing that North Road, which leads to the university, should be closed to traffic. In two years she was unable to install any on-street electric-vehicle charging points, partly because of the “nightmare" of getting permission to dig up old pavements.

All this means going carbon neutral by 2030 looks hard, but the city is at least beginning to make compromises. In March it launched the first “clean-air zone” outside London, charging drivers to enter central Bath. A trial has made 160 electric motoreycles available to hire. And local opinion seems to be shifting in favour of sustainability. “The discussion has moved dramatically towards considering the climate emergency,” says Ms. Hobhouse.

1. What problem does Bath face?
A.It is getting more and more crowded due to the repairs that are under way.
B.Its historical significance makes it hard to reform it into an eco-friendly city.
C.It refuses to admit that the climate emergency is already a cause of concern.
D.Its promise to go carbon-neutral by 2030 wins no support from the city residents.
2. The percentage mentioned in the underlined sentence (paragraph 4) is intended to _________.
A.question the validity of the A-G scale
B.highlight the long history of Bath’s buildings
C.emphasize the buildings are not energy efficient
D.illustrate the features that Bath’s buildings share
3. It can be inferred from paragraph 5 that Joanna Wright _________.
A.failed to perform her duties well
B.managed to dig up some old pavements
C.succeeded in building bike lanes in Bath
D.removed charging points from Bath’s streets
4. What can be inferred from the passage?
A.Wera Hobhouse doesn’t care much about the public benefit.
B.Traditional buildings in Bath are not accessible to tourists now.
C.Local people in Bath used to favour heritage over sustainability.
D.Bath has been leading the way in constructing a carbon-neutral city.
2022-07-05更新 | 373次组卷 | 1卷引用:上海市曹杨第二中学2021-2022学年高二下学期总结性评价(期末)英语试题
阅读理解-六选四(约240词) | 较难(0.4) |
文章大意:这是一篇新闻稿。文章主要讲述寒潮Beast from the East席卷英国。

5 . Beast from the East Causes Chaos

Anyone expecting the arrival of spring was bitterly disappointed last week, as freezing temperatures and disruptive (破坏性的)snow swept across the UK.     1     The Beast from the East is a wintry storm caused by a major weather   event   in   the   North Pole.     2     Because it was weakened, cold air from Siberia, in Russia, swept in over Europe, bringing with it low temperatures and snowstorms. From 26 February, people around the country endured temperatures as low as-12 ℃ and some areas were told to expect as much as 20 centimetres of snowfall.

    3     It was the first red snow alert ever to be issued in the UK. At least 2,000 schools in England were forced to close. Zoos around the country also shut in order to keep the animals safe and warm. Supermarkets reported queues of people waiting to stock up on supplies. A spokesperson for the Co-op supermarket said it was usual to see sales increase in extreme weather. “People stock up, ready to stay indoors,” he said.

Normally, most people would be expecting to see signs of spring blossoming in the first week of March. Incredibly, in spite of the cold weather and official warnings, spring has actually sprung in Cornwall. The head gardeners of six major gardens in the county have reported blooms on their magnolia trees--a sign that the season is changing-even if it doesn’t feel like it.     4    

A.A red weather warning--the most extreme-was issued as conditions became dangerous.
B.It was all thanks to the so-called Beast from the East.
C.There is further heavy snow forecast overnight for the north east and eastern parts of England and isolated showers elsewhere.
D.For everyone else, however, the Beast from the East means winter won't be loosening its grip for at least a few days yet.
E.Hundreds of trains and dozens of flights were cancelled as London’s transport services were thrown into total confusion.
F.There, a rise in air temperature weakened the jet stream (喷射气流), which is a band of strong wind that moves weather around the planet.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约480词) | 较难(0.4) |

6 . For millions of years, Arctic sea ice has expanded and shrunk in a rhythmic dance with the summer sun. Humans evolved in this icy world, and civilization relied on it for climatic, ecological and political stability. But now the world comes ever closer to a future without ice. The National Snow and Ice Data Center reported that 2019’s minimum arctic sea ice extent was the second lowest on record. Arctic summers could become mostly ice-free in 30 years, and possibly sooner if current trends continue. As the northern sea ice declines, the world must unite to preserve what remains of the Arctic.

Although most people have never seen the sea ice, its effects are never far away. By reflecting sunlight, Arctic ice acts as Earth’s air conditioner. Once dark water replaces brilliant ice, Earth could warm substantially, equivalent to the warming caused by the additional release of a trillion tons of carbon dioxide (CO2) into the atmosphere and declining sea ice threatens wildlife, from the polar bear to algae that grow beneath the sea ice, supporting the large amount of marine life.

To avoid the consequences the scientific community should advocate not just for lowering greenhouse gas emissions, but also for protecting the Arctic from exploitation. The Antarctic shows the way. In the 1950s, countries raced to claim the Antarctic continent for resources and military installations. Enter the scientists. The 1957-1958 International Geophysical Year brought together scientists from competing countries to study Antarctica, and countries temporarily suspended their territorial disputes (争议). In 1959, 12 countries signed the Antarctic Treaty to preserve the continent for peaceful scientific discovery rather than territorial and military gain.

Sixty years later, we must now save the Arctic. A new Marine Arctic Peace Sanctuary (MAPS) Treaty would protect the Arctic Ocean as a scientific preserve for peaceful purposes only. Similar to Antarctica, MAPS would prohibit resource exploitation, commercial fishing and shipping, and military exercises. So far, only 2 non-Arctic countries have signed MAPS; 97 more need to sign on to enact it into law. Scientists can help—just as they did for the Antarctic—by giving statements of support, asking scientific organizations to endorse (支持) the treaty, communicating the importance of protecting the arctic to the public and policy-makers, and above all, by convincing national leaders to sign the treaty. In particular, Arctic nations must agree that recognizing the arctic as an international preserve is better than fighting over it. In 2018, these countries successfully negotiated a 16-year moratorium on commercial fishing in the Arctic high seas, demonstrating that such agreements are possible.

Humans have only ever lived in a world topped by ice. Can we now work together to protect Arctic ecosystems, keep the northern peace, and allow the sea ice to return?

1. What can be inferred from the passage?
A.wildlife relies on sea ice for food and water.
B.The Arctic would be ice-free in 30 years.
C.Sea ice slows down the global warming.
D.The melting of sea ice releases CO2.
2. The Antarctic is mentioned in the passage in order to ________.
A.remind readers of the past of the Antarctic
B.propose a feasible approach for the Arctic
C.stress the importance of preserving sea ice
D.recall how the Antarctic Treaty came into being
3. The word “moratorium” (in paragraph 4) is closest in meaning to ________.
4. Which of the following might be the best title of the passage?
A.Antarctic: a Successful Comeback?B.Sea Ice and Global Warming
C.Arctic: the Earth’s FutureD.Life Without Ice?
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