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1 . There is a kind of woman in the world who has the ability to accomplish the difficult challenges of their own life and to inspire others to achieve great things. They’re strong and independent, wise and successful, talented and brave, and can teach all of us a lot.

Still Alice

In this film, we can catch a glimpse of a family’s relationships, fears, concerns and struggles. The film’s main character Alice, aged 50, copes bravely with Alzheimer’s disease: she’s the perfect example of an iron-willed woman.

Julianne Moore’s amazing performance adds extra charm to this character.

Erin Brockovich

The film is about Erin Brockovich, a strong yet easily-hurt woman, but ordinary weakness is not allowed in her situation. She may not be a genius, but her persistence and concern for others allow her to achieve the impossible: a victory over a powerful and major corporation that is literally poisoning people.

When you are about to give up on something, simply watch this movie for motivation.

The Devil Wears Prada

As assistant to impossibly demanding New York fashion magazine editor Miranda Priestly, young Andy Sachs has landed a job that “a million girls would die for.” Unfortunately, her heaven-sent appointment as Miranda’s assistant just might be the death of her!

There’s a very classic line in the film: Let me know when your whole life goes up in smoke. That means it’s time for a promotion.

Mona Lisa Smile

This movie teaches you about dignity, courage and persistence, and the central theme is learning to have a mind of your own.

Katherine Watson is a recent UCLA graduate hired to teach art history at the all-female Wellesley College, in 1953. Determined to face up to the outdated customs of society, Katherine inspires her traditional students to challenge the lives they are expected to lead.

1. Which film would you recommend to your grandmother if she were seriously ill?
A.Erin Brockovich.B.Still Alice.C.Mona Lisa Smile.D.The Devil Wears Prada.
2. What does the film Erin Brockovich convey?
A.Never ever compromise.B.Many hands make light work.
C.Cross the bridge when you come to it.D.Don’t put the cart before the horse.
3. What do the four films have in common?
A.Winning a number of film awards.B.Singing high praise for great women.
C.Naming all these films after women.D.Fighting for women’s social status.
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