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1 . A music column by New Music Friday is from https: //www.npr.org, sharing the best albums released every Friday. Readers can enjoy and download the album’s title track online. The column is well enjoyed by the music explorers. Here are some recent hits.

The best releases out Sept. 30

By Stephen Thompson, Keanna Faircloth, Bob Boilen, Tarik Moody

It’s been five years since Björk last released an album, but now the Icelandic icon (偶像) is back with a deeply inventive set called Fossora. Every sound on the record feels as if it’s springing into the mix from a different direction, as her energetic voice shares space with everything from bass clarinets (低音单簧管) to the voices of Björk’s own creation. Fossora was inspired, at least in part, by the death of the singer’s mother, but joy also exists.

The best releases out Sept. 16

By Cyrena Touros, Christina Lee, Tarik Moody, Stephen Thompson

The superstar K-pop girl group BLACKPINK is one of the biggest pop juggernauts in the world, with billions of streams and massive world tours to its name. Born Pink, its second full-length album, promises to further promote BLACKPINK’s domination of the U.S. charts.

The best releases out Sept. 9

By Christina Lee, Ann Powers, Stephen Thompson, Cyrena Touros

Ari Lennox experienced a huge breakthrough with 2019’s much-loved Shea Butter Baby, but her new album age/sex/location promises to be even bigger. She’s been trying many her singles for many months now, and even dropped a five-song EP last Friday, but the album is finally here. It somehow sounds modern even if it recreates the most unforgettable R&B sounds of the’90s and early’00s.

1. Why is Björk’s mother mentioned?
A.She gave Björk an energetic voice.
B.She helped Björk to record the new album.
C.Her death gave Björk some inventive ideas.
D.Her leaving delayed the release of Fossora.
2. What do we know about Ari Lennox’s new album?
A.It is made up of five songs.
B.It is adapted from Shea Butter Baby.
C.It is intended for single music-lovers.
D.It is trying to make another breakthrough.
3. Who has worked on all the three new albums?
A.Stephen Thompson.B.Tarik Moody.
C.Christina Lee.D.Ann Powers.
书信写作-建议信 | 较易(0.85) |
2 . 假定你是李华。你的美国朋友David来信说,他想在当地的“汉语桥(Chinese Bridge)”节目中演唱一首汉语励志歌曲,特向你征求建议。请你写一封回信,内容包括:
Dear David,

I’m glad to receive your letter asking for my advice on what to choose as a Chinese song.



Li Hua

语法填空-短文语填 | 适中(0.65) |
3 . 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。

Music is one of the most    1    (power) things in my life. Listening to music can help to motivate me in trying time. When younger, I    2    (have) no great love for music as I do now. I mainly listened to the music    3    my parents were playing. Whether I was in the car, the house,    4    anywhere else, there was sure to be some Beatles, or Buddy Holly constantly playing in the background. Now as I am older, I enjoy it for the reason that it allows me to remember my childhood.

I believe music has the power    5    (express) all sorts of emotions. The song “A Little Bit Longer” Jonas Brothers is    6    an emotional and inspiring song that when hear it, I always come close to    7    (drop) down tears, especially when I watch it being played live. The effect (that music can have    8    our emotions is great, as it can bring people to floods of tears or bursts of    9    (laugh).

I believe music affects people in many ways. To me, music is    10    (extreme) important in my life.

2021-02-13更新 | 340次组卷 | 8卷引用:广东省梅州市2020-2021学年高一下学期6月竞赛英语试题
阅读理解-任务型阅读 | 较易(0.85) |
4 . Complete the summary of the passage above with no more than two words for each blank according to the passage.根据短文内容完成摘要。每空不超过两个词。

Had you ever felt a sudden rush of joy because a favorite song came on the radio? Then you know that music can have a strong effect on your emotions.“You should try to take this power of music. It can help you beat a bad mood or maintain in a good one," says Alicia Ann Clair, a professor a the University of Kansas.“Music can also help you relax and feel rejuvenated (有精神的).”

To cheer up, listen to pop music or anything with a fast rhythm ( 节奏). When you want to relax after a busy day, music with a slower rhythm can calm you down.“Listen to calming music before you start stressful activities," advises Dr. Clair. “Once you are in a good state of mind, it's easier to maintain. And to reduce stress at work, put on relaxing tunes(曲调) only when you really need them. If you listen to them   all day long, you'll stop noticing them," Dr. Clair explains.“Then the music won't have any effect.”

You can change your mood by switching from one kind of music to another. To feel energetic, start with something peaceful and relaxing, and then increase the speed and beat. For example, play some nice slow songs,and then listen to something more energetic. Again, when you want to calm down after a busy week at work, just do the opposite.

Some scientists believe that music can affect the way you behave. For example, loud, fast music makes you eat faster. People usually chew (咀嚼) their food faster when the music gets faster. And it is a fact that students learn better when they are relaxed.


Music can have a strong effect on people's     1    . It can help them to have a good mood or feel relaxed and rejuvenated. For example, people can change the mood by     2    from one kind of music to another.Listening to music with a fast rhythm can make people     3     , and music with a slower rhythm can calm them down after a busy day. Some scientists believe that music can also affect     4    people behave. For example, loud, fast music makes them eat faster. And it is a fact that students     5    when they are relaxed.

2020-11-12更新 | 111次组卷 | 1卷引用:2020年全国中学生英语能力竞赛高一初赛模拟试题

5 . An expert on the effects of music on exercise, Dr Costas Karageorghis, claims that listening to music while running can boost performance by up to 15%. To put this theory to the test, I took part in a special Rock ‘n’ Roll half marathon, which had groups of musicians playing at various points along the route.

As I lined up at the start with almost 4,000 other runners, a singer sang an inspiring song for us. It may explain why I got off to a good start. I only came eighth in the end, though, even though I’d just spent six months training hard.     1     However, it turns out that all the training may have affected my response to the music; according to the research, the benefits of listening to music decrease with the level of intensity of the running.

“Elite athletes,” says Karageorghis, “tend to focus inwardly when they are running.” According to him, most other runners look for stimulus and distractions from what is going on around them. “Judging by your time,” he says, “you are one of the former.” It is true. Apart from the song at the start, when I was standing still, I can barely remember the music played along the course. The first act I passed, a folk group, made me smile, and at one point I found myself running in time to the beat of some hard rock.     2     I can’t say they help my performance very much. But what did other runners make of the music?

Adam Bull usually runs marathons with no music and little crowd support. “    3    With the upbeat bands, you find yourself running to the beat, which helps. It brings out people to cheer you on.” Rosie Bradford was also a convert. “As we ran past one band and they started playing These Boots Were Made for Walking, everybody suddenly went faster.”

The only person I found who was less than happy with the music was Lois Lloyd. “There wasn’t enough of it, and I found it wasn’t loud enough, so I ran with an MP3 player,” she said. “    4    ” Karageorghis is not surprised when I tell him. “There are many advantages to using your own player, rather than relying on the music on the course,” he says. “It gives you a constant stimulus, rather than just an occasional one, and you can tailor the playlist to your taste.”

One runner told me there was a direct correlation between the quality of the music on the course and how much it helped. But quality, of course, is subjective. I remember feeling annoyed as I ran past one band playing Keeping On Running.     5    Of course, the music was not only there to help runners break their personal bests (although sadly it was unable to help me beat time), but to provide a sense of occasion, draw out the crowds and create a carnival atmosphere.     6     As I left, people were beginning to relax after the run, listening to an excellent rock band. It was a fitting way to end the day.

A.I need my music all the time.
B.I think they knew why I found the music here so distracting.
C.I enjoyed that for a few moments, but both of them came and went in a flash.
D.Along with some spring sunshine, it certainly achieved that.
E.Someone else, though, may have found it uplifting.
F.I was, in fact, taking my running pretty seriously at that time.
G.The music here has been great for my performance.
2020-08-19更新 | 57次组卷 | 1卷引用:2016年上外杯-初赛英语试题
完形填空(约380词) | 较难(0.4) |

6 . Many high achievers credit music with opening up the pathways to creative thinking. And their _______ suggest that music training sharpens other qualities, such as collaboration, the ability to listen, and a way of thinking that weaves together _______.

Will your school music program turn your kid into a Paul Allen, the billionaire co-founder of Microsoft (guitar)? Or a Woody Allen (clarinet)? _______. These are singular achievers. But the way these and other visionaries process music is _______. As is the way many of them _______ music’s lessons of focus and discipline to new ways of thinking and communicating—even problem solving.

Look carefully and you’ll find musicians at the top of almost any _______. Woody Allen performs weekly with a jazz band. The television broadcaster Paula Zahn (cello) and the NBC chief White House correspondent Chuck Todd (French horn) attended college on music scholarships. Microsoft’s Mr. Allen has a rock band. Larry Page, a co-founder of Google, played saxophone in high school. Steven Spielberg is a clarinetist and son of a pianist. The former World Bank president James D. Wolfensohn has played cello at Carnegie Hall.

“It’s not a(n) _______,” says Alan Greenspan, former chairman of the U.S. Federal Reserve. Mr. Greenspan was a professional clarinet and saxophone player. “I can tell you as a statistician, the probability that that is mere chance is _______.” The cautious former Fed chief adds, “That’s all that you can judge about the facts. The crucial question is: why does that _______ exist?”

Paul Allen offers an answer. He says music “reinforces your confidence in the ability to ________.” Mr. Allen began playing the violin at age seven and switched to the guitar as a teenager. Even in the early days of Microsoft, he would pick up his guitar at the end of marathon days of programming. The music was the emotional analog to his ________, with each channeling a different type of creative impulse. ________, there is “something pushing you to ________ what currently exists and express yourself in a new way,” he says.

The veteran advertising executive Steve Hayden ________ his background as a cellist for his most famous work, the Apple “1984” commercial depicting rebellion against a dictator. He adds that his cello performance background helps him work ________: “Ensemble playing trains you, quite literally, to play well with others, to know when to solo and when to follow.”

A.Probably notB.You betC.It dependsD.Very likely
A.extremely lowB.unusually highC.incredibly mysteriousD.highly relevant
A.projectB.pastimeC.addictionD.day job
A.In bothB.On the other handC.By contrastD.For example
A.go overB.look beyondC.stick withD.give in to
改错-短文改错 | 适中(0.65) |
7 . 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。
增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧), 并在其下写出该加的词。
删除: 把多余的词用斜线(\)划掉。
修改: 在错的词下划一横线, 并在该词下面写出修改后的词。
注意: 1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2.只允许修改10处, 多者(从第11处起)不计分。

Music plays a important role in my life and listen to music is my favorite activity. Usually I preferred to express my feeling through music, and I like pop music best. I don’t like rock music because of I think it’s too noisily. When I am tired after studying or when I am nervous before exams, music helps me feel relaxing and fresh. I am not good at singing or I can play the piano and the violin. In addition, I am fond of listening to foreign song in order to learn more about the cultures of different countries as well learning about the world better. Music makes your life more colorful.

2017-06-23更新 | 184次组卷 | 1卷引用:辽宁省瓦房店市高级中学2016-2017学年高一6月基础知识竞赛英语试题
改错-短文改错 | 较难(0.4) |
8 . 假如英语课上老师要求同学们交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的作文。文中共有十处语言错误,要求你在错误的地方增加、删除或修改某个词。
I like music very much, pop songs particularly. Every evening then I am doing homework and at weekends when I at home, I always play some of my favorite songs on my tape recorder. The familiar patterns of notes attracts me into the colourfully world of music. Now and then I stopped to follow the songs. Sometimes, my mother comes in, asking me to fix my attention to my homework. She does not like the pop music. Like most grown-ups, she enjoys folk songs, because the peaceful music reminds her of their beautiful life when she was young. It is a truth which people of different age understand music differently and enjoy different kinds of music.
2016-11-26更新 | 1165次组卷 | 1卷引用:2011-2012学年浙江省北仑中学高一奖学金考试英语试题
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