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Jim stared at the ground and sighed in disappointment. Players from the opposing team raced past Jim, celebrating their shocking victory. They’d scored the game-winning goal just seconds before the end of the game.

“Just one word to describe a loss like that,” Jim mumbled to his teammate Devin.

“Terrible!” Devin sighed. “It was a tough one.” He trotted (小步快跑) toward the middle of the field to shake hands with the winning team. Jim walked slowly behind Devin. He unhappily slapped hands with the winners, then stopped to shut his eyes as the autumn air cooled his sweaty face.

“Terrible,” he repeated to himself as he sat on the bench and pulled his jacket on. “Let’s get some hot chocolate and watch the next game,” Devin said. There were eight teams in the YMCA league, so games would go on all morning. “Sorry. I’m heading home,” Jim said, “I’ve had enough soccer for today.”

As he reached the gate, Jim glanced back to see the next two teams take the field. They were jumping and shouting, excited to play. “That was us a little while ago, before we were discouraged.” Jim thought.

So why we lost the game at last? Jim asked himself. How did such a well-played game end up with such a terrible result? It was still clear in his head: Jim had the ball deep on the Jets’ side of the field, looking for Devin or another teammate to pass to. His team had outplayed the Jets for most of the game, but failed within the last seconds.

Jim let out a deep breath. The morning was growing warmer. Perfect for soccer. Jim looked back toward the field. He couldn’t see it, but he could hear the excited voices as the game continued.

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With a car’s horn beeping, Jim’s friends Tara and Bryan jumped out of the car.


There came the turn for Tara and Bryan’s team to play the game.

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I had always dreamed of winning the school marathon. Ever since I joined the running team in freshman year, I had trained hard to improve my speed. I knew it wouldn’t be easy. There were many strong runners in my grade, and some of them had more experience and skills than me.

The day of the race finally came. I was nervous but excited. I put on my running shoes and headed to the starting line. I saw my competitors, some of them looking confident, some of them looking worried. I tried to relax myself and pay attention to my own running. The coach gave us some last-minute advice and encouragement. He told us to do our best and not give up.

The whistle (哨子) blew and we were off. I rushed ahead, trying to get a good position. I felt the wind in my face. I heard the cheers of the crowd (人群) and the footsteps of the other runners. I kept running, pushing myself to do my best.

After running for a while, I realized that I was in the lead. I couldn’t believe it. I had never been in this situation before. But then I also felt a sense of fear. What if I couldn’t keep it up? What if someone caught up with me? What if I fell?

I tried to shake off these negative thoughts and pay attention to the finish line. But it was getting harder and harder. My legs were burning and my heart was pounding. I thought that I had lost the race. I thought that I had let myself down and everyone who supported me. I felt like giving up.

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But then the reason for running in the first place came to mind.
2023-11-30更新 | 34次组卷 | 1卷引用:山东省临沂市莒南县2023-2024学年高一上学期期中考试英语试题
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Jonathan’s mother died when he was very young and his father brought him up. Both of them shared a very special relationship. Football was not just a game for Jonathan; it was a bond between him and his father. Every match, regardless of whether he played or not, his father would be there, a constant source of firm support.

Though his size prevented him from joining the main team, Jonathan’s determination burned brighter than ever. With each practice, he improved his skills, fueled by the belief that someday his perseverance would pay off. Despite the doubts cast upon him, he pushed forward, never allowing anything to make his passion disappear.

One day, as the sun cast long shadows on the field, the coach approached Jonathan with a telegram (电报) in hand. The weight of the message pressed heavily on the young man’s heart as he read the words that forever changed his world. He swallowed hard and his voice shook as he turned to the coach.

“My father... he died this morning,” Jonathan uttered, his voice filled with sorrow. His body trembled with the weight of his sadness, threatening to consume him. Tears flooded his eyes, rolling down his cheeks.

The coach, understanding Jonathan’s loss, enveloped him in a comforting embrace. The warmth of his arm around Jonathan’s shoulder provided a temporary comfort. Softly, the coach spoke words of relief and understanding, giving Jonathan the time and space he needed to process his overwhelming sorrow.

“Take the rest of the week off, son,” the coach said gently, his voice filled with sympathy. “And don’t even plan to come to the game on Saturday. Your well-being matters more than anything.”

On the day of the game, Jonathan’s college team was losing badly to the opponent team. The coach and the players had all lost hope when they saw Jonathan coming towards them. Jonathan ran up to the coach and begged him to allow him to play this match.

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At first, the coach wouldn’t allow him to play.


After the match, the coach found Jonathan in the corner of the locker room.

2023-06-06更新 | 307次组卷 | 3卷引用:2023届山东省济南市山东师范大学附属中学高三下学期6月模拟英语试题
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Reuben sat on the bench during gym class, daydreaming. As his classmates fought comparatively up and down the basketball court, he was imagining a different game — one in which a group of colorful bricks turned around quickly and side-stepped and dunked (扣篮). At the center of this spinning circle he could see a giant basketball… made out of Lego bricks(乐高积木).

A few weeks earlier, he had built exactly that kind of huge Lego basketball. It was for a city-wide art contest that everyone was excited about: the prize was a $100 check for the student artist and a visit to the winner’s school by the world-famous basketball team — The Lakers. Since he had submitted his entry, Reuben kept dreaming about his creation, imagining it would show his classmates how good he was. at something!

Reuben was caught up in his basketball ballet, imagining the bricks move closer ... and closer ..Suddenly, a sharp whistle abruptly interrupted his thoughts, followed by an urgent shout from the teacher: “Reuben!”

Surprised, he jumped to his feet.

“Where is your attention, young man? I had to call you three times. Now go take Lamar’s place.” “Who, Reuben? He’s too busy building Lego things in his head,” Lamar yelled as their classmates laughed.

Of course Lamar was right. Worse still, Reuben was the tallest boy in his class, and his combination of his height, long arms, and wiry fingers screamed “basketball player”. Therefore, Reuben was expected not just to be good at basketball, he was expected to be great!

But he was neither. Chasing and shooting balls was not his thing. He was clumsy (笨拙的) on the court. He loved to build and design and draw things. Once, he even recreated a mouse trap, making it humane (人性化的).

“Why worry about mice?” mom complained. “They eat our rice!”

“But mice sing to communicate and feel empathy for other mice, Mom. And that some carry seeds to other parts of the environment, which helps things grow!”

“Huh,” his mom said, then frowned and replied, “Even so, mice are no use to no one.” “Mice matter too, Mom!” Reuben replied.

Paragraph 1: Back on the court today, Reuben felt like an oversized mouse himself.
Paragraph 2: Just after the gym class, an excited voice came over the loudspeaker.
2023-05-24更新 | 151次组卷 | 1卷引用:2023届山东省威海市高三5月高考模拟考试(二模)英语试题
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Sweat poured down Marquez’s face. He was preparing for a basketball game and he would win. That was a pretty sure thing. After all, he wasn’t just good; he was excellent.

Basketball was a way of life in Marquez’s family. His older brother Reggie was now playing at a top college. Marquez was ready to follow in his brother’s footsteps and make his family proud. But he had a secret. As good as he was at basketball, Marquez’s heart wasn’t in it anymore. He had another sport on his mind.

Wiping the sweat from his forehead (额头), Marquez jumped on a bus heading home. Through the bus window, he could see cheerleaders dancing and performing amazingly on the field. Marquez was attracted. He pulled out a sheet from his bookbag. Across the top in big block letters was the phrase: Cheerleading Competition (啦啦队比赛). That’s what Marquez really wanted to do. He longed for a new challenge.

Although it is accepted that cheerleading was girly, Marquez knew the meaning of cheerleading for a game. He also knew that cheerleading wouldn’t just be a physical challenge; it would be an emotional one, too.

Now, he knew it was time for him to tell his family.

As soon as he arrived home, his parents and Reggie were at the door. Marquez’s face grew bright as he hugged Reggie. “You’re home?” “Of course, little man. I planned to come to your game. You’re going to be a better player than me!”

Everyone in the family was smiling…except Marquez. His family had such high expectations for him when it came to basketball. But Marquez was tired of trying to keep up with his brother. He was ready to carve his own path. He wanted to tell his parents, but Reggie being there put much more pressure on him.

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However, Marquez knew what had to be done.
Over the next few weeks, his family began to understand and support him for the big event.
2023-03-07更新 | 184次组卷 | 3卷引用:山东省临沂市2022-2023学年高一上学期期末英语试题
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David was a windsurfer, who was serious and hardworking. He dreamed of becoming a city champion of the annual Teenager Windsurfing Race. To achieve it, he barely missed a single game or practice whatever the weather. After months of intense training, the big day finally arrived!

The beach was crowded with the excited audience, including reporters and photographers. The speaker system was announcing the names of the windsurfers, calling them to get ready for the race. And there was David, in a line with other windsurfers, all of them moving nervously up and down on the waves behind an imaginary starting line. They were all fighting for the best position to start and were tense as a result, ignoring the vast sea they were on.

The moment the starter’s signal sounded, David was off, so natural and quick. He pulled hard at his sail to race just ahead of the group. As he picked up speed, gliding (滑行) over the waves, he felt the familiar joy and freedom that windsurfing always gave him. What he loved was simply being out at sea. He could hardly stop himself from shouting out in excitement, rushing to the finishing line for the first.

“Go! David!” The wind carried over a familiar voice. He looked around and spotted his elder sister Jessica on her speedboat upwind of him cheering for him. She waved at David and he nodded his head in acknowledgement, even though he knew she was too far away to see him. Just as he turned away, however, out of the comer of his eye, he saw smoke behind the speedboat, on the shore. Knowing that the smoke could tell him the direction the wind was blowing, he decided to study it for a moment out of habit. Just as he was getting a better sense of how to use the wind to his advantage, he saw it.

Not just the smoke but a big fire!
The other windsurfers were far ahead of him at that time.
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It was cool and bright and just right for running. I was in the first few miles of a 10-mile race through some hills. Birds were singing on the trees. The soft wind was brushing my cheeks. I felt rested and springy. Despite the hills, I thought it was going to be a fine run.

Ahead was Blake, a student from Burke High School. He was running easily, too, moving along efficiently. The pace felt comfortable, so I decided to stay where he was; why bother concentrating on pace when Blake was such a nice pacesetter for me? I would overtake Blake later on when he used up energy.

So I ran closely behind him. The course headed north for five miles, wandered west for a mile, and then turned south again. The race was getting tougher. With three miles to go, it was beginning to be real hard work. My lungs were on fire, and legs felt like stone.

Blake overtook the boy in front of him. Apparently he knew the boy, for they exchanged a few words. Their brief communication worried me. Runners don’t chat during a race unless they feel really good, and Blake plainly was. There was still a noticeable bounce in his steps, but the springiness I had once possessed was gone.

Still, I was close enough to overtake Blake if he was tired, so I didn’t give up hope completely. We were approaching a hill, a mile from the finish line, so whatever happened on the hill would almost certainly determine who crossed it first.

As I moved up the hill, my attention wandered for a few minutes. When I looked up, Blake was moving away, first five yards, then ten, then more. There was no hope of catching Blake.

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Suddenly Blake slowed and sat onto the ground painfully.


A reporter took a picture of this moving scene and posted it online.

共计 平均难度:一般