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阅读理解-七选五 | 适中(0.65) |

1 . Olympic Sports -- then and now

We tend to think of Olympic sports as fixed throughout the history of Olympic competition. But the truth is that, like most things, the Olympic Games are influenced by trends.

    1     In the ancient Greek Games, Olympians competed in pankration---a cross between wrestling and boxing with disturbingly few rules. As useful as it may have been for Greek fighters and as entertaining for watchers, it didn’t make it to the modern Games.

The modern Games have seen a number of events, either for competition or demonstration sports, come and go.     2     It is difficult to picture a modern-day audience enjoying the killing of animals as an Olympic sport. The same Games also had an underwater swimming race. That would have been challenging for watchers.     3     There was a swimming obstacle ( 障 碍 ) race, which sounds more like an interesting event at a school carnival (学校嘉年华) .

Tug-of-war (拔河) was only an Olympic event from 1900 to the 1920 Games which were held in Belgium. It joined club swinging, rope climbing and hot-air ballooning as events which disappeared before long. The ancient Greeks raced horse-drawn chariots (双轮敞篷马车) in their Olympic arena (竞技场) and in the 1908 London Games, motor-boat racing made a brief appearance.     4     However, cycling and sailing are probably the nearest things to them today.

    5     But in fact, ancient Greeks would probably be equally amused by the inclusion of beach volleyball at our modern Games.

A.Neither has lasted.
B.We may laugh at some of these events.
C.The modern Games have a more expansive athletic agenda (计划).
D.They had to try to cheer for Olympians they couldn’t even see.
E.Before the 1970s the Games were officially limited to amateur (业余的) competitors.
F.In the 1900 Paris Games, you could have enjoyed watching live bird shooting.
G.The original Olympic events were based around skills necessary for Greek fighters.
2022-12-24更新 | 89次组卷 | 1卷引用:湖北省武汉市武钢三中2022-2023学年高一上学期12月月考英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中(0.65) |

2 . Share Your Culture Emoji (表情符号) Designers and Win Prizes

Which symbol best represents Chinese culture in your eyes? Is it the panda, kung fu, or the Great Wall? Here’s your chance to decide what emojis best represent Chinese culture! The China Daily Design Contest of Chinese Cultural Symbols is calling for entries from all over the world! No matter the style, share your creative ideas with us! All winning designs will be shared and promoted on the China Daily app, and winning designers will receive prizes! So let your creative juices flow!

● Theme

The emojis should be centered around the subject of Chinese culture, presenting classic or popular cultural images in the form of emojis.

● Who can participate?

Professional designers

Design enthusiasts

Anybody who loves emojis

All nationalities are welcomed

● Awards

First prize: 6,000 yuan, with certificate of honor

Second prize: 3,000 yuan, with certificate of honor

Third prize: 1,000 yuan, with certificate of honor

Most popular award: prize-winner voted by online user

● When to submit?

From now till Nov. 25

Online voting: Nov. 26 to Dec. 7

● Result announcement

End of December

● Requirements

1. Work should be submitted online with required personal information. Maximum of three works can be submitted by each applicant. Only one prize will be awarded to participant even if more than one work by the same designer is selected.

2. Submitted works must be a group, with 8 to 16 emojis in each group. Formats: jpg/png/gif/jpge. Size: 240 x240px. Each picture should not exceed (超过) 100K, and the size of each group should not exceed 1.6M.

3. Work title, designing ideas and cultural meaning should be submitted as required.

● Organizer

China Daily Website

1. Which prize is decided by Internet voting?
A.First prizeB.Second prize
C.Third prizeD.Most popular award
2. When can a participant get the result of the design contest?
A.On Nov. 25B.On Nov. 26
C.On Dec. 7D.at the end of December
3. According to the requirements a participant can submit_________.
A.only one workB.two works at least
C.three works at mostD.as many works as he or she likes
2022-12-23更新 | 42次组卷 | 1卷引用:2019届甘肃省兰州市高三一诊英语试题
语法填空-短文语填 | 适中(0.65) |
3 . 语法填空

Football is the most popular outdoor game all over the world. It is one of the oldest game and is played in many     1     (country).

As a sport    2     helps improve concentration and creates team spirits, football requires a lot of physical     3     (strong). This game started from Italy where there was a village    4     (call) Rugby and according to some sources, the game originated from China.

The game can be used     5     (reduce) stress and can be played by peopleof all ages. The game is played by hitting the ball     6     a foot so it is called football. So far, it     7     (become) a very popular game in many parts of the world. People are     8     (excite) to see their favorite team win.

There are different kinds of football rules known as “Football Codes”. However, the way that football is played is    9     (actual) similar everywhere. It is played by two teams with eleven players in each team and two judges and each game lasts for 90 minutes, with    10     break of 15 minutes. The aim of the players is to score and prevent the opposite team from making a goal.

2022-12-22更新 | 109次组卷 | 1卷引用:福建省南安市华侨中学2022-2023学年高一上学期12月月考英语试题
听力选择题-短对话 | 容易(0.94) |
4 .
A.She didn’t quite enjoy the game.
B.She didn’t sit in a comfortable way.
C.She regretted spending time watching the game.
D.She felt quite excited and nervous while watching.
2022-12-22更新 | 83次组卷 | 1卷引用:上海市浦东新区2022-2023学年高三上学期期末教学质量检测英语试卷(一模)含听力
阅读理解-阅读表达 | 较难(0.4) |
5 . Look at the chart and answer the questions.

Marathon participants in China

1. What key information is shown in this chart?
2. What reasons lie behind the phenomenon?
2022-12-21更新 | 23次组卷 | 1卷引用:外研版2019课后题-必修二
语法填空-短文语填 | 适中(0.65) |
6 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Have you ever dreamed of becoming a diplomat (外交官),     1     (represent) your country and discussing challenges for global development and cooperation?

More than 600 students got     2     taste of this experience at the China Daily 21st Century Model United Nations (MUN) Conference in Suzhou. They discussed topics     3     promote the UN’s 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its 17 goals, including gender     4     (equal) and global partnerships.

“MUN     5     (help) our country develop talented individuals who understand the culture of different countries,” said Xue Yuxue, who attended the 21st Century MUN     6     a lecturer.

This is true for these young “diplomats”. Zhou Siyuan, 16, from Heibei Jizhou Senior Middle School,     7     (name) Best Delegate (杰出代表) at the event. He and his group proposed using the internet     8     (connect) people and institutes all around the world to track crime.

Huang Shuo, from a foreign language school, attended the MUN event in 2021.     9     (experienced) at that time, she feared expressing her ideas.     10     , gradually, as she was meeting more brilliant people in attendance, she became confident.

2022-12-20更新 | 103次组卷 | 1卷引用:江苏省赢在新高考部分学校2022-2023学年高三上学期12月大联考英语试题
语法填空-短文语填 | 适中(0.65) |
7 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

There are two main     1     (set) of Games—the Winter and the Summer Olympics, and both are held every four years on a regular basis. The events for the two Games are different. All the athletes admitted as competitors     2     (house) in a special village. There is as much     3     (compete) among countries to host the Olympics as to win Olympic medals. They have replaced the olive wreath. However, the motto of the Olympics is still the same— “Swifter, Higher and Stronger.”

2022-12-19更新 | 56次组卷 | 1卷引用:福建省厦门市2019-2020学年高一上期期末质量检测英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中(0.65) |
文章大意:本文是记叙文。文章通过讲述运动员Derek Redmond在比赛时腿伤复发,但是他还是坚持冲向了终点线,和登山家Gerlinde Kaltenbrunner在登山时失去了自己的好朋友,但是她还是仍然克服了自己的心理障碍实现了自己的梦想。

8 . Derek Redmond

It was the Olympic Games in Barcelona in 1992; the semi-final of the 400 metres. The sun was shining and the crowd were ready for a great race. The British athlete Derek Redmond was a top runner: he had a very good chance of winning a medal.

The race began. At first, Derek was running well. Then, after about 150 metres, he felt a pain in his leg. He fell down on one knee. He had a bad injury and couldn’t carry on. The other runners went past him and finished the race.

After about five seconds, Derek got up and started to run again, on one leg only. Some organizers tried to stop him but he kept going. The crowd stood up and started to clap. Then another man came onto the track—Derek’s father, Jim. His father put his arm around him and said, “Derek, you don’t have to do this.” Derek replied, Yes, I do. I have to finish.” And so together they walked the last 50 metres and crossed the line.

When he finally crossed the line, Derek was crying and 60, 000 people were cheering him.

Gerlinde Kaltenbrunner

In the summer of 2010, mountaineer Gerlinde Kaltenbrunner was almost at the top of a mountain called K2 in Nepal. She was trying to climb the 8,611-metre mountain for the fifth time and this time she was climbing with her friend Fredrik Ericsson.

It was about 7 o’clock in the morning and it was snowing a little. The two climbers were getting ready to go up the last 400 metres. Fredrik was trying to tie some rope but he slipped and fell past Gerlinde. He fell 1,000 metres and was killed.

____ K2 was now a very sad place for her, and she thought perhaps she would never climb the mountain.

But there was something very important that she wanted to do: K2 is one of 14 mountains in the world that are 8,000 metres or higher, and her dream was to climb them all.

So in August 2011 she went back to Nepal and K2, and tried again. This time, she got to the top. Her dream was complete.

1. What information is mentioned in the first story?
A.The time Derek spent on the race.
B.The person who crossed the line with Derek.
C.The speed Derek ran for the first 150 meters.
D.The names of the runners who went past Derek.
2. Which of the following can be put in “____”?
A.Gerlinde went back to base-camp.
B.Gerlinde went on climbing.
C.Gerlinde tied some rope to the rocks.
D.Gerlinde wanted to try again.
3. What did the two main characters have in common?
A.They both came from Britain.
B.They both failed the 400-metre race.
C.They both had the dream to climb high mountains.
D.They were both brave people who didn’t give up.
4. What does the writer mainly want to tell us?
A.The most important thing is to win the race.
B.When things go wrong, we must stop at once.
C.When we start something, we should try to finish.
D.We shouldn’t start a race if we think we can’t win.
2022-12-19更新 | 32次组卷 | 1卷引用:甘肃省永昌县第一高级中学2022-2023学年高一上学期期中考试英语试题
完形填空(约210词) | 适中(0.65) |

9 . Angela’s amputee(被截肢者) soccer team has inspired a nation still recovering from a 27-year war. Each night; just after the red sun_______into the Atlantic, a constant clicking_______could be heard within the dos Coqueiros Stadium, which came from metal sticks, an indication that training had_______for Angola’s world champion men’s amputee soccer team.

Of the 15 players on the team,12 are amputees due to a landmine._______in sports was considered a way to give amputees an outlet from their_______life.

In 2018, Angola edged out Turkey 5-4 to_______the Amputee Football World Cup in Mexico,_______inspiring the young nation, For the past four years, they have held the_______as the best team on the planet. Now, they are competing at the 2022 Amputee Football World Cup in Turkey, which _______-24 teams, including countries with players wounded in armed________, such as Iraq and Syria. Over the weekend, Angola won its first three matches and now________to the second round.

Hilario, team captain, says,“ Though I hope to return again with a gold________on my chest, it won’t be easy as there are lots of very________teams coming to Turkey with the goal to________Angola.Having the opportunity to contribute to our national team and to grow the________of the sport, I’d like to help the team win more championships and honor the nation.”

A.break downB.knock offC.appeal toD.drop out
书面表达-读后续写 | 适中(0.65) |
10 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

“David, it’s time for breakfast,” Mrs. Motangi called. “There’s a birthday present for you to open.”

David ran into the kitchen and saw a shiny new soccer ball on the table. He smiled and started jumping up and down with excitement. “Can I take the ball to school with me, please?” asked David. “Of course,” Mrs. Motangi said. “But you need to be careful with your first real soccer ball.”

At school, David immediately put his soccer ball under his desk. During the morning lessons, he kept quietly tapping the ball with his foot to make sure it was still there. Finally, it was break time. David seized the ball and quickly ran outside. He kicked the ball skillfully across the field to a group of students.

Soccer was David’s favorite sport. Since he had arrived in England and started school two months ago, he had played soccer every day during the break. Break was always his favorite time because he didn’t have to speak English, a language that was still fairly new to him. When he played soccer, he would forget that he felt like an outsider at this new school

“Look!” called David. “I got a new soccer ball. We can use it for our game today.” The other students exchanged glances and just stared at David. These were the most words David had ever spoken to them.

“We don’t need your ball,” said a tall boy, Jacob. “We already have one.” Jacob liked playing soccer but poorly. Jacob kicked David’s ball with all his strength. The ball soared over the school’s high fence, bounced once, and rolled to the back of a nearby house. “What a good kick!” screamed the other kids, jumping up and down and slapping Jacob on the back. David watched in horror as his cherished football went out of sight, tears coming to his eyes. What would his mother say?

Paragraph 1: He was going outside when his teacher, Mr. Bleachers, came with the ball.
Paragraph 2: With the help of David, they got prepared for the soccer match between classes.
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