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1 . For millions of years, sea turtles (海龟) have been making the great journey from Costa Rican beaches to the ocean.

Female sea turtles come to shore to nest (筑巢) on the same beach where they were born. Scientists are not sure how sea turtles remember where they were born, but they believe that sea turtles can use the Earth’s magnetic field (磁场) to help them find their way back. Mother sea turtles usually nest every two to three years, but they might lay two or three nests in one year.

Unlike most animals, the temperature inside the nest determines whether the turtles will be male or female. Warmer nests produce more female turtles. It can take from six weeks to two months for baby turtles to appear from the nest. Once they sense cooler nighttime temperatures, they will begin their perilous journey towards the sea. The little turtles’ journey to the ocean isn’t a leisurely walk on the beach. In fact,on some beaches, only 10 percent of them make it to the ocean.

Natural hunters are not the only threat to sea turtles. Humans and their activities have also severely reduced the number of sea turtles in the oceans. Fishing activities, boat traffic, artificial (人工的) lighting, and pollution are making the trip from beach to ocean difficult. Due to a variety of these threats, six out of seven sea turtle species worldwide are considered endangered or threatened.

While sea turtles may face several threats to their survival, there are many opportunities for humans to help them. For example, avoid fishing in waters that are known to have sea turtles. If you do accidentally hook (钓) a turtle, do not remove the hook. Instead, call local wildlife authorities to help with removal. Lights draw baby turtles away from the ocean. Turn off your lights at night when you are near a sea turtle nesting area. Another way to help sea turtles is to reduce your plastic use. Plastic litter is among the number one causes of deaths of sea turtles. Last, get involved with sea turtle protection efforts.

1. Which of the following are scientists unsure about?
A.How often a sea turtle nests.B.What makes sea turtles male.
C.How sea turtles find their birthplace.D.Whether male sea turtles outnumber female ones.
2. What does the underlined word “perilous” in paragraph 3mean?
3. What can we infer about sea turtles from paragraph4?
A.They are threatened to die out.B.They are primarily influenced by fishing.
C.They are well adapted to human activities.D.They are getting a lot of public attention.
4. What does the author suggest people do about sea turtle protection?
A.Reduce plastic use effortfully.B.Light sea turtles’ way to the ocean.
C.Help baby sea turtles find their mothers.D.Remove any turtle they hook as soon as possible.
2024-03-04更新 | 53次组卷 | 1卷引用: 山西省应县第一中学2023-2024学年高二下学期开学考试英语试题
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2 . Home away from home — pet boarding facilities in and around Rochester



Bear Creek Kennels offers boarding and day care for dogs of all ages.

It has both indoor and outdoor fenced areas. Dogs are encouraged to interact throughout the day, spending minimal time in kennels.

COST: $24 per night


Mon.-Fri.,(7 a. m.-6 p. m.); Sat.,(8 a. m.-5 p. m.); Sun.,(3-5 p. m.)



Bob’s Animal Friends wants your dogs to feel right at home, so much so that it offers a “Sleep Buddy” add-on for $10 per night. A caretaker will stay overnight with your dog, meaning extra care time and sleeping on the so fa instead of in his or her kennel.

COST: $25 per nightbasic


Mon.-Fri.,(6: 30 a. m.-7 p. m.); Sat.,(7-8 a. m. and 5-6 p. m.); Sun.,(5-6 p. m.)



K-9 Kennels Inc. features 10 indoor/outdoor kennels for dogs and a boarding area for cats. Indoor areas feature windows for natural light and doggy doors for them to go outside at will. Besides, a 5,000-square-foot outdoor play area is fully fenced.

COST: Dogs 18pernight. Cats15 per night


Mon.-Sat.,(6: 30 a. m.-8 p. m.); Sun.,(1-8 p. m.)

1. When can an owner drop off his pet at Bear Creek Kennels on Sunday?
A.At 7 a. m.B.At 8 a. m.C.At 4 p. m.D.At 6 p. m.
2. Which number should someone call to ask about cat boarding service?
2024-01-27更新 | 18次组卷 | 1卷引用:山西省阳泉市2023-2024学年高一上学期期末考试英语试卷
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3 . Boston Marathon runners in recent years may have seen a smiling furry face around the two-mile mark. It’s Spencer, the therapy (治疗) dog, who became known as an unofficial mascot (吉祥物) for the marathon, He’s shown up on the sidelines every year since 2015—rain or shine.

One particularly rainy marathon catapulted Spencer’s fame, In 2018, his owner, Richard Powers, decided to put a bright yellow rain coat on the dog, making him stand out even more than he usually does. Photos of Spencer, who holds a “Boston Strong” flag in his mouth, went viral, and he became an inspiration to runners and onlookers alike, During the marathon, some runners stop in their tracks to take selfies with the dog-the line sometimes growing to 20 runners long.

But in 2020, Spencer was diagnosed with a tumor (肿瘤). His owner was worried, but Spencer is a fighter. He got the care he needed and survived. In 2021, he was back on the course and it was really kind of a miracle and that really hit home to a lot of people.

Unfortunately, Spencer caught another tumor—this one cancerous—and Spencer began chemotherapy. Powers didn’t think his beloved dog would make it out to the marathon of 2022. “Miraculously, he’s still here with us and an even bigger miracle, he was strong enough to go to the marathon,” he said.

After recovering, Spencer was back to work—not just at the marathon—but as a therapy dog, alongside his companion, Penny, who is also a golden therapy dog. Powers takes his two therapy dogs around to schools, hospitals and senior living centers.

“He’s a gift to us and we’re very lucky to have him. He’s too good so we want to share him with as many people as we possibly can. He does make a difference,” Powers said.

1. Why is Spencer referred to as a mascot for Boston Marathon?
A.He has a smiling furry face.B.He appears at the event annually.
C.He is not recognized officially.D.He works as a therapy dog for runners.
2. What does Spencer bring to runners?
3. What did Spencer go through in 2020?
A.A failure in the marathon.B.Caring for his owner.C.Fighting against a disease.D.Going viral.
4. What was Powers’ initial attitude towards Spence’s appearing at the marathon of 2022?
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4 . For thousands of years, people have been fascinated by dolphins. Dolphins have developed a number of similar personality qualities to humans’, such as curiosity and sociability, despite having developed in vastly different environments, researchers have found. Recently, a British research team finished an eight-year study of Indo-Pacific dolphins off the coast of Western Australia. These dolphins can use different tools to search for food. The researchers found that these dolphins are more willing to walk with partners that like the same tool. Other parts, like family closeness or sex, have no impact on this relationship.

“It suggests that dolphins form social relationship based on shared interests,” UK biologist Simon said. Apart from dolphins, elephants, horses and bats are also known to form friendships. Are friendships only limited to the same species? Of course not.

In 2015, a goat Timur was originally left in the tiger Amur’s enclosure (围场) as a meal. But instead of eating Timur, Amur likes to play with Timur. Scientists said it’s not unusual among captive (圈禁的) animals. That’s because in captivity, animals don’t need to spend much time and energy marking their kingdom or looking for mates the way they would in the wild. They are actually more likely to feel bored. In this particular situation, the animal’s love to engage socially and playfully may be higher than eating.

1. What does the author want to show by telling dolphin’s characters?
A.Dolphins prefer to hunt for food in groups.
B.Dolphins tend to make friends like humans.
C.Dolphins are more curious than human beings.
D.Dolphins make friends based on family closeness.
2. What is the last paragraph mainly about?
A.Showing captive animals are friendlier than others.
B.Explaining why captive animals can form friendship.
C.Describing how different animals get along with one another.
D.Comparing differences between a goat and a tiger’s friendship.
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5 . Elephant reserve

This is a working vacation at a wildlife centre. Anyone can become a volunteer if he/she agrees to help the elephant keepers with tasks.

Country: Thailand Daily tasks

• Gather the elephants at 6:30 am.

• Take them to look for food in the forest.

• Clean the enclosure(围场).

• Swim with the elephants in the lake in the afternoon.

If volunteers want to relax after work, they can watch TV. How this vacation helps

If these elephants hadn’t been rescued, they would still have been living on the streets of Bangkok now. The rural environment is much better for them than the urban environment where there is lots of pollution.

Gorilla safari (野外观兽旅行)

If you’re lucky, you’ll see lions, elephants and rhinos during this safari. The highlight of the trip is the opportunity to see gorillas in the mountain forests. However, you must be in good health — if a gorilla catches a cold, it will be extremely harmful to its whole family.

Countries: Kenya, Rwanda and Uganda

Departure(出发班次): 2-3 departures per month from August to December. How this vacation helps

There are only about 600 mountain gorillas left in the world as human activity has reduced the area where they can live. When you buy a ticket, this will pay for the protection of the national park.

Polar bear watching

Every October and November groups of polar bears gather in Hudson Bay. As they are normally lonely creatures, this is not usual. The bears wait for the ocean to freeze so that they can hunt for seals, and therefore this is the perfect opportunity to see them.

Area & Country: Arctic, Canada

Departure: sixty trips between Oct 1-Nov 19. How this vacation helps

If the Arctic ice cap melts due to global warming, polar bears will be in danger. We give a share of our profits to the charity that protects polar bears.

1. Which of the following is the task for elephant volunteers?
A.Teaching elephants to swim in the lake.
B.Giving elephants a bath at 6:30 am.
C.Making sure the enclosure is clean every day.
D.Watching TV to learn knowledge about elephants.
2. What do we know about the gorilla safari?
A.You can set off in April to see gorillas.
B.You can surely see lions, elephants and rhinos.
C.Human activity has made gorillas’ living area smaller.
D.To see lions in the mountain forests is the best part of the trip.
3. What’s the aim of these activities?
A.To help protect the wild animals.B.To help build more national parks.
C.To help deal with the pollution in cities.D.To help solve the problem of global warming.
2023-01-14更新 | 105次组卷 | 1卷引用:山西省运城市康杰中学2022-2023学年高一上学期1月期末考试英语试题
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6 . During our research for this sequence, we had been told we shouldn’t even bother trying to film the Pallas’s cat in winter. Filming such an animal was said to be near impossible. We wouldn’t be able to find such a small animal in the vast steppes of Mongolia. Besides this, they’re known to be easily frightened and extremely cautious. But we wanted to surprise audiences by showing them frozen worlds that lay outside of the Poles.

Arriving in Mongolia, I was struck by its vastness. It’s unbelievable that our first day presented us with a good view of our hard-to-find target. Our guide led us to the top of a hill. More than a kilometre away in an unimpressive pile of rocks, I could see a tiny spot, a Pallas’s cat! We were so excited!

We had been blessed with extremely low daytime temperature. Pallas’s cats have the densest coat of any cat, but even so they must save their energy as much as possible. Their movements at these temperatures were especially seldom. While conditions did not look promising, we still needed to see if we could actually film them.

The cats would only appear if the sun was out. But the steppe could be hit at any time by fast and bitter winds which would make any animal that had decided to appear come to an end. The decision as to whether to hold out for the weather to pass or to have a rest was always a painful one to make.

But as the weeks went on and we spent more time with the cats, it was astonishing to see just how it was that they were able to survive in such a difficult and unpleasant environment. The longer we spent with them, the more we found ourselves falling in love with these attractive little characters and their winter lives.

1. Why do people think it’s unlikely to film the cats?
A.The action is illegal.B.The steppes are not large.
C.The cats are extremely careful.D.The cat number is small.
2. How did the author feel when the steppes came into sight?
3. What can we infer from paragraph 3 and 4?
A.We suffered low temperatures.B.The Pallas’s cats love the sun.
C.The decisions are hard to make.D.The filming condition is challenging.
4. What would be the best title of the text?
A.Pallas’s Cats-An Unusual AnimalB.Experience of Filming the Palla’s Cats
C.Survival Skills on Mongolia SteppesD.Extreme Weather outside the Poles
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7 . Scientists have discovered the world’s largest known field of sea grass. They did it using videos shot by some unusual helpers: tiger sharks. The work should help protect the sea grass, and also shows off a powerful way to explore the ocean.

Sea grasses are flowering plants that normally grow in shallow waters near coasts. They grow in thick fields,known as meadows(草地). Sea grass meadows help clean the ocean’s water, and provide food and shelter for many sea creatures. Sea grasses store huge amounts of carbon—the harmful pollution that’s making global warming worse. Damaging these sea grass meadows can release this pollution again,so it’s important to protect them.

From above, the meadows can be hard to spot, either because the water is too deep or not clear enough. And the ocean is so huge that it’s simply not possible to study it all by diving. So a team of scientists decided to have sharks help with the research. Tiger sharks are huge, strong, and deadly. But they also live underwater, are fast swimmers, and spend a lot of time in sea grass meadows. Between 2016 and 2020, a team of researchers attached cameras and other trackers to the fins (鳍) of seven tiger sharks. After catching the sharks, the scientists worked quickly to attach the equipment, and then let them go again.

The scientists have learned that the waters around the Bahamas are home to the largest sea grass meadow ever discovered and that the world has roughly 40% more sea grass meadows than they previously thought.

The programme shows how useful large underwater animals can be in helping to learn more about life under the sea. Oliver Ship ley is a scientist at Beneath the Waves,which led the work. He says animals like tiger sharks “...are going to take us to new places that we didn’t know existed.”

1. What can be known about sea grasses in Paragraph 2?
A.They help fight global warming.B.They need to be removed regularly.
C.They mainly live on sea creatures.D.They grow in deep waters of the ocean.
2. Why are Tiger sharks chosen by scientists?
A.They are sensitive to sea grasses.B.Cameras are easily fixed on them.
C.They are the most faithful sea animals.D.They spend much time in sea grass meadows.
3. What does Oliver Ship ley think of sea animals?
A.They are dangerous.B.They are adorable.
C.They are helpful.D.They are smart.
4. What is the main idea of the text?
A.Many new places in the ocean need exploring.
B.Sharks help discover world’s largest sea grass meadow.
C.Scientists have found a powerful way to protect the ocean.
D.Large underwater animals contribute a lot to the ocean.
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8 . Back in November 2019, Alessandra Mascaro, a volunteer working at the Ozouga Chimpanzee Project in Loango National Park, Gabon. West Africa, saw something she couldn’t quite believe — one of the chimpanzees named Suzee noticed her son Sia had hurt his foot. After seemingly thinking about the best course of action, she then quickly took an insect out of the air, licked it and applied it to the wound.

Mascaro documented the whole touching moment on film and showed her supervisor. Prof Simone Pika, a cognitive biologist based at Osnabrück University. The Ozouga team then set about monitoring the chimpanzees in the park to look for other examples of the behaviour. Over the following 15 months they found 76 incidences of the chimpanzees applying insects to wounds on themselves or other group members.

While animals such as bears, elephants and bees have previously been observed applying ‘medicines’ to themselves, this study marks the first time that animal have been seen treating the wounds of others. The act of applying an insect to treat another’s wounds is a clear example of prosocial behavior, which means that rather than acting purely for one’s own survival the chimpanzees are acting in the interests of others. This echoes the acts of sympathy displayed by human beings.

“This is, for me, especially breathtaking because so many people doubt prosocial abilities in other animal. Suddenly we have a species where we really see individuals caring for others,” Pika said.

The team now aims to identify the insects being used by the chimpanzees and investigate who is applying insects to whom to establish whether the behaviour is based on a social class. “Studying chimpanzees in their natural environments is crucial to shed light on our own cognitive evolution,” said Pika. “We need to still put much more effort into studying and protecting them and also protecting their natural habitats.”

1. Why did the chimpanzee grab an insect out of the air?
A.She wanted to feed it to her son.B.She wanted to keep it as her treat.
C.She used it as a kind of medicine.D.She would like to surprise Mascaro.
2. Why did the Ozouga team start monitoring the chimpanzees in the park?
A.To take good care of them.B.To collect further evidence.
C.To stop them from being hurt.D.To prevent them from fighting.
3. What does the behaviour of chimpanzees’ treating others suggest?
A.They often suffer injuries.B.They are capable of tool use.
C.They might have sympathy.D.They are affected by humans.
4. What is the main idea of the passage?
A.Chimpanzees use insects to treat wounds.B.Chimpanzees behave like human beings.
C.Chimpanzee mother can identify insects.D.Chimpanzee mother takes care of her son.
2022-11-20更新 | 65次组卷 | 1卷引用:山西省吕梁市2022-2023学年高三11月阶段性测试英语试题
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9 . Australia is the only major honey-producing country that has so far managed to control the spread of a mite (螨) which is harmful to bees. The first step is pouring gas into the beehive (蜂巢). Then it’s time to wait. The job is finished when the hive is burned the next day.

Since last week, this cycle has been on repeat near a port in eastern Australia» part of a government effort to protect the country’s multimillion dollar honey business. Millions of bees have been destroyed to help control the spread of the deadly mite, which reappeared in the country last week near the Port of Newcastle. If the population of mites increased greatly in Australia, it could cost the nation’s honey business more than $ 70 million a year, in addition to its effect on the crops that rely on bee pollination (授粉).

The mites, which are reddish-brown and about the size of a sesame seed, can spread from bee to bee and through beekeeping equipment. If left untreated, the mites could kill an entire colony of honey bees» the government has said.

It’s not easy to control the mite. One of the biggest challenges in the current control effort is figuring out where infected (受感染的) hives are and mapping their spread in a vast area, according to Danny Le Feuvre, the acting head of the Australian Honey Bee Industrial Council. It’s necessary to control the Port of Newcastle and the hives within a 31-mile radius (半径) of it. The port is a major shipping site and one of the world’s busiest export (出口) centres for coal.

So far at least 600 hives have been destroyed in the area. “The beekeepers are very nervous at the moment,” Mr. Feuvre said. He said he was sure the country would be able to control the spread, given its history of previous eradication (根除) efforts of honey bee mites and strict controls at all airports stopping passengers from bringing live plants, soil, fruits and vegetables into Australia.

1. Why do people pour gas into beehives?
A.To stop the spread of a deadly mite.
B.To prevent bees from producing too much.
C.To ensure the safety of the Port of Newcastle.
D.To protect visitors from being harmed by bees.
2. What can we learn from paragraph 4?
A.The infected hives are easy to find.
B.Controlling the mite needs multimillion dollars.
C.There are some difficulties in the control now.
D.The Port of Newcastle mainly exports honeybee worldwide.
3. What’s Mr. Feuvre’s attitude to Australia’s control action?
4. What’s the best title for the text?
A.The Spread and Harm of Mites
B.Australia’s Agriculture Is in Danger
C.The Relationship Between Bees and Agriculture
D.Australia Is Killing Bees to Save Its Honey Business
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10 . Suy credits his interest in photography to a French journalist he met in 2000. Since 2012. he has used his love of photography for a good cause: protecting wildlife. As more and more animal species began to disappeer from Kandal Province, he grew worried. So he created a photo project which he hoped would bring more attention to the loss of natural habitats in Cambodia.

He hopes to educate Cambodians about the importance of bird species and the effect they have on nature. He said, “The biggest issue is the damage to habitats and poaching".Besides that, it is due to the demand from the rich who desire wild meat and who consider wild meat chemical-free.

His photography work has shown “how lack of education and law enforcemen” makes the problem worse. Hunting is at the root of Cambodian culture.“Education is very limited,” he said. “And in terms of legal enforcement, only one organization is standing out, and that is the Wildlife Alliance.” He noted that the group had carried out a number of successful crackdowns against hunting. But there were few major campaigns on wildlife hunting.as a whole.

Protected areas within forests have disappeared at the same rate as forests in other parts of the country Poaching and hunting have led to the loss of animal and plant species in Cambodia.

To Chantha Nasak, a wildlife expert, the damage to wildlife habitats is the main reason for the decrease in the number of wild animals.He says the destruction of forests and the use of land for agricultural and other purposes are the biggest threats, as well as the climate change.

However. there are already agreements between some NGOs and the Cambodian government to help wild species. Also. Chantha Nasak says some communities are working together to protect wildlife around the country.

“All Cambodian citizens should join hands in the protection of wildlife, not just the NGOs and the government,” he said. “It should be everyone.”

1. What problem did Suy meet in his photography work?
A.Cambodians have a poor knowledge of protecting wildlife
B.Cambodians are lacking their culture of hunting
C.Cambodians like major campaigns on hunting wildlife
D.Cambodians have limited education about hunting.
2. Why do the rich find wild meat in Cambodia?
A.It contains high nutrition.B.It is free of chemieals.
C.It tastes delicious and fresh.D.It is a symbol of social positions.
3. What is the main factor in leading to the decrease in wild animalsChantha thinks   ?
A.the climate changeB.the wild meat trade
C.the damage to wildlife habitatsD.the still-not-prohibited hunting
4. What is the main idea of the text?
A.A Cambodian is teaching the hunting culture.
B.A photographer has a good knowledge of wildlife.
C.A photographer is struggling with poachers
D.A Cambodian photographer urges to protect wildlife
2022-06-01更新 | 218次组卷 | 3卷引用:2022届山西太原高三英语押宝题英语试题
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