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Canada is one of the most     1     nations in the world with distinct cultures. The Rocky Mountains are home to high peaks and deep     2    . There are a huge variety of wildlife, national parks and unique     3    . It is a combination of     4     including the earliest settlers crossing the Bering Strait and     5     in some of the eastern provinces. One-fifth of people in Canada are     6    . People can experience different cultures in Canada such as the Chinese cultures, the     7     cultures and even those of Celtic settlers. Canada has been celebrating     8     since 2002. Due to its diversity, Canada has been consistently ranked as one of the     9     countries to live in and visit.

2023-09-04更新 | 12次组卷 | 1卷引用:1.1 Welcome to the unit & Reading-2021-2022学年高二英语10分钟课前预习练(译林版2020选择性必修第三册)
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2 . As I travel across China, I hope to learn as much as I can about the Chinese people, your history, and your dreams for the future and I hope to help the Chinese people understand more of America’s history, the lessons the American people have drawn from it, and the dreams we hold for the 21st century.

I believe both Chinese and Americans aspire(立志, 有热望) to many of the same things — to provide for our families, to teach our children, to build our communities, to protect our Earth, to shape our own futures, and pass brighter possibilities on to our children.

There may be those here and back in America who wonder whether closer ties and deeper friend ship between America and China are good. Clearly, the answer is yes. We have a powerful ability to help each other grow. We can learn much from each other. And as two great nations, we have a special responsibility to the future of the world. The steps we take over the next week can lead to far greater strides for our people in the years ahead.

Here in this city of your magnificent history, we must always remember that we, too, are ancestors(祖先). Someday our children and their children will ask if we did all we could to build just societies and a more peaceful world. Let our monument be their judgement that we did that. Let our progress include all people, with all their differences, moving toward a common destiny.

Let us give new meanings to the words written in the ancient Book of Rites, what you call the Li Shi: When the great way is followed, all under heaven will be equal.

1. It becomes clear from the passage that _______.
A.both China and America are the most powerful countries in the world
B.both China and America should do something for the future of the world
C.both China and America are great countries with a long history
D.both China and America can provide their children with good education
2. Which of the following statements is NOT mentioned in the passage?
A.America will encourage their children to learn the Chinese history.
B.The speaker is in the city with the magnificent Chinese history.
C.Both Chinese and Americans share some desires and interests.
D.The speaker wants Chinese to understand more of American history.
3. The underlined word “here” used in Paragraph 3 refers to “_______”.
A.in the cityB.on the platform
C.at the ceremony(仪式)D.in China
4. It can be inferred that the person who made the speech is a _______.
2022-01-12更新 | 128次组卷 | 3卷引用:外研2019选择性必修三 unit 3 developing ideas 课前预习
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3 . The secrets of Ancient Maya civilisation are powerful among people. Maya civilisation     1    (surround)by mystery since its rediscovery in the 19th century. The Maya built     2    (impress)palaces and temples, including their representative step pyramids. But the greatest mystery of all is what caused the Maya     3    (abandon)most of their great cities. Some research seems to indicate that the Maya people themselves may have played     4    part in their downfall. Owing to the     5    (change)landscape, it is possible that the Maya people unknowingly reduced their     6    (able)to deal with natural disasters. Research also suggests that those natural disasters may have led to the decline     7    the Maya. These droughts would have led to food shortages, conflicts and, ultimately, the downfall of the cities.     8     the reasons, Maya civilization     9    (large)disappeared within the deep jungle. Its once-great cities fell into ruin,     10    (leave)various mysteries for later people to solve. Meanwhile, the rise and fall of this civilisation must also leave us thinking about our own past, present and future.

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