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1 . Directions: Fill in each blank with a proper word chosen from the box. Each word can be used only once. Note that there is one word more than you need.
A. double          B. intense          C. pressures       D. stock          E. agriculture       F. trapped
G. withdrawal     H. availability   I. drive             J. expanding     K. rising

Throughout history, people have fought bitter wars over political ideology, national sovereignty and religious expression. How much more     1     will these conflicts be when people fight over the Earth’s most indispensable resource water? We may find out in the not-too-distant future if projections about the     2     of water in the Middle East and other regions prove correct.

Less than three percent of the planet’s     3     is fresh water, and almost two-thirds of this amount is     4     in ice caps, glaciers, and underground aquifers too deep or too remote to access. In her book, Pillars of Sand-Can the Irrigation Miracle Last, Sandra Postel outlines three forces that     5     tension and conflict over freshwater. Using up the water “resource pie”. In India, the world’s second-most populous nation, with over 1 billion inhabitants, the rate of groundwater     6     is twice that of recharge, a deficit higher than in any other country. Although water is a renewable resource, it is not a(n)     7     one. The freshwater available today for more than 6 billion people is no greater than it was 2,000 years ago, when global population was approximately 200 million. (The current U.S. population is 287 million.)

Global     8     accounts for about 70% of all freshwater use. In five of the world’s most water-stressed, controversial areas the Aral Sea region, the Ganges, the Jordan, the Nileland and Tigris-Euphrates population increases of up to 75% are projected by 2025. With the fastest rate of growth in the world, the population of Palestinian territory will more than     9     over the next generation. Most experts agree that, because of geography, population     10     and politics, water wars are most likely to break out in the Middle East, a region where the amount of available freshwater per capita will decrease by about 50% over the next generation.

2 . Japan has a population of 127 million. Tokyo is the largest city and holds one third of the population in the country. There are thousands of people passing by in a minute at the center of the busiest crossing in the city. At weekends, the supermarkets and subway stations are crowded with people.

Japan's government is considering a new way to get people to consider life outside Tokyo: Pay them to leave.

According to a report from NHK on Nov. 22, if someone decides to move from the 23 blocks of Tokyo and find jobs somewhere else, the government will think about giving as much as 3 million yuan to people. The population is increasing all the time in Tokyo and the areas around the city even though the whole population of Japan reduces. That's often been at the cost of other cities. The number of people moving to Tokyo has exceeded the number moving out for 22 years and the number counting. Nearly one out of every three people in Japan lives in the Tokyo area.

In the past several years, Japan's government has taken many measures to encourage people to keep away from the capital. for example, help build smaller population areas. Some local governments have used tax cuts to encourage companies to leave the Tokyo area, while others will pay them to leave.

But Japan's large government institutions, its top schools, as well as companies all lie in Tokyo, leaving the capital seems to be a day dream for most Japanese.

1. What's the population of Tokyo?
A.About 127 million.B.About 42 million.
C.About 31 million.D.About 127 hundred million.
2. What does the underlined word “people” refer to?
A.The people who live in Tokyo.B.The people who work in Tokyo.
C.The people who leave for Tokyo.D.The people who move out of Tokyo.
3. What do you think of Japan's “Pay them to leave”?
4. What can be inferred from the passage?
A.Japanese in Tokyo can get as much as tax cuts.
B.Most Japanese will still live and work in Tokyo.
C.“Pay them to leave” is popular among Japanese.
D.Japan's government cares nothing about population.
2021-08-31更新 | 27次组卷 | 1卷引用:安徽省淮南市第一中学2020-2021学年高中自主招生英语试题
共计 平均难度:一般