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1 . Up to one fifth of the Amazon rainforest is emitting more carbon dioxide (CO2), than it absorbs, new research suggests. Results from a decade-long study of greenhouse gases over the Amazon rainforest appear to show around 20% of the total area has become a net source of CO2 in the atmosphere. One of the main causes is deforestation. While trees are growing, they absorb CO2 from the atmosphere; dead trees release it again. However, the fact is that millions of trees have been lost to logging and fires in recent years.

The results of the study, which have not yet been published, have implications for the effort to combat climate change. They suggest that the Amazon rainforest, a vital carbon “store”, or “sink”, that slows the pace of global warming may be turning into a carbon source faster than previously thought. Every two weeks for the past 10 years, a team of scientists led by Professor Luciana Gatti, a researcher at Brazil’s National Institute for Space Research (INPE), has been measuring greenhouse gases by flying aircraft fitted with sensors over different parts of the Amazon basin. What the group found was startling: while most of the rainforest still retains its ability to absorb large quantities of CO2 — especially in wetter years — one portion of the forest, which is especially heavily deforested, appears to have lost that capacity.

Gatti’s research suggests this south-eastern part of the forest, about 20% of the total area, has become a carbon source. “Each year is worse,” she told Newsnight. “We observed that this area in the south-east is an important source of carbon. And it doesn’t matter whether it is a wet year or a dry year. 2017 was a wet year, but it didn’t make any difference.”

A forest can become a source of carbon rather than a “store”, or “sink”, when trees die and emit carbon into the atmosphere. Areas of deforestation also contribute to the Amazon’s inability to absorb carbon.

Carlos Nobre, who co-authored Prof Gatti’s study, called the observation “very worrying” because “it could be showing the beginnings of a major tipping point”. He believes the new findings suggest that in the next 30 years, more than half of the Amazon could transform from rainforest into savanna (稀树草原).

1. Which of the following might Professor Luciana Gatti agree with?
A.Most of the Amazon rainforest absorbs more CO2 in wetter years.
B.The Amazon rainforest is on its way to becoming the biggest source of carbon.
C.Deforested areas tend to perform better in terms of absorbing carbon in dry years.
D.The Amazon rainforest has completely lost its ability to slow the pace of global warming.
2. What does the underlined word probably mean?
3. What part of the Amazon rainforest has lost most trees?
4. What might be talked about in the following paragraph? ______
A.Other worrying phenomena about the Amazon.
B.More explanations for the “Amazon tipping point”.
C.Other peopled opinions on effects of deforestation.
D.Comparison between old findings and new ones.
改错-短文改错 | 适中(0.65) |
2 . 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。

As is known by us, our government is trying to make our city the National Civilized City at present. We hope we can also do our best to help realize this goal.

First of all, we should mind our words and deeds and become civilized citizens. Always remember to say “Please” and “Thanks” and don’t talk and laugh loudly in public. Seen people in trouble, we might as well to lend them a helping hand. In addition, be civilized pedestrians. We must observe traffic rules and never cross the streets before the traffic lights are red. At same time, keeping our environment cleanly is also advisable, it means we shouldn’t litter or spit in public places. Only by starting with the little things around us we make a great difference to our city image.

Let’s take measure now and make joint efforts to make our city more civilized.

2023-04-23更新 | 94次组卷 | 2卷引用:2023届陕西省渭南市高三下学期教学质量检测(Ⅱ)英语试题
语法填空-短文语填(约160词) | 适中(0.65) |
3 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

A material can be really special when it was named after the place where it     1     (create) originally. That’s certainly the case with “China”. And of all     2     (type) of China, white porcelain (瓷) is among the most famous.

Nowadays, the     3     (tradition) material has taken on a modern look in the     4     (hand) of four Chinese artists in the Modern White Porcelain Exhibition. And the key word here is “modern”. One of the works     5     (be) a porcelain boat. But look     6     (attentive) and you will see that the boat     7     (build) with porcelain looks like a takeout box. Inside the boat is a statue of a baby. The baby stands     8     humans and the boat is what supports life. It suggests we may have done some damage to     9     environment and that we’re treating life like fast food.

All the four artists gave white porcelain a model style, each in their own way. And this is what the exhibition’s theme comes from. It’s a dialogue between the past     10     the present.

2022-10-21更新 | 83次组卷 | 1卷引用:陕西省渭南市富平县2022-2023学年高三上学期摸底考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . After decades of work trying to save the giant panda, Chinese officials have announced the species is no longer endangered. The pandas have been reclassified in the country from endangered to vulnerable after efforts to increase the population. Now the number has risen to 1,800 in the wild.

“China has established a relatively complete nature reserves system,” Cui Shuhong, director of the Department of Natural Ecological Protection of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, said on Wednesday. “Large areas of natural ecosystems have been systematically and completely protected, and wildlife habitats have been effectively improved.”

The latest classification upgrade reflects their improved living conditions and China's efforts in keeping their habitats integrated, Cui added.

Bamboo makes up 90% of pandas' diets, and the animals would likely starve without the shoots. Experts believe China’s efforts to replant bamboo forests have been the key to the increase in the population of pandas.

Generally speaking, a panda has to eat at least 26 pounds of bamboo every day to maintain its energy, so large areas of bamboo forests are primary to their survival.

Planting bamboo also has advantages for the planet, as the bamboo is grass, not a tree, and is incredibly efficient at absorbing carbon dioxide, as well as emitting 35% more oxygen than trees.

“The Chinese have done a great job in investing in panda habitats, expanding and setting up new reserves,” Ginette Hemley, senior vice president of conservation at the World Wildlife Fund. told the media. “They are a wonderful example of what can happen when a government is committed to conservation.”

Continuing China's success will be dependent on the country protecting land from agricultural and urban development. As land becomes rarer, measures will need to be extended to protect more land, to ensure bamboo forests can thrive and as a result, protect the future of the world's most lovable, lazy, and monochrome (black and white) creature.

1. What do we know about the giant panda according to paragraph 1?
A.It is an endangered species.B.It increases by 1,800 each year.
C.It has seen a decline in population.D.It has got a classification upgrade.
2. What can be inferred from Ginette Hemley's words?
A.Social media makes a difference.B.Panda habitats are getting smaller.
C.Government's commitment is crucial.D.Setting up new reserves is impossible.
3. What can be the challenge China faces in achieving continued success?
A.Lazy and monochrome animals.
B.Lack of support from the World Wildlife Fund.
C.The emission of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.
D.The influence of agricultural and urban development.
4. Where is this text probably from?
A.A news website.B.An official report.C.A travel magazine.D.A biology textbook.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约310词) | 较易(0.85) |

5 . For 21-year-old Malhar Kalambe, weekends are not about hanging out with friends. Instead, they have a different mission — cleaning the Datar Beach. Collectively, they have made such a huge difference to the beach that the United Nations has recognized their contributions.

“Actually the idea stemmed from my vacation to Bali, the clean beach leaving a great impression on me. After returning, I found our beaches in shambles. During a conversation with my mother, I was complaining about how bad our beaches are compared to beaches in Bali, and my mother just said, 'Don't complain, if you care, just go and clean. ? and thus 'Beach Please'," Malhar said. “It began on September 10, 2017 and since then cleaning the garbage on the beach has become a weekend routine. Currently, there are 25 odd volunteers spending our weekends cleaning the beach.”

After cleaning the beach for months, Malhar and his friends realized that it was of a little help and there is no end to this. They needed to contain the source which dumps garbage in the ocean. They found that the Mithi River is being used to dump the industrial waste, construction waste and even domestic waste into the ocean and they decided to also clean the river. Now on Saturday, they clean the Mithi River and on Sunday, they focus on the Datar Beach. In order to make a sustainable (可持续的)difference, they must make people understand that they have to stop dumping garbage into any source. “Awareness, recycling and cleaning up are three steps which can bring a change. I hope people realize it's their duty to   keep their surroundings as well as the ocean clean,“ Malhar added.

1. What does the underlined phrase “in shambles” in paragraph 2 mean?
2. What do we know about Malhar Kalambe?
A.He likes hanging out with his friends.B.He encourages his mother to join him.
C.He volunteers to clean the Datar Beach.D.He complains his vacation to Bali to his friends.
3. What is the top priority (优先事项)to make the Datar Beach clean continuously?
A.Recycling most of domestic waste.
B.Calling for people to make a green trip.
C.Raising people's awareness of protecting the ocean.
D.Seeking for the source of the ocean pollution.
4. Which of the following best describes Malhar Kalambe?

6 . Across the globe, we've developed a coffee addiction, and we've become addicted to single-use cups: 600 billion disposable cups are produced and sold annually. But there's a growing push to cut this down.

Here's the problem with disposable coffee cups: The thin, waxy, plastic coating inside makes it tricky to recycle or compost them. So, they most go into a landfill (垃圾填埋场). More than that, it takes a lot of energy and resources to make them. Starbucks and McDonald's are trying to develop a disposable coffee cup that can be both recyclable and compostable. But that's easier said than done. The coffee giants have been dangling a million dollars to anybody who can crack the code.

The Rolling Stones are also thinking about the sustainable cups. If you see the Stones in concert this summer and go to get a drink, there may be no single-use plastic cup for you. The bands approached Michael Martin, who has produced a bunch of big Earth Day concerts, asking for help to eliminate plastic waste. He came up with a simple solution.

"When you come up to get your first beverage(饮料), you put down a $3 deposit, you get a really high-quality Rolling Stones-branded cup," says Martin. "You use it throughout the night, and at the end of the event you can turn your cup in and get your $3 back or you can keep your cup." If you return the heavier plastic cup at the end of the show, it gets washed and used again. Or recycled.

But this idea — returning and reusing a cup — this is not that complicated. So why is this just being tried now? "That's a really good question," says Martin. "In America, we're a throwaway society, and so we're hoping we'll be able to wake people up and change things." He's starting with rock concerts because artists have a pretty powerful platform. I mean, if Mick Jagger tells his fans to stop abusing the planet, who's going to say no to that?

1. Why is there a growing push to cut single-use cups down?
A.Because too many people are coffee addicts.
B.Because disposable cups are hard to recycle and compost.
C.Because it takes a lot of energy and resources to recycle them.
D.Because Starbucks and McDonald's are dangling a million dollars.
2. What does the underlined phrase "crack the code" in Paragraph 2 mean?
A.develop a cup.B.set up a recycling company.
C.find the password.D.tackle the problem.
3. What can we infer from Martin's solution?
A.People will wash the cups at the end of the show.
B.People hand in the cup and get 3-dollar reward.
C.People can own the cup by paying 3 dollars.
D.People must pay 3 dollars and return the cup.
4. What can we learn from the last paragraph?
A.Artists have a great impact.
B.Martin is giving a rock concert.
C.Mick Jagger' fans are abusing the planet.
D.Mick Jagger' fans never disagree with him.

7 . Modeste Traore has lived his whole life near Lake Wegnia, in the Sahel area of Mali. The lake’s fish have provided him with a way to earn money to support his extended family. How-ever, because he can’t catch enough fish to feed his family, he now raises farm animals. But as temperatures rise, evaporation increases, making the body of water shrinks. Studies have linked rising temperatures on Earth’s surface to climate change.

The lake is shrinking, so are the chances of his children becoming fishermen. “If things go on like this, I don’t think our children can become fishermen like us. They will have to choose other jobs,” the 56-year-old Traore said. “During the rainy season, there is a lot of water but as soon as it’s over, there is no water left in the lake. We are fishermen. I don’t think our children will be,” he said.

Lake Wegnia is in the Sahel region of Koulikoro, around 120 kilometers north of Mali’s capital, Bamako. Some 12,000 people, including fishermen and farmers, depend on it for food, water and employment. But the lake has shrunk by 20 percent since 2017.

The UN expects temperatures there to increase 1.5 times higher than the average increase worldwide. UN officials note that the flooding and a severe lack of rainfall can cause problems in the Sahel: Food insecurity, the fight over farmland and the fast population growth can lead to conflict.

Aid group is leading the Eco-Lac Wegnia project. The group is working to improve water management and fight the effects of global warming. Moussa Savagodo is Eco-Lac Wegnia’s local representative. He says that failing to make changes quickly can mean the lake will disappear completely in less than 5 years.

People in the rural areas Wegnia and Kononi-Sirakoro have planted 56,000 trees in the past two years. And they are better controlling their water by building stone barriers to help the soil keep the rain that does fall. The progress and international official support are not enough for them, however. More and more people are turning to other agriculture.

1. How did Traore work to support his family in the past?
A.By fishing.B.By raising farm animals.
C.By taking charge of the lake.D.By working as an environmentalist.
2. What effect will the current trend of the lake have according to Traore?
A.A lot of farmland will form.
B.The rainy season will end early.
C.Many fishermen will flee their homes.
D.The later generation will change their careers.
3. Which statement do the UN and Aid group agree with?
A.Drought and flood will directly cause conflict.
B.Reducing population is a way to protect the lake.
C.Water management makes no difference to the lake.
D.The rise in temperature will cause water resource problems.
4. What does the underlined word “they” in the last paragraph refer to?
A.The local officials.B.The Aid group members.
C.The villagers.D.The representatives.
共计 平均难度:一般